Wont buy this game till someone mods in a ape race.
I Want my character to be Donkey Kong.
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Would be a great class, pretty sure there is a ape race in the elder scrolls lore.
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My character is Redguard from Hammerfell. He is descendant my character from Morrowind, but he is forgot about ancestor. First time he had a bad. Thief and assassin of brotherhood. But later he returned on light side of the force (hello Obi-Wan) and he started it's own war with assassins. Some time later he going in Skyrim to destroy Dark Brotherhood. And story beggining... Something like this. By the way I destroy Brotherhood and trying to help people. Also he has scars (of course). And also he's bounty hunter and he search only one type of things. Daedra artefacts ( I found 16(!) ). Thanks for reading. Special thanks to Google for translate.
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yes on my steam profile I have screenshot with my character from Skyrim. Soon doing screenshot with character from Morrowind.
Edit: I don't know how doing link to my picture so I doing that
Face: http://steamcommunity.com/id/SuspectW/screenshot/541797441690943465/?tab=public
In Redguard Clothes: http://steamcommunity.com/id/SuspectW/screenshot/541797441690936218/?tab=public
Face thug like me in fire: http://steamcommunity.com/id/SuspectW/screenshot/541797441690948105/?tab=public
And also... my second character (he is bad): http://steamcommunity.com/id/SuspectW/screenshot/540673343503527441/?tab=public
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Way too lazy to do so such thing like this, tomorrow perhaps xD
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My character is Nord. Space Viking! He had traveled from far to find lands bountiful in dragons so he could kick some ass. Passed down from his ancestors, his voice is what led him to the land of Skyrim where he kills and devours dragons to learn simple sounds to kill and devour more dragons.
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Frankly, if I even started, I'd fill up a whole page with just two characters. Besides, they're too sexy for this forum anyway. Yes, even the Argonian.
Edit: Scratch that, especially the Argonian. Thank god for disease immunity the amount that guy bangs.
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Everything is in the title. I think it's an interesting idea to present your character, especially if you practice the role-play in the game =)
My Character : Yaslyn Belang (Full Mage Dark Elf) with his dog, Meeko and his horse, Shadowmere.
One of descendant of Dungar Belang (Warrior Dark Elf), Belang family (my old character in Oblivion game).
"Dungar Belang" was a dark elf, and propably died 20 years after Oblivion crisis (which had begun in 3E 433) in 4E 23, shortly after the "Summerset Isles" is renamed to "Alinor" by the Thalmor.
In 3E 433, he left his family, living in "Mournhold" at "Morrowind", to cross the "Cyrodiil" border and join the "Imperial City". But he was arrested by the imperials near of "Cheydinhal" city and jailed at "Imperial Prison". After his release and the end of the Oblivion crisis, causing the disappearance of "Septim" family, he joined the order of the empire in "Cyrodiil" early in the fourth era, despite its status as a dark elf and fought wars throughout "Tamriel". Arriving one day in "Skyrim" in 4E 4, he fell in love with a beautiful female Dark Elf named "Shrita", living in "Falkreath" village and gave a little boy named "Valas". But as a soldier, he was separated from her and left the territory the two following years during the "Red Year" by the eruption of the red mountain in Vvardenfell. By dint of living among the rotting corpses during conflicts, he contracted the disease "Serpiginous Dementia" in 4E 10. The following year, unable to find a remedy against the curse, even with the blessings of gods, it weakens over time, then considered too weak to fight again, he left the ranks of his army then returned to Skyrim in 4E 11 to see his love at any cost, hoping that she would accept despite his condition, disfigured by the disease. After 5 years of absence, he returned finally to "Falkreath", but learned with grief that she and her child died two years ago in an robbers attack on the town. Wounded by sadness, he recovered the house or had lived "Shrita" and his little boy, and began his monotonous life, holing up at home alone, only coming out very few. He was interested gradually to the "Skyrim" region, then began to study the ancient Nordic writings and learned of the existence of dragons shouts.
In 4E 23, an old man named "Dungar", hidden under his cloak, plagued by illness and devoured by melancholy, feared by the population, mysteriously disappeared, leaving his home to sink into the icy depths of the forest that surrounded "Falkreath". Since that day, no one saw him return, and people declared his death. Unfortunately, his writings disappeared with him...
It was only in 4E 201 when a young female Dark Elf named "Yaslyn", and belonging to the family "Belang", leaving "Mourhold", his hometown, to travel up "Skyrim" and studied magic at the college of "Winterhold"... and begins searching the writings of his ancestor, not knowing that she was the dragonborn...
I love the Elder Scrolls series for the role-play, because every episode, I create a character from the same family, and finally to build a family tree ^ _ ^
This is just the begin of the story for my character... and you ? =)
Note : sorry for my bad english, i'm french >.<
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