I can't think of anything to add to my steam wish list, so I want suggestions from you magnificent bastards. I have no preference, but I do have exclusions:

  1. No puzzles. I already have enough puzzling to do here. :P
  2. No anime. The anime me is dead and long gone. :3
  3. No horror. Reality is already a nightmare itself. :/
  4. No free to play. Just no.
  5. I will not accept any Assassin Creed or Roller Coaster Tycoon game suggestions.

Current wishlist(Jan 12)
-Assassins Creed II, Brotherhood, Revelations, III
-Roller Coaster Tycoon 3
-Civilization V
-Total War: Warhammer
-Fallout 4

P(M)S: Participation will grant you white list permission to a future gibaway sometime between now and March 17th(St. Patty's Day)! The reward will be worth 20 USD! Lvl 0+!

★★Closed! Thank you for the suggestions; I added some games to my wishlist. Expect a new thread in Off Topic for the giveaway link in the future. I will look over the replies again and maybe add more games. ★★

9 years ago*

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Dark Souls
Torchlight 2
Silver (in GOG)
The Witcher 1, 2 and/or 3
Borderlands 2 goty edition (or complete edition, even better)

9 years ago

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Tomb Raider, Saints Row , Burnout, Mark of the Ninja, To the Moon, Dust An Elysian Tale, Rocket League ....

9 years ago

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ARK Survival Evolved would be my recomandation, and Mass Effect series, since you have those exclusions

9 years ago

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+1 For ARK Survival Evolved Devs seem to be a fairly good job with it so far

9 years ago

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Bastion and Transistor for really beautifull soundtracks and hear touching stories.
Tormentum - Dark Sorrow for good artstyle (like on arts of Zdzislaw Beksinski and Hans Rudolf Giger)
Spec Ops: The Line for best story in shooters thus far
Psychonauts for... I don't know what to tell. In game you travel into minds of other people. And worlds inside their minds are different. For example, inside military mind always war, etc.
The Stanley Parable for... well, warch trailers, I can't give this game good description.
(Well, I'm not sure, that I gave good description to even on of games on this list)

9 years ago

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I loved Spec Ops

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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You should check out Forced

9 years ago

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Welcome to the site. here are my recom:

Geneforge Saga

Civ 5 better buy the complete...

Dungeon of the Endless

anyway, my wishlist is not long, you can check it out if you want. it will be easier if you gave us a genre you prefer

9 years ago

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I would suggest:


Witcher 3


Don't Starve

The Escapists

I know you don't want horror games, but i dont think it's really HORROR! :)
Darkest Dungeon

and almost forgot:
Sniper Elite 3

and if you are in for a good old rpg games, i recomend Fallout 2. I even cant count how much time i played it in childhood!

9 years ago*

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Some great titles from last year: Rocket League, Cities Skylines, Hand of Fate, Prison Architect.
Also, if you like open-world games then try some titles from Avalanche Studios: the Just Cause series, Mad Max, Middle-earth:Shadow of Mordor GOTY.

9 years ago*

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Far Cry: blood dragon
Hotline Miami
Hard Reset
Saints Row

And for something completely different:
Gone Home

Also i would recommend:
Dwarfs!? Not everybody might like it, but there is f2p version of it you can try (no microtransaction s*** - just plain game cut to normal difficulty).

Also wanted to mention S.T.A.L.K.E.R. but it might be considered as horror game :)

9 years ago*

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Saints Row isn't a PC title though :( unless you mean the rest of the series

9 years ago

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Indeed :) I thought about last parts :) 3rd and IV

9 years ago

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I'd say Dishonored and Bioshock series

9 years ago

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I suggest Xcom 2 as it looks like they are going to fix all the problems with the first game, plus the modding potential, oh my.

9 years ago

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Hard Reset
Crypt of the Necrodancer
Ori and the Blind Forest

9 years ago

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Divinity: Original Sin, Dragon Age: Origins, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Shadow Warrior (the new one).

9 years ago

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Rally sim ; Dirt Rally (really hard but amazing !)
Survival : The Long Dark (great ambience and the campaign will be soon available)
Rpg : Pillar of Eternity
If you like Subnautica, you might want to check Stranded Deep
And if you want small game i can recommand ; Binding of Isaac Rebirth, Hand of Fate, Knights of Pen and Paper +1,
Papers Please, Hotline Miami, Choice of Robots, The Stanley Parable, ...
And so many more ! (Witcher 3, Rocket League, Crusader Kings 2, Killing Floor 2, Chivalry, ...)

9 years ago

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How about some strategy games? I personally recommend any game by Paradox, especially Europa Universalis IV and Crusader Kings II. Although you probably know them, in short they allow you to control any country or territory (in CK2) and manage virtually every aspect of it, including technology, commerce, politics and diplomacy. They are generally very complex, but also incredibly rewarding and addictive once you get the hang of it.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Suggesting Binding of Isaac and Rogue Legacy if you like rougelikes, dying Light if you like zombies, brothers: a take of two sons if you like to have feels :D

9 years ago

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Any Telltale game ever. Tales from Borderlands for example.

9 years ago

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Transistor - Beautiful art and soundtrack, and I found the combat really fun.
Psychonauts - A pretty fun game with a decent sense of humor.
Luftrausers - A fun, kinda bullet hell-y game with quick rounds.
Downwell - Another game with quick rounds and an example of a simple concept done well.
Receiver - Not the most polished of games, but it's an interesting concept. I've had a lot of fun with this one.
Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale - Play as the item shop owner in an RPG. Capitalism ho!

9 years ago

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Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, along with the ones that aren't FPS.

9 years ago

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Hmmm... Maybe 60 Seconds?

9 years ago

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If you've played the witcher maybe you can try dragon age? Or the bioshock series? If you're into rpg/story mode then I definitely recommend to the moon. Not sure if the walking dead game is "horror" but it's also good. Tomb raider is also a great experience

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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If you like Assassin's Creed style games, I recommend you Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor.
By myself I recommend you Mark of Ninja, because it's my favourite game I ever played. Awesome 2D-stealth. Recommend to buy with Special Edition DLC, because it's add more features and extra levels, that really good, because only minus of base game - it haven't extra levels or map editor. And Left4Dead2 you can play it like forever because of AI Director system, Steam Workshop and a lot of modes and user created maps (look for them on sites like fpsbanana).

9 years ago

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Just a few that I have spent (too much) time on:

The Journey Down (2 parts published)

Deus Ex Human Revolution
(to prepare for the next one...)

Fallout New Vegas
(to keep one busy until FO4 is cheaper)



9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by HappyCakeday.