Have anyone ever been wrongly VAC banned? Since for some odd reason I got banned today, even though I haven't played a game since last week. Worse part is I don't play any source games, if you exclude Dota 2 since it's not VAC bannable. Last source game I played was Garry's Mod for 30-60mins with a friend on a few TTT servers.

If you're wondering if I hack or cheat on VAC games, no I don't. Never have, never was going to. I only play Dota 2 exclusively and since university started this week I was going to quit Dota 2 for a few weeks. So to be randomly VAC banned out of nowhere is quite a shock to me.

If I gotten hacked, then wouldn't they have to play a game for me to get banned? Last game on my profile is still Dota 2 on 1st of March.

Anyhow I sent them a support ticket to see what they are gonna reply with, but from what I heard it's gonna be a hard fight, since they don't remove VAC bans easily. Don't know what I can do to show my innocent. =/

My Steam profile link:

Thanks for reading and here's a giveaway =)

Thank you for all your concern by saying I hacked my games, I will update this post once I found out the reason why I got banned. I bet it wasn't me and I will prove my innocent.

I already contacted Steam, just wondering if anyone ever got unbanned from VAC here in SteamGifts.

9 years ago*

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No calling out and thanks for the 14 cent game. Penny pushing poser VAC banned wanna be hacker.

9 years ago

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Thanks for your concern, but like I said I only play Dota 2 exclusively and maybe I should've not putted a giveaway since you get some people like you.

No I don't hack or use cheats, tools or whatever.

9 years ago

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VAC bans do not happen just because. I will not argue it with you.

Some people like me already own the game. So don't care.

View attached image.
9 years ago

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That ending though

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Read what he said pls skrub

9 years ago

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I'll cut you in the face. Scrub

9 years ago

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uwot m8

9 years ago

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uwot m8

Can actually talk, type, and carry a conversation. That is what. Mate.

9 years ago

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ok m8

9 years ago

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Much like your wide eyed spaced out avatar looks, I see your human figure to resemble the same.

9 years ago

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fak he knows

9 years ago

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Oh look. Somebody caught abusing steam gifts group feature to inflate their numbers is being rude before quitting.

9 years ago

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wow you shouldnt be here Adam....you are way to rude and even ungrateful

9 years ago

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And another below my pay grade responding. Add me to your Blacklist and stop talking to me. You are not worthy of my words..

9 years ago

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Eat their noobish brains Zombie !!! xD

9 years ago

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just try to be a bit more nicer. not that hard isnt it.
believe me, i hate cheaters just as much as you do, and i am also sick of that "got banned for no reason" threads.
but on the other hand, you dont know jack shit how much i earn, its more than i can spend....
no need to block you, no reason!

9 years ago

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I do not have to be nice. It isn't in the rules to be nice nor kiss ass. As long as I am not making derogatory remarks, then it is okay. This members deserves to be told too go fuck off.

And I am not trying to call you out for not being on my pay grade. I am just stating you are in fact not. I know this for a fact. Do not take it personal against your monetary means of living or giving.

9 years ago

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haha made my day, you dont even know me nor what i do :D
no need to give to proof that i earn as much as you do....
you would be disappointed if you knew more cough

9 years ago

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You now trying to lead this conversation into a male vs female pay equality.
And that is never what I meant by anything.
I see you all as autonomous individuals. Sexual orientation excluded.

9 years ago*

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wait..what? you need help

9 years ago

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Help with what?
Did I ask for a maid?

9 years ago

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^ not even a female but its fun to see how easy it is to fool "kids"

9 years ago

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You just made yourself into a troll. Nice. Still below my pay grade. Go find something else to do with your time.

I am also to assume you are the same person that created this thread.

9 years ago

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you mean just like you still replying to my replies?
again, made my day
typical underpaid uneducated north american :D

9 years ago

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Your reply is shit.
Your thread is shit.
Your life is shit.
You are shit.
But the biggest shit taken, is that you pretend to be two people.

9 years ago

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hahaha, see!
i never pretended to be someone different, you did just by checking my profile picture which is honestly pretty stupid :D

9 years ago

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You said "As long as I am not making derogatory remarks".
That is all you do.
i.e. I'll cut you in the face. Scrub
Your reply is shit.
Your thread is shit.
Your life is shit.
You are shit.
But the biggest shit taken, is that you pretend to be two people.

9 years ago*

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Go shut your fingers in a car door.
By the looks of your account, you don't do shit here but log in to pretend to be someone else.
Much like a lot of other mules here. I can smell you. You stink.
Instead of Brains you have shit in its place.

9 years ago*

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What the fuck? I was just about to blacklist you and saw your name... What's happening to you? Take it easy...

9 years ago

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Yea well. I am relaxed. Blacklist away if it makes you feel good. If Blacklisting is a weapon, I think it shoots blanks to be honest. But yea I am chill.

9 years ago

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No worries, I won't blacklist you. I'm just a bit surprised you are so tense lately. :P

9 years ago

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It is that time of year I suppose. Nothing harmful is meant from my simple words anyways. It isn't like they are snakes on a plane or something serious like that. Just words, meaningless typed drivel. We all use them like they are a weapon though. Maybe one day they will be. Maybe one day I will be able to shock people over the Internet also. We all can dream for something better, or just type words about how others should be dreaming and not doing what they are doing, possibly ruining the dream of another.

9 years ago

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Words are one of the strongest weaponry that exist, in my opinion. Words are used to start wars, end wars. Hurt people, help people. Cheer them up, or sadden them.
Words are a powerful tool that can be used for good or bad.

I personally believe that the way one should use words is the same as handling a weapon. Being careful, and thinking carefully before talking or typing to make sure you won't regret these words in the future.

I know it's sometimes hard to do so. I sometimes said or typed harsh words, especially over the internet, and deeply regretted them afterwards. Now I learned to control these words, even if I sometimes let myself slip. I say things I don't want to say but I do so without thoroughly thinking about it beforehand.

9 years ago

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Are...Are you okay, though, Zombie? Do you need a hug?

9 years ago

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how have you not been banned from this site yet, seriously. mods must be asleep lol

9 years ago

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Adam, stop this nonsense. If you have nothing good to say, don't say anything.

9 years ago

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Bears can't talk.

9 years ago

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u drunk m8

9 years ago

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I've seen this conversation before, I'm inclined to assume you do this quite often.

9 years ago

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Adam stop making a fool of yourself and go play with your toys like a good little boy.

9 years ago

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You need to re-examine how you interact with people on the forums. Merely falling short of full-on ad hominem attacks is not a useful measure of whether your contributions are useful.

I've read a few of your comments in this thread and you either have a clear intent to antagonize or are obtuse. Neither are necessary or productive.

9 years ago

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Why? What concern is it of yours what I do and how I interact. I find it antagonizing that you interject your opinion into this conversation. What gives you the right to do so how you feel you can do just that? Does it make you feel good? Does it make you better than me? Do you feel like you are better than me because of the advice you offer? Do you think you are a better person because of the words you type? How do you justify your own person and maybe your own shortcomings as an individual? Are you really a giftasaurus?

9 years ago

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You are like the Ouroboros, except made of shit.

9 years ago

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You are correct in that there is no requirement to "be nice." There is a general guideline regarding the content of postings, however.

  • When posting content, it should respect the privacy and rights of others.
    [Guidelines, line 6]

Freedom of speech is the rule until someone crosses the line into abuse.

9 years ago

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By being nice you get nowhere in life, you must be hard.

9 years ago

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Nice people finish well behind or don't finish at all.
But at least they helped someone finish first.
Someone has to be last.
Never has there ever been a nice World leader.
Maybe a PR person to stroke the egos of the followers.
This site is filled with followers all rubbing one out on each other.
I like to watch, sometimes throw a stone at one to see if it reacts.
All the nice advice opinions come to aid their fallen fellow follower.
It makes for great entertainment the upheaval that just words can make.
Let's riot and throw words of advice, opinions, and insults. I like humans.

9 years ago

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I agree, I'm a project manager for a sport accommodation and I wouldn't be if I was a nice, shy, modest person. As a sidejob I need to go to foreign sport accommodations every month to spy on them, befriend them to know more insider information about their projects, to see if it has positive results or not, to then turn my back to them and say thanks for the info, my company will use it with a big smile. So basicly I need to befriend people for all the wrong reasons.

I need to hide all stolen information I have in my mattress in the hotelroom, if they ever suspect me they'll have a hard time finding the proof. I feel alive when doing that job, it gives me adrenaline rush, working days go over too early because I'm in love with my job and if I would be that nice person I wouldn't ever had a chance to get it.

9 years ago

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uwot m8?

9 years ago

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Fucking hell this kid is so edgy.

9 years ago

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Hipster I prefer. Wordy edgy hipster. Annnnnd you are what?
A JollyCompanion. neat.
I like your Steam profile, how fucking edgy is that!

The Simon Cowell of pornography and the slut shaming master of trash

9 years ago

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How did I miss all of this? Hilarious shit.

9 years ago

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Everything is funny. Everyone is a comedian. Everyone has advice and everyone has an opinion.
I find it all amusing. I like it.
I wish it could stick around here to see how it all plays out.

9 years ago

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Go home Zombie you're drunk! XD

Or if you are home, go to someone elses home!

9 years ago

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Yea. That was a good idea. I did.

9 years ago

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Still recommend you stand down from this one and let it unfurl.

9 years ago

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And with this, one task has been completed.
Last comment to add together with the rest. Thank you for being my last.

Unfurled it will be, into the wind, the ashes drift.
Paper burnt from past words written.
Backs arched contorted, black veil mist.
Faces muddled with torn expressions.

9 years ago

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VAC bans can take months to kick in because Valve bans by batches. So maybe you had a cheat of some sort running months before.

9 years ago

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Like I said, I have never used any hacks or cheats on VAC servers. I play Dota 2 a lot and it wasn't in the list of VAC games banned.

9 years ago

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The people you need to convince of not cheating are not the people you are trying to convince right now or buy with your 14 cent giveaway. Tell your story to Steam support and let it go. No one here can help you. Unless you want someone to agree with you and go on a tirade against Steam VAC bans. Which isn't going to happen anytime soon as most just lie.

9 years ago

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You surely didn't read what I wrote, I just asked whether anyone have been wrongly banned from VAC before. I never asked for people to agree with me. I just want to find out what really happened.

9 years ago

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So ask official Steam support as they will have the answer as no one here can offer any insight into what happened. Does that just not make sense? Everything said is just speculation. Does that just not comprehend?

9 years ago

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thus protest too much..

9 years ago

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Fight fight, kiss kiss

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I will say it again, DID YOU NOT READ MY THREAD? I said I already asked Steam Support. I was just wondering if anyone got VAC unbanned before on Steamgifts and asked for their experience.

9 years ago

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I read it when you first wrote it, you can try to use cap letters to shout at me. I don't care. I also don't care that you was VAC banned. Most likely for a good reason. Most lie. Most tell stories why. You are most to me. Meh.

9 years ago

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I will thank you again for your insightful commentary so far, since really you helped me so much with your generic responses which were useless.

Thank you for being useless person with no life but other than to flame other people on SG forums who wrongly got banned on VAC.

9 years ago

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who wrongly got banned on VAC

Prove me wrong. I am not flaming you. I am not trolling you. I am stating the fact. You are VAC banned. That is a fact! You ask why of the wrong people that have no answers to help you. humans lie, that is a fact, they seek comfort from other humans, that is a fact. You have proved nothing but factual information. Prove me wrong, go get your VAC ban appealed.

Come back when it is and I will suck your sack.

9 years ago

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Sorry mate but are you retarded or blind ?

He is not asking why he got banned

He is asking if anyone here got ever banned for nothing

Use your damn eyes....

9 years ago

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Fuck off with your reply. Who asked your opinion scrub. You are not on my pay grade to be talking to me!

9 years ago

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Hopefully I'm above your intelligence "grade"

9 years ago

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No worries, even a dead fly is. That zombie is very much brain dead for sure.

9 years ago

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well, you are below my pay grade and hereby blacklisted. first time i blacklist someone because he is a dick. sincerely, fuck off.

9 years ago

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Neat. Thanks.
So what does the Blacklist do again?
Does it make you feel good for putting me on it?
Cool then.

Do you still see my words?
So it must not have worked as a petty device to shut me up.
I mean, I certainly don't care that I can't enter into your giveaways.
FAK! Oh noes, I can't enter into giveaway for video games..wah wah.
I should go make a fucking thread about how my fells got all hurt by it.
And see if anyone else has stories about it as well, maybe we can rub each others backs in the shower.

I should Blacklist you for having Satanic culty kill kill shit as an Avatar.
I mean, shit, if I offended you with my pathetic words.
I can't imagine how your dark lord feels about your feelings getting hurt over my dumb shit.
If I was you, I be worried about more than being Blacklisted by him. Just saying.

9 years ago

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you're cute. you are trying so hard to pretend be the bad boy. and grown-up. but i don't buy it. i really don't. ^^

9 years ago

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Buy what? Are you saying you can buy more than me?
Must be an elitist Satanic culty kill kill artful pranksters rich snobby sinners.
Oh noes what will happen now :O

9 years ago

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What did you expect? he is 'murrican...

9 years ago

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chill out... whats wrong with you? v__v people like you are the reason aliens wont talk to us

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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stop taking Chantix and go back to smoking, before kill someone

9 years ago

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ok you 2 need to get a room already.. Can I atleast watch?

9 years ago

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some people just want to break your OO

9 years ago

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Yes there are some wrongly banned from time to time, but not on random. It's usually because of software that could be considered a hack/accessing the game's files. If you ran a VAC game with that kind of software (doesn't have to be actual hacks), that is probably the reason.

9 years ago

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Reading is way above his pay grade.

9 years ago

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What do you think pay grade refers to? Or better yet, what I make it to mean for myself? Do you find it offensive? Do you think it means something monetary? Does it make you want to Blacklist me? Does it make you feel jealousy? Are you an envious type of individual?

9 years ago

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It means I wonder how a 6 year old can type so well.

9 years ago

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Do you find comfort in trying to insult another person online? How does ones age reflect on their ability to accomplish a task? Have you watched Master Chef junior? Those kids are quite talented, I am sure they could also form a sentence made of words. So age can be taken out of the equation.
Is that an avatar of Archer? Why do you have a picture such as that? How do you relate your life to that of an animated show? Do you watch it? Does it entertain you? Do you sometimes wish you could be like that character? What traits do you find appealing in other individuals?

9 years ago

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Well, that response tells me everything I was curious about. Thanks.

9 years ago

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wahaha, sit down :)

9 years ago

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It happend in past that people got banned by mistake but they were also unbanned as soon as possible.

However it is really rare, so rare that it is hard to find those people who were banned by mistake, I remember seeing one post long long ago, maybe 1 or so year ago how person was banned and then unbanned.

Anyway, u need to contact steam support, gl.

9 years ago

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You may or may not be innocent but it is possible to be banned for having a cheat/hack program running in the background when you open a VAC ban-able game.

I've heard of many people being banned for having one of the single player trainers for other games running in the background because Steam detects them as hacks ( I think its the DLL injections ).

And @xboxer is correct. The actual offense might have taken months ago but since steam sends out the bans once in like 6 months, you would be hard pressed to remember what it was. Also it is quite hard to argue your case with steam as they never tell you exactly why you got banned.

9 years ago

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you played garry´s mod and TF2 in the early past, they use vac

9 years ago

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no idea..
seems weird,,were you using some program with Steam in background...any new mods/antivirus you installed recently?
best course of action is the one you took.
Good luck with Support. I sincerely hope it gets sorted out soon..

9 years ago

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VAC bans rarely happen because of a mistake on Steams behalf. Gaben is God and sees all.

9 years ago

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i'm high as kite n inclined to think everyone is good n filled with fuzzies

9 years ago

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That is the best place to be right now. :D

9 years ago

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indeed XD

9 years ago

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No mods or new Antivirus, been using the same since I installed this OS.

9 years ago

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only google is your friend then..

9 years ago

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i know that some user will be vac banned because they use some different in game overlay.. like skype overlay or ts3 overlay

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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maybe... btw i use ts3 overlay without problem.. but if you use google.. you can find what i have write..

9 years ago

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If you use google.. you can find cheaters inventing all kind of silly storys.
Like getting banned for pressing ALT + F4 or because winamp or illuminati...

9 years ago

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true... dat illuminati!

9 years ago

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next to his bullshit i see more bullshit

9 years ago

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I have two alternate accounts for TF2 idling and those were VAC banned once at the same time for reasons unknown to me. After a few months the bans were lifted, I didn't wrote a support ticket.

9 years ago

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having multiple accounts is not bannable.

9 years ago

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It was before steam market was invented.

9 years ago

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I don't use idling programs for any games.

9 years ago

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I didn't use any external idling programs either, I used the built in launch parameters to start the game in textmode.

9 years ago

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Nomen est omen. (^^;

9 years ago

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If i remember correctly, it should specify the game you were banned in. Find out which it is, and see if you've played it in the last couple of months (it can take a long time for a VAC ban to activate)

Sadly, there are VERY rare cases that the ban is a mistake, Many claim it is, but They lie.

Also, DOTA 2 IS bannable. and it seems you play that a hell of a lot... so i'd begin to think its there.

9 years ago

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Dota 2 wasn't on the list, they just listed all my Source games. i.e. TF2, HL2, CSS, etc.

9 years ago

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What list?
Dota 2 is VAC secured, as the store page quite clearly states.

9 years ago

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The list where it tells me which games I have been VAC banned from.

Counter-Strike: Source
Team Fortress 2
Half-Life 2
Counter-Strike: Source Beta
Half-Life: Source
Day of Defeat: Source
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
Half-Life Deathmatch: Source
Half-Life 2: Episode One
Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Team Fortress 2 Beta
Zombie Panic Source
Age of Chivalry
D.I.P.R.I.P. Warm Up
Eternal Silence
Hidden: Source Beta 4b

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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^ Good eye there Tsundere!

9 years ago

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Yeah, might be VAC ban for SAM cheating, albeit unlikely, it's still memory hooking program...

9 years ago

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And there are a reason for that.

9 years ago

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There are a few of single players only games in this list.

Can you join Dota 2 servers normally?

9 years ago

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I uninstalled a few games, including Dota 2 as I have university again and needed to take a break from Dota 2. But I don't think I'm banned from Dota 2 as it doesn't say anything about Dota 2 on that list.

9 years ago

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There are single player games there because VAC bans are on Source engine version basis, not blanket ban on all Source games

9 years ago

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Sucks for you. From my experience they will not tell you what you did :) They will just say, that you broke their rules and that's it :) Steam support for presidents.

9 years ago

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VAC is far from perfect and I never understood some people's blind faith in it, there's been quite a few numbers of false positives throughout the years. And despite how Valve claims that they're irreversible, there were few cases when VAC bans were lifted.

In any case, open a support ticket and try avoid specific keyword so you don't get caught in their auto reply system.

9 years ago

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I got caught already with their auto reply system, since I said I got VAC banned. They probably won't reply for weeks from all the stories I heard.

Funny how people are already saying I'm a hacker, even though I never hacked or cheated and was a happy steam user for all these years.

9 years ago

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It did not happen for no reason (this isn't 1999 with makeshift mechanics to detect anomalies). Stop trying to tell stories and just contact official Steam support.

9 years ago

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vac cant ban for no reason) its impossible) u just cheated some time ago and now this cheat become detected for vac) so may be its will be lesson for u) u are not smartest dude on the planet. cheers

9 years ago

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there's been quite a few numbers of false positives throughout the years

It's a quote from a comment above. You can check yourself :)

9 years ago

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Not trying to be on someone's side, but false positives rarely happens, besides VAC bans always comes in waves so there should be like a shitstorm of angry people getting banned for no reason at the same time plus discussions about it.

9 years ago

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Well I am not picking a side either. I was just reading random comments and saw something that contradicts each other so wanted to mention it. I am no one to judge whether he is in fault or not and it's not why I am part of Steam community :)

9 years ago

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VAC ban for a reason.You did something and now are paying the price.

9 years ago

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Any multiplayer steamworks game can integrate the VAC system. Call of Duty for example. It's also possible to get VAC'd if you have family sharing enabled and that person uses hacks while connected. It is rare for it to happen for no reason and if you don't know what game it was supposed to be from then you'll never know the why. Since VAC applies only to the game you acquired it from you should be able to test on all of those servers and see which one it is.

9 years ago

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Hmm I don't have a lot of source games installed. It may be family sharing, I will have to have a look into that, but how can you tell if it was family sharing game or not?

9 years ago

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Like I said, they don't have to be Source. And you'd know if it was family sharing if you have it on, were VAC banned. and it wasn't because of you. :P

9 years ago

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If you get VAC flagged on a family share, it just disables family sharing.

9 years ago

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How can you tell? Since family sharing is still activate when I go into settings > Family.

9 years ago

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Try to enter a VAC secured game on your main login. If you can't enter a VAC game on your primary login, you were VAC banned on the account, not on a family share.

edit: But seeing as how your TF2 and CS items were eliminated, I'm going to go out on a limb and say your primary was banned, not via family share.

9 years ago

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All I can see is this from the list of VAC games I got banned from:

Counter-Strike: Source
Team Fortress 2
Half-Life 2
Counter-Strike: Source Beta
Half-Life: Source
Day of Defeat: Source
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
Half-Life Deathmatch: Source
Half-Life 2: Episode One
Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Team Fortress 2 Beta
Zombie Panic Source
Age of Chivalry
D.I.P.R.I.P. Warm Up
Eternal Silence
Hidden: Source Beta 4b

So kinda hard for me to tell, I also lost all my TF2/CS items. So I'm not so happy about that as well. The only source game I played recently was Garry's Mod.

9 years ago

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It's clearly a mistake on Valve's part because how on earth do you get banned from Counter Strike: Source Beta or Team Fortress 2 Beta? Anyway, don't let the idiots tell you that's just your fault. VAC is a terrible anti-cheat system and that has been demonstrated with CS:GO. I hope Valve really step up their game with the support team because it's currently one of the worst out there.

9 years ago

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Valve will sometimes ban you from every Source game if you get caught cheating in one. He didn't have to cheat in the betas.

9 years ago

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right! and remember that vac ban system is fully automatic... as i know, this system can go wrong if is bad developed

9 years ago

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There are these games on the list because VAC bans are on Source engine version basis, not blanket ban on all Source games...

9 years ago

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You have like a zillion TF2 achievements that all unlocked on the same time: Unlocked: 4 Jul, 2011 @ 2:48pm
I would find it strange though if you would get banned for that 4 years later. But that kinda proofs youre used to tampering with games ;)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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About that, it's as winterflame said, there were achievement servers back in the day to unlock them all. I just happened to go into one and used it by chance. I did not tampered with the game and as far as I know servers mods can't get you banned. I think back then you get free times and whatnot for completing achievements.

9 years ago

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I know about those servers, a buddy of mine used them to unlock all achievements.
Like I said I dont think thats it, but its the only odd thing I could find.

And you dont "just happen" to enter an achievements server ;)

9 years ago

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I used to play with friends on TF2, so I joined whatever server they joined. That's how I discover quite a lot of cool mods on TF2 or Gmod since I'm quite lazy to play by myself.

9 years ago

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I'm quite lazy

Yes you are
And much deserving of a VAC ban.

9 years ago

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First of all, achievement servers is news to me. Next, they're not a cause for bans right? Cause I want to up my completion %.

9 years ago

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With fake achievements? Why?

9 years ago

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I just happened to go into one and used it by chance.

Fucking scrub looking for ass pats of approval from others. Just like a simple minded human to do such a thing. Keep talking, keep falling down your own rabbit hole.

9 years ago

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Again, thank you for your insightful commentary. I will make sure you suck my sack when I prove you wrong...

9 years ago

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I will gladly do so. But you will not prove anything wrong nor anyone. You cheated, you unlocked shit with a cheat,. You are a cheater. Now kindly go play in a corner with a knife.

9 years ago

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You on your period?

9 years ago

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That is sexist and much like a misogynistic fool to replay as such.

9 years ago

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I think you don't know how achievement servers works for stating such thing.

They're pretty much for people idle and/or get some random kill-based achievements (a few others too, like that 'run 25km' one, ie), but they don't just get completed by joining servers, you still have to do what's needed for its completion.

If you want people to believe in you and don't want people pointing at you or trolling, start telling the truth about the tool you used to hack the achievements (and, by that, getting the items), since that's the possible/main reason of your ban.

Maybe it could be a case for support lift your ban, if you were honest since the beggining about this and you caught one of them in a good mood, but that 'no reason' from your OP blows it all and is just the same BS they see everyday...

9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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Idle Master says all over the readme and on the site not to run it while you're playing a VAC secured game. In the FAQ one of the questions is "I got VAC banned! What do I do?" and the answer is "Dumbass".

9 years ago

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I'm an IT admin and I have sandboxie here. Not a single ban registered.

Stop fucking lying.

9 years ago

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Played 10 years on vac games, over 4000 - hours on counter strike series, in that time i know of NO ONE vac for no reason

9 years ago

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hahahah SURE...sandboxie wont trigger a ban...worst excuse i have ever heard (besides...my grandma used my steam acc, i swear!)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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All tiers program you used on a vac secure you got a Vac Ban.
Welcome in family.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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Use a tiers program on not vac secure server ^^

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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^ this comment was VAC banned, 13 minutes ago.

9 years ago

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Steam tend to be very vague about why people get VAC banned - apparently giving out too much info would help the hackers evade their detection methods. So don't expect any help from them working out why you were banned.

I have rarely heard of people getting randomly unbanned, presumably as a result of Steam updating their detection protocols to account for false positives. I have heard of a few people getting unbanned after contacting Steam with the specifics about the software they were running that they believed caused the VAC ban and Steam relenting.

I haven't ever heard of anyone getting unbanned after contacting Steam and saying they have no idea why they were banned but plz hlp. It really hasn't happened for no reason. If you are going to prove you are 'innocent' then you need to start thinking really hard about what might have caused the problem.

9 years ago

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They have to be vague about what cheat programs they banned you for. If they said that you got banned for running Let'sRuinGamesFOrOtherPeopleCheatNoScopeHacks, the person who made that program would know to try and update that so it may not be detected.

9 years ago

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Yeah, that amongst other things was what I meant by 'giving out too much info would help the hackers evade their detection methods'. And why I said not to expect any help from Steam working out why he was banned.

9 years ago

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I dont know too much about valve bans, but if they ban your account, they delete all your items? Maybe you got hacked, they clear your inventory and then did something to ban your account o.o

9 years ago

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Inventory gets frozen when u get a VAC ban.

9 years ago

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are you sharing your account?
wait for steam support but you can believe me that they will just send out an "automated message" with the standard text.

9 years ago

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Yes I'm sharing my account.

They already have sent me an automated message response, but the ticket is still open.

9 years ago

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well, there is your answer. blame your friends then

9 years ago

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No, sharing my account as in Family Sharing. Rather than sharing account passwords etc etc

9 years ago

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makes no difference when you share source games/dota
your account got vac´ed and its your responsibility to take care!

9 years ago

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If it was family sharing I did like to find out who and when. But I guess I might have to wait for Steam Support to reply.

9 years ago

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someone else probably cheated with your account.... if you didn't do it, then that's the easiest explanation.

and of course, steam won't lift the ban.

9 years ago

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Yeah, it's sounding like this is the thing that happened...

9 years ago

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In other words, never use Family Sharing ever?

9 years ago

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well share your account only with closed and TRUSTED friends.

9 years ago

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Not even with them if your account is valuable. If I'm not mistaken there was a case of mass VAC ban few years ago when a virus spreaded among players, it messed up with DLL and steam files triggering the VAC. If your friends are not the tech-savvy type and click on every "legit" link they find, the chance of getting viruses is high enough to be worried.

9 years ago

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well that is just an example.
i dont share mine anyway

9 years ago

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keep trying to prove us how you were wrong, most of the times it doesnt really ends well

9 years ago

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We will see. I will do a formal apology if I'm wrong, but until then I hope I can find out the reason why soon. Will keep you guys updated when they send me a response.

9 years ago

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Dota IS using VAC

9 years ago

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It wasn't DOTA
It was that this member used a server to unlock TF2 achievements. And deserves a VAC ban for that. Even if it happened years ago.

9 years ago

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the only thing which CAN get you vac banned is by unlocking those using S.A.M
achivement servers NEVER caused a ban

9 years ago

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Not sure cause I don't cheat. Just know what I see and assume they used a server to do so.

9 years ago

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Back then (and I mean something like 2008-2009), some people using an unlock all achievements server were banned. But I don't know if it's still the case or if the policy has been changed by third-parties softwares only.

Normal achievements servers, where you have actually to work to get your achievement, were and are still safe.

9 years ago

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Well. The person with the VAC ban has to prove their innocence. They have already been found guilty. So whatever the reason why, they will need to find out why from official means and not ask for others to add to the bullshit of unfair, wah wah cry for help crap threads that pop up when ever someone gets an asshurt over something that happens elsewhere.

9 years ago

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Well, I know that. But sometimes, you don't have all information to submit for the support and getting reminded of some options like third-parties softwares that aren't there to cheat can also help to prove your innocence (if you're indeed a wrongful ban).

At least, admit it, it wasn't a thread badly written like "plz, I got banned, help meee" :).

9 years ago

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i just mentioned that since he stated that dota isnt using vac

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Well, all cheaters say they don't cheat...

9 years ago

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Do non-cheaters say they don't cheat?

9 years ago

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I am a cheater and I cheated, your argument is invalid.

never mind, j.k.

9 years ago

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If you want to get unbanned, you need to figure out why they banned you in the first place. Unfortunately this is going to be very hard because they don't give you any details (in order to avoid helping cheaters), but there will be something.

People don't get VAC banned for no reason at all, but there are occasional false positives. If you come to them saying "I was VAC banned and don't know why plz hlp" you will get nothing. If you come to them saying "I think I was VAC banned because I was running [specific program that could be mistaken for a cheat] on [such and such a date]" and give them something to look into, then you might be able to get unbanned (at least, people in that situation have gotten unbanned in the past.) So your best bet is to try and think of any unusual things you did recently or weird software you might have been running.

Realize that VAC bans can take months, so whatever you did might have been months in the past. You have to think back a long time; the fact that you haven't played any games recently means nothing. You played TF2 last month, after all.

Also, don't even bother telling them it was family sharing or your little brother or whatever. The security of your account is your responsibility.

9 years ago*

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false/positives happen like once every 5 years...

9 years ago

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About the same occurrence as Big Foot sightings.

9 years ago

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Wish I can recall all the programs I had running a month ago, but that's just impratical. All I remember for sure is I never ran any hack tools or cheating tools. I remember playing TF2 for a few hours a month ago, since I was taking a break from Dota 2 and thought to myself I needed to play a few other games other than Dota 2.

9 years ago

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Well I guess that wouldn't help me much from the support ticket. Anyhow I just want to know why did they banned me.

9 years ago

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they wont tell you, they just dont do that

9 years ago

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again, dota is using vac either

9 years ago

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I doubt you would be banned for something done years ago. You would have been flagged earlier than now for that.

9 years ago

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Maybe Valve now gives VAC for addicted Dota 2 players?
But seriously i think you are just another cheater.

9 years ago

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here is one example of someone trustworthy who says that he was banned for the wrong reason (cosmetic mod).


VAC is the worst anti-cheat-system ever. it makes us afraid of using mods. valve doesn't properly whitelist mods and just bans everyone who uses some kind of dll injection. and if you get banned, you can't fix it, because steam support is so incredibly stupid and just sends you c&p standard answers, with statements like "no tolerance policy".

yes, 99% of the VAC bans might be well justified. but there are in fact people who should never have been banned. and who can never correct it. and who will be brandmarked for live.

9 years ago

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it doesnt matter if its a "cosmetic mod" or not. its an injection that changes the game files (wpm) which will trigger a vac ban.
also there are just a few workers at valve, they dont have a support hotline nor a helpdesk at all.
its a pretty small company according to employees!
vac is actually one of the best anti cheats

9 years ago

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that is why i say valve should whitelist cosmetic mods like crazy. they want to enforce their no tolerance policy? get a VAC ban, and you are called cheater for life? then valve better makes sure that every fucking ban is 100% justified. if they can't guarantee that, they have to react, if someone tries to reason with their support.

and i honestly don't care if they have few employees. they make enough money. some people have pretty expensive accounts. it is valves responsibility to treat their customers with respect (which they fail to do over and over again, btw). not enough people working at valve? then why don't they hire a few hundred? i am sure they have the money to do that. valve always proudly presents the newest figures, how many more customers they have. so they should just take some of that money they make off of us and use it to help us. to make us feel safe using the games they sell us the way we want to. it is so stupid, that pc users have to be afraid of using (cosmetic) mods. just stupid.

9 years ago

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It clearly says what will trigger the ban.
"The VAC system reliably detects cheats using their cheat signatures. Any third-party modification to a game designed to give one player an advantage over another is classified as a cheat or hack and will trigger a VAC ban. This includes modifications to a game's core executable files and dynamic link libraries."

If you don't like it then don't use Steam. It's not like they are forcing you.
If you think your ideas are better than Valve's make your own "Steam". You will be able to whitelist whatever mods you like.

9 years ago

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  1. it doesn't matter that it says that. i think it should be our freedom to use mods as we want (as long as they are not actual cheats in a multiplayer game, of course). is that unreasonable in any way?

  2. yeah sure, if i don't like steam bla bla.. come one, this really is a stupid argument. first of all, if you want to be a pc gamer without limiting yourself quite heavily, you have to use steam. there is really no way around it. so many games work only with steam. second, i am saying this because i want steam to improve. i don't want to get rid of it or something. i want steam to be the best fucking gaming platform of all time. that is why i complain about the things that are obviously shitty right now. i complain, because i want it to be better. funny, that you seem to have a problem with that. i mean, do you agree with everything valve does? is there nothing about steam you would change? if there is, you need to be able to talk about it, right? and if you do talk about it, i am sure you don't want people to tell you to just don't use steam, if you don't like it. ;)

  3. make your own steam. yeah, that's a totally good idea and helps us gamers with this problem... how exactly? ^^ well, what i said in (2) applies to this "argument" aswell...

9 years ago

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  1. That's how free market works. I would agree with you if Steam was paid from our taxes. But it's not. It's someone's private money. They can allow/disallow whatever they want. You can't demand anything. Maybe it's just not worth for them. Maybe they'll get more money disallowing mods. Remember that Valve is a profit company.

  2. Steam already is "the best fucking gaming platform of all time". It's not worth for them to improve because they have no competition. If you know how to make Steam better why don't you make your own version? I'm not being sarcastic. It will make you rich and force Steam to improve to compete with you. That would help gamers alot. I'd be happy to use your platform.

You see. It's easy to say "do this and this and Steam will be better". Of course it would make Steam better. But is it profitable? Is it even worth considering? Why would they lose money to make something you want if you will use their product anyway. Running company is about getting a profit. Look at the Steam Trading Cards. Everyone can agree they are very profitable. Why doesn't every single big company add them to their games? It's just making few graphics. Look at it from the other side. That employee instead of designing the trading cards could do something else that would give a company much more profit. That's why it's not worth for them.

Happy Birthday

9 years ago*

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man, i am glad that not every customer thinks like you. you really defend valve to the death, do you? ;)

of course will a company always try to be as profitable as possible. and that is a problem. don't you see that? being profitable often means acting against the customers. and as customers, it is our job to complain, if something is wrong. if a company acts in a way, that hurts customers, the only people who can do something against that, are the customers. by making their opinion public. and if enough people complain, the company will react! if enough people complain, the company's reputation is on the line. and that might very well turn out to decrease profits. so in the long run it does indeed make sense for a company to listen, what the customers have to say and what they complain about. but of course, this cannot happen, if nobody complains.

so complaining is a good thing. it helps the customers to get better products for their money. and it also helps the company. because only satisfied customers will buy their future products. so what i really don't understand now is, why you think it's a good idea to attack people who complain. and to give arguments that should not be yours. those arguments normally are what comes up in a company's internal discussions, why they shouldn't do xyz. they defend certain behaviour with the argument, that something is not profitable and that it doesn't really matter if the customers would benefit from it. why the hell are you as the customer bringing those arguments? really doesn't make sense.

one quick example: ubisoft. their AC Unity was pretty broken on release. they did this before with other games. and this time it was pretty bad, but i am sure the CEO and marketing guys didn't care at all. but enough people complained. which resulted (a) in some free stuff (DLC / game) from ubisoft, and (b) hopefully in less broken releases in the future. if nobody complained, nobody would have gotten any free stuff. following your logic, we shouldn't have complained, because it was more profitable for ubisoft to release the game early enough for christmas, and just fix it over the next weeks and months. and what is profitable, is also totally understandable for us customers, right? so there you go... ;)

btw, not every company starts producing their own trading cards now, because something like this is not as easy to pull off as you might think.

9 years ago

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You are wrong in every possible way. How is wanting to be as profitable as possible a problem? You go to the job to get as much money as possible. Do you care if your boss can't buy a fast car because he has to pay to you? You think like a communist. "being profitable often means acting against the customers". Completly false. It eliminates customers and profits. Of course you can complain. But you are not entitled to anything. They're their own money and reputation and they can do whatever they want. As I said if you know better than them how to run a company why don't you run your own? Or are you already hired by some big company for $20000/mo to make such decisions?

You gave an example of AC Unity. They didn't give free stuff because people were complaining. They gave it because people were returning the game. THEY WERE LOSING THE PROFIT. Complaining changes nothing. People complain every Call of Duty game is the same. But they keep realising the same game over and over again because it sells. You are not forced to buy anything. Nobody was forced to buy AC Unity when it was broken. That's why they needed to fix it because smart people hadn't bought it. Unfortunately there are more dumb people than smart people. That's why they sometimes can sneak some shit on the market and still get a lot of profit. As a customer you also look for as much profit as possible by not buying shitty stuff, buying things on a discount, complaining to get better stuff for the same price. You are a problem for the company.

I'm not defending anyone. I'm just trying to explain to you why it is as it is. Think like a company. What would be better for a company. Making a whitelisted Half-Life 1 modifications for maybe 100, max 1000 people that use and will use Steam anyway and that will bring max 5 new customers or releasing Steam Machines, Steam Controller, etc. that will bring thousands of new customers? They would need to pay someone to make that changes to VAC getting max 5 new customers but the same employee could bring hundred customers by working on Steam Machines. I run a company so I know how it works. I sometimes rather break the contract, pay the fine and move my resources somewhere else because it's more profitable in the end. Other companies are sacrificing customers satisfaction because overall it's still more profitable for them.

Btw, putting trading cards on Steam is very, very easy. Almost every single newly released indie game has trading cards. It's very profitable for such small teams. Do you think they wouldn't put trading cards for such big games like Assassin's Creed but for games like Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas that had max 6 players at once?

Your economic knowledge is close to 0.

9 years ago

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because the injection is using similar methods of executing and calling functions that cheats also use.
just as simple as that

9 years ago

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i know that. you guys keep telling me what dll injection is. i am a developer, i understand the situation, ok? ^^ the point is not why a false positive can happen, the point is that it can happen. and that if it happens, valve has absolutely no intention of helping people. that is not ok. no tolerance my ass. ;)

9 years ago

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well as a deceloper you should know that there is no way to prevent this

9 years ago

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there is, actually. whitelisting. of course this would mean quite a bit of work on valve's side. they would have to constantly update the whitelist (new mods, and also new revisions of mods). and they would have to check recent VAC bans, to unban people who used a mod not yet on the whitelist at that point. valve would need to hire a few people for that. but it would be doable. of course it would require that valve even cares that much about the customers (i have my doubts about that). but in my opinion it would be worth it. the possibility of false positives and the limitation of mods we can use safely is quite depressing. ;)

9 years ago

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What you are asking for is a very inefficient use of manpower. We need Valve to make improvements to their customer service overall, not to improve people's ability to use shitty mods that aren't for cheating but function in much the same way as mods that allow you to cheat.

Basic security of the Steam client and appropriate measures meant to stem and reverse this tide of account hijacking are what we need. Hell, the steps they've taken so far (trading limits on gifts, optional but on-by-default email confirmation of trades) may do okay to reduce the attractiveness of stealing accounts and while it's not a perfect solution (perhaps not even a good one) it should be significantly more effective than nothing at all, and it actually puts a smaller burden on their terrible customer support.

On the other hand you want people to sit around examining code to whitelist so that a very tiny minority of players can have access to a very tiny minority of mods that should be coded better? What happens when the poorly-written mod that increases the size of the heroine's bosom by 175% is updated so that it has jiggle-physics, making it all the more faptastic? Needs to be whitelisted again.

Waste of time. No thanks. Let's hope Valve can get to the point where they can respond to every support inquiry within 24 hours, improve security of the main client, and make it more difficulty for marks to get their accounts stolen and inventories emptied.

9 years ago

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well actually no!
cause how are you going to whitelist a dll? via crc checksum? via md5 hash?
that is not possible cause you know that you can change that on the fly without any struggle atll!

9 years ago

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