Wouldn't say that's a forgotten game as they have made new ones up until a couple of years ago.
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couple of years ago ? Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands was a almost a decade ago (2010) unless there is some mobile game I'm not aware of... also giving how Ubi handle their franchises it is better if they stay away.
Personally: iOi Freedom Fighters (2003), they got the IP when they split from Square Enix.
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I have no problem playing classic games as they were originally made. Actually, I think I would prefer to play the originals over HD remakes.
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Some games hold up really well. Others... not so much.
For example, I could not play Metroid today but I loved Metroid: Zero Mission, and while I'm sure the gameplay of Master of Magic holds up well today, the text is almost painful to try to read.
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Metroid is the style of game that I would prefer to play the original. I like playing original games from NES, SNES, or older. I might feel better with playing an HD remaster of a game that tried to look realistic, but wasn't able to because the technology wasn't available, like PS1 era games.
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If you can play the original Metroid, more power to you. I tried, and very quickly gave up. I love the Zero Mission remake, but the original is way too dated for me.
Same for stuff like Final Fantasy - I loved playing the original as a kid, must have beaten it at least 4 times with different parties, but I know I could not stand to play the game today. And those Nintendo-hard games that I couldn't beat even as a kid... I wouldn't stand a chance at them today.
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I don't think I ever had a problem with that. I like to experience the games how everyone else experienced them in the past. The only games I can think of off the top of my head that I played recently where people complained about the controls are the original Tomb raider with tank controls, Little Big Adventure, and the flying in Tex Murphy: Mean Streets. I quickly got use to the controls in all the games and didn't have any issues.
The original controls are part of the experience. It's like not having vertical aim in Doom, I wouldn't want to change that. It's just my opinion and what I like though, everyone is different.
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I have never played a Dune game and I don't really play those style of strategy/building games, so I don't know what the controls are like. The last building games I can remember playing were Warcraft 2 and the original RollerCoaster Tycoon.
I just pulled out my old Windows 95/98 games because I couldn't remember which Warcraft game it was and I also have one called Caesar 2, but I don't think I played it much. Now I've got nostalgia and want to play Torin's Passage and The Lost Mind Of Dr Brain :)
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Gex, Jersey Devil & Croc needs the Spyro/Crash treatment.
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I STILL say my all time favorite quote from that was in Gex 2- "I'm FLAMING! In that... Manly sort of way...."
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Add Klonoa and Tomba!/Tombi! to the list and I will have be a happy former PS1 kid.
EDIT: Klonoa might actually get that sweet treatment someday.
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Any Legacy of Kain ...
"Blood Omnicide" looked so damn neat, but as with any fan made mod I doubt it will ever be finished.
Last game came out in 2004, then Dark Prophecy got cancelled, then Dead Sun got cancelled, then Nosgoth got cancelled.
Such a pity really.
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Never played Faxanadu, but I have many fond memories of playing Crystalis. Also Willow, and Dragon Warrior 4.
But I feel like these games either hold up just as well today (I imagine Crystalis would hold up well), or need a lot more than an HD remaster - like a full remake like Metroid Zero Mission.
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I imagine Crystalis would hold up well
I beat that game a few years ago, and I think it would need the Metriod: Zero Mission treatment since way too many areas were just "copy/pasted hall and maybe some enemies" without any actual level design. Then again, that's still how most hack 'n' slash games are designed today...
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Syndicate and Syndicate Wars were amazing, Bullfrog were one of my favourite developers at the time (Populus, Flood, Magic Carpet, Theme Park, , Dungeon Keeper, Theme Hospital, and the forementioned Syndicate games) - they seemingly couldn't do much wrong, until EA swooped in and took over, ending with the studio's closure.
Anyway... not quite as good as the classic game you're remembering, but Satelite Reign was touted as a spiritual successor when it was announced, and it is quite a decent game worth playing. It's currently on sale at 85% off, which is a cracking deal.
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Outlaws by Lucasarts. 22 years have not been kind to it... :P
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Have that on my Xbox and Love that. Got almost all at 100%, just few of this Time Levels, Hostages shit what is very hard to finish. :D
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Wait, what? :D I know Black too and like it and got it also almost at 100% or have it at 100%. Not sure, long time. Wish could be also on PC with some other Games. :D
And with good, not really, some Levels i had to bite my Ass and tried many Times. Also in Black. ^^
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Banjo-Kazooie and the whole Rogue Squadron Trilogy.....also I want new games for both of these series :D
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if I recall correctly
You do. However, it doesn't support modern (or even widescreen) resolutions and it's actually a bit tough to run post-Windows 7. Considering the gap between the two dates you just mentioned, I think we're due for another shot. Moreover, there simply aren't that many pirate games that actually do it right. Enhanced with modern advents and opened up to modding, the possibilities make one wonder.
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I remember having no problem playing the latest iteration of Pirates last time I tried, and I know it was windows 10. But I understand that it can vary from person to person, My biggest concern is they don't dumb it down, like they did with Railroads.
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Would love to see some of the mid-late 90s 3D remade into something where the environments wouldn't look as empty and overly functional. Max Payne 1 (and to a lesser extent 2). Thief 1 and 2. Deus Ex. Legacy of Kains. Early Silent Hills. Come to think of it, most of the PS1 catalogue.
Also a bit miffed that between the remasters of Day of the Tentacles and Monkey Islands no one thought of Loom. ;(
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+1 for Thief 1 and 2. They might have been great games for their time, but the graphics and usability are very dated. They came out at a peculiar time, with 3d acceleration being still young and 3d first-person-perspective games in their "wild west" period.
BTW I played Loom a few years ago (so quite recently, in the bigger picture), and I wasn't that impressed. In my opinion it's not one of the great classics.
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At least for Thief 1&2 I can assure you it has been done.
The engine got some huge updates over the past years. Which not only enables modern resolutions, HD Textures, DX9 Support and and and
And with the very active modding community the original missions and especially fan missions shine just brightly ;)
Man I'm so a thief lover^^
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see above post ;)
If aynone should be interested check out the GOG versions as it is maintained by the community.
https://www.ttlg.com/forums & www.darkfate.org[Russian but a very good source]
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Ta, and yeah, the HD and widescreen mods do help the situation immensely. Loved the new lighting engine, too. Between those and the Dark Mod, the TTLG modding community were a breath of fresh air after the lacklustre Thief 2014.
It's just that over the years, you're starting to see the limitations of the original design and the engine - like, how the relative scale of some of the rooms prevents them from feeling truly habitable, how there's rarely anything decorative in the interior outside of purely functional things, most of the windows are closed and there are no curtains (that is, most map objects are baked in as static meshes, with no physics attached), that sort of thing. What I see as a true remake would be something like the TDM team getting the permission from the Thief IP holders to recreate the T1 and T2 missions in TDM. With curtains, particles, bells, and whistles attached. Mmm. :j
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Ah, TDM, I didn't have that on my radar anymore. I actually was quite involved in the Doom3/idtech4 modding community back in the day, I wrote some character model and animation importers/exporters/viewers.
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My glorious modding days flew by with me finishing exactly one HOMM4 campaign, so I don't quite have the same personal investment. :j But yeah, TDM seems to be doing pretty well, with several updates and new missions from earlier this year. It's good for a Thief-like fix, and it does ease people into the original Thief's design language - but it doesn't familiarise people with the original two Thief games themselves. And I hate to see those get all old and clunky (if lovingly facelifted).
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Legend Entertainment games (Shannara, Death Gate, John Saul's Blackstone Chronicles, Companions of Xanth).
Also I wouldn't mind a remaster of The Longest Journey, but this one doesn't fall under "forgotten" category fortunately.
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XIII and also waiting for part 2 of it. Somehow Ubisoft forgot it sadly. The Game has a Open Ending and can see that there is much more.
Hogs of War and also still sad that Hogs of War 2 got cancelled.
Would Love also to see some Xbox Games on PC, like Batman, Urban Chaos Riot Response and some more, what are sadly only on Xbox. ^^
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Wait, what? ::D Didnt knew that, thanks for the Information.
If it will get also part 2 in End, will be much more Awesome. ;-)
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Never played FF. My first FF i saw as Lets Play was X/X2 and was falling in Love and that i have in my Wishlist since long, long time. ;-)
No, i meant the Comic Game (if can calling like that, not sure ^^), its Awesome, but sadly not finished. Why i dont know, i dont know what happened and why they forgot about it
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Tenchu was fantastic. Have you played Sekiro? It's slightly Tenchu inspired, thanks to FromSoftware's involvement in some of the sequels. I haven't played it myself yet, it's on my wishlist. It looks like much more direct swordplay than Tenchu, but still retains some of the rooftop-running stealth elements.
I never played Vigilante 8, but it always looked similar to the Twisted Metal series. Did they play the same?
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C-12: Final Resistance and Apocalypse. And a little less forgotten but still awol for a long time, Syphon Filter.
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About Faxanadu (aka. the NES version of Dragon Slayer 2: Xanadu): There's Tokyo Xanadu which is supposedly a semi-sequel / spin-off / modern-day reimaging. And Falcom have hinted they'd be willing to do a sequel to that one. Maybe if that happens it'll get some stronger ties to the original Xanadu series plot-wise.
As for myself.. I'm just happy that Panzer Dragoon is getting a remake: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1154790/XIII__Remake/
But I'll also throw in Eggerland Mystery / Adventures of Lolo for good measure.
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This one just came into my mind at random, but Blast Corps would be a cool one. The game's all about environmental destruction so it would really benefit from an upgrade, not just in terms of visuals but stuff like destruction physics and all that.
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ctrl+f 'dragoon'
yeah legend of dragoon easily gets my vote.
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We have been seeing a lot of HD remasters of games these days. But they are all of the popular ones.
Lately, I have been revisiting some music of my favorite old games and found this from one of my all time favorite NES games, Faxanadu.
So that got my thinking (I know, I know. It's a bad BAD thing) about older forgotten games that you would to see as a new remaster.
Well, as I said just now, Faxanadu would probably be on the top of my list.
Maybe a new version of the original Wizards and Warriors or bring back Crystalis too.
An Unreal 3/4 engine of Dungeon Magic would SO work today too.
And I know, a lot of people will say Skies of Arcadia. I 1,000,000,000% agree with that too.
What forgotten games would YOU like to see as an HD remake or with today's graphics engines?
Edit- decided to add in a small GA for y'all.
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