We gave that one free to everyone who owned the original. But the current Remastered version was made with our old engine which we are replacing. We've basically redone it again and will release the Re-Remastered version as a free update. If the current version runs well on your computer then great, but if not just know it will get an update in the future, and saves for it will carry over.
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I'm glad to see a FVA fan it is one of my favorite games still. I've been working on a big update to it but it's been slow as other games have had to take priority but it will get there and be the best game I can make it to be! ๐
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Wow, FaeVerse Alchemy. Completely forgot about that game. I love Faerie Solitaire, but FaeVerse Alchemy was kind of a let down. What happened? I see now that it's been changed to free to play. Wasn't it supposed to be that premium 30$ puzzle game? I have to say I kind of liked that idea. I don't see why a puzzle game can't be 30$ or even more if it offers the quality and the content. Really a shame that it seems to be more or less dormant now.
Can I safely assume there will also be an iOS version of Faerie Solitaire Harvest?
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It was $29.99 at launch but we also enabled 90% off coupons at launch at max drop rate intending for it to be a Pay What You Want thing, and vast majority of people chose to pay the lowest they could understandably (very very few people paid $29.99). It was a hard lesson to see that super niche and easy to misunderstand games like FVA have little commercial viability because you have to sell them at a low price else people really hate you and you can't sell enough copies to make it profitable. I already knew that going into FVA development but we tried anyway, and failed, the development was such a failure it made several people on the team burn out and quit. We burned so much money on that project. And a lot of the stress made us make bad decisions with what we prioritized for the development. So we wasted a lot of time doing things over and over again that didn't contribute to the actual gameplay. And yea now it's 100% free game and we encouraged everyone who did pay $2.99 for it to ask Valve for a refund. Lessons learned and all that. I will personally finish FVA into a masterpiece eventually it may have stalled but it won't defeat me! :)
We will probably never ask for more than $10 for a game in the future outside of bundles of games. And we are more strict with development resources now too.
Yes FSH will get a mobile release maybe 1-2 weeks after Steam release. It will most likely be $10 on mobile too with no ads no IAP just one flat fee like Steam. Will see how that goes... :)
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Ouch, that was a sad read. Being a developer myself (not games, though) I understand very well how things can sometimes go very wrong during development. I am still fixing stuff and working around stuff I did badly 10 years ago. ^^
I guess we live in a time where only a few genres are still considered worthy of full price. Try selling a point 'n' click adventure for 60 bucks nowadays. Very few people will buy it, and the forum will be full of complaints about how it should cost 20โฌ max. I paid full price for games like Indiana Jones 4 back in the day, I don't see why similar games, modernized and with the expected quality, shouldn't cost just as much. They are not worse or worth less than your typical AAA shooters and action-adventures. Puzzle games are especially difficult, since they usually have simple graphics. That seems to play a big role. The Witness was a fantastic game and sold for 40โฌ, I believe. But it could only do that because it had nice 3D graphics. I don't think many people would have accepted it for that price without it. FaeVerse Alchemy promised high quality and a lot of content. But it looked bascically like all the other cheap puzzle games out there. Maybe that was one factor why people didn't buy it for that price.
Yes FSH will get a mobile release maybe 1-2 weeks after Steam release. It will most likely be $10 on mobile too with no ads no IAP just one flat fee like Steam. Will see how that goes... :)
Great, that's exactly what I wanted to hear. Will probably go for that version then. Honestly, I probably would have ignored it if it were free to play with IAP. The two mobile games I am currently playing are Tormentum (nice puzzle game) and Flipflop Solitaire. The latter added in IAP now, but I don't even mind. I played like 3000 rounds of that game, and the base game was quite cheap, I believe. So if the guy wants to make a few bucks with new handcrafted levels, that's fine by me. The base game is still intact and not influenced by the IAP at all. That's the right way to do it, if you ask me. So I bought those 1000 Levels. That game just doesn't get old. Well, maybe FSH will take its place now. :)
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Faerie Solitaire Harvest is set in the same universe, but is not a sequel to the first game. Faerie Solitaire 2 is still upcoming!
Now, I have to say that I've never liked the match-2, mahjong-style solitaire... Until now. This is the BEST solitaire game that I've ever played, and I've completed Adventure-mode FOUR times already! :o I'll be writing up a full review for the game in the next couple of days, but suffice to say that I am absolutely addicted to this game, and HIGHLY recommend it to any solitaire fan!
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genkicoll has helped us beta test this game and we are super grateful for her help!!
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Don't worry FSH has a much kinder drop system and is not entirely random like the old FS was!
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the art of this game looks much better ! you guys are showing huge progress in drawing :)
waiting for your game
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Thank you! We will keep trying to improve with every game. I've become a much better programmer in the last few years too.
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Which ones are you missing? I went back a while ago and buffed the base drop rates for eggs and also made them even higher if you had the Tree of Life unlocked.
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I really enjoyed Faerie Solitaire .... I 100% the 'original', sadly, the remaster made me ragequit. To evolve all pets, I still need 62 wood, 46 stone and 63 dust ... It's impossible, even when you perfect a lot. I heard about the planned 'shop'... I really hope that will be implemented (soon).
When you're sitting on ~a million currency and have nothing to spend it on, there is zero motivation to continue.
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The "Re-Remaster" version will go live sometime after FSH and will carry over saves. There will be a shop but also drop rates are tuned to not feel like it needs it.
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I remember long ago seeing Faerie Solitaire giveaways here from you. Much respect friend. :)
Does WLing help with stats or something?
Always been curious.
I wishlisted for ya!.
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Steam will choose to promote or hide games based on number of wishlists allegedly. We have almost no chance to get a number of wishlists that will actually impress Steam's systems to make the game rank anywhere, but we'll still try anyway! So giving it a wishlist is good for gamedevs you want to support even if you don't intend to buy right away.
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"When posting links or content, that content should not force users, encourage users through reward, or primarily exist as a traffic source for users to perform an action for promotional, commercial, or monetary benefit. Such actions include but are not limited to clicking a referral link, liking a Facebook page, following a Twitter account, joining a Steam group, completing a survey, or making a donation."
Should not matter if it's leading to a giveaway or not, it's asking for something, traffic.
You can support a dev by buying a game, and just mentioning the new game itself is even allowed within the rules, it's the wishlist part.
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But since there are sometimes double standards here, who knows if that is even allowed or not, i was just saying..
Technically no but if only the real developers who frequent SteamGifts made threads trying to promote their games and not those dozens of shovelware paddlers who somehow managed to aquire a developer tag we'd have like 3 or 4 promotion threads a year so I guess it is fine.
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Staff have previously given explicit clarification that threads made for the sole sake of advertisement [such as those promoting a specific site or developer] are against site rules, and have regularly closed them down in the past. It's a different matter if the developer (or another user) is bringing attention to a limited duration promotion [such as a sale or even a kickstarter event], or if a user is bringing up the game to discuss it (as both deal posting and game discussion are directly associable to what the forums are intended to be used for).
As for something like this, it's still blatant advertising, but its short duration makes it less criticizable than similar threads. That is to say, staff has complete justification to close the thread, but it may be that they'll decide to turn a blind eye to it at their discretion. On the other hand, if the developer was tying the thread to a launch discount, they could justify the thread under the consideration of notifying the site of a "deal". It may also be possible to justify such a thread with giveaways, since they could potentially also be considered a form of limited time promotion.
Putting that more clearly, advertising of any sort seems to be considered a straight violation of site rules, it's just that the violation is overwritten with appropriate justification (such as the guideline exception which Lugum quoted) and that some degree of discretion appears to be allotted to staff in how they handle such matters. Even if staff isn't taking action, that doesn't necessarily mean the matter is condoned by site rules. It just means staff doesn't feel the rule violation is worth pursuing, or that they haven't yet noticed it.
The request for wishlisting does seem to be directly contrary to the rules, though, since wishlisting could be considered a promotional benefit. So as far as this specific thread, I'd assume it's more a matter of staff overlooking the thread than deciding to let it slide. Of course, we'd need staff to clarify what the site's actual perspective is on that, given that the promotional benefit of wishlisting is somewhat unclear.
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Man, i remember farming for all the eggs back when achievements actually meant something (before the explosion of 5000+ achievement spam games).
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Have played both the original as well as the remastered version. Will definitely buy this game. Anyhow, any chance for a beta key so I can give you guys feedback?
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We will most likely need more testers for the next releases especially if you have a Mac or Linux OS.
We have not used this group in a while but it will probably be where we ask for more testers in the future https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SubsoapBeta
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Awesome, thanks!
Joined the group. Would love to beta test and give feedback. I'm not on Linux/Mac OSX tho.
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Interesting. I didn't even notice i have played the original and tried to get all the achievements of the remastered, but i didn't get them. So this one might be an interesting continuation.
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It's already in my wishlist. I liked the original Faerie Solitaire, but I'm missing some eggs so I'll have to play it again at some point so I can get the remaining eggs and achievements. I need to play the Remastered version too at some point.
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Dire is a different game, it's one of the next games to be released but doesn't have a release date right now.
Dire and Harvest are complementary sister games in a way. Harvest was made to be super chill, fun, relaxing. Dire is made to be the hardest most puzzling solitaire ever made (but still fun and rewarding).
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You planning to release it on launch for Linux? Because if yes you can have all my money, I have 100% both the original and the remastered :3
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It does work on Linux already but the store page doesn't say so because it has an issue currently with SteamOS. I'll hopefully have it fixed before release and then will check the Linux+SteamOS box.
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I use Linux Mint and not Steam OS so I am in the clear I guess (assuming you put the Linux build up for download anyways even if you don't manage to fix the SteamOS issue it in time for the rest of us) :) Thank you for supporting Linux, I am very much looking forward to playing it :)
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Our new game Faerie Solitaire Harvest is releasing soon. In 3 days! I've been doing some giveaways to promote it but I realized many of you probably already have it so never see these giveaways. ๐
FSH is a different kind of solitaire, but still very fun. I personally think it's our most fun and most polished game yet!
This year we will be releasing many long awaited games so keep an eye out!
I'm hesitant to post this because I don't really participate in the forum here but hopefully the big giveaways I've done in the past makes it okay.... ๐
If you have any questions about gamedev or our games other than asking about release dates I'll answer what I can while I'm here!
And while I'm here if any of you are interested in getting into making games I highly recommend the Defold game engine. It's what I'm using now and it's amazing for productivity, quality, and features. https://www.defold.com/
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