Everybody has the same odds of winning, all other things being equal. Your personal odds are based on the number of giveaways you enter and the type of giveaways you enter. So two people who always enter five 10 point giveaways per day are going to win the same amount of games in the long-run.
I think this is a non-issue. A person who wins a lot is only more active or enters giveaways that require less points to enter. I mean, if I won 5 $10 games and someone won one $50 game, the value of our winnings is the same. This is the problem with comparing this to a K/D ratio. A kill is a kill is a kill. However, not all giveaway wins are the same.
If you want to do a ratio, you take the value of winnings/value of giveaways entered.
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Well, he has 8x time the win i have. My wins are not high point either.
But I agree, value is also a factor thats needs to be considered. TRUE.
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The guy you are talking about seems to enter giveaways with a high contribution minimum and they have low entries. These might be private contests, but I don't know for sure. He has also been on this site for a lot longer.
So yeah, when a giveaway has 9 entries and 6 copies to give away, your odds of winning are quite high.
Even if you take into account value of winnings/value of giveaways, it doesn't take into account whether those wins were from public, private or group giveaways.
You can indeed increase your odds of winning by being a social butterfly. Find people who do group and/or private giveaways.
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Yes, I know that....that why I suggest and option when making a giveaway not only to set a contrib margin, but also a win/entry/value or how every we want to call it option. Or at least the option to allow people who have NO games won.
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That is a fine idea, but it has to be balanced against the possibility of longtime members going away if they can't win anything because everyone might set a low win limit.
Also, the guy you highlighted has not only won a lot, he has also contributed a lot. You don't want to alienate those guys either.
I don't think there's anything wrong with winning a lot. It only means you are more active and have been around longer.
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True, I also acknowledged he did contribute, more then me. But still, there should be always a possibility to let the donator set it as option.
Maybe it's just really me, that I didn't win anything. I won CSGO just 1 week prior that valve gave it to me anyway and got commandos which I already bought, so even if would have won I bought it anyway. So for me sofar SG is a huge empty sack. So I would really favor something like this.
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LOL? have it ever accoured in you mind that it was on sale maybe and I bought I just the same time when SG was full of it? I guess no. Get smart. Do some math.
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Srly? What is this, dushbag convention or what? I have the won game in my inventory, and also gave the 1 away which I bought. Who is that agains the rules?
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you can still made rules for giveaway to enter, if it won someone who broke the rules, you can ask for re-roll
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Y, this is some kind of suggestion in that direction. I myself count me as a total loose here, never won any game. Got CS:GO won here only 1 week later i got it from valve also, and then I won commandos which I would have bought/actived myself if I didn't win it. So pretty much empty sack.
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So basically, you've won TWICE, while some other people who have as many entries or more than you have NEVER won, but you have your panties in a bunch because you happened to get one of the games later from Valve, and the other game you might have bought anyway?
The first event is just the luck of the universe. It's not SG's fault that Valve decided to give you that game later on. The second event is an even sillier complaint. You saved money by winning the game here, so you had the opportunity to spend that money on something else. Plus, why did you enter that giveaway in the first place if you would rather have just bought the game?
These threads just get more ridiculous everyday.
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I was wondering, if most can have a KDR ratio, why can't SG have a WIN/ENTRY ratio. This would be much better then simply the contributors giveaway.
I mean, if you make a giveaway you could set people to enter whit a W/E ratio over, or under, or with no wins at all, simultaneously with the contributors threshold.
IMPORTANT! I'm not suggesting that this should be lower or make your win chances HIGHER BY ANY CHANCE. Just simply to have a filter, when people do set up a giveaway, to not only give contributors a chance, but also to those who have won 0 game or have a very low ratio of winning games. Obv 1st has higher priority. Especially people who donated games and have won nothing so far.
Obv, there are selfish reasons behind this. I made 5 giveaway myself, and 2 of the valuable got won by the very same guy (out of total 200-300entries), who has 12 wins and less entries then me. How is that possible? IT'S RANDOM. I know.....but if contributors can have exclusive giveaways, then why not give the less fortunate once also an option to win.
I was thinking, there should be a if some1 has above 100 entries and no wins should be an option to enter, and also a threshold below 0.5% should be implemented.
Btw, the guy who won my 2 games, have now 1600 entries and since he made 2 more win, to sum it up 14, he has a win ration of 0.8%. I have 0.1%. So his ration 8x times higher then mine, while he contributed 5x times more then me.
Anyway, if you support someway/anyway the implementation of WIN/ENTRY ratio to be a setting in giveaway, pls comment/like or share of facebook or whatever you feel like. ;)
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