I've seen many giveaways where the person who gifts doesn't want to be spammed with generic "thank you" messages. So how about an additional "Thank You" button that just registers the username of the people who press it but doesn't send a message to the gifter?

8 years ago

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Thank You Button?

View Results

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8 years ago

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I was going to vote Yes, but you make a convincing argument against it.

8 years ago

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I'm still gonna vote Yes, because, well…had almost a thousand generic pointless thanks messages within 168 hours once. It is rather irksome after a while.

8 years ago

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Well if you want people interaction better go the the discussions, because you will find nearly zero in the giveaways.
The idea seems alright to me, users can thank and the GA creator doesn't get their inbox flooded.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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sure it may remove the need, but people who wanna thank could still thank even if the button was implemented.
As I see it, adding that button will provide options that are not here now, but not remove any existing option.

8 years ago

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good point of view.

8 years ago

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Agreed. It would reduce the little bit of social interaction we have now. Most people don't care anyway and I don't think a button would help that except maybe making it more convenient for ungrateful winners to spare themselves from being blacklisted.

8 years ago

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You could use it as a way to separate the chaff from the grain of gratefulness, and just blacklist everyone who pressed that button on your giveaways if it suits your fancy.

8 years ago

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i have nothing to add =)

8 years ago

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That would have been a good argument if people actually thanked on giveaways. But blacklists and general antagonism towards thanks made it drop down. Now maybe 1% thank at all, compared to 10% a couple of years ago (and, looking at the giveaways page, there are quite a few GA's with a couple hundred entries and not a single comment). IMO makes this place worse than in was.

So no, there are not tons of mindless thanks scripters. Anything which could bring thanks back even in a small way would IMO be good.

8 years ago*

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8 years ago*

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Frankly if I was blacklisting I'd blacklist anyone who says 'thanks will result in blacklist' for being a jerk.

Polite people usually thank 'mindlessly'. That's pretty much the idea of forming a habit, that you don't have to think about it, you just know when to do it. That doesn't mean they're not thankful. It's better than not thanking. The fact that so many people on SG think it's a sin just shows what kind of jerk site this is.

8 years ago

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I wholeheartedly agree. I once risked a blacklist cause I wanted to thank the person anyway. I was taught to thank people for their generosity and decency, it is something that I am happy to do, albeit not mindlessly.

Ever since I started reading these countless descriptions of "generic thanks will get you blacklisted" I stopped posting thanks messages. I fail to see why it's looked down upon. Even if it was a generic message I'd still prefer that to nothing. Why some extra unread notification on the message tab is so bothersome is something I will never understand.

Ps, despite specifying that a simple thank you from the winner would be appreciated on one of my latest giveaways, winner didn't even spend a second to do so... It is not needed but you just got something for free from a total stranger. Taking 1-2 seconds to show an appreciation wouldn't hurt anyone would it? I don't know why people find it so hard to be decent.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Ah, thanks for clarifying. That can easily be solved by making the button active only while the giveaway is active. That would make it clear it's only for thanking for the giveaway, not thanking for winning.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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a "thanks" only is interaction ? :D

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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ok , right :D

8 years ago

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How about a Thank you button for Support stuff =(

8 years ago

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That's already there, it's the little heart icon in their profile page.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Edit: No point for this message as the previous message was deleted. So, please ignore.

8 years ago

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I only want the winner to say "thank you"
if they don't, they get blacklisted, good manners cost nothing

8 years ago

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Good manners cost. Posting 'thanks' for entry is good manners, and people get blacklisted for that. This teaches people the worth of a thanks on this site.

8 years ago

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Thanks for that, not sure what thats got to do with my point of winners not saying thank you.
I just find it ignorant that some people can't even muster up a mere "thank you"

With reference to your point, unfortunately people spoil it for others, personally I like to be thanked as it shows manners but I think some people don't like it as a lot of the time its just a script and not a genuine thank you.

8 years ago

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For most people, posting 'thank you' is genuine. Think about real life. If you do something small for someone, say bring them a glass of water, they say 'thanks' (if they're nice). Would you then say 'fuck you for saying a generic thanks; I'm not doing anything for you ever again'? You see how idiotic that sounds? And if all people know that you behave like a jerk when you're being thanked, do you think they will thank you for something bigger?

SG, as a collective, is such a jerk, and the entire 'I want to be thanked for that but not for that' line is pretty stupid. You said 'good manners cost nothing', but when you punish people for saying thanks for something, you IMO reduce the general chance of saying thanks, and when you then punish them for not saying thanks for something else, you're a total jerk. (By 'you' I don't mean CRB82, I mean SG.)

8 years ago

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A more straightforward solution to your problem, would be to have a way to disable notifications on giveaways. Also, what Kletar said^

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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No. That's really fucking dumb, honestly.
Don't say thanks if you don't want to or don't genuinely mean it. A "thanks" button would just be used lazily and as a reason for blacklist drama.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Then people can thank even without openning the giveaway page, just add that function to enter button in those scripts.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I know that there are like a bazillion scripters and bots and all that. IMO a button like that wouldn't make any difference to them, and even if a winner wanted to say a special thanks or someone wanted to post a gif or something they could still use the comments. And people blacklist each for their personal reasons (I probably got blacklisted for just making this suggestion lol) so the drama is always there.

*Edit: Checked stats aaaand... yep, my first blacklist comes from a suggestion to thank people (-_-)

8 years ago*

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Not a bazillion. There were around five digits worth confirmed, but ever since the site monitors this and imposes a 24-hour suspension on too much traffic generation over little time, the script now enters far less giveaways. (Which lead to me finding a lot less people to reroll, thankfully.)
Compared to the user base of near or over one million, it is a relatively small group still.

8 years ago

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I actually made a userscript back in 2012 that scanned all comments for simple "thanks", "thank you", "thanks for skyrim" etc. and replaced them all with a small message saying something like "43 users thanked you for this giveaway", which you could click on to see a list of everyone who said thanked the giver in this way. I thought it was a best-of-both-worlds solution, and it proved quite popular.

The big steamgifts 2.0 update broke the script, but Lens was quick to make his own SG2 fork of it, for which I am grateful

Lens's thank filter script

The only real limitation of thank filters like this is that they don't prevent you from getting flooded with reply notifications.

8 years ago

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we should also add a "join all giveaways" button.

poll results just show how lazy people are.

8 years ago

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I would prefer that the button doesn't keep track of our usernames and just keep a count. If it does keep track of usernames, then it's a reason for the usual blacklisting drama.

8 years ago

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Nah, not much point. If you want to pander to people who don't want thanks messages, I think it would be better to add an option to disable comments when creating a giveaway.

8 years ago

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I'd rather just be able to disable comments on giveaways. I don't need thank yous anyway, they just spam my message box. Enter, win, take your game and go.

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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It should have a POTATO button!

8 years ago

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Happy Cakeday!

8 years ago

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Happy Cakeday :P

8 years ago

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What? Why the cake? Is my account birthday?

8 years ago

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It is. You've registered 3 years ago. Happy cakeday :D

8 years ago

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Nice! I should do a giveaway, it's been a while since the last one.

8 years ago

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Comments may be necessary.
For example, if a problem with the receipt of gifts.
Disabling comments - not a very good option.

Variant: customisable message filter. With masks.
Or even with counting the number of "thanks", as in the script, about which BarefootMonkey said.

Google helped me with English, but it can't help to work well with the animation

View attached image.
8 years ago

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8 years ago

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As I said in my response to the first post, I think it would really be nice if more people thanked. I don't care if they thanked automatically, even that is a small measure of gratitude, and IMO better than no gratitude at all.

The FAQ used to encourage thanking, now thanking is all but dead. And people still argue against thanks, which bugs me.

Is this suggestion the best solution? Probably not. Still, to me it's nice to see a suggestion that considers thanks a thing that should happen.

Edit: Truth be told, I used to use a script to filter generic thanks, to be able to see the more valuable comments, but having experienced both the old way and new way, I'd much rather have a problem of too many thanks than hardly get any.

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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Not everyone reads the description.
Not everyone understands the description (plea in description).

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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yes, as easy as stating it in the description. then anyone replying with generic crap is a bot.

8 years ago

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For me saying thanks is kinda personal. Replacing it with button is too mechanical.

8 years ago

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As i can understand, it's not fully "replacing".
You may press button, and at the same time write your thanks by words at comments.
This is for those cases where the author does not want to see the "thank you" in the comments.

and for lazy guys, who lazy to typing, but can click button :D

8 years ago

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I was thinking of an additional button, something like the "like" button on facebook but you can still comment.

8 years ago

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I get your point - but I don't use facebook and don't "like" things. Such button is empty for me, meaningless. Many people would just click that button without actually thinking.

8 years ago

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I did not suggest this as a way to replace thank you messages, it's more for people who don't want to get spammed with thanks and only want to have meaningful comments. I know that people would press it just for the hell of it, but still it would show a little more appreciation than not commenting at all if they are so lazy or can't comment for whatever reason.

In fact now that I think of it maybe we should also have a dislike button for people who have giveaways for free games of regift. (I can feel the new wave of blacklists coming)

8 years ago

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I know that it wouldn't replace comments. But implementing such thing would take some time, would cost some resources and would be (in my opinion) useless.
I don't do too much GAs so few "thanks" messages don't really bothers me. People who create hundreds or thousands giveaways can have problem with that. If you were added to some blacklists it's not because this idea but rather because some people could check your give\won ratio :) I don't really care about things like that (especially that I'm leech myself) but some people might find it a good reason for blacklist. And lets be honest - you didn't received too much thank you spam messages :D

8 years ago

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What can I say, I just can't afford to buy extra games to give. I just had some extra gog keys one or two times but I can't make giveaways for those here (T-T). Just trying to be helpful, in my experience even the most stupid idea might inspire better ones. And as I said before, people blacklist for their own reasons, I just assume most blacklisted me for my suggestion since I have many comments from people who seem ready to eat me alive :P

8 years ago

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Or add the option to disable comments on the giveaway. BOOM no more spam.

8 years ago

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Sounds like good idea.

8 years ago

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(exclude winner. Let winner(s) write comments)

8 years ago

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BOOM no more great discussions either.

8 years ago

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Yah, all those rebuttals and arguments that only include different variants of "THANK YOU" all over the place, we will surely miss these intelligent discussions.

8 years ago

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Most of the good discussions happen in whitelist and group GAs, but there are some in invite only GAs as well. I assume you're only joining public GAs?

8 years ago

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Add something additional to it, like
a statistic of that;

For each kind of GA (closed, whitelist m group etc.) people can use this button
but also everyone can see what was your highest "Thanky Button Counter" ever. for this particular kind of Ga!?=

.... to myself , I am missing a Counter of my maximun entries for each kind of GA,
it maybe just a gimmick and got no use but ,
to my mind I can get pretty amused by such little things :)

8 years ago

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I say that it's just a bit lazy. Even if it's kind of generic I like when people send me a thank you and I try to make my note not feel generic when I tell them thank you.

8 years ago

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