I intentionally didn't say "resolution" since it's associated in a negative way. :D
Also, since I started all of this in summer 2016, I want to inspire people to get started and work towards their goals as for me it is just the next step. :)
✨✨✨ Be the change you want to see! ✨✨✨
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That's a nice event and I have my own goal I wanna work on, but I'm not sure if "writing a novel" would work here in sense of proof.
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If that counts as proof then I'd be happy to share my progress.
I also want to ask, was there anything that inspired you to make a change? And what motivated you to stay active and not fall back into old habits?
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It's not just that I'm sick of excuses but there are people who count on me but would never admit so. For as long as I can remember I was crouching or even felt like being crushed under the weight of this burden, but it's kind of a nice kind of weight to know being needed, to know you can have influence and change the world. Wether it is this world or a persons inner world.
So I decided to no longer crouch and move on slowly but to stand up and walk straight and strong.
It still can be a daily struggle to go working out after a long day at work but I feel better after doing so. You basically train your mind to train your body and both of those reward you in exchange!
In the end I am not and don't want to be the one dominated by my feelings such as comfort and laziness, neither by my needs. I am the one and I keep wanting to be the one, only one, who dominates myself.
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Metaphor - No matter how much water your bottle contains if you don't have a cup to pour it into, you can't drink.
I always drink from the bottle to avoid dirtying up the dishes. Looks like my laziness beats my ability to get my shit together... again! D:
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Heyy, same here!
Plus, why would you even get a glass to drink from when it's only you drinking from those bottles anyway? :P
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I will be able to bump this thread!
Edit: I did it! :D
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General question: Is this a forum event or are you opening a Steam group? I mean, do people post their progress here whenever they have something to report, or elsewhere? (couldn't find anything about that in your thread, but maybe I'm just blind, sorry)
Either way, loving the enthusiasm, good luck with your project! :)
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I'll create a steam group I guess. Didn't think this through completely, just wanted to initiate the first step and handle the things that come up with it. But a steam group was part of the original idea because I need to contribute the giveaway to the participants of this event :P
Also the whole thing will be shared in 6 months from now, so for starters you only need to store the data on your harddrive^^
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I don't normally make a resolution but this year I feel like I should.
I want to have a good mind and body. Get my confidence up and think about my future.
2016 was a good/bad year and I want to make sure I continue the good. By the end of the year I want to look at myself in the mirror and like what I see.
I'm going to slowly start a healthy diet and try to either go on walks/jogs or try to do home workouts. I want to see the positive in myself. I want to be more selfish. I want to see the world and go on holiday for the first time. I want to move out of my mothers house. I want to apply for university again to do teaching and I hope this time I'm mentally ready for it. I want to be happy.
I suppose I can't really prove my mental wellbeing but I suppose I can take a "transformation" shot when I start to get healthy!
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In my experience working out in a group is way more fun. You can chit-chat every now and then while doing exercises. You get to know people and be pushed into working out if you happen to slip away a little :)
This is like making fire without firestones and lighters! It's hard to create a spark but once you did it's easier to ignite that :)
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...yeah, nice idea, but nah. I'm lazy and okay with that.
My only resolution for next year (and that's a first, btw) is to be a better person.
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First and foremost by stopping to eat animals (already doing that) and trying to consume as little milk, eggs and stuff as possible (still working on that).
And yes, I feel like that will make me a better person, even if others will think differently.
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You're probably better with healthy food than I am but I recently heard that you can use bananas as replacement instead of eggs for baking. It's hard to imagine but I have quite a few vegeterian and vegan friends I'd like to surprise with some fancy baking :)
Also soy milk tastes better than usual milk!
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I know! Sounds crazy, doesn't it? I just found out recently as well though, gotta be honest. :')
It is.. different but not bad. You just have to get used to it first. Naturally you're expecting it to taste like the milk you're used to but it just doesn't so it's.. well, different at first. Not bad though, just different :)
Also, that's a really cool thing to do for your friends! Not everyone is that understanding and supportive!
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Well I do tease them for not eating meat but it's just how the friendship works, you keep fooling around but at the end of the day you accept the person the way he/she is :) There's no point in fighting about preferences, individuality is what keeps life color and joyful ^^
Also happy new year to you! :3
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I totally get that. Seems like you're a great friend, honestly! :)
Yeah, Happy New Year to you as well! :D
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Since the year 2016 is about to end I'm, in all seriousness, trying to motivate people who have made rock-solid decisions. (e.g. learning how to play an instrument, training for either health/nice body/tournaments, developing/improving drawing skills) <- these are just examples!! Come up with your individual idea and start photo/video logs (documentation).
Inspiration (if needed):
A guy in a video I recently saw was talking about a bottle of water (=talent) and a cup (=discipline).
Metaphor - No matter how much water your bottle contains if you don't have a cup to pour it into, you can't drink.
Statement - It doesn't matter how talented you are as long as you don't have the discipline to work on/for it you will never reach your goal.
My flaw that I'll need to work on:
Well I haven't been much of a disciplined person related to workouts and healthy nutrition but I started doing different kinds of martial arts about 4 months ago and worked my way up to 10-15 hours training and working out a week mostly for stamina, speed and technique.
The thing is I'm anything but supple so I still am too lazy to wake up in the morning and start the day by stretching and doing some basic exercises - in general I lack it (discipline - it is key) to work out anywhere else than the "dojo". That's what I'm going to change in the new year (killing off the remaining laziness)!
I suggest you to start documenting your progress starting from day 1. This will give you additional motivation, when you are missing/have lost some, to look back to where you started from.
REMEMBER: Set your goal up high BUT start small, take it step by step!
In other words you will need visual reminders to get you back on the right track!
I'm getting a small tattoo to remind me why I'm putting so much effort into things
My Motivation for you:
Share your progress in 6 months from now with me and I will treat you to an AAA title/most wishlisted community game giveaway where all the participants can vote for by that time! Of course only participants of this event will be invited to the future giveaway.
Event Rules:
Also I have hidden a little something (special giveaway) within this thread. #Still hiding while you read through
TL;DR - No TL;DR, don't give in to your laziness and get out of your comfort zone!
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