Well, I would say that my biggest improvisation was playing Counter-Strike while having to shoot by pushing the mouse wheel, since my left mouse button was worn out (I have played competitively). It is not that much, but the only thing I can remember.
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Ouch... That one would really suck. I used to play a few first-person shooters competitively myself, but never managed to wear out my mouse button. :D
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I remember the d-pads in the original Sega Master System would often break and fall out so we would use all manner of things as replacements as long as it was thin enough to fit. Usually ended up with a flat piece of plastic. They were terrible.
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My family had a Slim model PS2. When the disc lid is closed, there is a plastic tab that presses a button down so the system knows. Their one had that tab break off and needed a replacement. I super glued a bit of chicken bone to that thing. Worked for two more years then the laser died.
My attempt to replace the laser with chicken eyes didn't work so well.
Also, I have 3 spare styluses sitting around for when I need them. :P
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Sounds like you needed to call Billy Witch Doctor to come fix your PS2... DIY voodoo-repair isn't the best solution. XD
And yeah, extra styluses... The funny thing is that I had an extra and it's missing too... I think my cats decided they were excellent toys or something.
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It was certainly the most interesting system fix I've done over the years. Most others have amounted to nothing more than cleaning or fixing the laser, but in this case, I just needed to jam up a button. The bone was a good fit. :P
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Reminds me of when I was a kid and my mom wanted to play a poker game on our Commodore Amiga. All my dad had was a strip poker game his friend had given him though. She cut out a little piece of poster board to tape over the pictures on the screen. It was so funny! XD
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I... Can't decide if that story it awesome or disgusting... Probably a bit of both. :P
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I think that's how my friends and I played it back in the day... On their Windows 95 computer... Those were the days. >_<
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I remember the days of gaming on a sub standard PC. Unreal wants a 166 MHz CPU and 16MB RAM? Half-Life needs 133MHz and 24MB of RAM? Well I only got 100MHz, 16MB RAM and a lot of time to fiddle with the settings. Sure, I was playing at 320 * 240, minimal sound channels, low draw distance and a pile of other stuff turned to the minimum, but I was playing them without slow frame rates.
I'm tempted to go into my closet and drag out an old PC with similar specs that I have sitting in there. It sucks arse, but it would be perfect to play the old DOS games.
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Need to buy a stylus? Try here.
Right now I'm using my PC monitor to play the PS3 since I don't have a real TV, with an adapter on the audio cables so I can get it to output to my headphones.
I have also done the drawing-crosshair-thing in CS.
Oh and back in school my laptop's HDD failed completely so for months I went by with an 8GB USB stick with Ubuntu installed on it because I was too poor to buy another HDD. Managed to do some light gaming on that too.
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I have 2 sets of makey makey and fighting games will never be the same for me (my first attempt was to use spoons to play street fighter 4...it was radical but I was too dumb to not use plastic spoons at first)
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That's pretty cool... I'd never heard of it before.
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I have 2 sets of makey makey and fighting games will never be the same for me (my first attempt was to use spoons to play street fighter 4...it was radical but I was too dumb to not use plastic spoons at first)
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Back when I had no job I had to use a shitty laptop mouse with the old PC I was on. Its wheel was broken one day, but since I had no replacement, I had to play every game without that. All that keyboard number searching in HL's multiplayer...
Also had my thumb almost cut off about 6 years ago, so I had to finish Tomb Raider Anniversary with the jump button bound to the middle mouse button. It was... interesting, but I could 100% it, so I guess it was alright.
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I kinda' don't know that pain... The mouses I used for years never had wheels, and my current mouse has such a terrible one I almost never use it...
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Not quite the same idea, but I started abusing the fact that multiplayer games on systems earlier than the last generation typically did not care if a controller was plugged in or not, so if I only had 2 controllers for that console and wanted to try out an exploit, I could start 4-player mode and just constantly switch controllers around.
In addition, if you take out a controller, it usually would still behave like the last button press combination you had, which allowed for even more shenanigans in games like Mario Kart 64 and Super Smash Bros. Melee when trying to find glitches.
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Interesting... Never thought about trying any of that...
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Binding Caps-Lock to the letter "a" in the registry since the letter "a" on my laptop doesn't work anymore. Well... lower-case "a" doesn't work anyway; upper case "A" still works fine for some reason.
Also, while playing Journeyman Project, there's a sequence where you fly a ship through a canyon and have to shoot things down, but there's no reticule. I cut out a little paper target and taped it to the screen. (This was like 15-20 years ago, before I had a good sense of shooter aim.) Edit: it's also possible that a reticule isn't necessary in that sequence and I just had a ship-shaped cut-out taped to the screen to look cool when playing back the canyon sequence video file from Windows... it's been a long time and I can't really remember for certain.
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As a kid whenever the Dpads on either my genesis, or early pc gamepadas broke and fell off, I used to attach erasers (the ones you use at school) to whatever was sticking out of the joystick.
The latest I can think of is cutting off the connector of a dead PSP battery charger and attaching it to a cellphone charger in order to charge my PSP.
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That's the second time someone mentioned breaking d-pads here...
I played thousands and thousands of hours of oldschool games and never managed to break a d-pad. What the heck were you people doing to your controllers? XD
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Never had that happen also, I can see some 3d party controllers being poorly made though, anyone remember madcatz controllers back in the day? Oh god...
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Definitely used an eraser when I broke a joystick on some crappy wireless ps2 controller. Worked like a charm.
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When my original NES was having issues reading the cartridge (didn't they all do this eventually?) my sister thought that her "girl breath" would get it working faster than my "boy breath" (she is 9 years younger than me) so she was always the one to blow on the cartridge or in the slot that it slid in to. She didn't know that I had later purchased another NES and had it in my bedroom. I would tell her that I needed help with the NES again, leave her to try to get the messed up NES to work, and then go into my room and play the game that I wanted to play on my new NES. In reality I didn't want her to bug me while I was playing so it kept her busy for a while - unless she got the messed up NES to finally work which did happen a few times.
Maybe "girl breath" was better because she ended up keeping that NES for herself and used it for at least a year until we got a N64 which I was forced to share because it was so expensive back then. Of course, later I found out that it was the system that needed cleaning and all of that blowing across the cart contacts really did nothing to help other than to keep my sister out of my hair for a while.
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Actually, they've found that blowing into an game system or onto the cartridge contacts damages the systems and games in the long run. It makes sense, really. There is a lot of moisture in your breath, and electronics don't mix well with moisture.
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I had an odd experience last night. I went to play The World Ends With You on my DS only to discover that my stylus was missing. After a thorough search, I gave up on finding it and started looking for a substitute. I considered a few different options, some good, some bad, and some just plain dumb... And eventually settled on using a q-tip. While it was functional, and wouldn't scratch my screen, it didn't really make for an optimal gaming experience.
So, my question is what odd gaming improvisations have you folks made over the years. I've seen someone manually manipulating the rollers on a mouse with a worn-out ball, and another fellow using the screen on his tiny portable DVD player to play his Xbox. What are your stories?
Oh, and for those of you who have read and will hopefully contribute something, here are a couple of games:
Awesomenauts: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/XglnA/awesomenauts
Thomas Was Alone: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/m440i/thomas-was-alone
Oh, and so you know, I did order a new stylus, directly from Nintendo, earlier tonight. A q-tip just won't cut it in the long run. XD
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