Thank you!
If only I had some trains simulators to give away... :P
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Luckily I have this thing while there is a good bundle c:
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Good luck! My great-grandfather worked in the railroad for his whole life, he was a brakeman (in the old days when they stood on top of the trains). Sadly he died on the job, had a heart attack and fell off the train onto the side of the tracks.
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I'm sorry to hear that! D:
I also have some relatives who work (or worked) in the railroads, but in the national company.
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I don't think multiple bumps will raise your chances to win. They are very appreciated though!
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Best of luck with the job hunt, from this lifelong train lover.
Nothing I want on this train ride, but thanks for it anyway :)
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Well well let's wait before congratulations... One thing at a time!
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"Haha, nice try, we'll let you know..." incoming :D
Thank you!
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29,680 Comments - Last post 57 minutes ago by Kingsajz
UPDATE 22/12
Good evening, people!
This will be the very last update of my journey. There will be room for more pictures in the future of course.
After the exams and the internship I was given my certificate, then they started sending me as first agent of the train. One shift a week at the beginning, incrementing to an average of 2-3 as weeks passed.
The job is different now, both when I'm first agent and when I'm second agent. Before, when I always was second agent, when needed I had to prepare documents, couple and uncouple vehicles, test brakes, command manoeuvre movements... then drive the train in order to learn. Now I either turn the locomotive on and drive (it's not that simple of course) or do second agent's tasks (all those former things except driving). Each task has its own pros and cons.
As promised, I took some pictures, but my old phone memory card failed so I lost many of them. I was able to recover some of them (sorry for the poor quality of some pictures, but my phone isn't top-tier, it was at night, windows weren't clean and so on).
A couple weeks ago it was snowy, here in Ugovizza and here, here, here and here entering Tarvisio.
Here we were waiting for a manoeuvre in Udine before proceeding.
Still in Udine, another day at dawn, waiting to move before our train got suppressed XD
Same day, in Opicina, ready to depart.
Another day in Padova, waiting for a transit before proceeding.
An afternoon in Verona, we waited something like 4 hours before departing.
A level crossing near Treviso. I find single-track railroad to be somewhat fascinating, despite them being a pain in the arse.
A couple pictures of the corridor inside the locomotive, taken from opposite sides. Sorry for the quality but the space is very limited in there.
Let's get to damages. A couple months ago we were stopped near Verona because another train reported sparks coming from the wheels of one of our wagons. We checked and this was what we found. The brake in one of the two wagon bogies got stuck, the brake pads were completely worn out and the sparks came from the pad support scraping on the wheels, heating the support to the temperature you can read. You can also see the white-ish colour on the left of the support, suggesting overheating. The wheels were ok, though, so we put the brake of the wagon out of service and proceeded.
Some colleagues ran over a small pack of boars, splattering blood all over the front and side of the locomotive. One of them hit the lateral stair.
Dulcis in fundo, one day some colleagues were driving a locomotive with a broken pantograph (which was badly secured by incompetent personnel). While using the other pantograph, the broken one moved and created an electric arc, which hit and melted the locomotive top, causing damage and setting fire inside. This is the hole the arc created, there was some molten metal on the floor. Fortunately, nobody got harmed.
Well, that's it. Thank you very much for reading and supporting me during these years. Have some train-related music: Locomotive breath
I prepared some giveaways! Ending at the end of the year (in my time zone at least! Level 3+):
11-11 Memories RetoldENDEDEvergardenENDEDMy Time at PortiaENDEDRegular Human BasketballENDEDShenmue I & IIENDEDI also wanted to wish you, for those of you who celebrate them, a merry Christmas and a happy new year! Cheers!!
UPDATE 22/09
Good day people. Time for an update.
During last two weeks I and four mates were sent to class with the instructors in order to get prepared for the exams. I have to say we forgot many things during last year at work and we needed to review many arguments.
On Thursday we had the written test, on Friday the oral test, then on Saturday the practical exam. We were nervous and taut like violin strings, but all of us managed to get through the exam. We are so happy!
So what's left? We now need to work another month or so, in order to define the railroad lines and the locomotives we will work on. After this internship, we will be given our certificate and we'll be able to work on our own, then our formation process will be done (well, besides future updates).
About 20 months of full time specific training. I wish I took this road many years ago. So many years wasted in useless university and precarious and underpaid jobs.
Oh well, giveaway time! One week from now, level 3+:
Carrier Command: Gaea MissionENDEDCat QuestENDEDDamnedENDEDDexENDEDFrozen Synapse PrimeENDEDHIVESWAP: Act 1ENDEDMiddle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY EditionENDEDPillars of EternityENDEDAnd a level 0+ giveaway:
SPACECOMENDEDThanks for reading, have a nice Autumn!
UPDATE 22/06
Hello forum lurkers! I saw my cake day was getting near and I thought it was time for an update. And I just realised I haven't updated the thread in six months D: I guess work really got my time.
Nothing new for me, actually, but the final exams (written and practical) are scheduled for some of my classmates who have been deemed ready. Some colleagues told me I was among the ones deemed ready, but an instructor told me I need to drive more (on my driving log I only have about 80 days driven, while the other guys had 100+).
Oh, well, good for me, I guess: I don't have any will nor strength to get back on the books right now, I'll have more time to learn and practice, and I don't need the extra money at the moment. I think my exam will probably be in September, after the holidays.
During these months I've roamed a lot. Our headquarters are in Udine and we normally work in north-eastern Italy, among Udine, Trieste, Tarvisio, Marghera, Rovigo, Bologna, Ravenna, Verona, Milano and many smaller stations among these places; but sometimes we are sent to Cremona, Fidenza, Piacenza, Alessandria, Fossano, Cuneo, Novara, Domodossola, Arezzo (you can see locations in wiki pages) and many other smaller towns. I'm sorry I don't have taken any pictures, but stations don't offer a nice view of the place and we don't have much time to wander in town during daytime.
Giveaway time! As I said earlier, my cake day is near (24/06), so I created some giveaways that will end on that day (LV3+):
Carmageddon: Max DamageENDEDFrozen Synapse PrimeENDEDHomeworld Remastered CollectionENDEDSoulblightENDEDThe Invisible HoursENDEDThe MoosemanENDEDI might as well add some other giveaways during Summer sale so remember to check the thread!
Thank you for reading, have a nice Summer! <3
UPDATE 24/12
Happy holidays everyone!
I just finished my 5th week of work. I can say that with cargo trains, you really don't have to watch the clock. You know when you start, you don't know when you'll finish your job. Normally, planned shifts are 7-11 hours. Sometimes they cancel your train and you go home, sometimes there are delays. So far I've had some shifts that lasted 13 hours, some colleagues even 20 hours in a row D:
The job looks nice though. Most colleagues are funny and know their job, some a bit less, but hey, you don't get to choose your shiftmates. I managed to drive ten times during these weeks, some days for only 50km, some days for over 250km. It may sound not much distance, but cargo trains are really slow, both in acceleration and top speed. If they start stopping you in every station to let passenger trains pass you, it may take many hours to travel even a short distance. For example, the longest trips I've made were about 250km, not really much, but every time it took more than 5 hours.
I'm sorry I'm not posting many pictures, I took some but they're not great, because either we are in a hurry, it's dark, we have the sun in the face, there's nothing worth taking pictures of, or, well, if I drive I can't take pictures, haha. One thing I will do is to take more detailed pictures of the cockpit. For now, have a picture of the cockpit and the corridor of the locomotive.
Holidays have come! There's a slowdown during these days, so I've been home since the 22nd and will go back to work on the 27th. Too bad, no extra money, but hey, I get to eat and drink like there's no tomorrow at home with my family!
Thank you for stopping by, merry Christmas and happy holidays, fellow forum lurkers! I prepared some giveaways (LV3+) that will end on the last day of this year! Well, at least in my time zone, hehe. Cheers!
InnerSpaceENDEDMount & Blade: WarbandENDEDNext Up HeroENDEDUPDATE 20/10: END OF THE ROAD!... MORE OR LESS
Last weeks have been very tough. I had to study a lot, there was always something I was missing and I was sure I wouldn't pass the exams. I couldn't sleep because I (and some classmates as well) even had dreams, or, better, nightmares about the railroad, as predicted by one of our instructors.
We had our final, pre-exam test on 8th October and they brought us the results on 12th. I actually did pretty well! Unfortunately, however, 3 people (out of 20) didn't pass. Last Wednesday we had the written exam, on Thursday they gave us the results, I did quite well (22/30, best guys got 26/30) but, as I got to know later, I made two stupid mistakes (forgot about a couple things I did know) and I could have gotten a better grade. Other 2 classmates didn't pass the written exam, but luckily all the remaining 15 passed the oral test.
I'm so happy I made it but I'm a bit sad for those who didn't make it, espetially two of them who always put an effort during these months. However, it looks like they'll get another chance in a couple months. Let's cross fingers!
The two instructors, given my previous tests, were surprised that I did well in the pre-exam (when they gave us the results of that test they made us go inside the room one at a time and as I got in, I heard one say to the other: "well, I didn't expect this"). Then a classmate, who is neighbour to one of the instructors, told me the instructor told him he was very happy with my result.
What now... Next weeks we will do a recap of the first course and, supposedly, learn how to use specific applications on pc/tablet. After that, we should start going around in order to learn the lines and the stations. Then we will start driving with senior drivers before the practical exam (need at least 100 drives, so it will take many months). I'm really looking forward to starting driving (I already tried it once a couple weeks ago during a day on the train and it was great).
This morning, still with yesterday's hangover, I finally managed to take some time for myself, have a walk up the mountain, in the woods, picking up chestnuts. The silence there was so relaxing. Too bad I forgot my phone in the car and couldn't take any picture.
Thank you very much for the support you people gave me during these long months. Until next time!
Here are some giveaways for the readers (3+)
CaravanENDEDEvoland 2ENDEDVictor Vran ARPGENDEDAnd a train (with anti-bot) by Cruse
Hey there. I really did not think more than two months had passed after last update. We are cooked, we've only had a one-week break since February.
This week the programme comes to an end, yay! Next week we should have the last partial test, after which we should start reviewing the subjects. I really need some more time to learn better, since last two tests went really bad for me (last one went bad for half the class, that was a hard subject) (this may be the reason I haven't updated the thread for a while).
The exam is planned for late October, I'm glad we now have 6-7 weeks to learn again. However, many of us wonder if reviewing stuff this much will help us, or harm us.
Then, after the exam, there are other 150 hours scheduled for nobody-really-knows-what, and it seems we'll sign the contract after these 150 hours (we were told we would sign it right after the exam in October). I don't really mind, since I live with my parents and keep expenses to a minimum (we take turns with the car and I bring my lunch from home), but there are some classmates who come from other regions and have a rent to pay, or who live with their girlfriend, some even have wife and children, and I understand they are quite in a hurry (and quite angry I would say), since savings might not last long enough.
I hope I'll be able to do well this last test. I just hope it won't be next Monday, because on Saturday my cousin is getting married and nobody is going to take away the booze from me! Har har har!!!
Last week we went on the field to see a locomotive (better seeing with our own eyes and touching with our own hands than learning everything from the book), I managed to take some pictures: some details of the locomotive and a picture from afar. Unfortunately I forgot to take some pictures inside :c :c :c next time!
Some details: it's 19m long, weighs 89t, has 4 pantographs (two for AC and two for DC), can circulate in Italy, Austria and Germany, the wheels may seem small but their diameter measures 1,2m. It has four motors (one for each axle) and can develop a total maximum power output of 6,4MW.
Did anyone say VECTRON?
Thanks for reading, have some giveaways! (2+) ENDED
BedlamDefend the Highlands: World TourZ Steel SoldiersUPDATE 17/06: THIS IS GETTING REALLY TOUGH
Hello guys and maids, time for an update, I guess.
This shit is getting really tough. Signal rules are a complete mess, badly written, full of old things and exceptions you can only find in a couple places in the whole country, where we'll most likely never go, but we need to know nonetheless. Then there are other "instruction" books that totally look like law books. You know, "Article XX, subsection YY, point A/B/C...".
We had two tests so far. First one was positive for half of the class, slightly negative to badly negative for the other half. Mine was slightly negative (34 points out of 60, with 39 being the passing mark), so nothing catastrophic. We had the second test last week, they'll probably give us the results tomorrow, but I think it didn't go very well, since I was sick during the preceeding weekend and couldn't study well.
During the week I had a relapse and lost two days of lessons, now I'm in a mess because I lost important stuff.
I recently met a friend of mine (the only one who got hired in the other firm last year, see my original post, at the bottom) who was about to undergo the final exam of the certificate I'm doing now. He said his brain was molten and I could see he was very tired. Luckily, he passed the exam, but out of 17 who started, only 10 remained. I really fear it will be the same for us. Better bite the bullet, I suppose.
Thanks for reading, have a nice Sunday and some giveaways (LV 3+):
Pixel Puzzles MosaicsENDEDPixel Puzzles 2: BirdsENDEDPixel Puzzles 2: RADical ROACHENDEDUPDATE 11/05: SECOND PART IS DONE!
We completed our second part of the journey: the European train driving licence.
We had this 3-week intensive course and passed a quite hard written and oral exam. I knew I did the written test quite well (it ended being 26/30, actually better than what I hoped), but I was very afraid or the oral part, but the examinators were very nice and it was more of a chat with them. Other classmates, instead, were asked everything, since some did a not-so-brilliant written test, some made almost-unforgiveable mistakes.
Anyway, in the end, we all passed. But we lost another classmate: he wasn't even allowed to take the test, because he didn't study (which is strange, since during the first course he was one of the best of the class). Maybe he lost interest, I don't know.
Next Monday we'll start the last and hardest and longest course: the complementary certificate, that states which machines and on which lines you are able to drive. I don't really know what we will learn... basically everything, because it will last 4-5 months D: and we will do tests every week or two, to see if we are studying. As far as I understood, if you fail two of these tests (which are not exams), you're out D:
Got to get drunk this weekend, because later I won't have much free time.
Thank you for stopping by, here are some giveaways (LV 3+):
Action AlienENDEDAlekhine's GunENDEDLuna SkyENDEDUntil next time! Choo choo
Yesterday was the last day of the internship, today we had the final "exam", if we can say so ("so, where did you go, what did you do, what's there...?" done). So now we officially have a license. Yay!
During these days we visited different facilities and performed our tasks under our tutors' supervision. We also traveled on some trains inside the locomotive! We did some quite demanding trains: one was more than 550m long, one weighed more than 2200t D:
Schedule changes a lot: some days you could do your job in a couple hours, some other days (especially when on trains, due to delays) your shift can easily last 10-12 hours. We were somewhat lucky not to have night shifts; many classmates worked at night and some didn't go home for 4 days in a row (oh well, hotel and restaurant were on the firm :D ).
I tried to take some pictures but the camera on my phone kept crashing :c I shall ask to my classmates if they can send me some they took.
Tomorrow we will begin our next phase: the European train driving license. This should be a one month course (which has to be followed by other tough courses in order to actually drive trains).
More updates in the next weeks! Until next time, have some giveaways! (LV3+)
ManhuntENDEDMax PayneENDEDThe Warlock of Firetop MountainENDEDUPDATE 06/04: SECOND EXAM
This week we had our second exam. Yes, last Tuesday. Just after Easter Monday. When usually people go outside and grill meat and get drunk. I've never missed that appointment. Until this year. Filthy commissioners.
Anyway, on Tuesday we had the practical test. We had to split/join wagons, check beakes, operate points and command maneuvers. Nothing too hard, but some people had some problems understanding what instructors meant with their requests. Anyway, everyone passed.
On Wednesday we had the written test: fill in all the documents (that our task requires) in order for the train to depart. It was a tough morning.
Yesterday we were given the results. I was very worried, but in the end everyone passed the exam and it turned out I did one of the best tests! D: D: D:
Today we started a 10-day internship, after which we will have a final exam that will grant us the first qualification.
We were divided into groups of 2-3 people and sent to different locations. Our designation was Opicina (Opčine in Slovenian), near the Slovenian border and the city of Trieste. See a nice thing about Opicina here.
Our turn was supposed to be 8-17 but ended in being 6-14. With the help of the tutor, we checked brakes and prepared documents for a departing train, then took a tour of the station, then we waited for another train that had an almost 2-hour delay D: luckily we had cards to play with :P we checked documents, switched braking system on the vehicles, then had lunch and returned home. I know, we did almost nothing, but it's the railroad: some days you work without interruptions and overtime, some days you have nothing to do.
I wanted to take some pictures, but unfortunately my phone is having some problems and the camera crashes after a couple seconds. I only managed to take some crappy pictures. No, I did not drive :P
I'm a bit tired now, haven't got up at 5AM in a while. Will probably go to bed right after dinner. But first, have some giveaways! (LV3+)
After a heavy week, in which we had 7 hours per day, instead of 6, Saturday included, we finally had the first exam this week.
First day there was a written test, not really too difficult. Maybe we were lucky to get somewhat easy questions. Next two days we had the oral test (I was in the first one). First guy was rejected, and while I was waiting for my turn, I remember feeling so bad, way worse than waiting for my turn for one of the tougher exams I did at university (commercial law).
During the test (about half an hour), I was told the written test went very well. First questions were somewhat easy, but then they started asking me some things I didn't know well (some of which we didn't do during the classes) and I completely dried up for something like 5 minutes, maybe more (you don't really have the cognition of time). Then they asked me something else and I started speaking again.
I left the room and was sure they would reject me. I had to wait like one hour and a half for some others to finish the test before getting the results and I felt so bad. I was sure.
They started calling people in, one at a time, to give the results. I was so nervous... They said they knew that pressure can play a role in oral tests, but they told me that I passed the exam and to keep going on like this. Yay!
Next week we should start a two-week training (with final exam) before starting a 2/3-week internship, before starting the classes for the licence.
I can finally party this weekend :D
Thanks for reading, have a couple giveaways (level 3+)!
Broken Sword 5 - the Serpent's CurseENDEDTesla Effect: A Tex Murphy AdventureENDEDand a funny clip from an old movie :P
Haven't had time to update this for a while. We started the class on 12th February.
We passed the first morning presenting ourselves (we are 25 people, some of us are far from home), discussing the schedule of the classes and filling in some paperwork. We received our textbooks too. In the afternoon we had a meeting with several executives of the company, including the galactic megadirector himself (hehe). The lessons started the day after.
Our schedule is 8.30-12.30 and 13.30-15.30 from Monday to Friday. Sometimes we have additional classes about safety on Saturday morning, but they are somewhat separate. If someone loses a lesson, they need to discuss with the instructor about when to recover it, because the instructor has to guarantee that everyone attended every lesson.
I usually arrive at home at 16.10, so I have plenty of time to review my notes. Point is, after 6 hours of the same subject, my brain (and most of my classmates') is molten. I have to take a 2-hour break, then I can think about learning something.
Last monday (and I expect next monday too) the instructor gave us a written test, some questions were somewhat misleading, but I managed to get a good vote. The real exam will be much harder and longer!
Now, this first part is for train preparation: we need to learn how to use the infrastructure, how to lead maneuver while (dis)assembling the train and how to check the train before departure. It all comes to safety and security procedures. Two weeks more in the classroom, then the exam, then we'll go and do something practical, then the practical exam. After that, we will start the license module, which will take several months. I don't really know how exams for that one will be, because we'll have different instructors we haven't met yet.
Classes will indicatively end in mid October. After that, we will be inserted in the company and we'll start working as 'second agent' (we'll fare with senior train drivers who will be our tutors) for a year or more. When they'll tell us, we'll do the final exam to become train drivers ourselves.
This is so hard and exciting at the same time! I finally feel I have a purpose in life. I'm so happy!
I prepared some giveaways for you readers (level 3+):
Machina of the Planet Tree -Planet Ruler-ENDEDRaidersSphere4thENDEDSunrider AcademyENDEDKARAKARAENDEDfault - milestone oneENDEDfault - milestone two side:aboveENDEDI know, cheap stuff, but, you know, we are not paid yet :c
So this morning I received an email from the firm, apparently they already got the results of the medical exams. They said I am SUITABLE for the job!! YAY!!!
Tomorrow morning I will go to the local job centre to fill in some paperwork so I can enroll on the courses (which are managed and financed by the Region).
I'm so happy, have a giveaway!
Last week I got an email telling me to go today to Trieste (despite cultural hostilities between my people and Trieste, I need to say it's a very beautiful city) to undergo the needed medical exams. So this morning at 6.00 I hopped on the train and got there, where I met other people I knew or saw during selections.
We started with gathering blood and urine samples, then passed to a cardiological exam, then a hearing trial, a chat with the psychologist, a general examination with a focus on sight tests (I thought I had some problems with Ishihara tables, but apparently I got all of them correctly), some group tests for visual and auditive reflexes. We started at 8am and finished at 1pm.
Then I quickly got to the train station and managed to buy a ticket and hop on the train in time. I arrived at home at 3pm and could finally eat my beloved lunch! :d
Now I'll have to wait about a week for the results. After that, if the qualifying test will be good, the firm should contact us and tell us when the lessons start. It should be around the end of the month.
TL;DR: Medical exams done, let's cross fingers, now have a couple giveaways! :D (LVL 3+)
Yesterday OriginsENDEDAgatha Christie - The ABC MurdersENDEDmay add some later
Thanks for taking the time to read this and supporting me :)
UPDATE 20/12: YAY!!
Hi forum lurkers. After the 24/07 update I didn't update this post anymore. In the second half of September I received communication from the firm that they didn't select me (they picked only one out of us five friends). I had a bad time and forgot about this thread.
In October, though, I got to know about another selection for people to train as train drivers. This time it was inside my region. I applied and, about one month ago, I got convocated for a preliminary interview at the local job centre. I was told there were more than 600 applicants for about 20 places D: so they had to skim the candidates a bit.
One week ago I got an email where they told me to go for a second interview, this time also with the firm representative. On Friday morning I went to the interview, and since I was one of the last candidates (my surname starts with V), in the afternoon I got a response. And it was positive! Yay!
They told me to go on Monday, in the institute where the classes will be held, to undergo some tests with the other candidates. After those, they already defined an appointment for another meeting for today to discuss the results of the tests and personally give the response, be it positive or negative.
So this afternoon I went there and... they told me I passed the tests! Now I only need to pass the medical exams, which will be in about three weeks.
I'm so happy! YAY!!!
This is the best Christmas gift I could have asked for. For you, well... here! Have some giveaways! (LVL 3+)
Eon AltarENDEDShoppe KeepENDEDWurm UnlimitedENDEDScreencheatENDEDThanks for reading. Merry Christmas and happy holidays!
Original post:
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