Freebie giveaway! ( 2 MINUTE RULE DOES NOT APPLY TO THIS GIVEAWAY. So feel free to enter when you want. But it ends the same time as all the other giveaways. :P )

Been a longgg time since the last F5 giveaway from me. Over 6 months! Hope you guys have fun this hour and a half. ;p I've missed you all. <3

(Hurrah for copy and paste.)

You guys know the rules!

But if you don't, here are the rules/how it works.

In the next 2 hours, I will post a link to a giveaway. I will count to 10(MISSISSIPPIs, so it will be a somewhat long count.) and then I will remove the link. I will do this for 1 different giveaway. So there is ONE main giveaway.

You have 2 minutes to enter the giveaway, doing so after and I will be assuming that someone gave it to you or something. So join RIGHT when it is linked, don't wait, have some points ready to go.(10-100 points free if you must know.)

ALSOOOOOOOO 3 BONUS giveaways!!!! I'm going to have other smaller giveaways going for a lesser(Not as great, well too some I imagine.) game and post it 2 times randomly on the main post. (The link for this giveaway will only be up for like 4 seconds each time.)

Remember DON'T leak the giveaways. (AND DON'T LEAK what games I am giving away.)

There is NO contributor value needed to join for any of the giveaways.

As always I will post the link below. (It will NOT be hidden.) (IT WILL BE IN THIS POST, AKA MAIN OP POST. You won't be able to miss it.)
AND as always I will be posting lots of fake links. ;)


I'm going to post the giveaways one after another. So unless you are quick. You will have to decide which one to go for. the first linking. Or the second linking.

Oh, and if you think I will be posting it the last 20 or 10 minutes you are wrong, so I wouldn't wait till then. OR maybe I will now... WHO KNOWS! Even I don't know. So yea, if you want in just stay here and F5 till it is posted~

Anyways! Let the FUN BEGIN! :D

9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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here, have a nice gif

9 years ago

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I guess I'm quick

9 years ago

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Darn. Already own the first.. well, this was fun.. entered in the second ga.

9 years ago

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Don't leak the games!

9 years ago

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It's already over, they get autoleaked on the profile

9 years ago

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Edited it anyways. cause why not

9 years ago

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Same here Too bad I didn't won the second :)

9 years ago

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own all, but thanks :> it was fun and i finally had an opportunity to dump few of my keys ;p

9 years ago

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indeed <3

9 years ago

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Well hope you all didn't have too terrible of a time!

See you maybe next week for another F5 giveaway. That or the week after that.

Or a month from now.

Or maybe June 2d, 2017.

9 years ago

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Oh, I've been updating this for 18 minutes after it ended? I would have liked a heads up in the OP.
Thanks for the event though.

9 years ago

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Well, I just wasted about an hour of my life for this... Well... Not that I had anything else to do... But now I will have to go make myself something else to eat because my french fries are a bit black now. And there's a lot of smoke in my room... And I guess those curtains already were on fire...

9 years ago

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Time to make am "I never enter" topic.

But not everything went so wrong, I ninja'd steam code from PcGamer! Thanks weedman whose name was forgotten.

And thank you, guy with elbows, as well.

9 years ago

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Thank you IgotElbows! i didn't get anything but I had a lot of fun! :)

9 years ago

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Its over? Damn! I decided to play a game and missed everything...

I guess next time?

9 years ago

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How could I miss this??? D:

9 years ago

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I won nothing :(

9 years ago

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Wait its over ? What was the main giveaway ?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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