Skyrim is not bullshit. If you get an arrow to the knee...well, that's bullshit
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Well there's your problem.
PC version exceeds that, especially when you got access to mods :)
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I liked morrowind, but that motherfuckin' hit detection system i swear to god...
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Indeed Skyrim is bull-shit, most of the game story, you unwillingly become a member in the thieves guild, or unwillingly fighting for daedric demon lords, instead of letting us choose whether we want to fight for the good side like a justiciary. Not to mention you unwillingly kill the wise dragon. There are addons to replace parts of story, but we shouldn't have to patch the game to have a good game story. And nasty fantasy looking swords and gear, instead of more realistic ones..
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Morrowind > Oblivion > Skyrim
That's just the way life works.
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I've noticed something lately. The only people I've seen praise Skyrim as Game of the Year and being really great... are people who've never played an Elder Scrolls game before. Everyone I know who has played either Oblivion or Morrowind beforehand is still saying that Skyrim is good and it's fun, but it sucks as an Elder Scrolls game. Even Oblivion got more support from Bethesda too. A year later and numerous game-breaking bugs in the supposed climax of the civil war (yes, I JUST finished that) aren't fixed, turning what was supposed to be awesome into fucking troubleshooting my way around issues that should be simple to fix (as evidenced by the unofficial mod doing it in a day).
I've also noticed that the only people who fight for the Stormcloaks are the ones who haven't gotten a prior attachment to Tamriel, whether they actually roleplay or not. I've tried, but they're just too goddamn stupid to support. Eighteeen characters and not one of them can bring themselves to support the Stormcloaks, because these characters understand what Ulfric doesn't: consequences with the Aldmeri.
So yeah, Skyrim is bullshit and I bitch about it because I know it could be so, so much better than what it is.
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They need to remake Morrowind with modern graphics, AI, hit detection etc., without changing the magic system, the skills system, etc. - but you know these companies these days can't see past the bottom line, so they'd nerf the hell out of it and we'd end up with Sorrowind instead.
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Why was that? Personally, I love Skyrim for its accessibility compared to Oblivion and Morrowind, but I think they crossed the line from streamlined and simplified to dumbing down, especially when you look at Dawnguard's so-called questline.
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Skyrim was just bland and mediocre.
They decided not to leave well enough alone with oblivion (in some cases at least) and completely tarnish TES's name with this trash heap.
They casualized the game to hell and back, took out almost all RPG elements, and made the fucking dungeons even easier than they were in Oblivion. I mean ,come on.
NEVER believe Todd and his lies. Sweet little lies.
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I just recently finished both Civil War and Main quest. Both ended pretty much meh, I mean the main atleast had some awesomeness, but overall nothing really changed.
Also most quests seem to be go clear this dungeon grab the quest item return. And I still don't get why the archeologist in Skyrim won't just locate that one door hack it down and go to the loot ;D
Also, I don't like the world really that much, if I want snow I can look out of my window...
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Can't believe how much people dislike Skyrim, at least compared to Morrowind and Oblivion.
I understand that Skyrim dumbed down the formula a bit, but Oblivion largely held your hand throughout the game as well. The world was also much less to look at (the only reason it didn't look as bad as Morrowind was the heavy bloom) and every town but the Imperial City was dull as dishwater. The main quest was the most tedious piece of shit I ever had the misfortune of sitting through. Seriously? I have to go through like twenty, very similar Oblivion gates to proceed? Okay...
Thieves Guild was more creative than Skyrim, as was the Dark Brotherhood... but I wouldn't say those questlines in Skyrim were bad. Especially not the Dark Brotherhood.
And that doesn't factor in that the melee combat (especially in third person) and other gameplay improvements in Skyrim are MILES ahead of Oblivion and Morrowind.
You people are ridiculous.
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"I have to go through like twenty, very similar Oblivion gates to proceed? Okay..."
Actually, you can skip that entirely.
But think about it. How are the towns in Skyrim any better really? Are the NPCs any more thrilling than Oblivion? Not really from my experience. The main quest for Skyrim is pretty dull with only a couple of highlights. The civil war is the same (and that's ridiculously bug-riddled for how simple it should have been to code). Haven't played any guilds but the companions, but that was extraordinarily simplistic plot-wise.
Yeah, Skyrim has improvements, and a lot of them, but there's a reason a lot of us dislike it. It's not because it's a bad game. It's really good. A huge amount of players dislike it because it could have been a great game. They were too focused on the fancy release date. Look at that GameJam they did for it. In just a week, they could have added so much more (which looked mostly bug-free) or polished up the main game to a huge extent (the civil war had about three-quarters of its content cut). Skyrim used a fraction of the potential it had, and that's why people dislike it. It's not bad, it's just not what it could have been.
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THANK YOU XD. And hey I thought you said you left steam gifts XD :D. Thanks for showing up for a bit!
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Skyrim is like those cars on Pimp My Ride. Sure, it looks gorgeous, and can be lots of fun, but you just slapped a good coat of paint and lots of bells and whistles on an okay-to-mediocre car. The character action (both VO and animation) pulled me straight out of the game every time and the story felt disjointed and anticlimactic. I had no clue you could even formally join a faction until after the game was "over" (i.e. when I killed the apparently super-evil dragon guy which felt like any other fight)
I'm all for games with sprawling, well-designed landscapes, but if you're telling me it's the greatest game of all time it's got to have more to offer. An expansive environment alone does not a good game make.
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I got Morrowind on the Xbox, loved it. Bought it for the PC for mods, loved it even more. Bought Oblivion, liked it a lot, played the hell out of it. I've got at least 3 retail copies of Oblivion lying around here... standard, collectors, GotY, etc.
I played Skyrim. Love it. It's flawed and has quest and game-breaking bugs, but what Bethesda game doesn't? Just because something is new doesn't mean it's automatically bad compared to the old. I played Fallout and Fallout 2 back in the 90's. Buggy as hell, especially Fallout 2. Do you see people crapping on those now? No of course not because nostaglia is a pair of rose-colored glasses. Fallout 3 an absolute work of art but people will always crap on it because it automatically suxors since it's new. God forbid if someone should bring their favorite franchise into a new decade.
So if the world was going to "find out" that Skyrim is overrated, I think it would have happened a year ago. Nice troll.
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