If you're wondering whether it's legal or not, it probably isn't.
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What, is there some law in any country that says you can't share Steam/Origin keys? Breaking ToS is not illegal at all.
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Some EA Steam games give you a key that can be redeemed on Origin. The OP is asking if there's a risk in trading his key so that a third person activates it his/her Origin account.
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Legal, yes, certainly. On the other hand, maybe it's contrary to the ToS. Anyway, if the person wants the Origin key, I don't see why that would be a problem to give it to that person.
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No, its what you want to see. There is a difference.
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If its a single key and has already been activated on one of the services I would have to say no its not legal to do that.
Even if it is legal to do that, its a scummy thing to do, to sell a key thats already been activated on one of the services when it can not be disconnected from that service.
I would have to say don't don't it.
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Do you actually have 2 keys for it? Because I'm fairly certain that a Steam key for KoA will not redeem on Origin.
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I redeemed my Steam version of KoA on Origin the other day. You activate the Steam version, view the CD key from the client, and activate that key on Origin. It doesn't work for every game but it definitely works for KoA. The only bad thing is that there are no keys for the DLC so I'd have to get in touch with Origin support if I wanted to add those too.
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Worked with some, not with others (I'm one of the later group). Best to not recommend it.
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Sure, Origin Support are helpful. And when the person contacting them can't confirm they got the key in a legitimate manner, they may have worse problems than a key not working.
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You mean like using a stolen credit card to buy the game on Steam, getting the CD key, and activating it (or trying to) on Origin? I suppose that could be a problem. I'm not sure how that applies though because we are talking about buying the game legitimately. That being the case, why wouldn't they be able to confirm that they own it? What worse problems could they possibly encounter? The Origin Mafia showing up at their door? I don't like where this is going.
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No, not that. Those keys are not intended for two people, and would go against terms of service. You trying to activate a key on Origin, when someone else owns it on Steam, they can ignore you, and even smack you with a ban hammer if they wish.
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On that we agree. Of course that also has nothing to do with Zomby's question. My point was that:
Perhaps the confusion arose because the OP was asking if he could sell the extra key. My reply was to Zomby who was not sure that KoA on Steam comes with an Origin key, which it certainly does. I also have no problem recommending to someone that they activate the key they are provided with for the license that they legitimately purchased for their own personal use.
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Ah, I get you now. I thought you were referring to a resold key not working with your Support comment.
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Ive actually done that with some games... i havent had any problem... :) got my game on steam working nice and the others are playing on their origin without any problem...
The issues could come if origin and steam would be necesary both to play the game like the steam games that open your uplay account to play the fucking game...
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Don't do it. Not all will activate on Origin, meaning problems for you once someone thinks you have scammed them.
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is it really worth the trouble
and just because there is no set in stone law does not make it legal
as depending on laws in your area that could constitute fraud as you are selling a key you have no right for as i am sure it is meant to be activated on one account they just give you an option to choose and would think it is in the TOS for EA some place but who reads all that
but even if it is not illegal if they where to find out you could get your accounts banned is it worth the risk??
none the less this is still just my opinion you are still free to do as you wish but you could also say pretty much anything you do is legal as it is only illegal if you get caught even if it is law
anyhow the choice is yours
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I activated all the ea games i bought from steam to my origin acc back then, but Battlefield Bad company 2 when i tried to radeem it says its used or duplicate serial... pc and steam account used only by me.
Anyway i think its better to activate to your own origin account or give it to a friend you have access, i don't think its a problem to sell it but its better for your safety, you never know what can happen in the future.
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Can I sell steam key which was activated on steam but it still unused on origin? Is it legal?
game is Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.
btw sorry for my english...
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