find some friends to play with, if you really want I can play some co-op bot matches with you, although i've been trying to play less dota 2 lately
personally I've never had that happen to me in dota 2, but I carried a lot of the mechanical skills over from playing SC2 and spent a lot of time in bot matches learning how to play mobas/chars. also i generally encourage people to report people who say to report new players, since that's not what the report feature is for
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You're on lucky, because here, when you play solo games or bot games with others, I've just receive this message from other player, saying they'll report me, just for trying to learn to play. I really hating the local games because this... and every time, I try to explain the situation, that I'm noob, I'm try to learn the game... and just one (if I'm on lucky), Understand this.
This is the real curse of my country... e.e
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you can play completely by yourself in that case, you with 4 bots on your team against 5 other bots
where it says Practice with Bots
you should have 0 other players in the game if you choose that
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well let's overlook the fact that there is no right report option for sucking at dota2. The only one is intentional (!) feeding, not just feeding... So if he has fun learning this game why should he try a different one? All about winning these days, so sad.
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Indeed, you can't report anyone for being bad or having a bad game...
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I can help you along with other guys from the forum if you have a mic and can follow instructions, and also if you disregard my weird Latin American accent, and bad spelling. I'm better at writing and reading English than what im at speaking it. I do my best.
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This is a curse of Dota community, not from our country.
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from my experience, most brasilians on online games are dumbs; easily in the first position of the most dumb peoples in the world
and you can't be banned for playing bad, even if I find Dota 2 is so easy to learn (took me only one game or two to get used to it, even tough I'm not really good at it)
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Let's get this out of the way, i don't hate Brazilians, or Russians, or any other people, but Brazilians are really bad at the game, they truly are bad. They don't even make an effort to understand you. Most of them speak Portuguese and that's it. Russians on the other hand, are bad at the game, but they have a lot more culture, they speak 2 languages and try to obey to orders.
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SO HERE IS the thread fad posted before ... interesting.
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use the mute button , simple solution for me on try hards lol
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Thats normal.. cause the most people there played the Dota mod in WC3.. and now they think they can report everyone for any shitty reason. You're right.. playing against other players is much more fun and another point is you will learn much more. If you get banned and you need a new acc.. ask me ^^ got enough keys...
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nope only dota.. you cant play dota with that acc.. a friend was banned for 1 week. ^^
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If you get reported AND you did ruin the game on purpose, you have to play 24h with the scum. Quitters, flamers, stupid pricks, kids, etc... There is no ban of your Steam account afaik..
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Not your steam acc.. but they can ban you in Dota.. so u cant play with your acc dota anymore
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I usually would report someone who is high level in his dota profile and is feeding crazy. If you are like level 1 to 5 and you feed, i would understand cause you are new to the game. Also, if i talk to someone and give him instructions, and he doesn't obey and dies too much, i also report that kind of people. I usually try to communicate at least in English and Spanish, to try and see if they understand me.
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Ok, I understand this. But many of my gameplays, I've been listen to the players, going on top, on bot, or every place the people says to me. In these situations, I'm ok. But c'mon, it's bot gameplays and solo I've been talking about. It's not a "matched" gameplay or someting ranked to be report for things like that. If they're ranked, I guess this is a real thing to be reported, but it's not the case.
I believe this modes (Solo and co-op bot) are maked to learn how to play or to have fun. For this reason it's not been ranked. If it's not, if we had to be serious on that modes, how could they can't be ranked? How you can get fun in a game without rank, if the others leave this so serious?... Sorry, I can't see the logic...
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It's a curse of the game genre really :P In an arena when one person's actions can dramatically affect the effectiveness of an entire team, people tend to get pretty riled up if you don't play according to expectations, which creates this aggressive and unpleasant sort of culture.
That being said, playing with bots is in no way a substitute for regular play, and you can always mute excessive rude people. Also, valve acts on reports in a pretty fair manner, so don't expect to be banned just because a couple of randoms pull the "report" card.
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I rarely report people...the only times I would consider doing so is if a player constantly trash talks his/her team. Whether one feeds or not, there is no need to insult them endlessly, it's not going to help the situation.
Do you play with other Brazilians generally, or do you play in English speaking servers?
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Multiplayer games tend to be much less fun nowadays. Avoid them at all cost for your own sake! Power hungry narcistics and sociopathics are everywhere.
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Well, if you are noob, you SHOULD go the way everyone asks. As for reporting, it's just plain stupid to report for being a noob or things like that, there isn't even an option to do that! And it's not like something awful will happen if you lose...
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Sure, you can. If someone plays shitty (f.e. 0-15-7) -> Report for intentional feeding.
And that is absolutely fair. Dota is a competitive play where you need as much teamplay as you can get. That's sure from the first second. If some kiddy believes that the learning progress must happen in the pub games -> report. The bots are quite "hard" for newbs, if you can beat them regularily you can try getting into pubs.
I have gained too much experience in onlinge gaming and therefore know that the majority of online gamers are just total retards (sorry for the butthurt people). And I'm sick of talking and seeing them fail. Therefore -> 3s clicky and done.
Best example is a friend of mine: We are a group of five people (I have the most experience due to WC3 times). Three people progresses with every week: They get familiar with heroes, last hitting, escaping and that's pretty cool to see. But one guy - goddamn - just still plays like he never touched Dota before (after ~80-100 games). We lose mainly because of him but that's okay, he is a friend. But if I could, I would ban him from pub games where he plays with 4 randoms because he is going to ruin every game he joins.
I dont expect from people to be awesome as hell, but I want to see that they understood the basics of a game. Most people think that such team games are like "BATTLEFIELD; COD; YEAH HSAFSFNJIKS".
If you don't understand or don't want to prepare: Don't play it (online)!
My cents...
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Thats what matchmaking is for, if you find yourself in a lot of games with horrible players its either
a) they have a bad system in play and its the devs fault or
b) you actually suck and its your fault
there should never be a time when its acceptable to ban players simply because they are below average.
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I cannot agree.
A lot of people fail but dont have the motivation to improve themselves or simply cant manage the micromanagement of mobas. Others simply keep feeling good even if they suck (0-10-5 -> "It's not my fault, my team sucks").
I've seen rank 24 people in Dota which had less than 100 wins. That's not the fault of MM or me. They are just retards.
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nobody could get a high rank if they are bad at the game unless the MM isnt working properly. DotA should do the same thing LoL does perhaps and allow you to report someone for being unskilled. you cant get banned for it but it does let them know that the person is too high ranked for their skill level.
It isnt fun for low ranked players to keep getting slaughtered by veterans either, if the MM is working properly than everyone should be playing against people of similar skill level.
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You gotta find those people who just want to have a good time, regardless of wins or losses. Sure, everyone would like to win, but there are people who are more accepting of losses, newer teammates and so on compared to others. Everyone started out as a new player after all.
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Yup. Likewise. I actually watched Valve's self-congratulatory promomentary on the game (which was well produced, BTW), and took an interest in it.
I enjoy tactics and actually quite enjoy positive social aspects of gaming.
But I continued to read on it, including a review/piece on it from a journo, who had remarkably similar experiences to the OP and others that have posted here.
Since then, I have steered clear of the game. I have plenty of competition and nastiness in my real-life job (and several previous high-profile, high-stress positions) and have no tolerance for immature angry behavior in my leisure time, even if I occasionally must endure it in person.
DOTA 2 is obviously doing just fine without me, but I will like never play the game nor anything similar to it. Just not worth my time/effort.
Life is too short and folks with that much anger/negativity need to be walked away from.
My cents...
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Just add me as a friend we could play togheter if u want
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Not being funny or nothing but if you 'played for hours' in bot games then you shouldnt be dying so much in public matches anyway. I know public matches are harder due to player skill, but if you have as many hours in bot games as you say then you should at least be able to not get completely ROFL STOMPED.
Sure people might report you for a bad game, but if its happening every game then you must be playing real bad and therefore NEED the practice.
Unfortunately MOBAs are unlike any other genre of game. They are a competitive game, and players are expected to think that way.
I guess you just need to practice the Characters/Heroes/Champs some more in bot games and then play the ones you are comfortable with.
Note: This is MOBA specific not just DOTA (I'm a LOL player and seen it many times)
Unfortunately most people seem to think that MOBAS are ALL about kills, and this leads to feeding (even if not intentional)
But on a side note: definately try playing with friends that can help you better understand the fundamentals of the genre.
P.S: If anyone would like to teach me to DOTA i'd appreciate it (Got LOL experience but the DOTA mechanics and aggro screw me over)
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Yes...but there are problems, such as people making smurf accounts just for a better Win Loss ratio, players from the original DotA, HoN and to a lesser extent LoL who have much more experience than someone who is entirely new to the genre, as well as the fact that people will tend to leave games early just after 1-2 deaths. Oh and there's also the fact that some people will jump straight into PvP (real newbies), while others will have played endless amounts of practice bot games (just new to PvP, but not necessarily the game itself).
Of course, it's near impossible to avoid such issues, but in higher tiers, those advantages are largely minimised.
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The majority of the people who report don't even use it properly. As long as you're not doing anything intentionally you'll be alright.
Unlike the Tiny who was on my team a couple days ago. Kept tossing me in the middle of a 5 man team push. Even the other team recognized that he was an asshole.
My biggest peeve about new-ish players though is they keep picking carries and farm nothing for the whole game. Please please please if you recognize/realize that you can't farm for your life, play a non-farm dependent support.
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this is the MOBA mob-mindset (sorry if i offend anyone but it really has become the truth... that is why i stopped playing them)
assuming you are playing unranked then tell them to "F*ck Off"... the only way they listen is if you fight fire with fire quite literally... or if you have really good patience just ignore chat (and mute people if they use mic idk if DOTA 2 uses in-game mic or not as i said earlier i stopped playing DOTA roughly around LoL becoming popular).
if you are playing ranked then that may be the reason as most tend to be really serious over every single little thing in which case try unranked or if you really want to get them mad just purposefully feed the other team... ^.^
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You really should play vs bots until you get ~25 hours in the game. I'd also recommend you find friends to play with rather than randoms.
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Yeah, I know I don't post too much in the forum, but I have to ask to all people here about this.
I Don't even know if it's about the curse of BRBRBR of my country. But I'm noob,I recognize that, and I just try every time to learn the basics of this game (Dota 2 in the case), and every time I've played by bot, or solo (not even a ranked game), if I don't go to the way that other guys asks, every time, really, everybody says will report me. And when you ask why, he says because I don't know play with the char, or something like that.
and the main question is... in recent times, it's a crime to not know playing a game and you can be reported just for learning to play a game? Or this is really the curse of my country?
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