Do you want to upgrade your Desktop/Laptop?
My laptop:
Intel Core i5-2450M 2.5GHz
I got it in 2012, we went through a lot of good games and moments with it, but now my little war machine is a retired veteran, only the built-in Intel video card works.It copes with TV shows and Internet surfing.
I can't afford upgrade, but even if I could there are a higher priority financial goals
UPD. In case anyone is wondering what am I doing on the site, I play through the GFN =)
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I got mine January 2012, and I still use it a lot. I upgraded the drive, RAM, and GPU, and that's it. I think of buying a computer like buying a car; it is a long-term investment, so I can justify the expense by breaking down the daily/monthly cost over the life of the machine. For example, a $3000 rig used for 10 years is only $25 per month. I don't smoke or drink, so I have to do something with my money. XD
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Laptop has i5 something, 8 GB ram and integrated graphics.. used for work and got it for the sole purpose of it being 13 inch and small.
PC - still have my old build with one of those AMD FX processors, 8 GB of ram and still 750ti card. Totally want to upgrade everything.. on a budget .. but can't even upgrade on budget.. Probably will get some Ryzen 5, at least 16 GB ram and perhaps 1660 or 1650 card... Definitely under 500 EUR for GPU.. preferably 300-400 eur.. doesn't seem anything else will be available in that price range in the near future.. Any suggestions maybe ?
At least for now my workplace has workstation with Ryzen 9, 64 GB ram and 3070 card that I can use. Can't remember exact models, but at least while I dont switch workplaces I might just get by with that PC... Can't justify such a big purchase with my current salary so not very happy with the current price situation.
As for your build - can you seriously get 3080 for 700 EUR ? Or you are going based on MSRP ? Because in my country it costs 1,5k .. Can't even get 3060 below 700 EUR
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As for your build - can you seriously get 3080 for 700 EUR ? Or you are going based on MSRP ? Because in my country it costs 1,5k .. Can't even get 3060 below 700 EUR
On the official website, it's priced like that. Also, I've found the price to be similar on at the time when I was checking last year. But now I can't seem to find the video cards due to the new TI series.
Prices are a lot higher than I remember and that's crazy to see.
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well, RTX cards is one thing...
At the moment even the 1650 and 1660 are twice the MSRP. And most places can't even offer to buy one.. Shortage is real pain in the ass and probably wont end for a year or two... and who knows if the prices will even get back to normal when shortage will fix itself... People are still buying them at these prices, I don't hold much hope for prices getting close to MSRP for years to come...
3060 will probably never drop under 500 EUR even if MSRP is around 300 eur.. market has been fucked up. Anyone who has such a price basically show out of stock..
I'm either contemplating buying used card for the "old" new price or sucking it up and just paying 100-200 eur more for cards I can offer..
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Although crypto miners did their part, the shortage originated already at the manufacturing level with semiconductor shortage which affected everything that has chips in it - basically everything - cars, phones, computers... and of course GPUs ..
Can definitely find endless information about the shortage, what caused it and why it's probably long before markets get back to normal... °
Sad.. I almost bought 1060 6G just before covid hit ... I was trying to get it for 125 while asking price was 150 ... Why didnt I just pay 150 ? ..... Goes for 300 now....
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8 months since I commented here .... I don't work at the same place anymore so don't have the access to the workstation :D and still no upgrade to my own PC ....
It seems Ill do some minor upgrade to the old PC .. put in some lower end GPU so its not bottlenecking.. And hopefully will build my own PC with RTX card soon :D
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1660 Ti
16gb ram
Right now I'd like to upgrade the CPU & MBD though I don't know what I should get for 350$/300€ (if anyone has any suggestions please tell me)
A 3060 Ti would also be nice but not gonna pay these crazy prices,so maybe late 2022/early 2023 for that
And maybe upgrade to 1440p but cpu/gpu upgrades first
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Right now I'd like to upgrade the CPU & MBD though I don't know what I should get for 350$/300€ (if anyone has any suggestions please tell me)
Be aware that you may need a different Motherboard that supports the upgrade. AMD Ryzen Processors are a lot cheaper than Intel, and as far as I've heard, they are climbing to be on top of what Intel is producing in quality.
I have been an Intel fan for years and I always upgraded with them, but I am starting to look at other things than just that. Price-wise it might be difficult to find, if you go with something rather more compatible with the AMD, you might find more affordable prices. I have a hard time suggesting equivalent Processors for AMD, due to the fact that I don't know them very well.
Do check on this website for benchmarks.I use this website to check my best prices for building a PC you may find this one useful too.
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Good luck finding that 3080 at the price you mentioned 😉.
I made a pc for myself at the beginning of this year, all I lack is... surprise... a decent GPU. My current build is:
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Good luck finding that 3080 at the price you mentioned 😉.
That's why I approximated it, I am aware how inflated the price market is right now and the worst part is that the moment a new stock shows up, it's already sold.
I still hope for a 3070 or a 3070Ti at a decent price, so I can "finish"" my rig 😎...
I'd be happy with 3070 too if I can't get the 3080.
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I finally succeded to get a RTX 3070Ti (the Gaming OC version from Gigabyte) and I bought a GPU holder too, that card is huge XD.
Now I can say I don't have to invest more in my rig for a while.
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It costed still way too much (870 euros), but I made myself a present for my birthday😜
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My Specs are: i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz (4.50 GHz), 32 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Mobile GDDR6 6GB ][ more stats here
depending on my daily work and stuff, only upgrade i would like is to double the ram. now i have 32GB, would like to go for 64GB. cpu supports up to 128GB but that would be overkill, i think :D
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Sat on a 5600x/1050ti, all but given up on finding a GPU this generation as you'd figure the RX6500/3050ti/a passable Intel won't be available for less than £300, which is daft. Suppose there's a chance of reasonably(ish) priced 4gb versions but they don't seem like a smart upgrade.
By the time crypto crashes and the GPU market settles we'll likely be looking ahead to the next gen anyway, Still happy with 1080/60fps so if the shiny 1080p tier were to drop from the 6600/3060 to a quieter, cooler RX7500/4050ti it will have been worth the wait anyways - silent, a solid 60 and not a furnace is all I've ever really cared about.
Still, hardly a drama is it, been an excuse to plough through the Steam backlog if nothing else. Forgot how dope FTL was :)
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By the time crypto crashes and the GPU market settles we'll likely be looking ahead to the next gen anyway
This is what I'm thinking also. The fact that cryptocurrency affects the market so much is what placed a lot of gamers on the queue for new videocards to buy.|
Still, hardly a drama is it, been an excuse to plough through the Steam backlog if nothing else. Forgot how dope FTL was :)
By FTL you meant this?
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Mmmn, a true classic. Shame they never brought it out for Android, almost tempted to buy a Steam Deck just to play it on the bus.
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Funny how the announcement of Steam Deck suddenly cancelled all my plans to build a new gaming pc (no more waiting for gpu prices to normalize, heh). I figured a docked Deck will do just fine for most of my gaming needs, and it's cheaper than a mid-tier graphic card...
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Laptop Dell G5 15 5590:
i7-9750H CPU / 16 GB RAM / RTX 2070 Max-Q 8GB / 1TB HDD + 512 GB SSD
Those 16 GB RAM is 2x8GB DDR4, don't know what is the max RAM I can swap them for yet .. and honestly I got no idea if they will actually give me a serious boost down the line
Got it Summer 2020, I seriously hope it will keep me sated for 7-10 years more .. cause god only knows when (or if) I will ever get another gaming "rig" like it.
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For gaming, but either way that kind of upgrade won't be any time soon
So far I haven't run into memory issues at any of the games I have been playing on this laptop
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I use laptop with cpu i5 6th generation + Gtx 950m. It suprise me all the time how it still works and can run many new games, but I feel some limitations on details quality of games.
For now I am not looking for an update as it is behind more important stuff to me, so if I would buy new computer, it will be if that one stop work, cause I need it for work. My next bigger purchase is going to be new pet now, I will get it from breeder at December, but already I paid for it and accessories almost whole my 14th salary.
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I use laptop with cpu i5 6th generation + Gtx 950m. It suprise me all the time how it still works and can run many new games, but I feel some limitations on details quality of games.
Yeah a lot of them can run the game, but you can't play the game to its max or higher quality and that's sad, because it ruins some of the quality aspects of the game.
My next bigger purchase is going to be new pet now, I will get it from breeder at December, but already I paid for it and accessories almost whole my 14th salary.
I've got a parrot, what will you get? 😮
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I'm running Ryzen 7 5800x, EVGA 3080 FTW3 Ultra, and 32gb ram. I was running two 27" 1440p 144hz monitors until recently I bought a 38" Alienware Ultrawide. So now it's that and one of the 27" is turned vertical.
I was lucky enough to land the 3080 about 2 weeks after launch and at MSRP. It was nonstop checking and watching for drops but it paid off. I was also able to land a PS5 launch day so that was sweet as well. Then I decided to buy an XSX this year just because I like console gaming still and have friends on there. All this plus I own an Index I'm pretty set. I will be buying a Steamdeck though to finish out my collection.
Oh, and I have a Switch but I don't really play that much. It mostly collects dust or my daughter plays it. After the Steamdeck comes out I don't see myself really touching it at all.
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I'm running Ryzen 7 5800x, EVGA 3080 FTW3 Ultra, and 32gb ram. I was running two 27" 1440p 144hz monitors until recently I bought a 38" Alienware Ultrawide. So now it's that and one of the 27" is turned vertical.
Beautiful monitor, I've got an LG Ultrawide. At times, for my workflow, this is an excellent monitor, but sometimes for games that don't support it, it can be quite weird. There's a workaround, but it never beats the feeling of full screen, no black-bars feel.
I was lucky enough to land the 3080 about 2 weeks after launch and at MSRP. It was nonstop checking and watching for drops but it paid off. I was also able to land a PS5 launch day so that was sweet as well. Then I decided to buy an XSX this year just because I like console gaming still and have friends on there. All this plus I own an Index I'm pretty set. I will be buying a Steamdeck though to finish out my collection.
You are one of the luckiest gamers to be at this point. Congrats man!
Oh, and I have a Switch but I don't really play that much. It mostly collects dust or my daughter plays it. After the Steamdeck comes out I don't see myself really touching it at all.
Got a Switch too and I don't use it that much either. It's hard to find games that I like that I can't find on my PC or PS4.
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My current laptop:
Intel Pentium B960 @ 2.20GHz
AMD Radeon HD 7470M
4GB RAM (upgraded this year from 2GB)
Yeah, it sucks. Yeah, it can’t run most modern titles. But i can’t afford anything better, maybe some day :P
Currently if i want to play anything high-end, i just use GFN.
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Oh yeah, GeForce Now is an excellent choice for people who can't afford or don't wanna buy a newer computer.
At some point, I thought this may kill the market by a lot and allow players all over the world use these kinds of subscriptions and just play whatever they like.
PS: Thanks for reminding me about GFN, at times I struggle with some newer games as I can't play them fully. I wonder how they would work if I used their service. I hope there are no lags.
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I've used it without issue, maybe one stutter per 1-2 hours of gameplay. Mostly depends in your internet speed, and what server you hit. I've had times where i stsrted a game and it was a laggy mess, only for me to exit and reconnect and it's perfectly smooth.
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My Specs
Gtx 970 Ti
16GB Ram
i5 6600K
Im satisfied with it ,it can actually run most modern titles on 1080p 60fps High -ultra .
my Monitor is 23,5Z and 16y old .
i would love to upgrade toa Rtx 3070 though but prices are again rising because of Christmas presents x.x
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Im satisfied with it ,it can actually run most modern titles on 1080p 60fps High -ultra .
I felt that for my GTX 1060 struggled to carry to High/Ultra AC Odyssey or Cyberpunk. I had to tone it down to Low. Which modern titles are you talking about? 🤔
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i tried those games with Family sharing before.
Ac Origin+Odysey worked fine on Ultra (my friend had bigger issues with a rtx 2060 on Origin but it was fine on Odysey)(His fps not being limited made a huge difference in performence) .
Cyberpunk didnt start at all on release.(with family sharing but dunno if this was the cause)
the gtx 970 ti is actually pretty good i did some research before and its from test and gpu tests without bottle neck as good as the Gtx 1060.
I did build my pc with used parts custom but i had similiar results to you before i upgraded my Ram sticks to really speedy ones(DDr3 slow vs DDr4).
I deactivated most useless features from Windows 10 like Xbox interface etc.
i tested even Geforce Experience Vs manual install etc.
the Geforce Experience drivers had alot of useless stuff running in the back killing performence around 17% ,but for some Popular games (like Warzone you can add Filters to sharpen the game) 60-80% (is pretty handy on lower resolutions but it made the objects in the game more crisps on my old Pc .
i could probably write way more having a SSD is of course important too .
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Ac Origin+Odysey worked fine on Ultra (my friend had bigger issues with a rtx 2060 on Origin but it was fine on Odysey)(His fps not being limited made a huge difference in performance) .
This is very strange because I can run the game on Lower Settings, maybe umph a bit, but I would not have the game running constantly at 50-60 FPS. What was your frame rate? The biggest issue with Odyssey is that it loads a lot if I increase the graphics.
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R5 3600 with RX 6800 and 32 GB RAM. I am fairly satisfied though I have been contemplating CPU upgrade sometime next year. I was lucky to manage to get my GPU for MSRP directly from AMD after about a month of trying (and another 3 months of looking for a decently priced RTX card before that).
I am currently on the market for an upgrade for my SO who is running i7 3770k with 16GB DDR3 RAM and RX 6600 XT (that's gonna be part of the new build, as I managed to get it for a 'decent' price when it released, to replace RX 480 4GB the build was previously rocking).
For this build I am waiting for the Alder Lake reviews coming out tomorrow, if they end up positive and the CPUs are actually available for purchase, I am gonna grab the 12600k (approximate price is $400) and everything else (32GB of DDR4 RAM, mobo, PSU, Gen. 4 M.2 SSD and a case) should come to another $900.
If the reviews are negative or there is no availability, I will probably go with 11400f which costs around $200 over here and a cheaper mobo and probably only gen. 3 SSD, bringing the price down to around $1k.
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For this build I am waiting for the Alder Lake reviews coming out tomorrow, if they end up positive and the CPUs are actually available for purchase, I am gonna grab the 12600k (approximate price is $400) and everything else (32GB of DDR4 RAM, mobo, PSU, Gen. 4 M.2 SSD and a case) should come to another $900.
What's really funny is how PC gamers casually speak about spending $900 to $3000 on a rig, while Console users freak out when they found out the PS5 or XBOX Series X/S is over $600. 🤣
Best of luck!
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To be fair, it has been only recently that I have been able to be more deliberate with my spending. Previously I would have to save little by little for years before I could afford this but ever since we have moved in together and share two decent incomes we can afford to spend a bit on luxuries like a good gaming PC without having to save up for a year.
Consoles are still an immense value for the money. We got ourselves PS5 and it's pretty incredible considering it cost less than my GPU. If I weren't mostly into strategy games and also using my PC for work when on home office, I might have even considered going full console, considering the state of the GPU market.
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To be fair, it has been only recently that I have been able to be more deliberate with my spending. Previously I would have to save little by little for years before I could afford this but ever since we have moved in together and share two decent incomes we can afford to spend a bit on luxuries like a good gaming PC without having to save up for a year.
Had the same struggles really in the past. Now I can save for a month or 3 and get what I want. Makes a difference.
Consoles are still an immense value for the money. We got ourselves PS5 and it's pretty incredible considering it cost less than my GPU. If I weren't mostly into strategy games and also using my PC for work when on home office, I might have even considered going full console, considering the state of the GPU market.
I am also more comfortable on the PC, but I'm more than happy to own a Console. I got a PS4 and I still didn't playeverthing exclusive on it. 😅
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My previous console was PS1 which I have fond memories of (and it still actually works, I fire it up every 5 or so years out of nostalgia) but apart from that I haven't really touched a console until now and am still struggling to play with a gamepad, not to mention I have hard time playing from the distance our couch is at from the TV. We are planning to get a new one (probably 65 inches instead of our current 43) for Christmas which will hopefully make it easier for me to enjoy gaming from a distance (though it's also gonna be a switch from fHD to 4K so it might actually end up being just as hard for me to see properly). When that happens I am looking forward to finally give a spin to Bloodborne and Days Gone.
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Yeah, that is a solution. But it also makes it feel kinda pointless to do console gaming when you end up sitting the same way you do at your gaming PC, at least from my point of view. ^^ Maybe I will get some comfy armchair or a bean bag or whatever that's mobile while still more relaxing than an office chair in the future. :)
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Since I sit my entire 3 years on a silly chair that hurt my bum, I can say that I would rather be closer than to change the freaking size of text so I can see on my Monitor. Idk if my vision is playing tricks, but I prefer having the screen much closer to me.
There's a lot of people having the Consoles as a Dekstop setup and playing while at the desk. I think it might be your point of view and preferences. 😄
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I do too, I think gaming on the couch is a lot better and console gaming in that area is superior.
We can all debate on and off which is better, but since I got my PS4, 2 years ago, I can see how comfortable it can be playing video games. Now that may be something I don't notice, because when I'm at the desk, I tend to be aware of my position and I try not to slouch or something. On the coach, I tend to lean forward, or end up sitting with my legs on the side in a totally weird pose because I can. 🤣
I don't know if that's healthy, but I am less tired than in front of the PC.
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Ten year old desktop here, main specs and only original components besides the case (had to replace HD twice, motherboard, PSU and DVD drive over the years).
Core i7 2600k
8 Gbs of RAM
Radeon HD 6870 1 Gb
I can only dream of upgrading, but I probably couldn´t afford it even in dreams.
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Laptop: Acer Predator Helios 300 G3-572
RAM: SK Hynix (16GB) + Kingston (8GB) = 24GB DDR4 2400 MHz
CPU: Intel Core i7-7700HQ @ 2.80GHz
GPU: Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB
NVME: PNY CS3030 500GB
I plan to keep it for at least 1 or 2 years more and get a RTX laptop/desktop
I may also get a PS5 when they launch the Slim edition, as I hope it will be smaller and some games will be cheaper.
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Running on an MSI Ge75 Raider 8SF since January 2019.
RAM: Upgraded to 32gb
CPIU: Intel i7-8750H @ 2.2GHz
GPU: Nvidia RTX 2070, 8gb
Screen: 144hz,17 inch screen
I'm quite content with it, thunderbolt enabled usb-c would have been nice, but not a game breaker. I don't see myself upgrading for a while, last gaming laptop lasted about 7 years and only going on year 3 now. I don't anticipate upgrading to win11 until i have to, in which case that may drive an upgrade in.....2025?
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I'm quite content with it, thunderbolt enabled usb-c would have been nice, but not a game breaker. I don't see myself upgrading for a while, last gaming laptop lasted about 7 years and only going on year 3 now. I don't anticipate upgrading to win11 until i have to, in which case that may drive an upgrade in.....2025?
I think if the RTX 2nd generation would have been more affordable, I would have picked them as an alternative option. I thought at the time they were too expensive and RTX 3rd generation really beats them in performance, but now we're having issues with stock being unavailable.
I won't upgrade to Windows 11 until more features show up. Like anything new, it may lack touch and it's not yet promised to be worth it. I think Windows 10 was a good product.
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Custom Build
CPU - Intel Core i7 9700K Octa Core LGA 1151 @ 3.6GHz
Motherboard - ASUS ROG Strix Z390-E GAMING LGA 1151 ATX
CPU Cooler - Cooler Master MasterLiquid ML240R ARGB All-In-One
RAM - G.Skill Trident Z RGB 32GB (4x 8GB) DDR4 3200Mhz
GPU - ASUS GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER ROG Strix 8GB
SSD - Samsung 970 EVO Plus 1TB NVMe 1.3 M.2
HHD 1 - WD 3.5" Red NAS 4TB WD40EFRX 64M SATA3
HHD 2 - WD 3.5" Red NAS 3TB WD30EFRX 64M SATA3
PSU - Corsair HX-1200i ATX 1200W 80 Plus Platinum Modular
Case - Cooler Master Mastercase H500M RGB Tempered Glass E-ATX Mid-Tower
Mouse - Logitech G502 HERO
Mousepad - Logitech G240
Keyboard - Logitech G910 Orion Spectrum
OS - Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Monitor 1 - Gigabyte M27F (27" 1080p 144Hz IPS 1ms)
Monitor 2 - Samsung SyncMaster P2350 (23" 1080p 60Hz LCD 2ms)
Headset - Logitech G432
Custom Build
CPU - Intel Core i7 930 @ 2.8GHz (1st Gen i7)
Motherboard - Gigabyte X58A-UD3R (rev 2.0) LGA 1366 ATX
CPU Cooler - Zalman CNPS10X Extreme
RAM - G.Skill Ripjaws-X 16GB (2x8GB) DDR3 1600Mhz
GPU - ASUS Turbo GTX 970 OC 4GB
HHD 1 - WD 3.5" Red NAS 1TB WD10EFRX 64M SATA3
HHD 2 - WD 3.5" Red NAS 3TB WD30EFRX 64M SATA3
PSU - Antec TPQ-850 ATX 850W 80 Plus Bronze Modular
Case - Antec 1200 v1 Full Tower
Mouse - Microsoft IntelliMouse Optical 1.1A
Keyboard - Logitech G15
OS - Windows 7 Pro 64-bit
Monitor - Samsung SyncMaster P2350 (23")
Headset - Logitech G430
Built in August 2010. Only the GPU (was a GTX 470) and one HDD (was a WD Blue) have been replaced. RAM was also added. All other parts still working perfectly for over 9 years! Retired the PC just after XMas 2019.
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Mouse - Logitech G502 HERO
For how long do you have your Logitech mouse? My 2nd one right-click has issues like the 2nd and I'm now just bought and awaiting for the delivery to arrive today of Razor Basilisk V3. I just love the design of the C502, so I had to get something similar.
Built in August 2010. Only the GPU (was a GTX 470) and one HDD (was a WD Blue) have been replaced. RAM was also added. All other parts still working perfectly for over 9 years! Retired the PC just after XMas 2019.
When I upgrade I like to consider how it will run in the next 10 years too. I got my upgrade about 5 years ago or something. Not everything back then was the top gear on the market, so some things in my PC are older than 10 years, like my HDD.
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You probably won't have issues if it didn't start breaking as of yet. There's a lot of people having the issue with the mouse. I love it to bits, but I need to let it go. Because of it, it ruins any kind of aiming and holding attempts. I can't play shooters without having this issue all the time.
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My Potato:
Case: Thermaltake V200 Tempered Glass RGB Edition
Motherboard: Asus ROG STRIX B450-F GAMING II
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700X 8-Core 3.7GHz AM4
CPU Cooler: AMD Wraith Prism LED RGB Cooler Fan
GPU: Asus ROG 1050 2GB GDDR5
PSU: Corsair 650W
SSD: Samsung 860 EVO SATA 2.5" SSD 250GB
HHD1: Western Digital Black WD6401AALS 640GB 7200 RPM 32MB Cache
HHD2: Seagate 160GB 8MB 7200rpm SATA2 - Used for some backups
External HDD: ASUS FX External Hard Drive - 2.5-inch External Hard Drive, Aura Sync RGB, USB 3.1 Gen1, 256-bit AES Encryption
Monitor: Asus ROG Strix 27” Curved Gaming Monitor Full HD 1080p 144Hz
Keyboard: Razer Lycosa™ Mirror Special Edition ( I have to change it soon)
Mouse: Asus Rog Pugio
Headphones: Asus Rog Strix Fusion 300
It's not something special, but I'm happy with it
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i9 9900K @ 5,1GHz
GTX 1080Ti
I got the GPU secondhand thinking I will just keep it for a few months and upgrade to the 3000 series when it would come out. 2 and a half years later I still have it because it is just not realistic to buy a 3080Ti at the moment or any time soon. And I am a bit worried about it because it been starting to have weird issues with the ports (one DP port died already).
I do need to replace a broken SSD, but that is simply a problem of lazy (it is my OS drive and I cant be bothered to reinstall it so I am just dealing with all the issues it has) as I already have a spare one.
The rest will stay the way it is till it either dies or starts to not being powerful enough (I built it overkill hoping to get at least 5 years out of it, but considering how well it is still all performing I think/hope I will get even more out of it with just the GPU being replaced one day). I did however just upgrade my microphone and webcam and I am happy with those upgrades even if I did something I swore I will never do (...I bought something from Razor...but its actually a really nice webcam compared to the horrible Logitech one I had before so I am fine with it, but still...).
Laptop is an absolute potato from 2012, and backup PC is just spare parts from my old build from 2015 so I don't think its worth mentioning the specs of those.
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I got the GPU secondhand thinking I will just keep it for a few months and upgrade to the 3000 series when it would come out.
I resolve to second-hand buying too if I want something badly and based on the details it is in quality condition. It's a good alternative.
2 and a half years later I still have it because it is just not realistic to buy a 3080Ti at the moment or any time soon. And I am a bit worried about it because it been starting to have weird issues with the ports (one DP port died already).
It's a big leap to go for 3080TI at this point. I want to get the 3080, but if there's no alternative, I'm happy with 3070. I don't wanna spend a fortune on a video card. There's other things to invest money on.
I do need to replace a broken SSD, but that is simply a problem of lazy (it is my OS drive and I cant be bothered to reinstall it so I am just dealing with all the issues it has) as I already have a spare one.
I've had issues with my HDD who died on me and my system would not recognize it. Out of all the components in my PC, I value my HDD/SSD's more than anything, because without it, I would lose my work, games, documents and so many years of info.
Luckily, the HDD I lost was only storing games installed there, so I didn't worry about it. Investing in a SSD 1TB was the best thing I've done in a long time. Really happy about it.
(...I bought something from Razor...but its actually a really nice webcam compared to the horrible Logitech one I had before so I am fine with it, but still...).
I've got a Logitech 502 HERO Mouse and I honestly loved it for it's design and work (the free-wheel feature), but it's the 2nd of it's kind for the right click to die. I have ordered myself it's adversary, Razor Basilisk V3 yesterday. I dig the design of the mouse and it really is a nice mouse. I've heard a lot of praise on Razor's behalf, yet I never went for it. I don't think I'll be disappointed.
Laptop is an absolute potato from 2012, and backup PC is just spare parts from my old build from 2015 so I don't think its worth mentioning the specs of those.
I have a gaming laptop too that is close to the performance my PC is, but I don't like to game on it, due to the screen and keyboard being small.
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I resolve to second-hand buying too if I want something badly and based on the details it is in quality condition. It's a good alternative.
I was lucky enough to find a seller that lived 5 minutes away from me (which is an absolute miracle for where I live) so I could test the GPU myself before buying it. Would not have bought it second hand otherwise.
It's a big leap to go for 3080TI at this point. I want to get the 3080, but if there's no alternative, I'm happy with 3070. I don't wanna spend a fortune on a video card. There's other things to invest money on.
Yup, huge leap, but to me it just feels not worth spending the (already high) amount of money unless it is going to be a huge upgrade. Plus I would actually use its power due to streaming games (the 1080ti struggles with some when on max settings already). But if the GPU I currently have would die today I would be perfectly happy with a (decent priced please) 3070 as well. Completely understandable not wanting to spend a fortune, the prices are no joke.
I've had issues with my HDD who died on me and my system would not recognize it. Out of all the components in my PC, I value my HDD/SSD's more than anything, because without it, I would lose my work, games, documents and so many years of info.
Luckily, the HDD I lost was only storing games installed there, so I didn't worry about it. Investing in a SSD 1TB was the best thing I've done in a long time. Really happy about it.
I hope you have some sort of backup set up in case a drive with important data on it dies. If not I would highly recommend setting something up. I lost a drive last year out of nowhere (it went from perfectly fine to dead in a day, there were no warring signs its going) and it was not a good time. Thankfully I did have a backup, but the backup was partially corrupted so while I managed to recover 99% of the stuff, I did lose some (nothing important thankfully). So a backup for a backup is even better :D No, but seriously, if you haven't please do yourself a favor and setup a backup for anything important, because trust me, you will thank yourself if something goes wrong.
100% agreed on the 1TB SSDs!
I've got a Logitech 502 HERO Mouse and I honestly loved it for it's design and work (the free-wheel feature), but it's the 2nd of it's kind for the right click to die.
That is a coincidence, my boyfriend used to have the same one and literally just ordered a new, different mouse because he also had a 2nd one of them break on him the other day (not right click in his case, his started double clicking all the time).
I've heard a lot of praise on Razor's behalf, yet I never went for it. I don't think I'll be disappointed.
Interesting, I heard the complete opposite and that people had issues with Razer and that their hardware was constantly breaking (I know a few people personally who had this happen to them too). This was a few years ago however, hopefully things have changed since then and both your new mouse and my webcam live a long life! I also hope in general the new mouse works for you and feels good to use.
I have a gaming laptop too that is close to the performance my PC is, but I don't like to game on it, due to the screen and keyboard being small.
You could always plug in a monitor and keyboard into it, but that would completely negate the portability aspect of it and I assume that is the reason you have it.
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I was lucky enough to find a seller that lived 5 minutes away from me (which is an absolute miracle for where I live) so I could test the GPU myself before buying it. Would not have bought it second hand otherwise.
I personally don't meet many Slovenian gamers, they are either too quiet about where they live or it's just not so popular there to play video games. 😅
Yup, huge leap, but to me it just feels not worth spending the (already high) amount of money unless it is going to be a huge upgrade. Plus I would actually use its power due to streaming games (the 1080ti struggles with some when on max settings already). But if the GPU I currently have would die today I would be perfectly happy with a (decent priced please) 3070 as well. Completely understandable not wanting to spend a fortune, the prices are no joke.
True, another reason why I wanna upgrade. I wanna play games I enjoy and record/stream them, but I'm forced to downgrade my games to something I can run because I can't run them without massive lags. Last attempt I've had was for Ghostrunner. The game ran perfectly without the stream. Once I started it, I had to reduce the quality to Minecraft level. 🤣
I hope you have some sort of backup set up in case a drive with important data on it dies. If not I would highly recommend setting something up. I lost a drive last year out of nowhere (it went from perfectly fine to dead in a day, there were no warring signs its going) and it was not a good time. Thankfully I did have a backup, but the backup was partially corrupted so while I managed to recover 99% of the stuff, I did lose some (nothing important thankfully). So a backup for a backup is even better :D No, but seriously, if you haven't please do yourself a favor and setup a backup for anything important, because trust me, you will thank yourself if something goes wrong.
100% agreed on the 1TB SSDs!
I don't have yet, I plan on doing so. At this point, I feel I have a lot of space to store that I don't care what I install. 😅
That is a coincidence, my boyfriend used to have the same one and literally just ordered a new, different mouse because he also had a 2nd one of them break on him the other day (not right click in his case, his started double clicking all the time).
It's commonly known to have one of the two issues. I don't use the double-click that much.
Interesting, I heard the complete opposite and that people had issues with Razer and that their hardware was constantly breaking (I know a few people personally who had this happen to them too). This was a few years ago however, hopefully things have changed since then and both your new mouse and my webcam live a long life! I also hope in general the new mouse works for you and feels good to use.
Thank you and my wish that any upgrade you make lasts you as long as you want it.
You could always plug in a monitor and keyboard into it, but that would completely negate the portability aspect of it and I assume that is the reason you have it.
I bought it when I moved to UK because I could not carry both my wive's PC and mine. My wife wanted to game on it and so I decided to buy it. It's similar in specs to what she had and everything we played was working well.
Now that I got her PC, got it upgraded to what I wanted to upgrade. Basically, I wanna go for a mirror type of setup. Our cases look the same, just one is white (hers) and mine is black.
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I personally don't meet many Slovenian gamers, they are either too quiet about where they live or it's just not so popular there to play video games. 😅
There is only 2 million of us in total so the chances there are already small :D But I guess on top of that it is a combination of people not really advertising it around and people not being able to pace the accent at all (the amount of people who guess that I am German is actually ridiculous at this point, it doesn't even make sense to me).
True, another reason why I wanna upgrade. I wanna play games I enjoy and record/stream them, but I'm forced to downgrade my games to something I can run because I can't run them without massive lags. Last attempt I've had was for Ghostrunner. The game ran perfectly without the stream. Once I started it, I had to reduce the quality to Minecraft level.
Yea, it is so annoying when you have to do so. You want the game to look pretty for yourself and the people watching, but nope, gotta make it look like garbage for it to run fine. I swear most of the time it is also the games you the least expect to lag that they do as well. You would think Spelunky 2 looks like a potato and would stream fine? Hahahah no.
At this point, I feel I have a lot of space to store that I don't care what I install.
I wish I could be this way. I eat storage for breakfast and I am always running low. I have 3x 1TB SSD and they are all full. And that is not the only storage I have either, I don't have a problem, I swear.
Thank you and my wish that any upgrade you make lasts you as long as you want it.
Thank you! Same to you as well :)
I bought it when I moved to UK because I could not carry both my wive's PC and mine. My wife wanted to game on it and so I decided to buy it. It's similar in specs to what she had and everything we played was working well.
Now that I got her PC, got it upgraded to what I wanted to upgrade. Basically, I wanna go for a mirror type of setup. Our cases look the same, just one is white (hers) and mine is black.
Out of pure curiosity, no need to answer if you don't want to, but where did you move from? :o
Ahhhh makes sense. You should definitely post some pics when you get it all setup, I always found those setups really cool looking! :D
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There is only 2 million of us in total so the chances there are already small :D But I guess on top of that it is a combination of people not really advertising it around and people not being able to pace the accent at all (the amount of people who guess that I am German is actually ridiculous at this point, it doesn't even make sense to me).
Glad I haven't thought about that. Maybe the fact that you like Beer? Or the mouse likes beer? 😅
You would think Spelunky 2 looks like a potato and would stream fine? Hahahah no.
Wait... so you're saying it needs a beefier PC? 🤔
Out of pure curiosity, no need to answer if you don't want to, but where did you move from? :o
I lived my entire life until I was 27 in Romania. Born and raised there. 😄
Ahhhh makes sense. You should definitely post some pics when you get it all setup, I always found those setups really cool looking! :D
I will probably do so if we moved to a new home. I plan on setting up the desks and I would like to have it on the corner or something. 🤷🏻♂️
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Glad I haven't thought about that. Maybe the fact that you like Beer? Or the mouse likes beer? 😅
Hmmm could be a reason indeed. But I need to put the usual disclaimer here and say that I dont actually like beer and my username is a complete fraud since I am not actually a mouse either :D I know, shocking...
Wait... so you're saying it needs a beefier PC? 🤔
Nah, if you are just playing without streaming the game runs perfectly fine, it is only when I stream it the stream gets really really stuttery, but I can still play the game fine, its really weird.
I lived my entire life until I was 27 in Romania. Born and raised there.
Oh nice! You are not the 2nd Romanian i know who has moved to UK then :D
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Hmmm could be a reason indeed. But I need to put the usual disclaimer here and say that I dont actually like beer and my username is a complete fraud since I am not actually a mouse either :D I know, shocking...
Oh man, what a missed opportunity. You're none of them at all. 😥
Oh nice! You are not the 2nd Romanian i know who has moved to UK then :D
I've left the country knowing I get rid of Romanians and guess what? We are 6 mil or something here. 🤣
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CPU: i7-8700 4.6 GHz
MB: ASRock Z370 Extreme4
GPU: MSI GeForce GTX 1080 Gaming X 8GB
RAM: Patriot Viper 32GB 3400mhz
2x M2. SSD .. 1x 240GB 1x 2TB (no way my pc will ever see HDD inside)
yes its X years old setup but its pretty much enough for me to what i play. Dont need any better now. I play basically only PUBG
When i plan next upgrade? When there will be game i really need to play i buy completly new pc... ofc only when GPU prices will be normal. I play basically only PUBG, rarely smth else, no need upgrading. E.g i didnt played anything in last 11 days, no ultra PC needed :D
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yes its X years old setup but its pretty much enough for me to what i play. Dont need any better now. I play basically only PUBG
There's no need to upgrade if you only plan to play that for the next years. I've seen people upgrading their system to just play Minecraft, PUBG or League of Legends. 😆
E.g i didnt played anything in last 11 days, no ultra PC needed
Did the same for 6 years, only League of Legends and what I had was enough.
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Currently I'm using an AMD FX 8350 @ 4.2Ghz with 16GB of DRR3 @ 2133Mhz and an RX 580 @ 1450Mhz with 8GB of VRAM. For an upgrade I'd like to get a good Coffee Lake CPU and 32GB of DDR4. My reasoning is that I've already got a brand new Z370 motherboard collecting dust in my closet and this would likely be the most affordable upgrade path available to me.
Personally I wouldn't upgrade if I were in your shoes, your current setup is pretty good as is.
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Personally I wouldn't upgrade if I were in your shoes, your current setup is pretty good as is.
I do think my PC is still decent and honestly, it runs well most games I've played so far except a few that had some frame drops below 30 that I shelved them for "Will Play when I upgrade." I have alternatives as I could get the same game on PS4 and it might run there a lot smoother or use GeForce Now to play some of the games I want, which I plan to do this December.
AC Valhalla forces my PC to the limit at this point and I want to play it once I finish Odyssey, which struggles with Low settings.
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The good news is, your video card is likely the main thing holding you back and the only thing you need to upgrade. I played AC: Odyssey on High/Very High settings on a slower i5-6600K processor with 16GB RAM and a much faster GTX 1080 Ti (which I got used at a great price pre-Covid) and I was able to mostly maintain 55-60 fps at 6032x1080 (1080p x3 with bezel compensation) with lows of 45 fps. An RTX 3060 / RX 6600 XT would give you similar or better performance.
The bad news is, you can't buy a video card from a store right now, and even if you could, AIB partners have jacked up their prices such that the $500 RTX 3070 you're eyeing is now going for $860+ if you can find one in stock.
I've been looking for a video card for my daughter's PC - i5-3570K, 8GB RAM, GTX 670 - and it's just depressing. The only video card in-stock at a local store within an hour's drive of me is an RTX 3080 Ti at a ridiculous $2,100. The only other option is entering Newegg's lottery every day for a chance to pay $500 for a $330 RTX 3060 or $560 for a $400 RTX 3060 Ti. Yup, a lottery to be able to pay only 40-50% over the card's launch MSRP.
Right now is a terrible time to buy a video card - just as it's been for the past year, and is likely to be for the coming year. :(
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The good news is, your video card is likely the main thing holding you back and the only thing you need to upgrade.
It's also my CPU, my RAM are doing alright to be honest.
The only other option is entering Newegg's lottery every day for a chance to pay $500 for a $330 RTX 3060 or $560 for a $400 RTX 3060 Ti. Yup, a lottery to be able to pay only 40-50% over the card's launch MSRP.
I bought from Newegg and had it shipped to UK, but it did cost me an extra $200 to have it delivered here, but my wife got the 3070 as her old video card just died.
Right now is a terrible time to buy a video card - just as it's been for the past year, and is likely to be for the coming year. :(
I know a few ways how I can get it, but it requires timing and fast movement. Some stocks come at 3-4 AM in the morning. The idea is to have a bot that can alert you of stock changes and you're quick enough to purchase the damn thing. That's how I got the one for my wife and it only took me 2 hours to operate it until I've got results, but the downside was that I had to get it from US.
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You were able to get a video card in 2 hours?
Was this in the middle of the night?
No, it was somewhere between 3 PM to 5 PM when I purchased it (UK time) and was bought across the sea, from US. So judging by their time, it must have been early morning.
I don't know anything about bots.
The bot I've used is called Uptime Bot. This bot is used to monitor your or other people's Websites for downtime activities. The bot runs for free, but only updates you every 5-10 minutes I believe. The premium features updates you every minute or less, making it very easy to monitor websites you want to see if anything changes.
In the setting of it, you have a tutorial that can help you out. You can watch the full video to understand the process. I've never used a similar bot before so I found it very easy to follow up. It doesn't purchase for you, but rather informs you and with a premium account, you get notified by SMS, app, e-mail and whatever else there is, so you don't miss when there are changes on the websites. Now the downside is that not every website has an easier workaround as some websites made in such a way that bots can't detect changes in particular areas so you gotta think smart and if you are a good with computers and understand stores you may be able to change something that fits you.
From there on, it's all up to you how quickly you move and purchase your products. Make sure you have an account on the website you monitor so you easily click and purchase without going through the whole hassle of doing that on the spot.
What did you get, and how much did it cost before shipping?
I've paid for the videocard about £550 MSRP price for 3070. But I've had to pay £150 to ship the video card from US to UK. That hurt a bit, but my wife had the video card in no less than 4-5 days since the incident. It could have been quicker, I can't remember well.
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We're stuck between Bitcoin miners, chip shortages, low wafer throughput and logistical issues. I just got a brand new PC - but still use the old video card. Definitely not gotta break the bank for an average-ish VGA. In the summer 2022 things will probably get back to normal. There's also rumors Intel is gonna get into the fray in the vido graphics market - lets see.
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Hello friends,
Here's a question for you: What's your Desktop/Laptop Specs right now? Where do you want to be in the near future and how much would it cost you for an upgrade?
📉 My Old Dekstop PC Specs are:
📈 My New Dekstop PC Specs Upgrades are:
💸 I wanna get in the next coming months:
💷 Costs:
The prices listed and subject to change due to constant changes of the market. So don't take them for granted.
💵 SUB-TOTAL = £524.98 ($700.18/€623.88) (no GPU)
💶 TOTAL = £993.98 - £1,173.98 ($1,325.41 - $1,565.43 /€1,181.05 - €1,394.92)
UPDATE 23.01.2023: I finally got my hands on a GPU. I got an RTX 3080 and with it a PSU 750W otherwise the old PSU would risk affecting the new GPU. My setup is finally complete.
CPU: £768.59 ($951.18/€875.42)
PSU: £77.37 ($95.75/€88.13)
🌌 What do I plan to use it for?
Well, a couple of things:
Since I've listened to your feedback in the comments, I want to thank everybody who has shared their views. That has helped me to change my components and go for alternative upgrades. Thank you for your support! 🙏🏻
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