same. On DoD I was an active camper but not on CS for example.
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Camping is boring. Sitting in one spot, waiting for something fleshy to appear in front of you? Naw, I'll be running around shooting at stuff, thanks. And once you play the game long enough you learn the good camp spots and can often get the drop on campers.
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Depends on the game. In battlefield bad company 2 definitely a camper. Great game to snipe with the GOL.
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Well if you run around like a retard in a game like ArmA II, you'd get raped
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Camping is how REAL Sniper do their job, videogames such as Arma and Battlefield 3 show you that you can't just run around and "quickshot" someone.
CoD Fanboys always loose when they play realistic games XD
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Battlefield isn't realistic, hop off their dick, sure it's fun but nowhere close to realistic, try playing flashpoint or some shit, also, your icon is the Homefront icon, which is pretty much like CoD
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1 -I have never played HomeFront.
2 - BF3 is realistic.
3 - The most realistic game you can find is "life", go ahead and join the army(if you acn at your age), then you will seE what "campers" are.
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Oh really? Tell me this:
You have 3 magazines with 30 rounds each, you fire 15 times with the first magazine, 13 times with the second magazine, and 12 times with your last magazine, as you reload your rifle again, the FOURTH magazine magically has 30 rounds, now where did that come from? Also, if my comrade was injured, I would drag his ass out of there and apply first aid, not fucking ressurect his ass with some shock pads
Edit: I see you play modern warfare 3, so I'm going to stop here, because anything you say will be considered invalid
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I did not play MW3, it was the dude who hacked my account.
My account was hacked/stolen until 3 days ago(Steam Support is the best!)
You would get that if you read my profile message...
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Wait... so... someone hacked your account... then bought MW3 to play it... on a hacked account. I'm sorry, but I don't buy that.
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No XD. I bought the game but I did not play it for months, the hacker however played that game.
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So... you play MW3, which brings it right back to kha0sman's point.
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No, I bought the game and enjoyed the Single Player, wich was better than BF3 BTW.
I played Multiplayer with my friends because it was a nica change but I got bired and never played it again.
BTW MW3 MP is horrible, bugs, non realistic, bad physics, even Blacklight Retribution a FTP game is better.
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I don't give two shits if a game is realistic. I play games so I don't have to be in the real world. I can have fun in some other world.
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I play the objective. But my defensive strategy I'm still mobile.
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Objectives are key. I then either camp or not depending on my class' HP, mobility and weapon-types.
The only thing that I don't tolerate are spawn campers (both those who camp in their spawn and those who camp outside of the enemy's spawn): Cheap kills galore.
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Yeah, spawn camping is annoying. I don't expect people to sprint away, afraid it could be seen as spawn camping, but sticking around with no intention to leave, unless they get killed (which is unlikely to happen any time soon, if at all), is frustrating. It just impedes gameplay, because there is no progress.
I can't imagine it to be fun for either party. Obviously not for the players locked in at their spawn, but also the players who camp their own spawn or that of the other. You would think that the fun in it quickly wears off when friendly gameplay goes out of the window.
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In my eyes, tf2 spawn campers are almost worse than hackers.
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unless im sniping or defending an objective i never camp
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I'm a dynamic camper. If I hear people coming I usually sit by the corner and shoot them as they walk by. That's what they get for not checking corners. I also often pretend I'm running away just so people get close enough and let their killing instinct turn against themselves.
Ordinary camping can work but it definitely is boring and can be frustrating due to the amount of time you can spend doing so just to end up getting killed. Specially because most shooting games tend to play out in maps people already know about.
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Cool story bro, I hate console fags too but you're just being fucking ridiculous
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That depends on the game like Cod its more of a arcade shooter with powerups so i like to be on the move there especially going ninja style with knife unless im sniping. In bf3 i dont run that much i end up dead atleast thats how it is with me.
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Depending on the game. If we're talking about CoD, it depends on the game mode aswell. I try to hold a small area, rather than sit in one spot not even touching my movement keys. I secure an area, a rooftop or a room that has a path going through it and I pick off players running through. I usually do this near an objective location.
Imho it takes more knowledge of the game and players habits in certain maps and gamemodes to successfully camp than it does to run around like a headless chicken in ffa or tdm.
So yea, I guess I am a camper, but one with a head on his shoulders that keeps the objective in mind. I myself despise someone who can lay prone in a bush in some awkward location for the entire game, thus pissing off both teams, his own and the enemy by being a useless team player and annoying twat enemy.
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Yeah, it depends on the game mode. If the objective is to capture a point, I will go for that. I don't care if I don't get high scores or lack kills. I play the game mode and try to win. If I lose, oh well. I'll live.
The only times when I truly camped is as engineer in TF2. And that only if there is a solid chance that the moment I walk away, my set-up gets destroyed. But I have still often wandered off (especially when there was little action going on near me) and before I know it, everything or almost everything is destroyed somehow.
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Do you typically consider yourself a camper or NOT a camper in FPS games and why? Why do campers get a bad rap? I think I typically like to find a great strategic spot and tend to camp for some period of time instead of just constantly moving. I know this can depend on the game, but in general i'm wondering...
How about you?
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