It's against the rules to make a giveaway with a single key...he's talking about share with someone the price of the bundle NOT using the I wrong OP?
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I would do this to. I'm mainly interested in sol survivor, dead horde, and avencast, tho I could do without avencast if someone else really wanted it..
And I'd rather wait to see the few I'd like on sale and pick them up for less than indie face kick. I am sure the games there could be something I enjoy, by as it stands I already have Pam, an extra copy of Pam, runespell, I've played enough of booster trooper to know I do not care for it, and I believe I may have picked up still life 2 on gog recently. For the three games I'm interested in, at 75% off it'd be 7,49 if I were to get them all. (tho i would probably honestly only get sol survivor..)
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Wasn't I clear I don't want to spend $12 on 3 games? Who is talking about all for $1? I want 1 game for a dollar. Face kick thing has 8 games for $8 - hence $1 per a game. I just DON'T want or need the other games.
@Thordred Thanks for the irony, made you look very cool.
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I would never buy Fortix, even though it's only 0,99€, and I wouldn't buy, let's say Skyrim, for 8-10€ because I'm not interested in it. But I'm willing to pay much more for something I really want to play. The price just has to match my interest. If it doesnt... is it overpriced? Or is my interest in playing the game not so great after all?
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I find it kind of like stealing to be honest. Im as cheap as the rest of you shysters, but come on really? Splitting the cost between people? Its 5 bucks! If you cant be bothered to even spend that much for a game "YOu just HAVE to have" then maybe you dont actually want or should even have it. The bundles are meant to provide access to at least 1 "good" game, and a few unknown, or less games in order to drive sales and promote the companies. Not to be man handled and divided up amongst a group of cheap wads.
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I do not agree! This one 5 bucks, a next one 5 bucks and I think we can go on and on and on.... It's not like we are buying "only" those games. I do intend to buy games like civ5 or Diablo etc. I would not have bought a single game if it was not in a bundle and now I lost already about 50-70$. So it DOES matter m8
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I wouldn't say lost, at least say invested since you bought things you wanted, even if in the end it eats at the savings for buying something bigger. Like a new rig since 2 years ago :p
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Your not forced to buy every bundle ever! So yes it is 5 bucks for a PACK OF GAMES, even if its just the one game you want. I just bought the indie royal for 5 just for Hard Reset. The bundle prices are far cheaper then steam prices even if all the games in it were on sale. Being in the bundles, devs and such are already loosing some money (can be argued, wont go in-depth), but when people start buying bundles at the min price and then exchange the games, that costs even more sales. Its a slap in the face for devs MORE SO then just downright pirating the game.
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Wait! Spending money means I don't have said money anymore!?? What is this heresy! It's not my fault I want things!
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this is the kind of things that you do with a FRIEND, and is 5 dollars, just pass of it, or wait for someone that buy-it and then trade the keys...
no one play all the games of a bundle, i have like 3 keys (and a stupid screensaver) of separate games from bundles...
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Just buy the game you want when it's on sale and support the developer you actually care about if that's how you feel. Most bundles are for charity, and even if they not they are supporting the devs at a really easy to meet price for the buyer. I really don't think it's necessary to take advantage of that and pool together with others (unless you're only donating for charity, like the HumbleBrony people). Otherwise do what everyone else has suggested and go find some friends to do it with rather than trying to encourage people to take advantage of already fairly priced bundles.
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It worries me that people have gotten so used to lack of ownership of what they pay for that they argue against it. It used to be that you could lend a game or have several people buy it and share it. Now it's wrong even to buy a bundle together and have different people own different games?
So generally I think it's a fine idea, but it's a bit of an issue to have people who don't know each other in real life pool their money together.
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I see your point, and if you're doing it with friends I can look the other way, but in the end these are indie developers. They don't make millions in profit for every game they release, they depend on the sales of their games to continue to develop games. For some developers, I would guess that these bundles are life savers for them.
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I will trade Booster Trooper, PAM, Runespell and Greed from IFK
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No. Most of the bundles say "these keys are for your own use". I often buy bundles for just 1 or 2 games, and I think that's what makes them work. You get a game at a decent price, you also get some other games you've probably never heard of, and maybe you like them and you tell your friends how cool they are, and that's good for the bundle people. It just doesn't seem quite right to split them like that.
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75 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by NymCast
For example, I am interested in Jolly Rover from the current IndieRoyale and Still Life 2 and maybe Avencast and PAM from the upcoming Face Kick bundle. Yet, I don't feel like spending $12+ on these, since I won't probably ever play the rest of the games or I just already own them.
My idea is, if there are people who are interested in the rest of the bundle feautures, why not share the expenses for it? I would gladly pay $1 or whatever the price for a single game is, and just save the rest of the cash for whatever more we are about to see in the near future.
Someone who likes the idea?
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