What did you find were the most challenging?
I tried using VX Ace. Kinda stopped after 15 minutes because I couldn't get into using the UI. It's a matter of getting used to how the program works before one's ideas can be realized. Still, some fun can be had from working on a project.
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If it's the VX Ace UI there's nothing that can be done with that, unfortunately. If you mean the in-game UI of the game you're creating, there's plenty of custom scripts available online that can massively change it making it better, cooler, smoother, etc.
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I'm a very inexperienced user but started writing a tutorial. Never finished, and probably never will. Still, it might help you if you're intimidated by the interface. It's not the easiest thing to get into.
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I booted up VX Ace, got intimidated, and shut it down. I haven't touched it since. :(
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I haven't, but I'd like to. If you do restart the project, you should consider posting it to Greenlight ^^ You never know!
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I bought VX Ace, but haven't had the chance to try it out yet ^^; It really does sound like fun though, I really need to find the time to give it a whirl. I absolutely adore RPG Maker games, so it'll be cool to see how they are made. Anyways , thanks for the GAs, have a bump~
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Yes, multiple times. I have quite a few hours logged in the software on Steam. I even planned on doing a "SG game" until somebody beat me to it and I dumped the entire project. I'll have to agree with you - the combat system is complete shit. Like, fuck this. It's fine to do the storytelling, the map and character designing is okay, but the combat? It's simply terrible, to say the least.
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Yeah, one can make tons of interesting stuff with it, that's for sure. With correct placement of triggers and some logical scripting, one can make a fine adventure or mystery game or something like that... like do this or that, talk to this or that, or even use some items, to trigger something and unlock stuff, move things on, etc. I had fun doing all those things. :D
Alas, when it comes to having ANY combat, yeah... eff that. It's easier to make a fun Indiana Jones-esque adventure game than work out the combat system.
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I've never tried RPG Maker, I am learning to code in GML (Game Maker Studio) though, having a lot of fun with it!
This is a cool giveaway, thanks!
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Never legitimately tried and put a lot of effort into making a full fledged game before, but I've messed around on it a bit. Fun times :P
If you do want to make a game, make sure it sells well!
Cheering you on! Good luck if you ever return to it!
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i've tried a bit of it for fun... but to be honest i never paid much attention neither to the program itself nor games made with it... but now that i see sooooo many non generic and awesome games made on RPG maker (like LISA) i am tempted to start again
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I made a few small games. I think it's great for what it is, very user-friendly for JRPGs. But just as you found, outside of that limited box it's a headache to do anything differently. I mostly use GameMaker now, it's much more flexible. I realize you can do a lot more with RPGMaker, but I think it's too many hoops to jump through for what is ultimately a limited system.
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I prefer playing games overall xD
I have ideas and stuff, but programming games.. or with helper like RPGmaker.. Still so confusing for me
So.... Like fire emblem games?
High Speed = You can't even touch me xD
And something to counter high speed.. In fire emblem, it's called skill.. Like accuracy thingy
But it's probably something difficult for rpg maker, they simply don't have system like that
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My problem about making RPG game
That's why I'm not that interested making RPG, moreover alone.
Maybe I'll try if I got RPG maker.
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There's actually online and offline char generators, making the chars that move around. Won't help with the Face sprite though, lol. I use it a lot and rip off random pics for faces... one of the reason it's a self project and not a published thing, stole too many things XD
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You can use this: http://store.steampowered.com/app/292230/
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I made one that I spent a cool three months in. I designed in a 5 party team with weapons that could level up and transform into stronger weapons with enough experience and the right materials. I had to make the game linear to make it a bit easier to incorporate story and the like, but in the end it was the balancing of the characters that ruined it. When I sent it to another person to give me feedback he let me know there was no balancing and characters felt like they did way too little health and that it was unnecessary to have so many people in the party (I originally had 4, but bumped it up to 6 which was the build I sent him. Then nerfed it all back down to 5, but then decided to make it just one character in the beginning, but that took another month trying to incorporate the characters in the story and the right level/weapon to have them use. After all that I dropped support on the project since between job hunting and odd jobs I did to make money I had no time to work on it again and when I did make time I found out I lost my progress of making the party just one character at first which. . . really killed my motivation to continue work on it. Though I do want to probably start one up with MV when it's bundled at least then it will have more scripts and maybe Yanfly will have his character creation script he created for his personal use, but for public.
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I wanted to try working on one before, didn't have a chance to though. ^^; Have a bump ~
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I've idled RPG Maker VX Ace for thousands of hours. :)
I have a game I want to make, but making stuff is time consuming and I don't have that much free time. I tend to come up with a lot of projects but never get far in them. Problem is my work is quite interesting these days, so I don't have the urge to do side programming projects at this moment. I actually sometimes think about work at home. Blech.
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It's been years since I've worked on an RPG Maker project.... this was before I got Steam. I "acquired" RPG Maker VX (without the Ace) and started working on what I thought would be the game of my dreams. It went... rather well, really. My day (well, night) job is a programmer, so scripting the events and such is easy for me, but man was RPG Maker VX lacking in a lot of things. And I mean A LOT.
To the rescue came the online shared scripts... I especially liked yanfly's. I used ton of yanfly scripts, whether for battle, after battle, menu, etc. It makes the game look much much cooler. Alas, as things were progressing, I found there's one thing I cannot solve at all... and that is RPG Maker's simple battle mechanics.
There's like 4 stats... I'll name it off the top of my head so it might be wrong, but you can get the gist... ATK, DEF, MAG, SPD. It's exactly what it says on the tin, except... SPD suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks. The only thing it affects is... whoever has the higher SPD has a higher chance to attack first that turn. Yes, that's it. No dodging, nothing. You can't make a Speed based character at all, he'll be beaten to a pulp if he has low DEF. Attacks and Magic ALWAYS hit.
So what I decided to do was... do a minor overhaul of the battle mechanics. I tinkered around with the coding, make it SPD does more things... basically, I made it so there's some SPD-related chances to dodge stuff... only I did not realize the implications of the things I did until I did a test battle. I put up a char with maxed speed and has like, with my tinkering of the battle mechanics, 75% chance to dodge things and, well... dodge everything she did... even items... and healing magic. It kinda reminds me of Disgaea 1's Ninjas but...
Fun times... real fun. Other challenges include a near impossible means to balance stuff. Battles are either too hard, or too easy. It's really hard to maintain a proper balance to make battles a decent challenge. I was in the midst of doing that (and more tinkering with the SPD stuff) but then my laptop died. RIP game. I managed to put the HDD into a external casing and recover stuff, but I never did get back into things till now. I still have my project with me... maybe I will restart it one day.
Rant over, here are the GAs. Level 4, but no SGTools because I'm lazy like that. I'll probably edit more RANTS in later but I'm done for now.
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