Naturally, people who complain about not wanting politics in their games are probably not genocidal racist maniacs, but they probably are boring. It’s indicative of a fear of being challenged, and a desire to impose your own worldview. Without politics, Bioshock is pretty much just an underwater shooter. Papers, Please is just a paperwork simulator. ...political themes often greatly enrich a story, and sometimes give it thought-provoking real-world context that gives it an intellectual life and vibrancy outside the confines of the game (or book, or painting) itself. Why would anyone be against this? It makes no sense. ... I suspect, ultimately, that a lot of the feeling behind "keep politics out of games" is really "keep politics that I don't agree with out of games".

Source: Keza MacDonald (

EDIT: Giveaway added.

7 years ago*

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Why do people want to keep politics out of SteamGifts?

View Results
A fear of being challenged
A hatred of worldviews other than their own
A desire to maintain the status quo
Lack of understanding of others' views
Genocidal, racist or otherwise maniacal tendencies
They're just boring people

You again. FFS...

7 years ago

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So many good options...

7 years ago

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I think the potato one is the best.

7 years ago

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Still... lacks kebab!

7 years ago

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Oh look, a bait thread for drama.

We never have those...

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I don't see the problem. If you think it's a bait thread you can ignore the bait and go on to threads that interest you. If you want to talk about the topic (in this case politics in gaming and gaming communities), you could get involved in the discussion here and bump the thread.

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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Oh look, someone who commented in a thread they aren't interested in.

We never have those...

7 years ago

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Who said that I wasn't interested?
But the main thread doesn't do much to start discussion, the OP doesn't even states his own view to provide a base for discussion, it's a quote about subject A and then a poll about subject B that only has options to one side. How do you expect discussion out of that? Seems pure bait.

7 years ago

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I dont get it.
Are you using the fact that there are politics in games, to talk about real life politics here on this forum ?

If so - how arrogant can you be ? It doesnt even correlate.
Game universe having some kind of political turmoil or political based protoganist or whatever, doesnt mean you should spam this forum with your biased (usually) views of real life politics.

EDIT : aside from what you meant by this ridiculous post. That article is dumb. Its just plain stupid. You can create art (or games in this case) how ever the hell you want to. If its not suppoused to be about politics theres no logic putting in anything political. And if the game universe is suppoused to be about politics - also. Dont touch it. Someone created it how hw wants it. This reminds me of that "we need to include women everywhere disregarding their skills or interests. But they have to be in anything" .

7 years ago*

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I dont get it.

There is nothing to get. This person continuously spams forums with her nonsense just to make some drama and get attention.

7 years ago

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Well, we seem to have ongoing problem with people like that in SG :/

7 years ago

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Not even their BS, it's just reposting shitty articles.

7 years ago

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Text is about games
Poll is about steamgifts

7 years ago

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So... I was going to make a comment about the thing this thread is supposed to be about but apparently the discussion here is about something else so... I gonna go now.

7 years ago

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Thread title "Keep politics out of games"
Poll question "Keep politics out of SteamGifts"
I want politics out of SteamGifts because I go to these forums to relax and enjoy my hobbies without getting into flame wars with random trolls on the internet (who often are the ones demonstrating these 'genocidal maniacal racism tendencies' you describe).

7 years ago

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Where is the poll option for "OP is a baiting shithead"?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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The poll basically is ironic in itself.

7 years ago

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Politics in pixel-art stealth platformers often go underappreciated, aye.

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Booom! Thanks ESGST for keeping stupid out of my feed.

View attached image.
7 years ago

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You can get a facebook account and share every article you come across there...
Might as well spam in a place designed for your spam.

7 years ago

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I see quite a few people posting angry comments in threads they consider to be worthless trolls, aka shitpots. Instead of commenting there and bumping these threads to the top of the forum, how about staying out and letting them sink to oblivion?

Source: Yirg

Edit: Np, this is my first and last bump in this thread ;)

7 years ago*

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Thanks for the bump!

7 years ago

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I'd rather keep games out of politics and disband the ESRB.

7 years ago

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I'm curious about your reasoning for the second suggestion? They don't have any legal authority, as far as I'm aware, so what's the issue?

7 years ago

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Politic is just another type of games

7 years ago

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Yes, i'm sure you can make an insightful commentary on how Kirby embraces the idea of Jesus not owning clothes, and how everyone is a sinner so you only need faith to go to heaven.

7 years ago

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It's mostly because people play games for fun. It's similar to any other pastime. Call it what you will, it's 'boring' in the best sense of the word. :) That is to say, politics is interesting in the sense of the Chinese curse.

7 years ago

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The article is really good. And the Errant Signal youtube video is really really poignant. In fact that channel is great.
There are so many interesting debates in gaming, and topics to discuss. No need to be harsh.

Some people doesn't like political discussions, and they may not engage in them. But you have to know that politics rules our lives, and if you're not being part of the discussions, someone else will decide for you. In all aspects of life, not only gaming.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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I think that there is a trap in the "respect" card. It's often drawn by intolerant, regressive people.

It's the tolerance paradox, and Popper resolved it saying that intolerance must not be tolerated (or respected, that's the same to me). So racial, mysoginist, discriminatory (often criminal) behaviours and opinions shouldn't be respected or tolerated in my opinion.

Any other debate must be held and discussed with respect and overall politeness.

7 years ago

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That's a great point about the paradox of tolerance: In order for everyone to have equal liberties, no one can have unlimited liberties. That's because some freedoms (say, the freedom to kidnap others) would necessarily conflict with everyone have an equal freedom of movement. And that's a really good test in general for what behavior is acceptable: catcalling is problematic because one person's unrestricted freedom of speech is interfering in that case with others' negative freedom not to be harassed by others while walking around (a freedom that everyone should enjoy equally).

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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Don't you think that the spreading of hate speech is the first action towards limiting other people freedom? Because politics implies that if you get enough consensus you could effectively make a change for worse.

It's a dangerous edge

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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Flawless logic


7 years ago

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We could let developers make the game they want.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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Irrelevant. Escapism does not exist.

7 years ago

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This poll has no option that says: I don't know, I'm not one of those people.
In addition, your poll asks about politics on steamgifts, while your topic talks about politics in games. Confusing.

Now if you excuse me I have important non-political business to do like wasting a few more hours of my life on the internet.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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