I recently saw a giveaway for Escape Mechanics, which has been available for free in the past. Can someone explain how that system of free games works?
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The game still giveaway list......I don't know.
but someone have the free games list discussion.
Can't GA Free Games List
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It's "Escape Machines" and has never been given out for free massively.
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The game was priced $60 and had 85% off on Steam store, as a result the Russian price went over 95% off of $60 USD, hence added to bundle list. Then, the base price of the game dropped to $20 USD, so the 95%+ discount is no longer the case.
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Why do they keep this a rule for everyone?
I mean, I cannot redeem or activate anything if it isn't ROW or latinoamerican region, I live in Argentina (south america).
I do know russians themselves could profit from this and I guess so far SG doesn't have a way to control this, so they could exploit it with their russian keys & gifts and/or also pass them as ROW? IDK
I can't neither adquire a cheap copy for me nor to make a giveaway, so I'd love to get a way to filter that bundle list, to make it on par as steam regions.
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wouldn't that be unfair? so we can buy something at 85% and get full CV, and a russian guy pays maybe 30% of what we paid, but gets only 15% CV?
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yup, fairness is as real as unicorns, magic and a real life cheat for money, type rosebud for lolz...sigh
I'm thinking it already have access to your account info (region) and IP. can't it just read between the lines?
but yeah, if it's just ONE person and he already has lots of work, then unless someone helps him then no way we see "more fairness" in here.
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still, the loss a russian would have if all his gifts were bundled is quite a bit higher than what australians have to pay extra compared to us prices (which on average is not 200%). i guess we have different layers of unfairness here, and i'm not saying i know the ultimate solution to the problem. ;)
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I wouldn't know how much actual effort is needed; I'm no coder, but as I mentioned below, couldn't it read from steam accounts, (region) and IP? if it's russian then filter that game RU as bundled, I'm realizing then that if they had or wish to giveaway a ROW version they couldn't, SG wouldn't allow it because it 'thinks' they'd be exploiting the system..
Fault is all of Valve's, divide and conquer, huh?
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1st of all - what problem is it for russian to log in via european/US VPN to create ROW GA and invite russians to it and send them RU copy?
2nd - it would exclude all russians (and they are the biggest countyry community on SG besides US, if you'd add all CIS countries, there would be bigger than US even) from any SG activity besides interacting with other russians - they wouldn't be able to join groups, participate in closed nor public events, make puzzles etc. And it's not like all russians are exploiting the system. I know quite a few big SG names that even while being from region locked countries manage to get ROW gifts/keys in order to participate in general community, not just in russian sub-community. Take Sleepy as an example.
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I prob didn't word it correctly, I don't mean to exclude them, I have no problem with russians btw ru women are sexy af! I thought that you needed to use your normal IP, the one that matches your steam, yet this is for already created accounts; new ones would be required and ToS forbids to have more than 1 account so...way too much work, lazyness takes care of it XD
They are so big of a market chunk, would affect too much of it so it makes sense. I praise russians creativity when dealing with problems and coming up with ways to solve or bypass stuff, hats off to them :)
But yeah, terrible time consuming and excruciating coding efforts just for a few games here and there! it's a lot easier just do what's being done, for everyone, shades and a slug <deal with it> :P
ps. Sleepy does sound familiar, I've prob read him/her sometime tho I cant quite match the name with an avatar; ah huh moment
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ok, now I understand you and wil tell you - this cannot work - Steam API is not giving away Steam user IP, SG using Steam Api has no way to determine whether Steam account is associated with Russian IP/region or not. Only way to do it would be to check what IP users log in withing SG and it can be easilly cheated using VPN.
And Sleepy is SG's moderator :> https://www.steamgifts.com/user/SleepyCat
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Awesome! thanks for the effort and detailed response. Keeping it kind and relaxed when it could had easily exploded.
Glad to be here :)
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oh wow this is awkward.. you made me check it up close, did that, saw I had him whitelisted don't know why or since when, must have said or done something I liked, but here's the kicker: I'm in his blacklist! :P
how's that for a karma kick? I feel I gave 1 step forward, 4 steps back.. but you know, serves me right for being so--
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yeah well shit happens, I guess I can take it.
Would wish to know why tho, I can take almost anything except maybe not knowing..
This is just the perfect example when ask for a way to know this sort of things, then it's up to the user to apply eye for an eye or let stuff slide, like oil on water.
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They'd still be able to do those things even if they would be more limited.
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how exactly? if they can nly create Ru copies - they cannot be part of non-Ru GA groups, participate in non-Ru events or make puzzles for non-Ru community. If their ROW GAs are counted as bundle no matter if they make RU or ROW GA it's even more unfair than it is now. Because now if sth gets bundled because it was 90% off you still pay 10% price if you're ROW to get 15% CV. And if they were to be buying ROW copies for GAs they would be paying ROW price (+trading fees) to get a bundled CV, while all the rest of community gets full CV for paying less. it's no longer difference between paying 10% or 5% to get 15% of CV, but rather between paying 10% to get 15%CV and paying 10% to get 100% CV. Much bigger difference that is present in current system
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Neither CV or fairness have any bearing on it. You said they couldn't do it when they would be able too, it'd just be more restrictive.
Groups aren't a site feature, they could still freely join groups where they met the groups requirements. They could still participate in events and make/solve puzzles. There are plenty of users here already who go into puzzles knowing they don't meet the requirements or already have the game.
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First of all - grpoups are site feature. They are explained in FAQ, you have group GAs, group wishlists, stats, history, support related group categories - how are they not a site feature? Not to mention the fact that groups and private forum activity is what differentiate SG from countless other GA sites.
Going further - if they cannot make ROW GAs they cannot join GA groups, because they cannot make GAs for said groups unless the groups are russian groups. So yes, you are excluding them from any international group. They cannot make puzzles because of the same reason - they cannot make puzzle for whole international community if they cannot make ROW GA.
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Wishlist and levels are site features, groups are a Steam feature that the site supports. Creating giveaways isn't always a requirement for joining groups. Not all groups are primarily giveaway groups and of those that are they'd still potentially be able to join those that had a ratio requirement rather than the "number of giveaways a month" requirement.
As for puzzles, again the puzzle and the "prize" are separate. As I said before site users can and do enter puzzles where they already own the game or don't meet the giveaway requirements. There'd be nothing stopping them making puzzles for the whole community they'd just have less potential entries in any giveaway placed at the end.
The only thing they'd really be locked out of entirely would be private giveaways and in particular the large forum events that are open to all (blacklists aside). Regular private giveaways they all ready have limited access to like every other user on the site due to all the options available to those creating them.
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yes, these are steam features - does not mean they cannot be site features as well. Site provides functionalities for groups that steam does not - giveaways, wishlists, stats - thus groups are site features as well.
And sorry but your asrgumentation is beyond stupid - "everything's fine, they can still join GA groups, just cannot use them because they cannot make row GAs, they can still make puzzles, because puzzles don't need to have a prize at the end . 99% of community won't solve puzzle for GA they can thety won't be able to enter. 99% of GA groups won't accept member if they know most of the group won't be able to enter ANY of his GAs.
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I'm not saying anythings fine or that such an idea should be implemented just that they could in fact still do most of these things despite your repeated claims that they wouldn't be able too.
I'm a member of a group that has giveaways but isn't specifically a giveaway group. It doesn't require regular giveaways but instead has a gave/won ratio requirement. Anyone could theoretically join that group as ratio wouldn't be an issue. Even if there was otherwise a requirement for a monthly giveaway there's no reason they still couldn't be accepted into a themed group for anything else the group did as they wouldn't be able to enter the giveaways anyway.
I also never said a puzzle doesn't need to have a prize at the end. I said the puzzle and the prize are separate. I participate in puzzles when I know I have the game, or can't enter it and so do others. Puzzle creators also often don't post the requirements before hand so you wouldn't even know till after completing the puzzle whether or not you could enter.
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how not being able to make gas for groups, puzzles, events do you count as being able to "still be able to do most of activities"? no, they would not be able to do most activities. maybe small minority of gfroups that would be fine with members that cannot make GAs yet are allowed to enter GAs, but that's it. Most of things they would no longer be able to do.
If the ratio in group you mentioned is a groiup ratio - then yes it is an issue, cause they cannot make a single GA for a group, because most ppl in the group are not russian and cannot enter their GA.
And as for puzzle, I'm tired of repeating myself - maybe for you it's fine to solve a puzzle when you know you won't be able to enter GA at the end. for 99% of community it's not.
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There giveaways will obviously have more limited entrants and I agreed with you on that point but they'd still be able to participate in almost all elements of the sites.
You need to separate creating and entering. A giveaway is made with the intent of it being entered but having entrants isn't a requirement for creating it in the first place.
They could create giveaways and they could create puzzles, who could then enter them is another issue.
As for the group ratio it isn't a problem at all. If they don't enter, they don't win, if they don't win they aren't going outside of the allowed ratio
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you really live in some fantasy world dude... they can still do most of the things? really? listen to yourself... they can make puzzles that almost noone will be able to join, they can join GA groups, even ratio groups but not enter a single GA because they are not able to make a single GA, if you limit their GAs from over 90% of the community, the community itself won't want ppl like 6these in their groups. You are not "directly" limiting them, but undirectly you do as hell.
And this is the last post form me here, because your arguments are simply beyond idiotic and I see no point in repeating myself. If you see no problem with this and think it still leaves you most of activity possible - why don't you prove it? Make all your GAs from now on RU locked. All your private and group ones - after all if you make RU GA and send ROW gift it is ok. And let's see how your private GAs will do since you start doing so. Let's see how will your groups react and how you will be able to freely continue to do most of your activity on SG.
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It doesn't matter who could enter their giveaways. You're outright saying they couldn't do those things whilst they could just with less entries in their giveaways.
I do think that would be a problem and I never said otherwise. The thing I had issue with was you spouting your view as fact. Regardless of entry numbers they could still do everything except join private giveaways which at current they may not be able to enter anyway due to all the possible requirements a giveaway creator can pit in place.
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"Regardless of entry numbers they could still do everything except join private giveaways" and I am saying you are wrong. Because for example - they could not continue to be members of their GA groups because they could no longer be able to provide GAs for said groups.
Wanna prove me wrong and prove you yourself right? I said - make all your GAs the same way you do them now but set RU region on each and every one of them. And then we will see how longer you will be able to stay in all your groups, we'll see how successful will your puzzle/forum GAs end up being, we'll see how eager will all the groups be to invite you the moment you tell them "yeah, but you know - I can make RU locked GAs only". Do so! After all due to your own words you could still do everything the same you do it now, you'd simply had a few less entriess in your GAs.
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There was no mention of staying in groups anywhere, only of joining groups. And it wouldn't make a difference to my groups as none of them require giveaways. I've been in those groups in the past and even run them and it's really not worth the hassle involved s I generally don't bother with them.
I don't need to prove myself right because I am.
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if you are then do so - it will be no difference.
But I know exactly well that you won't because you know that despite what you are talking that it is wrong :> There is a very simple method to prove yourself right. Not by theorethical word but by actual emphyrical proof. You refuse to make irt despite saying over and over how you are 100% sure you are right etc - it only shows that even if your own eyes your whole argumentation is bullshit ;) Because in words you are 100% sure, but when someone asks you about action suddenly you are not willing to take it :>
I rest my case as it is :>
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I think the same situation.
7 month ago's discussion
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It's as PlyrStar93 said, the price is down to $20, and since it was only 50% off since the price drop, the game has never been available for ~95% off the current US price. Same with The Evil Within (+ The Evil Within Bundle).
This isn't the first time this happens, Lords of the Fallen was removed for the same reason.
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Should I expect Sunrider Academy to be removed from the bundle list as well then? :p (since base price dropped from $30 to $10). Don't care much about CV, but just wondering (since in 2hu group non-bundled games have double point value by default) :3
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I got bioshock infinite, mafia ii, civilization v and xcom enemy unknown from a global gmg+golden joysticks giveaways over the years and they are not in the banned list.
Spec Ops the Line is 96% off in humble indie bundle sale, it should be banned, the value dropped dramatically. SG is only for expensive games.
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I think SG is the site that we share game we consider good or fun with others. :)
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Hi I just found that my SG level to Lv.3 , that is strange.
Then I first check the SGtools real CV still Lv2,
second I check the SG bundle-games,
Wolfenstein: The New Order can't find it now.
should I happy? XD
Do you have the same situation?
(Sorry my English not very well)
Now I know the reason, and sync the SGtools is correct.
Thank you :)
The Reason Reply
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