Honestly I don't get the high system requirements, the next gen version didn't look noticeably better than the PC version, I only noticed the new grass, and literally nothing else. Seems like it's going to be a straight unoptimized port from the consoles and EA wants your PC to just plow through it with raw power. But as long as there is a demo and I can make sure I can run it with my 3ghz i7 without problems, I'll buy it.
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thats published by 2K and they have made it clear they dont like nba2k pc gamers.
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EA: "Let's improve FIFA 1% each year, eventhough it has lots of graphical and gameplay bugs."
FIFA 14 has horrible coding, off-side bugs, matchmaking bugs, graphical bugs. It almost seems EA does it on purpose sometimes. FIFA 14 was quite a mess, I am not sure if the 'Ignite' engine will do the trick for FIFA 15.
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Hey it's FIFA gazillion and still no women's leagues. Fuck off EA
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SJW? What the fuck is so hard about adding some skins/leagues to an extremely long-running, financially flush series? It could be a DLC pack. I just want to play Ultimate Team with my ladies, get off your fucking neutral high horse and consider I'm not the only one who thinks this way (you know, like half the people who play)
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Unfortunately the women's game still doesnt really have large global appeal (although it is actually bigger than a lot of other sports). Didn't the USA league just go unprofessional again this year? (something happened, cant remember what it was though).
They're trying really hard to get people into it here in the UK by playing the women's season during the downtime of the men's, but they still get quite low gate figures. I dont see EA adding it in any time soon as they wont want to invest in scouting out players to properly determine stats if it wont have a large impact on their sales.
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I'm not even asking for an extensive women's game. Make it a shitty DLC skin pack or something. I don't understand how anyone could be against this. We've had 21 years of FIFA video games and not once have women been represented. Seriously, half of fans are certainly women and you admit that the interest is even more popular that some sports entirely, how is there not a market for this?
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"How is there not a market for this?"
You'll have to send that question in EA's direction. Their marketing team have looked in to this for the last 5 years but havent seen enough to warrant the inclusion. If they do "shitty DLC skin packs" I can guarantee you there would be a bigger shitstorm than if they didnt bother (no-one likes a half-arsed job afterall, and DLC skin pack would leave all of those wanting to play as Kelly Smith feeling rather aggrieved). Apparently when they've asked female fans, they have mostly just responded saying they want to play as the top European teams.
I'm sure it will happen eventually, and it will be for the better, but you have to remember that EA is a business that focuses on making money, not catering to niche audiences. This is something that PES could implement a bit easier than EA seeing as they dont have the licenses for real names & teams anyway most of the time, so they could simply cobble together a set of female players in a league.
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I'm sure it will happen eventually, and it will be for the better, but you have to remember that EA is a business that focuses on making money, not catering to niche audiences
And it just boggles my mind how many people can't seem to understand this (especially when it comes to EA and such). There is a whole universe out there of games where i'm not part of their target audience and that's perfectly understandable.
Some games/products are just not created to pander to me
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Holy shit. I understand what you're saying, but how is the entire demographic of women a niche audience?
It has way less to do with market research and much more to do with boards made of execs who don't understand games and/or their viability. We've seen it for years, this is the same mentality that has spineless sports titles and mindless CoD clones pumped out every season. "It isn't in the market research" simply equates to "it's a formula we haven't tried before." Especially in regards to marketing sports towards women, which is exactly what large sporting advocates have been preaching for years.
It's extremely insulting that both you and xarabas agree that women in sports somehow only appeals to a "niche audience." What. The. Fuck. Of course a female FIFA roster would be successful, I can't see any scenario where it's unprofitable (unless they try to release a specific console that only plays women's sports games or something ridiculous)
Edit: I'm also sick of the "they're only in a business to make money" attitude. As if it's some sort of righteous justification. The capitalism mindset has infected the populace in a gross and depressing manner :/
Edit edit: again, guys, this is over twenty fucking years of FIFA titles
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This could go around in circles all day, but I'll leave it at this: the entire demographic of women would not be a niche audience, but it IS niche because they are not the ones actually playing these games.
I'm not sure about USA, but in my own personal experience (obviously limited by how many people I know), I dont even know a single woman that actually goes to (or supports) women's football matches/teams in UK on a regular basis, and I know very few that have an interest in sport simulation games.
I get your point, but there isn't the target audience for this quite yet. Give it time and it will develop (didnt EA have women's teams in one of the NFLs? They will do it when the marketing team says the audience is big enough)
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So then what's wrong with me asking for it?
And yes, a large part of the problem is when people like yourself (be they gamers, fans, or marketing teams) take anecdotal evidence, such as "I don't know any women who like that stuff," and apply it to the majority. I'm not personally attacking you, it's just a commonly (mis)used generalization.
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Well you could make a simple skin-DLC, but EA is not buying all these expensive licences to replace them or if you would make it more serious, you'd have to balance the female players. And the only game I remember that you can use to balance male and female players is VfB Stuttgart (14-16 year old men, youth team) - Germany (female national team, they became world champion a month after that game). Stuttgart won 3:0. Hard to balance that without making a major DLC with women leagues and stuff. Which costs money for licences again.
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It's not really the point, but I highly doubt licenses for these women's leagues would cost much in comparison to the majors. It could even be done at trade simply for exposure, as many women's organizations and teams have voiced being open to such.
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According to wiki
"Electronic Arts announced several features within the engine. Its Human Intelligence framework lets in-game players "think like real athletes", with the ability to make snap judgments, prepare for impact, and perform as a team player.[1] For example, the new artificial intelligence creates a sense of urgency for computer players towards the end of a match, who will rush for more shots on goal.[2] The True Player Motion framework makes players' bodies, limbs, and clothing each move according to physics.[1] The Living Worlds framework models the stadium audience members and their behaviors individually.[1] The audience will have expectations about the in-game sports matches, and will change react with the match's progress.[2] The Ignite artificial intelligence is able to use the next-gen hardware to handle four times as many calculations per second than older EA Sports titles.[2] Animation detail is expected to improve "ten-fold".[2]
Electronic Arts plans to use Ignite for future sports games and Frostbite for future action games.[1] The company had previously shared technology internally before moving to develop all future sports games on the same engine.[1]"
So, basically adds what it should have in the first place. Maybe the audience will play a bigger role, hence the high requirements.
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If they can fix the bullshit the ref always do, and fix the offsides based on the current law of the game (no offside if offside player didn't touch the ball), that would be really great. And I would curse less when playing.
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Now, if they brought Madden to PC and used that engine, my what possibilities.
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About time.
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