Hi. I just had this quick thought while reorganizing my wishlist (again for the nth time).

So yeah, are you willing to give up all your Steam games to get the top 5 games in your wishlist?

For the benefit of the question, let's say you won't be able to play the free-to-plays you currently own AND you won't be able to crack (illegal download) the games you own too.

In my case, it's probably a NO. I'm getting addicted again to DOTA2 after a one month break. I also have my 3DS. Still, I'm really itching to play The Typing of the Dead:Overkill & Nidhogg with my brother. It's still a NO for me though :p

You can post your top 5 wishlist here if you want. Here's mine:

  1. The Typing of the Dead:Overkill
  2. Nidhogg
  3. The Elder Scrolls:Skyrim
  4. Don't Starve
  5. Defender's Quest:Valley of the Forgotten

Ultra Street Fighter IV should be my top 1 but it's not out yet...

Interested in your answers and wishlists :D

EDIT: Like I said, it was a quick thought and asking this in steamgifts might have also something to do with the overwhelming NO response XD
Anyway, what's your take on how to sweeten the deal?

10 years ago*

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For 5 games?, LOL NO

10 years ago

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Who the hell would do that?When they have 500-600 games ( me for example) :P

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by serk.