My girlfriend and I have bought almost all bundles from HB in the last few months, and this morning she has received a very disturbing phone call. Seems like someone has tried using her bank account (credit card data) to buy something from a travel agency of 1000$ and another payment of 4.000$. Luckily, the bank saw the difference between her usual purchases (living in denmark) and the sudden huge increase in payment and country difference and called before approving the transaction itself. Upon further inquiries, the bank has told us that the problem came from some 1$ transactions made towards . This being said... WHAT THE HELL?!

1 decade ago*

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Change banks.

1 decade ago

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why? they are doing a great job preventing a $5000 theft

1 decade ago

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Because of making assumptions and assigning blame without any foundation.

1 decade ago

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actually like other people says the thieves tend to do small transactions to check the validity of the card

1 decade ago

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yeah, when mine was stolen the first charge was mcdonalds, the following charges were much larger.

1 decade ago

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HTTPS. They receive encrypted info. And it's one-way. They can NOT steal it.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

1 decade ago

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why the hell do you buy bundles for 1$ ? you cheap bastards! :P

1 decade ago

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My borther had somebody buy 2 plain tickets in brazil, and 4 tvs in connecticut within an hour of eachother, but the one that triggered a credit alert was my brother buying a "5 guys burger" in Maine 5 minutes after somebody bought the tickets. all other activity had been near where we live. Although they did have a list of the other 2 that they read immediately after we replied the burger was expected, and so I think they led with the burger to try and lighten the mood. American Express if funny.

1 decade ago

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It seems that for our security one automatically connects to HiB as of today trough the website
Don't know why, it is more secure but ...

1 decade ago

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Yea I had something happen like that, some guy some how got a hold of the information from my checks and tried buying car insurance 2 times for 1000usd. Funny thing is at the time i didn't have shit in the bank so the transactions failed both times and i changed my account lol. This was last month btw, i only had like 5$ in the bank at the time since i rarely even put money in it unless i want to buy somthing XD. Most of it in my pocket.

1 decade ago

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Keeping all your money in your pocket, the perfect anti robbery device!!!

1 decade ago

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"the problem came from some 1$ transactions made towards"

How the fuck would the bank know who used the credit card number? (Hint: They can't know, the only info the have is based on location and where the payment actually went to.) Just because it was near or around the Humble Bundle purchases in your transaction list, doesn't mean a damn thing.

1 decade ago

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I've found that Chrome can have spyware extensions in it that the Anti-spyware programs don't see. Check your browser for extensions and plugins you didn't personally install.

1 decade ago

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First thing to do: Post it on Steamgifts. Good job!

1 decade ago

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First thing to do: Being a dick. Good job!

1 decade ago

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[Irony intensifies]

1 decade ago

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You should really change the topic title. There's no way HumbleBundle had anything with your situation (since they don't even get to know your CC data, it's handled by Amazon/PP/Google and not them), and this title is leaking to the Google, Bing and various web cache achieves... and will show in search results for years.

Not very nice of you to do that to a great service.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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That sucks but I don't have a way to do online buying so I don't have to worry about this stuff for a while :D

1 decade ago

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Many banks will let you make a virtual credit card, that way you pass just the money you want to spend and if anyone tries to use it, they can only use the money in the virtual card.

1 decade ago

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Humble also stole my money! Even tho it wasn't much, but still... (Btw Danish)

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

1 decade ago

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pretty impressive thou for the first comment :D

1 decade ago

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Atleast he knows how to use the search button (I think), that's something.

1 decade ago

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Thats actually a pretty good idea, very happy to hear that the bank called you up right away before allowing the transaction, its not uncommon that banks would just not even notice things like that. I would look into things your gf has used her card for and definitely get it changed. A $1 speculation is NOT uncommon, usually a credit card thief will make a few $1 charges to make sure the credit card is safe and that it works. Its also a small amount so that it usually is never picked up by the banks as they normally ignore small charges like those. Banks obviously know this now and thats why they're assuming it may have come from

It could also be, your $1 purchase probably made them think something dodgy may be happening to your account and when they saw the two large payments they contacted you straight away. If thats true, then you being sort of a tight ass :P may have actually helped you stop the thief lol.

1 decade ago

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That's why i use cash.

1 decade ago

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use cash for online purchase? teach me plox

1 decade ago

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Dude i sincerly don't think that HB would do this,they are plenty of money and they don't need to steal your,because if they would have done would be bad for tham.
Probably someone hacked your PC,check your pc with a good antivirus who searches for key loggers (malware bytes).

1 decade ago

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who bumped this?!?

1 decade ago

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brutal bumpage.

1 decade ago

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dat gif... +1

1 decade ago

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Sounds to me like your bank is full of it.

1 decade ago

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2 transaction from any vendor online or other wise that add up the the same amount (2 transactions that are for $1 from the same store in a short amount of time) will raise flags.

1 decade ago

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massive bumpage, yeah, but for anyone who this may happen to in the future, maybe you have some kind of virus that keeps record of transactions in your. it's the only possibility, because humbleBundle is HTTPS and will not sell your cred card info anyways.

1 decade ago

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damn, necro the dead thread.... +1

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by posedatull.