Didn't see a thread for this so, here's the announcement on EA's site. I've included a list of the EA specific game extras and their sizes where applicable. Downloads are here

Soundtrack-20220216T010145Z-001.zip (1.19 GB)

Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath:
COMMAND-AND-CONQUER-3-KANES-WRATH_BattleCast-Primetime-Aftermath.zip (1.32 GB)
COMMAND-AND-CONQUER-3-KANES-WRATH_BattleCast-Primetime.zip (6.3 GB)

Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight:
Original Soundtrack (Spotify link)

Dragon Age: Origins:
dragonagedlx_wallpaper-20220216T010126Z-001.zip (27 MB)
Original Soundtrack (Spotify link)

Dragon Age II:
Original Soundtrack (Spotify link)

Dragon Age: Inquisition:
Original Soundtrack (Spotify link)

Jade Empire:
Wallpaper Set.zip (4.12 MB)
ARTBOOK-20220216T205444Z-001.zip (15.3 MB)
SOUNDTRACK-20220216T022111Z-001.zip (175 MB)

Mass Effect 2:
DigitalArtBook.pdf.zip (6.52 MB)
Mass Effect Redemption #1.pdf.zip (10.7 MB)
Original Soundtrack (Spotify link)

Mass Effect 3:
MassEffect3_FinalHoursBook_20120628.zip (598 MB) (requires Adobe Air)
Normandy Lithograph.pdf.zip (51 MB)
Art of Mass Effect.pdf.zip (615 MB)
Mass Effect Invasion Number 1.pdf.zip (453 MB)
Original Soundtrack (Spotify link)

Medal of Honor: Warfighter:
Original Soundtrack (Spotify link)

The Sims 4:
Original Soundtrack (Spotify link)

TheFinalHoursOfTitanfall.zip (142 MB) (requires Adobe Air)

It really sucks that so many of the soundtracks are only links to Spotify. How the GDMFH can that be considered "downloadable".

2 years ago*

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What is EA short for?

View Results
Extortionist A$$holes
Electronic Arts
Endangered Apes
Excited Atoms
Easily Animated

This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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Thank you for this. Any idea where I can get this? I have Mass effect 3 on Origin, but I don't find it anywhere.

Mass Effect 3:
MassEffect3_FinalHoursBook_20120628.zip (598 MB) (requires Adobe Air)
Normandy Lithograph.pdf.zip (51 MB)
Art of Mass Effect.pdf.zip (615 MB)
Mass Effect Invasion Number 1.pdf.zip (453 MB)
Original Soundtrack (Spotify link)

Edit: Nevermind. Found it.

Edit 2: Again, thank you for the info

2 years ago*

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You can download the extras for EA games from ea.com under this link.
@OP: Please add the link to your original posting. Thanks.

2 years ago

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