So have save systems bugged you to the degree that you have stopped or even entirely skipped playing a game?
It happened lots of times with Hotline Miami :V
Specially Hotline Miami 2, I can't get past Dead Ahead ;_;
So many open spots yo
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That fucking level. I hate it so much.
But wait until you get to hard mode...
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Oh man, it took me a lot to beat it now :/
What does it add on Hard Mode? More enemies? Because if it's more enemies then NO THANK YOU!
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More enemies
The maps of are inversed (although I don't see how that makes it more difficult)
But the worst thing... weapons ammo are divided by two. I would be fine with this if it only applied the first time you pick up a weapon. It doesn't. If you throw your weapon at an enemy and then you pick it up, the ammo are divided every time you do it. That it the worst idea ever.
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To be fair those games are all about dying and repeating the same thing hundreds of times. And without dying most of the levels are actually pretty bite-size and can be completed in just a few minutes. So here I don't really feel it's that much of an issue.
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I'm fine with that, I mean that's what I thought at Hotline Miami 1...
...But when the enemy kills you offscreen I say it's reasonable to ragequit :/
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Yeah that's what I don't like about HM2, the levels are so wide that you have to be super cautious and use fire weapons most of the time. It was way more fun to burst into a room to kill everyone with a crowbar.
Hopefully with the level editor we'll get some nice things
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Sometimes save slots do nothing though. Like in Darksiders where a save slot merely preserves the last checkpoint that you reached but not your actual position and sometimes not even the same area you're currently in if it hasn't yet had a checkpoint.
That's why Darksiders is one of the games that has become one my casualties due to how it saves.
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Darksiders manual save saves where you currently are and your current progress. The problem Darksiders has (and what you probably suffered) is that the "continue" option in the main menu always loads the autosave, even if there's a manual save that's more recent. So never use "continue", but manually load your last save instead.
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Even doing that it doesn't save all area transitions. So if you save in one of the in between areas and haven't noticed it then you'll start back at the last cutscene instead.
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Hmm, personally this has never bothered me on Mario because usually the bits in between checkpoints are very byte-size and you rarely lose a lot of gameplay. Plus the entire game is also so repetitive to begin with that the repeats seem less glaring.
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That game ended up so disappointing that I'm not surprised the save system sucks as well.
Still got it during a Steam Sale though because it had so much potential that I just have to see it for myself, even if it does suck. Hadn't tried it though precisely cuz I wasn't sure it would save when I wanted it to. Well that and other things have been more interesting.
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I generally dislike games with a checkpoint save system (e.g. F.E.A.R. 2), or where you can only save at specific locations (e.g. Dead Space). In some games it makes sense and I don't mind it (e.g. Dark Souls), but it can be annoying as hell when having to replay certain areas over and over because you cannot load/save whenever you want.
Though, I've never quit a game because of it.
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Oh? F.E.A.R 2 has checkpoint saves? That's a shame cuz on the original F.E.A.R I could save anytime and I still perhaps wanted to continue the series at some point.
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I know. Still, I really enjoyed the second part just as much as the first. They're pretty similar, maybe a bit less scary.
And even on the hardest difficulty, I rarely had to repeat some areas, eventhough you die pretty quick. Love the slow-mo.
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I actually like checkpoints better than the option to save at any time. Checkpoints can be annoying if you want or have to quit the game and it takes forever before the game auto saves, but with a system that allows me to save at all times I find myself saving like every two minutes in case I screw up.
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I call that the Oblivion effect, where you create a brand new save every 2 minutes because your old one could break at any time and the game could crash at any time. Either that or former quick-save addiction. But generally creating a new manual anytime save is a lengthy enough procedure that you wouldn't want to be doing it every 2 minutes.
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Well ok, but in some games one can't even determine where the actual save points are. One never knows when ending a session exactly where gamplay will resume the next time. It's a horrible feeling not knowing whether my gameplay is secure or not.
I don't mean every game needs to have a save point every 10 meters, but at least I need to easily able to determine save points outside of major events.
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I don't like any whores to be honest.
And a hard games' sense of accomplishment should be no less even if it minimized that amount of gameplay you had to repeat between sessions.
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You're really going to keep that filthy analogy going?
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Yeah but sometimes that planning ahead means knowing that you won't be able to play a game on some days because your chunks of free time won't be big enough and that sucks.
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Ah. In my case I often only have smallish chunks, like a little less than half an hour at a time, scattered through the day to play my games in (though quite a lot of them). That's not always enough for me to reach the next checkpoint though and then the game has to wait for the weekend and I start playing or doing something else in those little chunks which then often becomes more interesting than that game and I completely stop playing it.
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That makes sense. It would be much more difficult to play things if you can only plan to play in tiny chunks. I guess I would just save the automatic saving games for the weekends. Fortunately, there are still a ton of games that are set up to save as you want.
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There are far less anytime save games than you think because there are a lot of pretenders out there. Games which give you the option to manually save anytime but which only store the last "mystery" checkpoint like for instance Shadowrun Chronicles. Or open world shooters which allow anytime saving during exploration but not during missions which can take quite a while to complete if playing stealthily.
And as I said those other games then often become more interesting than the game you had planned to play on the weekend and suddenly you realize you haven't played it for a month and don't feel like going back at that point in time since there are other new and interesting things on the horizon.
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I'll have to pay special attention in the future and see. :) I'm finishing up DA:O, at the moment, which is a save anytime game. I suppose a lot of games do have save anytime functions, but during story missions, the save merely reverts it back to the checkpoint a few minutes ago, but I don't think most of them are really that far back.
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Depending on gameplay style that checkpoint isn't always a few minutes ago ;)
But yes, overall I agree that such saves are fair.
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No, there are a lot more than it sounds like you think there are...
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Less and less every year. Of course across 20 years of games there's quite a lot of them but year on year they've been decreasing.
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That's a different thing entirely, though. and honestly, I don't get how you have time to play games at all if you don't even have time to complete a mission in one sitting...
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Not all missions are as nice and bite-size 10-20 minute segments as others, especially not if you're trying to or have to cautiously stealth your way through.
I've got a lot of free time, but usually only in 20-30 minute chunks. Chunks of 1+ hours are rarer and it's unfortunate that I then can't utilize all my free time on such games.
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That's what is so great about a feature like Suspend/Resume that the PS4 has. Put the system to rest and when you come back to it later, within seconds you are back where you left off. That paired with the Spotify track that leaves off where you were as well is a great combination.
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Oh? the PS4 basically has save states? That's something really interesting I did not know. It just went up in my books.
It's one reason why I played almost all my GBA and DS games on PC using emulators rather than on the handhelds themselves. Because at the push of a button I could save my exact location and never had to repeat anything providing I managed to not die.
So the idea of a console officially having such a feature is really interesting.
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He's talking about sleep mode. Click on (Win 7) Start > Arrow next to Shutdown > Sleep, every PC can do that too. Then when you turn your computer back on the next time, in theory everything will be in the exact same state you left it in.
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Technically Emulators were first :P
But cool, I also didn't know that. Hopefully next generally everything, including subsequent PC ports, will work like that.
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Well, I guess, lol. But 3DS was the first system to have it built in. ;)
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Well at least you know for certain that your progress was saved if you saw a cutscene though. So you know it's safe to quit playing after every cutscene and it's no mystery when the game actually saves.
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I've never played a game with mystery saves, I guess... Pretty much every autosave game I've played has a little symbol or something to show when it saves...
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That doesn't always mean a full save, sometimes it's just a level progress save outside of where you can actually quit and resume the game from. Also knowing that you've just saved doesn't help you know whether you'll be able to save again in the next 30 minutes.
Or there's Darksiders which doesn't save on every area transition despite seemingly giving you the option to do so.
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My fiancé and I quit playing Spintires because there's currently no way of saving in multiplayer, which is pretty damn annoying if we disconnect after finishing a good chunk of a map. It's sad, because it's such a good game, but the inability to save in multiplayer kind of ruins it. ):
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Ouch. I hope you can save fine in Single Player cuz I actually still wanted to get that game at some point.
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Yes, How To Survive.
I loved the game when I started, I hated it with passion when I decided to stop playing after playing the same part 20 times.I deleted it at the last part where you get to collect some things from the island but it was hard and repetitive and boring and GOD I HATE THAT GAME.
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Can't really sympathize as I've always greatly disliked horror and/or survival games. I find them repetitive and boring from the get-go.
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The poll question itself is all you really need to get the gist of this thread.
All the text is basically just an explanation/description of the "issue".
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lol. It's 620 words. Hardly a lot of reading. That's barely two and a half pages.
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I've got the game but I haven't played it yet. Is it really that bad?
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Is not bad, it is pretty interesting but sometimes the save system for me it gets really annoying :/ other than that u can run the game in 2 days easy, but i played it mostly when i had free time and sometimes i had to stop at the middle of the level so i had to restart all the level again the next day, other than that it is an awesome game ! and it's a must play
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Replaying a level is a pretty standard thing in side-scrolling platformers though. But usually the levels are much more bite-size than the big area 3D game can often have so I wouldn't think it's that bad in this game.
Then again this is a game meant to be played stealthily which means even a small level might take a while so I hope it won't be an issue for me.
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save system is set up in a way that forces you to replay large chunks of level. Annoying in some ways, benefit in other ways - most levels are designed in a pretty open-ended way, with the checkpoints in between larger sections. So if you die it is easier to change your approach to that part of the level and try and find a different route.
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i can think of only one game that pissed me off so much while saving that i didn't play it for long.that game was Digimon 3 at Playstation 1,the game saved and loaded for about 10-15 mins spend more time saving than actually playing that game.
replaying a small portion of a game doesn't bother me because i used to play games at SNES from the start every time(no saves back then).
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It's not always a small portion though. SNES games were much more bite-size in their level design. And there were saves back then...just not in every genre.
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I have. I can't remember which game. One thing that bothers me more about a game save is resolution. I do not want to play a game if it cannot fit my whole screen perfectly -.-
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Ouch, there goes retro gaming. You'll be missing out on a lot of gems.
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Probably xD I know I have a few like that. When I get around to playing them, i'm just gonna have to try my best to ignore it.
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Do you accept the "solution" that some of the recent "HD re-masters" have adopted where they fill the letterbox space with some silly game-related graphic? (look at Septerra Core on the store for an example)
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I mean, I guess it's better than black. I'd still prefer it fullscreen, though :p It's a neat idea they have though, i'd say.
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I prefer the normal letter-boxing XD. But at least it should prevent people from trying to stretch such games outside of the game's aspect ratio causing ugly flattened graphics that were never intended.
Then again I get letterboxing pretty much no matter what cuz I have a 16:10 monitor which is probably why it bothers me less.
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Aahh xD My monitor is 23" and I normally have to use different resolutions for different games, and sometimes it takes a bit to get it figured out -.- Most of the time 1680x1050 works, but sometimes I have to use weird numbers for the resolution xD i just hate how it does that lol.
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23" and 1680x1050 0_o
the 16:10 (and 1680x1050 is 16:10) monitors I remember were all always 2 inches bigger, it went 22" then 24" then 26" a 23" 16:10 monitor should be impossible.
Gaming at 1680x1050 without letterboxes should be impossible thanks to all the anamorphic games (games which letterbox to 16:19 at any resolution) we have these days....
I don't understand...
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xD Deus Ex GotY ... when I played it for the first time I didn't know that it didn't auto-save, so I creeped and played as good as I could ... Reached the statue ... got blown up ... had to start from the beginning ... raged. There may be other games but usually I've gotten past save problems 0 u o
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I think you just showed your age. Otherwise you wouldn't have been more used to check-point auto-saves than manual anytime or manual check-point saves.
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I was thinking every Assassin's Creed game, but yeah, something like that.
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Well, i could say i never have stopped playing because a save system... but there was this one time where i got stuck in a bug inside the room of a boss dungeon, the only solution was to restart the room to see "if" the game unstuck... but there was no save point, i couldnt exit the room because i was literally freeze there and the dungeon was like 40 floors... so... i RAGE QUIT and stopped playing D: I dont remember the name of the game... but im sure it was a jrpg D:
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Any game which has only one save to work with and which auto-saves to that slot constantly can suffer such an issue. Another reason why I hate those sort of saves.
Given it's a JRPG though it should have had multiple save slots and checkpoints so you should have had a recent place to return to. JRPGs didn't start this single auto-save nonsense.
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Not really, it was one way down with no save points, it was "hardcore" thing, im pretty sure there was no save point D:
Auto save just make players lazy D:
A real oldschool player is the one who make 100 saves of the prologue parts in a game, half to play and half as backup XD
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Lol, I can understand the 50 saves during the prologue but those that make another 50 for backup could only have played Oblivion or a similarly buggy game at some point.
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Wait... do you... do you never make a save-save-backup? OMG, whyyyyyy!?!?! How can you not do that!?!?! What happen is the first save doesnt work? You can only rely in the backup D:
Well, Elder Scrolls i always have like 100 saves and i remember that in Deus Ex HR i reached the maximum save slots in chapter 1 D: I think i have a problem with saving... it could be a trauma during my childhood D:
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Cuz I realized a long time ago that one of the 50 prologue saves (or any other 50 subsequent saves) should be close enough to whatever other save might break or be in an incorrect place :P
Then again I had so many Oblivion saves that I had to archive them and burn them to CD so I could continue playing the game....twice....and I don't think I ever made it past 25% completion XD.
Also since Oblivion I also pretty much always reach maximum slots in any game because I'm now paranoid about re-using a previous save slot as well cuz in Oblivion there way always a chance that would break the save. So rather than re-use I'll delete a whole bunch of earlier saves once I reach the maximum. Now imagine how worrying it is when you only have only one save that you have no control over...
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Yep, auto-save is sometimes a very bad experience D: But in some game work very nice, like Torchlight or Diablo... D:
Until now i really didnt care about saving system, i still played the games, but reading you make me remember those paranoid times... I should thank you my friend D:
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In most games thankfully the save doesn't corrupt like in Oblivion so nothing ever actually goes wrong. Then again there are some pre-patch Batman - Arkham Origins players that won't agree with that statement.
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Also, there was some games that during updates the saves are incompatible or get corrupted... oh well, the hard life of a gamer D:
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Yes - most recently with Alien: Isolation. The forced need to replay sections of 5-10 minutes is a time-waster that I don't need or appreciate. It's a shame, I otherwise really love the atmosphere and setting etc. It doesn't help that, admittedly, I'm not very good at it - would love to immerse myself in the story and setting without the need for this. Optional manual saves would be terrific.
I know they've implemented this save system to increase tension and raise the in-game stakes somewhat, but it just doesn't work for me these days - I'm less patient with backtracking and replaying sections these days.
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I hear ya. When there's not much time then replaying things's one reason why I often cheat (in single player), but that still doesn't help in a game using checkpoints.
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If an auto save prevents me from getting an achievement and replaying the chapter takes a while then I'll probably stop. Depends on if I'm going for achievements in said game too obviously. It has happened but most of the time replaying chapters/levels doesn't take too long.
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Hmm, never thought of achievement hunting being a factor.
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Hmm, as far as I remember Fable-TLC had anytime saves in numerous save slots though? So you should have had another to go back to?
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Huh? Wticher 2 doesn't have anytime saves like the first?
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Moreso it doesn't autosave, so when you get wrapped up playing and forget to save and then you die stupidly, you lose like an hour of progress. I know, that's more a player flaw than a game design flaw, but I'm lazy and I want the game to do all the saving while I do all the sword swinging.
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No, actually a middle-aged working man. If all I did was flip burgers part time I'd have plenty of time to replay the same game over and over. But with 40+ hours a week working, a house, lawn, car and family to take care of and meals to prepare every night, I just don't have the schedule flexibility to continuously replay the same missions because I was enjoying a game so much I got too wrapped up in it.
Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed playing Witcher 2, it's just not the game for me after repeated setbacks. If it autosaved? I'd probably have it 100%ed by now.
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Yeah, but you should have been more used to a game not auto-saving if you're old enough to have gamed a lot during the days before persistent checkpoint auto-saving games.
And it's not like auto-saves would have solved your problem because what if rather than the way Dark Souls saves it would only auto-save every time you enter a building? Then you'd have lost just as much so really, auto-saving was not the issue here.
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Yes. I rage quit Witcher 2 yesterday cause something killed me and my last autosave was like forever ago. :/
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Nope, never.
In fact I prefer the game disallowing manual saves during some games like Turn Based Strategy, Tactical, or intense Action games (like Dark Souls). It keeps me on my toes and thinking strategically over how the "hell I'm going to get out of this mess".
Save scumming is just brute-forcing it until you win the game on your terms. No point even playing if your going to cheat.
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It's not about saving before any fight and then simply reloading that. It's about quitting and starting the game back up on my own terms, rather than a checkpoint that makes replay chunks of game.
If I'm stupid and I die and have to repeat then so be it. Games have always been like that, it's not a recent occurrence. What is a recent occurrence is that the checkpoints aren't always clear, so you're not sure where you'll resume after dinner...and sometimes it's quite far away.
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I know this is a pretty old and moot issue now but I still just wanted to bring it up.
Has a game's save system ever made you stop playing the game or have you ever entirely skipped playing a game because of how it saves?
Checkpoint auto-saves have become the norm and that surprises me because I find them to be so damn inconvenient and usually gamers give devs hell if they don't like something. Just look at the backlash due to paid mods. But we transitioned into check-point autosaves without so much as a peep. And that surprises me because I know we don't all have unlimited time and thus there must be others like me that have lost progress due their implementation.
My issue with them is needless repetition. The idea that have to replay a section of a game not because I was stupid or careless and died, but because I had to quit my gaming session due to it being dinner time or due to having to go to bed at a somewhat decent time as I need to be up early for school/uni/work, is utterly infuriating to me.
Now some games are pretty good at doing checkpoint autosaves. For instance Dark Souls or the Batman Arkham games usually leave me very little to redo when I get a chance to play them again. Or a game like Ryse is chopped into numerous little byte-size segments so I know my next definite save is always at the completion of the next objective 10 or 20 minutes away. But others can be pretty terrible like Shadow Chronicles which has a miserable save system that has often resulted in me having to replay quite a bit when I start playing it again.
Shadowrun Chronicles' save system is so bad that I've stopped playing (all my gameplay was offline btw so Steam won't show anything) and looking back at other games that I've yet to complete there have been a number of other casualties in the past like L.A. Noire, Splinter-cell Convition and Darksiders (in fact most Action games) to name a few. There are also titles I'm hesitant to start playing because of how they save like Thief and some other consoles ports because I suspect they won't do a very good job of saving my exact position. In fact Thief as a stealth game is really bad in this regard because I tend to play very slow and careful which often means I won't reach the next significant story point (which will likely let me save) within an hour so I need 2 at least.
In fact I find myself playing games less and less these days, not because I no longer like gaming, but because I can't find time chunks big enough to be certain I'll make progress meaningful enough to be saved. Instead I'll watch TV series or anime because I know that with those I can get enjoyment out of every available minute of my free time and I won't have to repeat anything I've already done.
I was just wondering whether I'm completely alone in this regard.
As an analogy just imagine playing a turn-based RTS which only saved at random turn intervals like turns 3, 9, 14, 25, 27 etc and gave you no option of saving manually. Or a real-time RTS which only saves if you destroy an enemy's building or when you lose a building. Could you accept playing those games? I couldn't.
Am I completely alone? Or have any of you also stopped playing a game or even skipped a game because of how it saved VS the time you had to play the game?
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