Naturally, people who complain about not wanting politics in their games are probably not genocidal racist maniacs, but they probably are boring. It’s indicative of a fear of being challenged, and a desire to impose your own worldview. Without politics, Bioshock is pretty much just an underwater shooter. Papers, Please is just a paperwork simulator. ...political themes often greatly enrich a story, and sometimes give it thought-provoking real-world context that gives it an intellectual life and vibrancy outside the confines of the game (or book, or painting) itself. Why would anyone be against this? It makes no sense. ... I suspect, ultimately, that a lot of the feeling behind "keep politics out of games" is really "keep politics that I don't agree with out of games".

Source: Keza MacDonald (

EDIT: Giveaway added.

7 years ago*

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Why do people want to keep politics out of SteamGifts?

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A fear of being challenged
A hatred of worldviews other than their own
A desire to maintain the status quo
Lack of understanding of others' views
Genocidal, racist or otherwise maniacal tendencies
They're just boring people

It's exactly that. You critique something, and people suddenly feel as though you are critiquing them personally, so they lash out in return. It's a vicious cycle.

7 years ago

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I want them out because you're here

7 years ago

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