We have been seeing a lot of HD remasters of games these days. But they are all of the popular ones.

Lately, I have been revisiting some music of my favorite old games and found this from one of my all time favorite NES games, Faxanadu.

So that got my thinking (I know, I know. It's a bad BAD thing) about older forgotten games that you would to see as a new remaster.

Well, as I said just now, Faxanadu would probably be on the top of my list.
Maybe a new version of the original Wizards and Warriors or bring back Crystalis too.

An Unreal 3/4 engine of Dungeon Magic would SO work today too.

And I know, a lot of people will say Skies of Arcadia. I 1,000,000,000% agree with that too.

What forgotten games would YOU like to see as an HD remake or with today's graphics engines?

Edit- decided to add in a small GA for y'all.

5 years ago*

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Legacy of Kain, and Dune games, obviously.

But for more obscure IPs, I think that we need a good game based on

  • The Neverending Story universe (last game is from 2002)
  • Terry Pratchett's Discworld (last game is from 1999)
  • The Three Musketeers (Could be an amazing and funny point and click adventure with multiple characters, like Unavowed or Day of the Tentacle)
5 years ago

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5 years ago

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almost all of PS1 games, some already did
early 3D graphics did not age well its painful to watch
but im missing my dino crisis and MGS.

5 years ago

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Oh Dino Crisis, i love that 2 Games. Dino Crisis 3 is a Pain in the Ass, sadly. But was then on Xbox later. First happy s my Uncle said, he saw Dino Crisis 3, he was buying it as a Gift for someone else, but he had the wrong Console, so my Uncle gave it then to me. But after i put the DVD in, i got shocked.

Would Love to see Dino Crisis 1 & 2 and then New and better Dino Crisis 3. ^^

5 years ago

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Wing Commander
Brave Fencer Musashi
Radiata Stories

5 years ago

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I would also like to see the whole Wing Commander series remastered.

5 years ago

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Squadron 42 could be count as Wing Commander remake since its all started after EA didn't let Chris Roberts to develop remake of Wing Commander. It even have ships like Hornet and Bengal but our space cats lost their manes and turn into some kind of reptilian to avoid lawsuits.

5 years ago

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None. Nearly every remake is made by people that don't understand what made the originals great.Really sick as of people remaking games without the heart and soul of the originals.

I think Capcom (with Resident Evil) and Nintendo (with Zelda Links Awakening) are about the only companys that did a good job here.

5 years ago

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I loved the remaster of Shadow of the Colossus (from PS2 to PS4). They kept faithfull to the original and it's still fantastic in every way.

5 years ago

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Zombies ate my neighbors, I loved that game.

5 years ago

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This would be what I would nominate as well. Sadly, it seems extremely unlikely it would ever happen though. Because Disney. And on the tiny off chance that they did ever revive the IP they would probably just end up pooping out something completely bastardized instead.

You know there are really great mods with all new levels out there if you've never played them. I've tried "Ultimate Zombies Ate My Neighbors", "Oh No! More Zombies Ate My Neighbors!", and "Zombies Ate My Neighbors - The Sequel" and they were all very well done.

5 years ago*

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I had no idea about the mods, it never occurred to me that there could be mods for it, I might check them out. And you´re right, they´d manage to ruin it if a remake/sequel or whatever was ever released. A ffew years ago there was a fan project but it got shut down by Lucas Arts (it was before Disney came along I think),

5 years ago

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Need for Speed Underground

5 years ago

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Thats NFS (2015)
You may not like the controls. regardless, it's the closest you will ever get to a remake with Ghost. That's about it, they have 1 developer for NFS

5 years ago

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When I was a kid there were 2 point and click games of The Pink Panther.
One was called "Passport to Peril" and the other was called "Hocus Pocus".

They were my first point and click games, and they also had an hebrew version (my native language) so I could play them even though I was very young. They had great storyline and great gameplay, a lot of things to solve (even adults could enjoy them), and really nice songs as part of the storyline, but what I liked most about them was how educational they were without the kid playing them even noticing. I learned SO much from these games about the world, a lot of random facts, and world history, and things about other cultures, without ever feeling like I'm playing an educational game. It was pure fun to a point where you could play the game more than once and still enjoy, and you would learn a lot of things that they don't even teach you in school. There are things I learned from it that even adults today sometimes don't know, like the story of Guy Fawkes for example.

I always wished there could be an updated version of these games, though sadly I think the company that created them is long gone now, and also some of the educational info might be a bit outdated by now. But I always thought that it could be such a great way to teach kids things even today if someone made games on that level, it's such an amazing way to learn as a child about history or other cultures or anything really. It was sophisticated enough to target even teenagers and adults, and not just little kids like most educational games today which are kinda boring once you grow up, and both games had a really good story.

Here is a song from Hocus Pocus teaching about rats:

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Tomba doesn't need a remaster. It's fantastic the way it is.

5 years ago

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Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem.

5 years ago

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hell yeah. I thought the game was underwhelming, but the sanity mechanic is awesome

5 years ago

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I didn't find any of it underwhelming, loved all of it. The story, the characters, the different time zones and areas on the globe, different weapons based on each time period etc. I'd just love to see it come back remastered for a new generation of gamers (and longetime fans) to enjoy, and even for PC would be a big plus.

5 years ago

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I thought the gameplay was a letdown, while everything else was very strong

5 years ago

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It was so long ago, i might need to refresh my memory, but that limb dismemberment system was pretty unique, dont really remember much how magic was used though

5 years ago

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Happy Cakeday!

5 years ago

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Zanzarah, especially if the remaster had new content that would have appeared in the cancelled expansion.

5 years ago

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That would be such a dream ^.^ I loved this game and even today, I would still like to play it ._. It's a shame that Daedalic released it with such horrible bugs, that it's basically impossible.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

5 years ago

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+1 on NOLF, if only to get an official purchase somewhere. That legal mess is quite the mess.

5 years ago

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+1 to Nolf as well. Was browsing the comments before adding mine to say the same thing. I know all about the legal troubles, but it would make me so happy to see a remastered version get released. I still have the original disks and have played both games over and over throughout the years. The combination of gameplay, design and sense of humour is such that I don't think has been matched by anything since.

5 years ago

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El-Fish. I was the author of the one and only FAQ for the game (never found another at least). Even the music was procedurally generated. A modern version with a few more things would be so nice.

5 years ago

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El-Fish is something I'm going to get around to playing one of these days. I remember seeing it in Maxis product catalogs back forever ago.

5 years ago

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You can still find my faq in GameFaqs, although it was never updated, and I did it before DosBox. However, I remember playing with El-Fish some years ago with DosBox and I had no problems, other than finding the CPU cycles so you don't have the one-fish bug. GL!

5 years ago

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Seriously, two of my favorite fighters. Played Collection on my Vita all the time.

5 years ago

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didn't knew it was on the Vita, i loved that game on the dreamcast.
i dont know if LASTFIGHT is any good, but its the closest ive seen to Power Stone

5 years ago

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Technically, it was on the PSP. You were able to download PSP games off your Vita and play them there, though.

5 years ago

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Depends on how forgotten is 'forgotten'. :)

Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption maybe. Bloodlines are my favorite game but this one wasn't bad either. Also my first non-isometric RPG.

What else... Arcanum? And if we speak older stuff from consoles, Pirates of Dark Water? Also Comix Zone, but this one is hardly forgotten.

5 years ago

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YES!!! to Redemption and Bloodlines! Perhaps then we can finally be rid of Christof's eternally ground hamburger fists!

5 years ago

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I wouldn't mind a new take on Sonic R, be it as a sequel or re-imagining, but not as a straight remake. The level design was kinda awful and the controls left a lot to be desired but the unique blend of kart racing and early 3D platformer was quite nice, I feel like Travelers Tales stumbled upon a subgenre with potential that never got expanded or explored more indepth. Just please let the soundtrack still be as odd, captivating, cheesy and overall mid 90's as the original.

Does Wolfenstein RPG counts as obscure? I'd like a remaster of that one for modern smartphones.

5 years ago

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Drakan: Order of the Flame,
Drakan: The Ancients' Gates.

5 years ago

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Chrono Cross but would have loved a sequel other than remake :)

5 years ago

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I would like a remake of Red Baron, it was my first flight sim and still one of the best WW1 games out there.
Since I'm wishing I would like BC Racers and Budokan as well as Crusaders of Might and Magic.
And Virtua Cop 2, and Midtown Madness and Delta Force 2...and Oni

5 years ago*

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I loved red baron back in the day. I've got it on steam but it's nigh unplayable for me

5 years ago

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Does it run using Dosbox?. Its best to setup your own frontend so you can tweak the config. I use D-Fend Reloaded.

5 years ago

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oh, no, I can get it to run fine. Just feels old/tedious.
I'm usually pretty good with old games, and play plenty of older ones, but there are a few that just don't feel fun anymore

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Jazz Jackrabbit

5 years ago

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I'm thinking an Epic Game Store exclusive with that one!

5 years ago

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Yes but just part one...its awesome. Jazz jackrabbit 2 is still bugged to this day.

5 years ago

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Jazz 2 works great with the JJ2+ patch. The GoG version is bundled with it.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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My pick would go to one of those games that had good ideas, but didn't have good execution, like Spellcaster for the Master System or the Zook Hero trilogy (GBC/GBA).

5 years ago

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Golden Sun. I don't care if it's a sequel, HD remake, remastered version or w/e, just give me a new Golden Sun for the Nintendo Switch!

5 years ago

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Interstate 76!

5 years ago

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