I have a question about Fanatical keys, how long do they typically remain valid? I read on the site that they are good for a month, but they should last longer. Should I reveal them or not if I plan on saving them?

thank you for the help dqx5t lvl2

4 days ago*

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I have given away Fanatical keys that were at least half a year old. So a month seems to be short. I only reveal them when I give them away, but this is more to remember which ones are used.

4 days ago

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Thank you :D

4 days ago

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Keys don't expire by themselves - they exist and are valid until someone cancels them, and so that rests on the developers and publishers. Revealing or not revealing they keys at this time is only an issue with Humble Bundle, which has rapidly fallen from one of the most reliable and straightforward of sellers to being a shady and untrustworthy place that routinely sells more keys than they've been given, so that keys that are not revealed can run out. It's really a whole load of nonsense and has nothing to do with the nature of keys. Fanatical, at least so far, is generally known for selling keys that they actually possess, so they don't run out.

4 days ago

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Thank you :D

4 days ago

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I've given away keys recently that date back to before their name change to Fanatical (from Bundle Stars) in 2017.

I always recommend revealing keys and saving them yourself -- on any site. But you should be fine to wait to give them away.

4 days ago

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Thank you :D

4 days ago

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Fanatical actually assigns you a key when you purchase. So even if you don't reveal them they should last forever.
Humble only assigns you a key from their pool when you reveal. Humble will sell you keys when they have no stock. Fanatical will not.

Unfortunately, there are times when publishers revoke or resell unused keys. Fanatical is pretty good about giving you a new key regardless of age. Humble may not.

4 days ago

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the month thing for fanatical is the warranty period for replacement if the key is no good(although on mystery bundles its 50/50 if you get a replacement key for the same game or a different random game... at least for the times I went to support).

keys stay good for years and years, no rush on revealing since its assigned to you unlike HB unless there is a stated deadline(pretty much this applies to freebies)

3 days ago

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I have recently tried to make GAs with keys from a very old bundle I found in a text file. Half the keys were unredeemable. I decided to check some of the remaining keys for myself. I activated 3. They were all good. I decided to make GAs with the remaining 3... all busted.

So it's a bit of a toss in the air depending on the publisher but I do believe they have a 6 months warranty where they replace invalid keys and I was able to get a replacement on 2 keys from that ooooold bundle even though it was way past 6 months because they were still selling the games in question and... well, they're not Humble I guess.

3 days ago

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Usually the keys from Fanatical are okay. Within the last year I had Fanatical tell me a that a key which would not activate would not be replaced by them. They told me they stand by their supplied keys for two months and after that there is no guarrantee of a replacement.

For the last three months none of my keys are older than two months. Just not worth the hassle. Bad enough if the key was for yourself but if you gift it - well, not great.

3 days ago

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Check https://barter.vg/bundles/ and search for the bundle. Fanatical keys do not expire except that publishers sometimes cancel the keys when they get bored.

Should I reveal them or not if I plan on saving them?

Yes, reveal and save them to a file locally using https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/LHoGX/userscript-fanatical-keys-backup
Fanatical hasn't had a problem with unrevealed keys yet, but it's a matter of time before Fanatical gets bought, goes under, has a database oopsie, etc.

3 days ago

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i never thought of them going under or an oopsie. thank you lext and thanks for the link :D

3 days ago

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I have gifted Fanatical keys that are 2-3 years old and they were still fine, which makes sense with everything that has been said so far in this thread.

I used to do the same as you i.e. only revealing keys when I was ready to use or activate. I changed tracks a while ago, and now I reveal all keys as soon as I have the chance, and store the saved keys in a Google Docs where I can track if it has been used or not, if I already have a GA running for it (I usually create GA's lasting a whole month so this matters to me), or if I plan to give it away soon or not. Could be a good practice for you to consider just in case. Probably doesn't make a difference for Fanatical but for Humble Bundle it definitely did

3 days ago

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I just reveal and store on my own document. But it was good to read through all the answers from others :)

3 days ago

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