Hey there!

Caesar239 already made a thread, but he offered to basically let me make my own thread so I can answer any questions you might have more conveniently.

I'm one of the official organizers for the EU Petition for Stop Killing Games.

A link to Ross Scott, the head of the movement, explaining in a video some of the most basic questions and reasons why this petition isn't just slacktivism or why this isn't just a lost cause. Also, here's our official FAQ that answers most of the questions people have, but to make it easier:

For the most common questions I saw from the original thread:

No, we're not asking for games to endlessly keep their servers up. In fact, we demand nothing of how long a publisher has to support their game.

Yes, EU can do this solely because every right you can think of as a digital consumer has either been ratified by the EU once another government has introduced it or they've fully originated it.

Games that actually sell themselves as a service (like World of Warcraft), aren't in our crosshairs at all. We're talking of products that are sold without a known end date. Just like people don't demand a 1 month gym membership to be endless, we're not demanding a 1 month WoW sub to last forever.

Feel free to ask any questions that you might feel have been bugging you.
Proud to be an SG member that's trying their best to improve digital experiences for everyone. Hope you will be as well by signing here :)


5 months ago*

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Finland, Sweden and Poland win! We need at least 4 more countries :)

5 months ago

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It's so amazing to see so many people from these countries come together and sign.

5 months ago

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We want the ### RIGHT TO PLAY ### the games we bought!!!

5 months ago

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Germany reached the threshold! Just three more countries to go!

Also about 30% of the signatures needed, this is looking good! Don't forget to sign!

Ross addressed a lot of the questions and criticisms here: ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEVBiN5SKuA
Nice resume with a lot of different subtitles to spread the word here: ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2Q8LrHNb3M

5 months ago

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this thread always reminds me the reason latest games are being maid with "online only". they do this just to pull the plug whenever they want just like ea did with the crew. some went even further, like rockstar who uploaded a launcher on play store to restrict access to previous bought games. they effectively replaced the game itself for a launcher just to control (and pull the plug whenever they want) the access to something that has been previously sold. the gaming industry is fighting hard against owning anything. piracy will prevail after they achieve whatever they want to achieve.

5 months ago

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Thing is, they are conditioning consumers to take this as normal. It's normal that your show isn't on TV anymore for whatever reason. It's normal that the game you enjoyed, played and have good memories of is totally dead, and your disc is a paperweight now.

But as Bertolt Brecht once said: “Don’t accept the habitual as a natural thing. In times of disorder, of organized confusion, of de-humanized humanity, nothing should seem natural. Nothing should seem impossible to change.”

5 months ago

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The Netherlands has just reached the required number of signatures! :D

4 months ago

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Plus, Denmark's also crossed the threshold, which is also amazing to see.

4 months ago

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great cause ; i sign up

4 months ago

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3 months ago

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