Update: ticket got solve
Truely appreciate it but does this mean you keep silent you keep waiting? I don know. Good luck if you want to keep waiting.

I created a ticket to add Children of Morta: Complete Edition to the list last November.
Another one for same topic after a week to make sure they do see it.
Both got ignored. I know efficiency is never this site's thing but is wayyyyyyyyyy too out of my expectation.
Are the admins playing dead or actually dead???
It's not even a new game or a new sub.
Can I at least get some kind of response if there's problem or do I need to wait til 2024?
Ignorence is just irresponsable!

2 years ago*

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I get your frustration but you have to remember mods are volunteers.
They have a life, they are dealing with an unimaginable number of tickets every day.
They're not ignoring you. They just haven't gotten to you yet.

2 years ago

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Of course I know they have their own thing to do so I've been patiently waiting for nearly 2 months to post this.
Also, if you valunteer to do something then it's your resposibility. Real life shouldn't be your excuse.
If I don't post this now how much longer should I wait? 2 years?

2 years ago

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Yes, you have to wait at least 2 years, more likely 3.

If "Also, if you valunteer to do something then it's your resposibility. Real life shouldn't be your excuse." wasn't some kind of bad joke, I hope you are sending cg money directly, so there can be a full time paid support staff. And if not, at least a level 3 Patreon to show your support.

2 years ago

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Not helping at all

2 years ago

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I mean the point is that volunteering doesn't come with a badge of responsibility that's any bigger than "I volunteer my time when I volunteer it". Whether it's an hour a day, 5 hours a day, 1 hour a week or even an hour a month. No one gets hired to become a volunteer with 0 pay and a responsibility to do free work for x amount.

It's volunteering, not slavery.

2 years ago

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I've created 2 diiferent tickets after that and all got solved.
Did I say I want it to be done? I just want some response.
Have you been wating for 2 months for nothing? If not then don't act like a saint and tell me what's volunteering.
If volunteering comes without responsibility the site and all those forums should be dead by now.

2 years ago*

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"Have you been wating for 2 months for nothing?" - Who hasn't? I think you're kinda making yourself think that you're somehow in a very special and outstanding position.

Look, point is that you can't get a response. I mean what do you want? You want people to list you all personal situations that mods have going on in their lives or something? List people's current financial troubles, mental/physical health woes, busy periods and personal life problems that might make them less active so you can be satisfied that your unimportant random request on a video game giveaway website can wait a bit?

Like honestly, what answer are you hoping for? "Oh boy, those damn volunteers not taking my personal requests seriously enough to stop everything else they're doing to accommodate to me, REEEEEEE!" - The public stats are clear as day, mods are dealing with tickets and in fact in the past month they've been way more active than normal.

They're doing their best. Also, no one thinks they're a saint for saying that volunteering isn't an indentured servitude position. We've all waited as long as you for things, just that most of us have waited longer. Kinda how the real world works.

2 years ago

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LOL. How did you know who has? You must think you know everything or you are the admin?
If there are too much tickets can't they use some script to respond or show it on the site? That's what I want.
If there's no response how do you know there still working on it or they've missed it.
Oh, I forgot you know everything! You must know it right?

2 years ago*

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"How did you know who has? You must think you know everything or you are the admin?" - My friend, I present to you... the government of most modern democratic nations. :D

"If there are too much tickets can't they use some script to respond or show it on the site? That's what I want." - A lot of things are more manual mainly due to specific SteamIDs being requested, which was the type of request from you. Although I can imagine this could be automated in some way. If you've got programming knowledge, then I bet they'd be interested. I know similar, though not as complex stuff has been done with GO, I'm not sure what language you're using.

"If there's no response how do you know there still working on it or they've missed it." - Because they're actively working on tickets based on publicly available data. I also assume the best in people, I guess.

"Oh, I forgot you know everything! You must know it right?" - Saying that people can't give you omnipotent answers isn't the same as claiming to be omnipotent. You know we can't answer your core questions in this matter. We can't say why. You know why we can't, so why are you so passive-aggressive and sarcastic about it?

2 years ago

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How clever you are! Claps for you!

2 years ago

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It give people that pay cg with their patreon.
Did you seen in all the years a paid mod ? (1h or full time is unimportant in this case)
I don't.

2 years ago

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War nicht ganz ernst gemeint.

Es gibt 60(?) Patreonen, wenn du vom niedrigsten Level ausgehst, reicht es vielleicht für die Server Kosten.

Wenn OP einen schnellen Support haben möchte, klappt das vermutlich nur mit einem dafür bezahlten Vollzeit Support. Die Kosten dafür möchte vermutlich niemand hier übernehmen.

2 years ago

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Das Wort "Patreonen" mußte ich 4x lesen :-D

Die Einnahmequellen hier auf der Seite sind ja noch zahlreicher.

Somit müssen auch die Ads und die Ref links zu den ganzen Shops -als sicherlich größte Position- einberechnet werden.
Rechne einfach mal grob 5% von den Umsätzen durch Einkäufen in den Shops und du hast ne grobe Ahnung über welche Summen wir hier reden.

Ich vermute die Serverkosten von sg sind vielleicht 250 oder 300/mon..

Ich behaupte, ganz direkt, das cg gut mit der Seite verdient.
Und das quasi im Schlaf, denn viel Arbeit wird von ihm nicht gemacht.

2 years ago

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Ich bezweifel ganz massiv, dass die Werbe- und Refeinnahmen besonders hoch sind. Die Seite wird sich rentieren, ich kann mir aber nicht vorstellen, dass es in einer Höhe ist, dass es einen Vollzeit Job ersetzen könnte.

2 years ago

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Ich bin selbst Humble Partner und du kennst meine kleine Gruppe, von der Gruppe sind nur ganz wenige in meinem discord und von denen kauft nur ein winziger Teil mit meinem Ref bei HB ein.
Trotzdem kommen da im Schnitt 8€/mon. raus.

Multiplizier das mal mit (einigen) tausend Leuten und deutlich mehr als einem Shop (als letztes hat cg GoG als Ref frisch gelistet, ~2 Wocher her -da ist er dann aktiv...-) und den ganzen Threads die automatisch einen Ref setzen wenn man irgend einen der Shops ansteuert (z.B. die ganzen von Senshual Shakti), dadurch ist der prozentuale Anteil der Leute die mit den Ref einkaufen deutlich höher als bei mir.

Und zu den Ad Einnahmen, ich kenne eine kleine "Freebie" Seite, die machen grob $50/mon. mit den Ads und die sind extrem viel kleiner und weniger besucht als sg.
Aber ja, auch ich vermute das dies der kleinste Anteil der Einnahmen ist.

Ob all das einen Vollzeitjob ersetzen kann ist irrelevant. Es sollte auf alle Fälle reichen das man von Zeit zu Zeit mal Arbeit macht.
Was seit Jahren, nachweisbar, nicht stattfindet und deshalb ist meine Toleranz und mein Verständnis mittlerweile bei nahe 0.

2 years ago

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And i got a revoked key for 2 weeks barring me from all sgtools giveaways. :x

2 years ago

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They would say you have to wait longer.

2 years ago

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I had that last year.,i got alot of wins rerolled when i had a dev revoking my key.
i had a ticket for marking not received + the owner of the ga had a deletion request.
I won multiple tripple A games ,but all got rerolled :D
Not really mad ,only sometimes confused if they dont check stuff ,why it takes so long.

2 years ago

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I believe you could post it there next time (i forgot too) and they could remove the game from sgtools.

2 years ago

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In these cases the winner has to create a ticket. And they did not do that 2 weeks ago. I resolved this ticket only yesterday, and I'm pretty sure at that time we didn't have any deletion tickets older than maybe a day.

2 years ago

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Well that's the first time i ever heared of that, in the 10 years i am here, i (and who doesnt) think when something is wrong/happened to your own giveaway, you are the one responsible?
I did sent in 1 ticket under the other category (because that's supposedly the category if you want immediate attention) and left unanswered for over a week, because normally i don't enter much on the forum but this time it was one of Red Dead Redemption 2 i loved to have won. Seeing yday that it was solved anyway i closed it, but guessing i picked the wrong category this time and it was better handled under deletions.

In these cases i also believe you could post it in the sgtools thread and they can remove it (which i forgot).

2 years ago

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Sorry, I misspoke, of course not the winner but the giveaway creator has to create the ticket. What I wanted to say was that although you waited 2 weeks, there wasn't a deletion ticket for 2 weeks. The creator must have created it only recently. I invested quite a bit of time during the last weeks to get the deletion tickets down to 0 (after they went up pretty high thanks to christmas and then new year's). So I can pretty much guarantee that there wasn't any deletion ticket unanswered for 2 weeks. So while unanswered tickets are an ongoing problem in some categories, I can at least say that in this case your wait time came from the GA creator, not support staff.

2 years ago

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Thank you.

2 years ago

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I originally made it under 'delete', then switched to 'other' when you told me that would be faster. My 'other' ticket was closed a day ago with a message to make a new one under 'delete'. That one was solved within an hour or so. Turns out making it under 'other' was not the faster option. :/

2 years ago

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Because usually that's what people would advice, maybe you had the wrong mod (each mod can do different things, i mean maybe the mod for the other genre is more busy or unavailable unlike the delete mod), or for this thing it might indeed be the wrong genre, but i never had issues, i also made one under other and noone gotten to it.

i forgot that i could also just have posted in the sgtools thread to have it atleast removed there, anyway it happened, it's solved.

2 years ago

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I'm very new here, but from what I understood so far, tickets should always be created in the most accurate category as possible. "Other", as the name implies, is for things that don't fit in anything else. And as it turns out, it also has a pretty long queue, as you can see in the stats https://www.steamgifts.com/stats/community/support
Also, at least as a junior mod, we can only delete a giveaway from a GA deletion ticket, and we can only reroll a giveaway from a reroll ticket. So if you send those via an "other" ticket, not only will it land into that big queue, but also once someone finally gets to it the answer will always be "please create a deletion or reroll ticket" 👀 (which is something only the GA creator can do)

2 years ago

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Congratulations to the work Junior Mod position :o)

2 years ago

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I have a 7 month old user report. But it's directed against a Mod, soooo I don't really expect it to be leaving the "pending" status anytime soon ever. 😏

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2 years ago

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this is gonna be me soon

2 years ago

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'tis gon' be all of us

Everyone so busy messing with eachother. No wonder tickets stack up. Mods would need upgrades to keep up.

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2 years ago

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"Children of Morta: Complete Edition" is a bundle and afaik only subs but no bundles can be given away on sg. So to answer your question it won't be added to the giveaway list. You can however make a giveaway for the base game if you want.

2 years ago

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Fair enough. I still want to see when will the ticket get solved for a record.

2 years ago*

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You can have keys for all sorts of bundles, but Steamgifts uses Steam API to detect info about games. The API doesn't provide info for bundles. Only apps and packages. Give it away as the base game.

2 years ago

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I had the same idea but I wasn't really sure, thanks for the confirmation

2 years ago

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I have 2 reports open since mid Nov to set full CV games to bundled
and even the games from Humble Choice Nov are still full CV games...

2 years ago

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Let's see how long it would take.

2 years ago

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If it makes you feel better, I have 30 open tickets to set full CV games to bundled or free, going back to Nov 6 ;)

I've pretty much given up on the ticketing system for these types of requests. A handful of my tickets were closed, but the majority have had no effect.

The way mods go about setting CV status seems to be very ad hoc, so lots of stuff ends up falling through the cracks. As you noticed, games from the Nov Humble Choice are still full CV and the current January one is a mix of full and reduced...

2 years ago

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yeah, i've read that back then, but didn't knew, if they were already solved till now
seems they didn't rolled the dice yet to solve your reports

2 years ago

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I think the odds get worse with each passing day.
There were fewer than 10 tickets in that category when I first created my tickets. Now there are 117. So good odds that mine won't be seen for a long time (if ever).

2 years ago

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let's bet at how many tickets will be there by the end of the year :D

2 years ago

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Too much

2 years ago

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That's the point. We don't even know if they really missed the ticket or still working on it.
At least they can sent us some can messages instead of nothing.
The whole CV system and the ticketing system seems to be pointless by now.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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My oldest open ticket was created on May 13th, 2020. So pipe down, young padawan ;)

2 years ago

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The tickets will not be missed and they will be handled..... the only question is when :-D
Maybe you don't use sg anymore at that time but if you don't delete your account it still give a chance.

Volunteers don't have always time and should take time for themself too but Volunteers that do, nearly, nothing for years and/or only like to be (seen as) "important" are the majority of sg mods.
Real work do only very few sg mods and you, mostly, don't see them in the forums because they don't have time to present themself as important mods as other ones do... -i am very thankful for this few ones!-. Higher mod(s) above them limit their possibilities with bullshit, which lead to the fact that the real working mods get frustrated and burned out from the immense workload (a lot of work, split only to a few shoulders = too much) and that the "not so good ones" write "blablabla" but don't do something or at least not much.
And that lead to the situation "at the moment". At the moment isn't correct but i have no idea how to specify this timeframe X better

The admin and only programmer isn't (playing) dead but he maintain the site only on a basic level. Caring for the site looks different as what he do for years (he get only active when he earn lesser with the site...).
Reasons unclear and to be honest i don't care anymore after so many years of his inactivity.

My oldest, open, ticket is from the 24th July 2019.
Nuff said....

2 years ago*

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2 months? How about 4 years (Sep 27, 2018). That's my oldest open please "add a game" to this site ticket.

2 years ago

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Wow, sg is always good for a surprise :o)

2 years ago

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It looks like your ticket has been lost somewhere.
So wait, they added the game, but they didn't close the ticket?

2 years ago

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Nope never have been added and tickets also have not been closed. Was told only site admin can add them and that it might take years.

2 years ago

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Can you share the game name? Perhaps there's a reason it hasn't been added.

2 years ago

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I have 3 tickets from that time all for different games/game packs (GTR Evolution+some add ons, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Digital Bundle Pack and Ocean Classics Volume 1) . The only answer I ever got was yeah only the site admin can add them and it might take years.

2 years ago

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One Moment, if you count the ones that need cgs attention then i have older ones too.
And look on the name of the oldest :D

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2 years ago

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lol one would think they would do something about this in 4 years, even a nope sorry won't happen would be better at this time

2 years ago

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They are only cg.
But yes, i expected too that a admin would handle 2 min. tasks long before 4 years are reached...

And that it don't happend is for me one of the reasons why i would never support the site cg with a patreon.

2 years ago

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Now that's something, LOL

2 years ago

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AmanoTC opened a thread asking for more support volunteers. The response was very positive from members willing to sacrifice some time helping out.

Answer from actual moderation: they will look into it soon??? and nothing more since.

2 years ago

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I'm also wondering why no one has been added to the support stuff.

2 years ago

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Because the wrong "high mod(s)" are in charge. Easy as that.

"Blablabla mod(s) don't do work".
That is what we say in our group.

Yes we have jokes about it because it is visible since years (and you can't hold it out without to joke about it) :-D

2 years ago*

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just like with some of the tickets mentioned above

2 years ago*

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Exactly. Hearing the same old excuse "the mods are volunteers" is an insult at this point. If a mod can't handle its task in a reasonable timeframe and doesn't have any free time, step down and let others tackle the job. Unfortunately people are obsessed with having that sexy "moderator" tag that gives them some imaginary power over the ordinary members.

2 years ago

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Yeah, it's frustrating, I have a winner for my Holiday Event giveaway who hasn't logged on in almost 3 weeks now and refused all methods of connection from me to notify them about the win.
Opened a reroll ticket about a week ago when the 7-day period ended and got crickets so far.
Worried that by the time I'd get a response, the key becomes invalid.

2 years ago

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Honestly if they can't handle the tickets I would rather they just close the function. Not hanging it there and giving us those fake hope expecting us to wait for months or years.

2 years ago

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Except that the forums are free and open, and people happily inform users about the state of support whenever they want to talk about the subject. Unless you were for some reason really excited and hype to have the bundle added / the ticket resolved, I'm not really getting the implied disappointment.

It's better to have even a partialy functioning support feature than none at all, and it's pretty weird to suggest otherwise, much less this vague feeling of personal betrayal you seem to be throwing out?

2 years ago

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We can't solve tickets when you close them after 24h and then make new one about the same re-roll. They are checked in oldest-newest order so if you re-make them or "bump" they will never get solved, unless queue is 1-2 day old. Which rarely happen.

If you have key that will expire soon it should not be used for giveaways. Winner has 7 days to accept, plus if they don't respond new winner will also have 7 days to accept win. It can drag on for 2-3 weeks if you're "unlucky"

2 years ago

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Check again please, the older one is created 5 days ago and closed 3 days ago, not sure where the 24 hours is coming from. Especially when you actually check the date, it's 2nd Jan for creation and 5th Jan for cancellation.

As for the new one, I added some screenshots with it.
But I love how you know all the details for the tickets yet 0 interation with either of my tickets has been made.

2 years ago

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not sure where the 24 hours is coming from. Especially when you actually check the date

SG shows "5 days ago" / "4 days ago" due to how it shows dates. I did not go to count hours. But if you want to be precise it was not 2 days either, but 43h. Re-roll ticket queue so far was 5 - 6 days long, especially after Christmas with all giveaways that were hold through December to end on 25th or 1st January.

But I love how you know all the details for the tickets yet 0 interation with either of my tickets has been made.

Forum is not a place to solve tickets, otherwise everyone will come here to complain their ticket is 2 or 3 days old already. I'm not solving tickets now, just checking the discussions. Your ticket will be solved when there is time for it and someone checks the queue.
I may basically stop to enter giveaways 5 years ago, but it does not mean only thing I must do on this website is to solve tickets. I'm general user like everyone else.

I only went to see your tickets to check "about a week ago and still not solved" as I know it's not true that queue is longer than a week. And explain you should not re-create or bump tickets as it will drag the process forever.

2 years ago*

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Thanks for trying to explain the situation with tickets, it did come across like you are counting hours with the "after 24 hours" comment and felt the need to explain that part because it can be misleading.

But I'm also not trying to point fingers at the overworked and small volunteer support team, I just wanted to +1 to OP that there needs to be some sort of solution. Especially around the periods with spikes in activity.

2 years ago

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Only if it is the case for you...

When the 7 days period is over and you don't want to give the winner the key but already sended it, then delete the key in the winning page.
With that you can be wait "relaxed" till the support handle the reroll request.

Don't forget to add it back for the next winner.

2 years ago

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Would you like to talk to the manager?

2 years ago

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Sure please get him if you can

2 years ago

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He is being sarcastic.

2 years ago

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Me too

2 years ago

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Only from November? You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers.

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2 years ago

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I opened a ticket that stayed open for two years. Could be worse.

2 years ago

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There has been thread after thread after thread for years complaining about the lack of support and nothing every changes. There are points in time where it seems like you basically have to go beg for a ticket to be actually checked. Frankly the biggest and main issue this site has in my opinion is the honestly ridiculous lack of support.

And I get it that the support is all volunteers, but that doesn't mean that there should not still be some bare minimum standard as of how long a ticket takes to be checked which shouldn't be years (multiple years in quite a few cases apparently including 2 of my own soon enough). And if you can't achieve it with the current support then you need new/more people.

I am not even sure why I am even losing my time with this because as I said, nothing ever changes. I guess it is just the frustration.


2 years ago

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You have every chance to join as a volunteer and do exactly that. You don't want to? Well bad luck. Rarely someone wants to do that. Be happy with what's out there and that this is not some lawless wasteland like steamtrades. The more you people will get on the volunteer stuffs back the less others will want to join.

You want to set a rule volunteers have to look through tickets within set period of time? Those who can't allocate a set time will simply not do it at all and you will end up with site without any support. But I suppose logic and compassion is none existent here. It's all about me-me-me.

You know..... just think about it. This goes to everyone not just you FIY

2 years ago

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There was a thread a while back where plenty of people volunteered so they sure are not lacking volunteers :) On top of that if I remember correctly I recall a mod stated in the past that they also had some people also write directly to support to volunteer. And they also have the option to you know, ask, if someone could jump in and help if that is needed.

You want to set a rule volunteers have to look through tickets within set period of time? Those who can't allocate a set time will simply not do it at all and you will end up with site without any support.

No, thats not what I said. I said there should be some minimum standard for how long a tickets should sit around. If you have hundreds of tickets lying around for months not being checked it should ring some alarm bells to look at the situation and actually do something aka "you need new/more people". The problem is that this is obviously has not been done to an appropriate degree since 2018 and it shows, badly.

It's all about me-me-me.

No, its about nothing having tickets being ignored for LITERALLY years. Don't think many people would be complaining if some stuff some times would take a couple of months. But the situation here is that there are plenty of tickets that are taking years. And having tickets open for months and months at a time is the single most normal thing (unless a reroll).

And don't come at me like I don't know how it is to do moderation, I run a group (once upon a time 2 of them, one I let go exactly because I didn't have enough time to dedicate to it so I did the reasonable thing and gave it to someone who could take care of it properly) and a website myself. I very well know how it is to spend your time dealing with not very fun stuff for nothing in return. The difference is that things actually get done in a reasonable time and things changed if needed unlike here.

2 years ago*

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Totally agree with you. Don't volunteer at the first place when you can't handle the tickets.
What's the point of solving a ticket years after?
Obviously some of people on this site think it's okay and don't like people who don't like it.
They truly deserve to wait.

2 years ago*

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"What needs to be done" > "What you want to be done"

Adding games is low priority over other types of tickets. Bitching on the forums will get you nowhere.

2 years ago

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Seems there's much low priority on this site.

2 years ago

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It was established:
a) support is understaffed as demonstrated by long wait times for tickets to get solved
b) there are people available who expressed their willingness to help
leading to the unanswered question: what's the hold up?

2 years ago

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We already just added some new people to staff and the number of open tickets has already gone down. Still, that does not mean that all those years old tickets (especially low priority ones) will just vanish over night. It takes time.

2 years ago

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I think as we finally managed to recruit more people I can give some time frames. I made / updated thread to start gathering opinions about candidates 7 months ago. It took few months before and during this time to go through hundreds of tickets and discussions to update info for new people. We as old staff just know how to do some stuff, but it would be too confusing for new people to start without proper guidance with all changes on SG and Steam that happened since I joined.

People may think it's easy to "just promote someone". You may have someone who acts nicely in front of the community and is not so nice out of the public eye. Some people may also not align with how support works, and just get frustrated. Like (I think their nick was) jadefalcon that went hard on people in discussions and left as people can't moderate as they seem fit, it must align with how site admin wants moderation to be.

Don't think anyone in "management position" that care about their work or project would just throw in people randomly into positions, where they have some authority and hope for the best. Without proper checks and vetting. Unless you're Logan Paul.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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At least this one looks like hurting only himself. While other one made a lot of people lose a lot of money 🤑

2 years ago

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A fool and their money are soon parted. Hopefully they have at least learned a valuable lesson not to take financial advice from a TikTok influencer and that Play2Earn is a pipedream.

2 years ago

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