Since this thread is about nothing, let me drop a random question.
Private giveaways. Do they add to contributor?
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Not sure if private giveaway cause you have one open, or just a thread.
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I had one of them, but I entered the gun :) ty awesomeness
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No, no, you're the tool. Why? See "pottering" 's comment.
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lol, moron, not 1 bundle game, and all very wanted and appreciated by the actual people who entered them and asked for those games in the groups I gave them away to. I bought them on sales (just like 99.9% of all giveaways on the site btw, as you well know) because I am close to broke, have been for a few years, and kept them in my inventory 'till they hadn't been on sale a while before I gave them away so as to allow people who missed the sales to buy them.
All you do is try to provoke and troll others, act like a general asshole to people, and piss people off, just for the sake of pissing them off, especially if they disagree with you. Oh and, make spam threads and resurrect useless necro threads.
I think you're the waste of space, here, son.
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Wait what? There were no exploited portal 2 or dead island keys I gave away o.o. I trolled the shit out of sgifts with the whole million copies of skyrim and rage, got temp banned for that and left for a few months. You're just a asshole year round :D
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Actually there was. Mohs won your Portal 2 and Dead Island giveaways, you gave him those exploited codes and they were removed from his account few weeks later by Valve
Not to mention you still haven't activated some of your wins
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You did not, i bought him a copy of Portal 2 on my own. He can confirm everything i wrote here (if he feels like it) when he gets back online
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Im pretty sure you didn't because only thing he has now from your revoked games is Portal 2 which i bought him after i heard it was revoked
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What a piece of ass you are - if you're gonna do something fucked up, at least have the balls to stand by what you did instead of trying to lie and bullshit your way through the facts.
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Nah, just an asshole to losers like your fine self. You bring it out in people. But then, that might be the only thing you're good at. Trolling others, posting gore in sgifts chat, trying to exploit others' work in filling out surveys so you can earn money and give them fake keys, trying to get a rise out of people. Poor, pathetic bastard.
Also, what xarabas said - not activated several wins.
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Gotta love people like you - just enough smarts to figure out inventive ways to harass and annoy others, ad hominem argumentation, etc, but not smart enough to figure out noone in the world actually likes you. Other than maybe other misanthropic and maligned sad kids like yourself.
Enjoy the bottom of the barrel, the sinkhole of society. With your attitude and behavior, it's all you'll see.
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More smart words to sound smart. Also, more typical troll reactions. "Self projection lalalalalala can't hear you". Really dude, seriously, it's sad and pathetic. All you're doing is trying to piss me off, and show how not pissed off you are, even act like I'm just as messed in the head as you and am just projecting onto you! All to maintain "the upper hand" in an internet argument with a stranger because he's outting you for the loser you are.
The level of retarded-ness is high with this one.
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I'm actually, should you care, rolling a doob atm, so not doing much behind the PC anyway other than sitting at the desk it sits on. The f5 key is within reach, I'm not too slow at typing, simple enough, no?
You're actually sitting here trying to think up crappy ways to piss me off, instead of actually responding to anything I say with any form of cogent or intelligent response.
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Your words, not mine. I can twist your words and look cool also you tool.
"Durr HASHTAGyolo you such a self projecting moron, hrhrhr, all you meanies who say I'm an idiot are idiots yourselves, I'm master troll, huehue"
I know there's a hidden but can't be fucked bothering with it anyway. Nothing to do with "dumb". I also didn't google shit, actually. The story of how you fucked people over with your exploited keys and the survey they had to complete before getting to them, which you made money off of, is known by more older members, alongside other stories of you having scammed people in real life. Funny you should mention the word "scammer" by the way, as I hadn't said a single word about scamming in the thread, yet. Those really were your words, not mine! Not even a twist on anything I've said! Slipped your tongue because it's all related in your mind? And the mention of me rolling a joint was a simple explanation as to why I had this page up and on F5 - I was "idling" behind my pc anyway. Hey if you think "omg smoking 420 yolo" etc is so cool, that's your deal. To me, it's a pretty normal thing to do (and mention), nothing brag-worthy.
By now I wonder if you'll even leave any of your comments up or just delete them to hide your fails.
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Of course not. I got bigger balls than you mate, don't need to edit any of my posts like you <3. I don't need to smoke weed to enjoy life, life is enjoyable on its own ^^. Also everyone who frequents chat knows of the shiz I've done before. SEing, trolling sg and whatnot. That's all in the past.
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I edited a few times to edit out a few spelling / grammar mistakes, and I moved 2 sentences to another post to be sure you read them. I haven't withdrawn or retracted anything I've said, or changed it, and I didn't say you have, either.
"I don't need to smoke weed to enjoy life, life is enjoyable on its own" yet another quite flawed response - I never said I need anything for anything, that's you filling shit in for me to make me look weak and you look ohsocool, yet again. Smoking hash (I don't smoke weed) is something I do because I enjoy the taste, and effect of it. Much the same reason people drink a nice fine glass of wine, or eat a nice steak - it's enjoying life, not only doing / eating / drinking purely what's necessary.
As for " the past"? Look at your whole attitude in forum responses, in chats, how you generally act towards people. How you've tried getting a cheap rise out of me, alone, here. Sad, sad troll behavior, and now you say "oh, noooo, that's in the past man".
I'll say it again;- puh-fucking-lease.
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@Ansatunin. Look at how you entered this thread. I replied to your comment in jest by replying to you calling me a tool by lightheartedly saying wrench. And suddenly you erupted into anger and hatred. Now tell me who was trolling who first? o.o;
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