Yeah, I mean I usually take it upon myself to specify what is and isn't okay when rolling for a game like a GOTY edition and such. "Yes it is okay to roll just for DLC" for example. If you haven't specified then I consider that a flaw on your part especially if they ask and you don't answer. However, it is your own prerogative to set the boundaries in which the GA is gifted. So ask for a reroll, though I don't think there's really a need to blacklist or send hate-mail towards the other person if said person was just in it for the games he was missing. He would obviously benefit from the GA too.
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I did specify that I wanted it to go to someone who hadn't got any of the games in the bundle.
Probably won't black list. Not a fan of doing it, just wondered what others did in this sort of situation.
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Yeah, I'd just ask for a reroll then, no harm no foul. Pretty sure they'll grant it without any fuss as they're really good about this stuff around here. If you take it upon yourself to actually tell the guy you risk poking a bear and getting yelled at flamed etc. So I'd just let the flame die out and reroll in the shadows. Shame that guys like him can't respect the rules set down by the GA creators like yourself.
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support: wbarton
ex-support, but i think this is still valid: thejadefalcon
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Majority means majority of components of the bundle or majority of the cost/value. It is not an arbitrary rule, and so "1 of 1,000" games would not qualify unless that game was the most critical or expensive portion of the bundle. Discretion by the giveaway creator means they get to choose what majority applies to, not that they can re-roll because someone owned any part of a bundle.
And of course, we're only talking about cases where the giveaway creator does not specifiy anything explicit in the description.
Now, a case could be made that if a giveaway creator says that they want to give a bundle away to someone who doesn't own any part of it, if they state that up front, then they should be able to re-roll even if someone owns 1 out of 1,000 games. But once again, that's only if they state that in the description, otherwise, the majority rule applies.
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In the end, the giveaway creator has the final say, and if they believe the winner owns too many of the packaged games, we'll allow them to request a new winner.
if i consider that owning a $0.03 soundtrack from a $199 pack is too much, i will be granted a reroll.
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No. I don't think so. Only if you state that explicitly in your description. But, this could be like our United States Supreme Court, where we won't know what the real rule is, until someone tests it. We don't have giveaway creators who act in such an unreasonable manner, and therefore, no one has ever tested to see how far you could pust it.
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All I'm saying is that, there is no giveaway in which someone has actually asked for a re-roll based on such extremes. If so, I'd like to see someone talk about it. Has anyone here tried to do it?
There are lots of bad and poorly written laws on the books, but the laws remain there until someone is harmed by them and then challenges them. Usually, no one ever encounters a situation in which the stupid law ever applies. Until then, the law is inert.
I want to see some reports of people asking and getting re-rolls based on someone owning a $1.00 DLC in a bundle that cost $50.00, just as an example. Has this ever happened? I'm more interested in the rules in actual practice, rather than the theoretical. That's all I'm saying, not really contradicting you.
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But once again, that's only if they state that in the description, otherwise, the majority rule applies.
A giveaway description will never be taken into account when reviewing a reroll request (at least not in the benefit of the giveaway creator, of course we would deny the request if they state it's for a different game for example). It doesn't matter if they state anything in the description or not, or even if they state it's fine to enter then later change their mind.
Did you even read the comments Mullins linked ?
wbarton : "Any time someone does a giveaway for something having multiple parts, it's generally up to their discretion how much, if any, of it the winner may already own. Even clarifying that stipulation in the description is only a courtesy on the part of the submitter and not required, and it applies equally to all giveaways regardless of type, including public ones."
thejadefalcon : "They always have the final say on this, even in public giveaways. If they feel the winner owns too much of a particular collection, they're allowed to ask for a reroll. Ask them. If they don't respond, feel free to enter anyway, just prepare yourself for possible disappointment even if you do win."
And again, from the FAQ : "In the end, the giveaway creator has the final say, and if they believe the winner owns too many of the packaged games, we'll allow them to request a new winner."
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So basically, you're saying that the majority rule is just a guideline, and that someone can ask for a re-roll for any reason having to do with the winner owning any part of a bundle, even if that reason is unreasonable. If so, then that's good to know.
And you folks in support would not view this person as abusing the spirit of the rules here on SG?
I thought that the rule was based on a "reasonable person" standard rather than being arbitrary. One more flaw that needs fixing.
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If the winner owns one game from a bundle that contains a thousand games, the gifter has the right to request a reroll, and it will be granted. One of the site rules states: "Only enter to win games you do not already own". Owning 1 item from the bundle may be considered a violation of that rule.
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Wow. Well, I see that I was wrong. I made some assumptions about this whole "majority" thing that don't even have any meaning.
"Owning 1 item from the bundle may be considered a violation of that rule."
So then why tell people this:
"We ask users not to enter giveaways for packages if they already own the majority of the games."
Why not just tell them not to enter any giveaway in which they own any part of a bundle?
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Because entering a giveaway for a bundle while you own one or more items from it is a grey area when it comes to the site rules. Sure, you own 1 game, but there's one more (two more, ten more, a thousand more) that you do not own. Are you eligible to receive them? Who will make that decision? What you are suggesting is that support makes that decision. What the current site rules suggest is that the gifter makes that decision (as he is the one who paid money for the gift in the first place).
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Also, why not rewrite the FAQ to say:
If you own any part of a bundle/collection that is being away, the giveaway creator has the right to re-roll if they so choose.
This whole "majority" thing is meaningless and only leads to confusion.
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We ask...
An admission that it would be courteous to do the following, but not mandatory. This is not a statement, and therefore can not be a rule.
In the end, the giveaway creator has the final say...
A blanket statement. This overrides any connotations you might have thought of while reading any previous material. It's the end all.
I thought that the rule was based on a "reasonable person" standard...
Why would you think that? There is nothing stating that or implying that would be the case. It's not arbitrary. A "reasonable person" approach would allow bias, while the current approach simply favors the giver of a game.
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Yep, you're right. I completely misread it. Well, this is helpful to me, because now I don't have to care anymore about my giveaway descriptions. I can just re-roll if I want to. Wow.
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No need to explain anything. It's an explicit rule that you shouldn't enter a giveaway when you own the majority of a bundle, without explicit permission from the giveaway creator. Just wait for the re-roll.
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Since the winner didn't bother reading the giveaway description or he thought he could get away with owning some of the games I wouldn't bother contacting him if I were you. And I would blacklist him because I wouldn't want someone like him entering my giveaways anymore.
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Reroll and blacklist, if he didn't bother to read the description, then you should have no responsibility on telling him why he got rerolled.
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Thanks everyone! This thread has been REALLY illuminating.
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Should I contact the winner and explain that I am asking for a re-role?
No, if you put proper info in description, then that's already too much.
Should I just ignore them and wait for the re-role?
Yes, unless he contacts you prior to that, explaining won't hurt in this case.
Should I black list them?
If you feel so disgusted of one invidual who might or might not read your description and joined regardless, maybe you should. But in general, I wouldn't blacklist that guy - there are at least 100 other ones who did the same, just didn't win. Will you go through all of them? If not, why should that one guy be blacklisted and other 100 not?
Of course, it's still up to you who you blacklist and for what reason (if any). I just replied to your question based on my own opinion.
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Step 1: blacklist
Step 2: ask for a re-roll
Step 3: control all the entrants and blacklist those who broke that rule.
If this happened, that's because they either:
I'm too mean? Well, probably I am! But I'm doing it for the community!
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I put up a bundle of 5 games stating that I'd like it to go to someone who didn't own any of them to win as I wanted someone new to experience the great games.
The winner ended up owning 3 out of 5 of the items in the bundle already. :(
Needless to say, I have asked for a re-role.
However, what is the etiquette with this now? What would you do?
Should I contact the winner and explain that I am asking for a re-role?
Should I just ignore them and wait for the re-role?
Should I black list them?
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