Haha, i just created a program on my calculator to find out what my probability of winning anything was.
Well, if i only entered giveaways of about 500 entries and kept losing, i would have a 99 percent chance of winning after my 2300th try.

12 years ago*

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Let's get what started?

12 years ago

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Entering 1800 more giveaways?

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I don't think you understand how probablity works.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I'm not sure i failed my calculation (but i'm not an expert in probabilities either so it is indeed possible), but according to what i found, in the event of losing 1150 times in a row in a 500 entries giveaway (which is already highly unlikely, as the probability of you winning increases the more entries you make), the next try you would have a 99% percent chance of winning (considering all the previous entries). Of course the probability of winning would still be 1/500, but if you didn't win before you propably would win this time.

12 years ago

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Not questioning the math. It's unlikely, though possible to lose 1150 consecutive times. Especially if you enter private, group, or contributor giveaways.

There was a detailed thread about probability a couple of months back.

12 years ago

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Actually, the OP's math IS kinda wrong. But, there is a way to interpret it in a logical manner. Consider you enter 10 consecutive 1/500 giveaways. The chance of you winning either of them is 1/500. That means there's a 499/500 (99.8%) chance of losing. Overall, there's a (499/500)^10 of you losing all 10 consecutive giveaways (98%). After 2300 1/500 giveaways, the chance you will have lost all of them asymptotically nears 0% (then it's at 1%). But your chance of winning each one of those giveaways still is 1/500. Constantly losing does not increase your chances of winning the next giveaways, but you're highly unlikely to NOT have won anything after that many attempts.

12 years ago

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No, that's not how it works. Your probability of winning does not increase (why would it?), since dice have no memory.

If you lose 1150 times in a row you'll still have 1/500 chance of winning with your next entry. It doesn't matter how many times you've lost or won before. It's like you entered no giveaways at all and you're still gonna have a 99% chance of winning in the following 1150 giveaways.

12 years ago

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Mmmh, i guess i didn't express myself clearly. It would be more like : "after losing approx. 2300 times in a row your probability of losing would be under 1%". My meaning of "increasing probability", is that the more tries you have, the more chances you have to win.

12 years ago

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Of course the chance of having a win increases when you enter more giveaways. I think nobody assumed anything different. But this observation has only relevance when regarding the past giveaways. No matter how unlucky you are, it doesn't mean that there will be a streak of wins to balance this. That's just not how the law of large numbers works.

12 years ago

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^ This. For anyone interested in the detailed reasoning/explanation behind it, gambler's fallacy.

12 years ago

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me too

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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If you have a 49.98% chance of winning "after" your 347th try, and a 50.18% "after" your 348th, can you reasonably expect to win one of those 50-50 chance scenarios?

12 years ago

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There's still a 1% chance of you not winning.

12 years ago

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Haha, don't surf steamgifts during you're math lessons dude ;)

12 years ago

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or even 'your' maths lesson. ;-)

12 years ago

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Haha,don't surf steamgifts during your English lessons dude ;)

12 years ago

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Trolololol ;)

12 years ago

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thats not the chances cuz the avg per give away is about 600-800 so when u will have about 1k it will be a sure thing hhh

12 years ago

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i won 4 games in a puzzle but i havent used the keys not sure if they work

12 years ago

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You're breaking the rules.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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How does the probability of you winning increase over time? :o
It goes like this:

1: Win/Lose; 2: Win/Lose; 3: Win/Lose; etc.
So each time you have a probability of 1/2 to win.
After x giveaways, you'll still have that same probability, because the outcome of a giveaway doesn't depend on the previous ones.

12 years ago

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The odds of winning are based on the number of entries for each giveaway. If 2 people enter then you have a 1/2 chance of winning. If 800 people enter you have a 1/800 chance.

12 years ago

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that's what he said

12 years ago

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That's what I said. I just simplified it to a 2 person giveaway.

12 years ago

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yaah, but probability of, lets say, 1000 loses in a row is much smaller than having 100 loses in a row ;)
Ive done some math and probability of having my losing streak is less than 30% ;) - lucky me :D

12 years ago

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Well, the probability of entering 2300 giveaways with 500 entries each and dont win a single one is really only 1%, but the probability of you winning the 2301st would still be 1/500.

12 years ago

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It is...For a second i wished he was right so i could hope to win something since i'm with 300+ entries/no wins (just faerie solitaerie but you can't call it a win since it was like 15k copies giveaway)

12 years ago

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I hope so i will one a game. If i will win i will make a giveaway too.

12 years ago

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In public giveaways there chanse of winning is alwas less than 1% mostly some 0.001 or less

12 years ago

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Uhm... This?

12 years ago

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Problem with probabilities is htat some people who do things with 99% probability of success still fail all the time. That's what luck is, or lack of.

12 years ago

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hmm? uhhh hmm good luck. Randomness never changes so probability depends more on entries.

12 years ago

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He does have a 499/500 chance of losing every single one of those 2300 give-aways. The odds of him losing them all is (499/500)^2300 and that really is 1%.

However, chances don't "grow" as you participate in more give-aways (and lose them): they get lower since there's no memory effect. If you've lost 2299 give-aways and participate in the last one, you'll only have 0.2% chances of winning, which is far less than your original prediction. ;)

12 years ago

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You are correct if you mean:
"If I enter 2300 giveaways, each one with 500 entries, the chance of losing all of them is about 1.00%"
Or equivalently:
"If I enter 2300 giveaways, each one with 500 entries, the chance of winning AT LEAST one of them is about 99.00%"

As other people have said, GIVEN you lose 2299 giveaways, the chance of winning the next one would be still 1/500 -- so do not raise your hopes as you keep losing, that is not how it works. But keep trying, and eventually (probably!) you will win, even with a tiny 1/500 chance.

(Unless you consider the "Steamgift Losers" group! If you keep losing, you have better chances of entering the group, in which case you do increase your chances of winning!)


12 years ago

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Think of it this way. The longer you're here and entering giveaways, the better chance you have of winning. Group and Contributor giveaways also help. And the 1 hour giveaways.

Or, if you wanted a 100% chance of winning a free game, just buy Children of the Nile: Enhanced Edition and enter a giveaway for Alexandria.

12 years ago

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... Maths

There is even a possibility you might win 10 times a week or not at all for 2 years. It´s all possible. Anyway, the only thing for sure is: 100 people = 1% chance to win.
Playing 100 times in a 100 person giveaway doesn´t increase those chances! Point!

12 years ago

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Actually it does. Probability of you winning at least one of 100 giveaway (with 100 persons) is around 63%.
It's because probability of you not winning even once is (99/100)^100 = (probability of not winning giveaway)^(giveaways count) = 0,366 or 36,6%. So probabilty of you winning at least one is the rest = 100%-36,6% = 63%.

12 years ago

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Oh, it's THIS thread again...and no, creating yet another thread with wrong maths doesn't increase your chances of winning a giveaway. ;)

12 years ago

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I just won my third giveaway :D

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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There is a 1% chance of not winning by the 2300 entry when you start AT 0 entries.
The chance of winning a 500 entry giveaway is always 1/500.
After each giveaway you lose, that 1% chance of not winning increases. (doesn't stay at 1%)
At 2299 entries, your next entry has a 1/500 chance of losing which makes it a 99.8% chance of not winning anything after 2300 entries.

12 years ago

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It's totally random... I won my 2nd one at 650 entries and my first one at 350. That doesn't mean I will win after every 300-350 entries in future, duh...

12 years ago

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I guess its something you just have to be patient about

12 years ago

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That would explain why I haven't won anything yet...

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by plasmasword.