You never played a First Person Shooter?
Not even a CoD on a console?
I find that hard to believe.
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Ah, ok. Sorry, I had no idea. I retract my previous statement, then.
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Well, don't remember all the names, but games like that Doom I tried for sure. Just know first-person makes me feel sick, even watching boyfriend play does that ^^
After a while I just gave up on trying all together and just ignore such games.
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I feel sorry for you, maybe you could try fps without explosions, shooting and madness everywhere, a game that you can enjoy landscapes, something more relaxing or a survival game like "The Long Dark"
Btw fps is my favorite genre I guess (I have almost 3,2k hours on cs:go >_< ) even tho I like any genre as long as the game is good.
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Well, am used to it so oh well.
And problem is also that I could try a game to see if I can play it, but find it a waste of money to buy it and maybe not being able to play it.
I also watched some streams of people playing first-person games but no matter what I always started to feel sick after a bit anyway.
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Sorry for the necro, but I read this and felt really sorry for you. There are so many good first person games out there that some nausea should not stop you from trying them out.
Let's break it down shall we (I am by no means a doctor but this is my take on it):
FPS usually means shooter, and as such mouse sensitivity is usually set rather high, as you need that speed to hit first before your opponent do, to get the aim straight on target fast. But as the screen via keyboard input and mouse movement is trying to emulate your body moving through the map your brain tries to make sense of the stimuli it's receiving that can get really confusing when watching someone else play. The mouse movements are really the players eyes darting in his head, or his head turning to look a certain way, and when you as a viewer watch from the sidelines you are not watching the same place on the screen as the payer is, you are not moving your eyes exactly like the player is, and most definitely you are not anticipating the keyboard input (body movement) on top of that.
So your brain reacts, it makes you dizzy and nauseous to let you know somethings wrong. Its your sense of balance I believe that is the culprit here, it gets fooled by your eyes and body looking/moving one way and the resulting input through the screen that shows eyes and body looking/moving another way than anticipated.
So how to fix it? Well, start by stop watching others play. Don't go there until you have played some FPS's so you have more of an instinctual ''feel'' for FPS movement. You might still get some motion sickness from watching twitchy players play (I do too at times) but it should get better over time. Don't play shooters at first, play some of the more soft FPS's to get into it, that way you don't have to worry about getting shot at first, so no stress, just to learn controls and get used to the viewing environment. Turn your mouse sensitivity down a bit so you don't get so much twitchy movement and go get 'em.
And I get it, you don't want to buy an expensive game just to not have it work and all that cash is wasted. So I bought you a game of the beautiful Dear Esther to play around with to get used to FPS. Have fun, and good luck.
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Thanks for the reply and indeed looking while others playing could actually be worse than playing myself.
I dislike shooter games, doesn't matter if it's first-person or not, I just don't like them so that is an easy skip already BUT I know there are great first-person games and I tried some myself as well but I still get sick, I can even get sick from third-person games so yeah I just gave up on it, I do understand what you are coming from and you may not be wrong, but for me it's just not worth it to try a game, free or not since I just sort of gave up, which sounds worse than it is though. I am fine with it, I am used to that fact that I get sick fast, I get sick in a car, on a plane, on a bus, while playing first-person games, I can even get sick from standing up to fast or turning around to fast it sucks but it is what it is.
Thanks for trying to think with me, I know you mean well and I appreciate it for sure, don't get me wrong! I just don't want to try a game, with a chance I feel sick within minutes and I will have a horrible rest of the day because it can take that long for it to get better, with that, I didn't use the key since if I do, high chance I won't ever touch it and I wanted to be honest with you since it's a waste of a good game if I would activate it, hope you can understand and thanks again!
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No problem M, I hear you (absolutely no offense taken).
Dang, it takes you that long to get rid of nausea, and that easy to get?
Not to push ''my agenda'', but have you talked to a professional about that? Sounds hard to go through life like that....
Keep the key, M. Keep it for a later try, or give it to someone who wants it, or gift it here, whatever you wish. It was given in good faith and as such it's yours now to with as you wish.
Have a good one, M.
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It's funny since yes it can take that long for me to get rid of it and yes I went to the doctor before and 1 time I was feeling so sick he gave me meds against the nausea and those meds made me throw up multiple times so yeah, fun times!
We are not sure where the problem comes from and it wasn't as bad when I was a kid but it feels like the older I get, the worse it gets so when I was a kid I could even sort of watch a movie like Cloverfield, where they walk around with a camera but now I don't even dare to watch such stuff because it could be fine for a bit but when I start to feel sick it's very hard to get rid of it again, not sure why.
I will see if I can find a nice home for that key, thanks again, I will make sure it won't be unused!
Ps. because you are so nice, I gave you a blue heart ^^
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My wife has something similar. It stems from a simple winter infection she got many many many years ago. The virus ''sat'' down on her inner ear and caused scar tissue on the ''balansy'' thingamajingies (told you I wasn't a doctor...). She can get very dizzy at times because of this scar tissue. Not fun at all.
Thanks for the blueheart, always appreciated. Take care, M.
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When I was a few months old I had a severe ear infection which caused me to almost go (permanently) deaf so I got surgery for it, which could be (a part of) the cause, now my ears work almost fine but it could have done some bad damage, I don't really know, all I know is that during that infection I could hear close to nothing to maybe even nothing so no clue what perm damage it may has caused so yeah, maybe that? Maybe 1 of the many ear infections I had after that? Maybe something else? sadly I don't know, all I know is that travel sickness meds can help me and I use those sometimes ^^
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Probably the last time I ever had Real True Fun(tm) with a first person shooter was the supercharge Gravity Gun from Half Lfe 2 n Episode 1.
Just me as Dr. Freeman walking around the Citadel, fed up, thinking, 'I'm going to shoot a motherfucker with another motherfucker.'
Ah, those were the days. I don't play many FPses anymore.
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I like my shotguns.
I like my shotguns when I want speed.
I like my shotguns when I want power.
I like my shotguns against hordes of zombies.
I like my shotguns against tactical enemies.
I like my shotguns against the covenant.
I like my shotguns.
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This is a topic for the weapons and the games they are from. So what weapons?
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Shotgun in most games, though I also really liked the Flak Cannon in UT99. In 3rd person games with guns I'm a fan or ricochet weapons, like the Beam Reflexor in Jak 3.
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I always liked the Gravity gun, ehmm, Zero-Point Energy Field Manipulator, from Half-Life 2.
TMD Time Manipulation Device from Singularity was also great.
How about the CryNet Nanosuit from Crysis?
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Weirdly enough, I love throwing weapons, including granades. There's just something that feels so good to get a kill with a throwing knife, or time a granade cook to explode just above the barricade.
If a gun would be mandatory: FEAR's Penetrator, or Fallout 3's Railway Rifle :3
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FLAK - Unreal, holy Unreal.
Penetrator - F.E.A.R
GEP-gun - Deus Ex
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Spy's knife in Team Fortress 2.
You hide in shadows, waiting for a perfect opportunity to hunt down your unsuspecting prey... And when the moment comes, you feel like an ultimate predator... You can hear the music from Jaws playing in your head... STAB! You swiftly land your well-timed strike. And just like that, your enemy falls dead before you and you go back to darkness, already looking for your next victim...
Second scenario - you misjudge your timing and die to the person who was supposed to be your prey. DEAD
It's been a long time since I played TF2, but for me nothing beats the thrill of playing as the Spy.
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Shrinker from Duke Nukem 3D
Half Life 2 Gravity Gun
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We all know them, we all have them, we all played at least one of them. FPS games.
And we all have at least one weapon from them that we could use in other games or in reality.
So, my question to you people is, what are your all time favorite weapons from an FPS game?
Now keep in mind, I DO count games like Elder Scrolls and Fallout if you want.
My number one would have to be the TMD Time Manipulation Device from Singularity.
Next might have to be the Wingsticks from Rage.
Third is the Flak Cannon from the Unreal series.
Also from the Unreal series is the Razorjack. There's something about banking a razor off a wall and cutting off an enemies head with it that's SO satisfying.
So, anyone have their's?
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