its nice that they are making game, but vr, for what?
about 1% of steam people has vr, ok, awesome game, u will just a little bit rise vr sales, not every people will get vr since its early access and 1k $.
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Well, the steam platform, owned by Valve only has one goal; to appeal to masses so i would beg to differ.
And when was their last game published, let alone pushed new technologies?
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Valve is gambling that VR will eventually take off. They're one of the two main storefront's for VR technologies, the other being the Occulus Rift store. If VR does take off, they're in a position to be the first place people look to find the latest titles.
VR has got a chicken and egg problem, the hardware is too pricey for most gamers (remember it's not just the headset, but you need a PC with a decent GPU too), which limits the player base since there's not that many must-play VR games. The limited playerbase prevents publishers from gambling on VR games as even breakout hits have a low ceilings for earnings. (There are parallels to console gaming here, people bought the PS4 because of the exclusive games, not the hardware itself)
The only way to escape this cycle is for the technology to get cheaper, which IMO Valve has been betting heavily on. Since I don't think Valve wants to go into the Hardware business again after the failed Steam Link. The best they can do to support the technology is by releasing more VR titles to accelerate its adoption.
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imho not an IF, but a WHEN. Snagged my WMR for 180€ which is the exact sweet spot that my brain could´nt process as a pass. Once they get all kit´s into that price range, and get rid of the sodding cables, everybody will want one. It really offers an unprecedented level of immersion!
Me? I´m already looking forward to VR eye implants OᴗO
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So your argument is devs shouldn't make VR games? How is the user base ever going to increase then?
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Jesus Christ. Might as well make a game for Ouya as well. What a waste of.......well, everything.
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im gonna play it on my i7/16gb/960m with my crappy diy vr with android
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If somebody asked me if I would ever buy a game on the first day or earlier, I would say no.
But actually... I might with this one.
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Well..... At least it's not a half life f2p collectable card game.
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Depending on the quality this might be instant buy for me!
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reportedly there are a Left 4 Dead VR and Portal VR game to be announced soon.
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Kinda surprised how few comments their are here. I thought it'd be a bigger deal. lol
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Turns out very few people have combination of big room for VR, good VR headset, and top of the line PC to power it. Who could have guessed?
As for me, wake me up when they actually make VR set compatible with glasses or offering correction for my vision somehow. Until then, nope.
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If it's actually VR, then this might beat out Diablo Immortal as the worst announcement ever.
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You know, that's interesting... Maybe we've all moved on without noticing?
Maybe it's been so long that even the people who made Half-Life stopped caring about it?
Oh hey, there's a big discount on Jump Force, which would be nice if I liked those cartoons or played fighting games. But I don't. And yet, for only $12 I could add it to my library and imagine playing it...
What's the connection? Well, I don't have a VR thing, and it seems I don't care about Half-Life any more. So that's how I feel about this game announcement, maybe if it's cheap I'll buy it and imagine... :(
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Someday I will definitely purchase VR to play this...for 200-300$ maybe max
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Some people here are obviously disappointed. And I absolutely get it. I would prefer a HL3 or Ep3 myself, actually. But I still have to say I am quite excited about this. Let's hope Alyx will be a really good story-focussed AAA VR experience. Especially now that my Quest has official PC support. :)
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its already made and done and going to be released in a few days? frick they sure had tight lips. no hint or slip of tongues or whistle blowers or anything of the sort....... i guess good for them?
i bet they wont make HL3 if this game doesnt do well. they are probably using it to test the half life waters and see how many people are still interested in a half life game.... if not enough ppl care about it they will probably scrap all future half life games forever
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I somewhat doubt they are stupid enough to test the waters of their franchise with a technology title most people cannot even use yet. It would be like testing the popularity of cars by seeing how many people fly passenger aircraft.
It seems more inclined to push VR, since it's been a rather lacklustre release and even now, years later, people aren't really warming up to it.
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Valve plans on supporting all headsets, not just the Index. In the video where a Valve developer talks about making doors in VR, he talks about how he hates having to have every kind of headset taking up space on his desk for testing. (Video too long, can't be bothered to timestamp)
Index will probably have the extra feature of finger tracking though, but that'll probably be the only exclusive thing.
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its happening, but its a VR thing so... xd
Store Page
The final hours of Half Life Alyx preview
UPDATE 22/01/2020
Official Website
They did a reddit AMA with lots of new info
Also, all the Half-Life games are free to play from now until the release of the game.
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