So I just got a call from my dad telling me that one of our cats has been missing for over a week which, considering I live in the countryside in the south of France, probably means she got shot by a hunter... We've had that cat for 12 years, took her in when her mom abandoned her behind our house. To think I saw her only two weeks ago.. I'm feeling kinda down right now so I'd love for you guys to share stories and/or pics of your current or past pets

PS: I guess I could've chosen a happier topic for my first discussion

PPS: Enjoy pics of Poubelle and her best friend Mistral

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8 years ago

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Have you ever cried over a dead pet?

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I cry evrytiem
I ain't no pussy (pun intended)
I cried when I lost PC's mouse, does that count?

mdr poubelle xD c est lequelle?
ils sont assez grande D=

alors j'espere tu vas le trouver bientot comme meme... courage!

8 years ago

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Haha ouais tout le monde trouve ça bizarre comme nom, mais c'est ma Poubelle la plus belle mdr
C'est le chat à gauche sur la photo en bas (<3)

J'essaye de pas trop me faire d'espoirs histoire de pas être trop déçu mais ouais, j'espère qu'elle va revenir..

8 years ago

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nice cats, sorry to hear about that.
not sharing stories because it hurts. ツ

8 years ago

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Maybe she left her house to find a place to die quietly and without bother anyone. I read some time ago that some "semi indoor cats" do that thing

8 years ago

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She was still really healthy tho, I doubt she died of natural causes (unless she had a heart attack or something). I do hope her death was painless...

8 years ago

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Effectivement, je serais assez curieuse de savoir comment ce chat s'est retrouvée affublé d'un nom pareil :p

Habitant moi aussi dans le sud de la France, il ne me semble pas que tirer sur les chats soit un sport local, donc j'espère que ce n'est pas ce qui est arrivé. J'ai perdu également deux chats et un chien, un écrasé intentionnellement par une voiture, les deux autres empoisonnés. par contre, ça ne s'est pas passé en France
Mais ton histoire me fait plutôt penser à un autre de mes chats qui est parti. Il était assez vieux, il a peut-être dû sentir qu'il allait mourir. Du coup, il a passé une soirée entière à me léchouiller le doigt en guise d'adieu avant de disparaître définitivement.

Dans tous les cas, j'espère ne pas t'avoir démoralisé avec ces histoires, et que ton chat reviendra bientôt :3

8 years ago

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Trop mignon l'histoire du chat qui fait ses adieux...

En fait on a déjà un chaton qui s'est fait tirer dessus (dans notre jardin en plus) du coup on est méfiant envers les chasseurs depuis^^

Et pour son nom c'est parce que quand elle était petite elle mangeait tout genre poussière et déchets) du coup on l'a appelée comme ça pour rigoler et après c'est resté :')

8 years ago

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Des amis avaient une chienne qui s’appelait Poubelle( elle avait été trouvée dans un poubelle, toute petite (⊙…⊙) )
on l'appelait "Poube" hehe.
Les chats font leur vie des fois ils quittent puis reviennent.

8 years ago

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Nous aussi on l'appelait Poube (ou Poubi) :p

On a l'habitude qu'ils partent pendant de longues durées mais en général quand y a des orages ils rentrent quand même.. On verra bien

8 years ago

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Aw man i'm sorry dude, but hey, cats and animals in general are mysterious so she might turn up still!

8 years ago

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shoot by hunter?! why hunter would shoot a cat? that's madness
btw in first pic it really looks like a tiger or sth on first look :D

8 years ago

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Ikr! She's the most majestic cat I've ever seen :p

People are kinda trigger happy where I live. You're not even supposed to hunt anywhere near someone's home but we found one of our kitties shot dead in the garden when I was a kid so I'd say they don't really care about laws and morale :-/

8 years ago

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but france? i'd never think that this is possible in france; murica, sure but there?
i can say one thing you don't need hunters though; my first cat was hit by a car driven by my neighbour who made it intentionally to bump at my beloved cat, tell you one thing looking at cat who was close to car tire at age 10 is not too nice
don't understand why people hate cats

8 years ago

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I'd say you have nothing to worry about yet. Cats can go away for weeks even if they never done it before. Please don't give up and post a lot of flyers to that area, hit up facebook groups, ask your facebook friends to share your post etc. I think facebook is the best way to find a lost pet.
I have only one cat at the moment but I keep her strictly indoors because people are really horrible. It's too dangerous outside. People used to poison them or shoot them, or cars just hitting them. I've already seen many horrible cases.
I used to put a harness on my kittykat then we are exploring outside a little bit. She is usually get bored after 30 minutes.

Here is a pic about my cat Cirmi (tseer-mee) and my doggopupper Toto.
Cirmi is 7 years old now, she is my sister and my stepmother in one.
Toto is no longer with us, he died last year january at the age of 16. We've been together for all the long 16 years and I can tell you that I miss him soooo bad. He was a jagdterrier-mix and he was an incredible funny dog even at old age. When he was young he terrorized a whole street, everyone was afraid of him.
In the past 2 years me and my sister we were taking care of 30 stray cats and we had a foster dog too.

Okay so seriously. Don't lose your hope and don't give up, it's way too early for that. Try not to worry about it too much, I know it's hard but cats are just cats.

Besides you posted very beautiful pics. I love them all

8 years ago

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Omg that's like my dream, have a cat and a dog be best friends!

As for cats going away for a long time, that's definitely true but we had a huge storm last week and they usually come home when it pours. Doesn't mean she's a goner for sure though (hopefully not)

And I've never heard about people poisoning cats, that's horrible! :( Slim chance of my cats getting run over here though, there's like one car per day going by my house lmao. Which becomes a problem when looking for her, it's mostly vineyards where I'm at. Closest village is 5km away, I doubt anyone saw her if she's still out there

We'll just have to wait it out I guess.. I'm kind of over the original shock of my dad's phone call, I'm tryina think more rationally now. You guys definitely helped with that! :p

8 years ago

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