You gonna build your own 2k bundle today?
D: hey i was doing some other work too! lol XD sorry for the 14 minute delay :/
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thank you XD i mean i try to get on the bundles ASAP but then they come out at random times sometimes so i have to check my emails and messages every so often.
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That makes it even more impressive. I know you take a lot of effort in this but having to do all that and post a topic so quickly after an announcement is beyond amazing. And on top of that, you create all these awesome tables with all the useful info and everything. Not to mention that humorous little tidbit at the end of every post. You are awesome!
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well, thank you :) i don't want to take all the credit though, because people like you motivate me to keep going and stick around, and help from people reminding me about bundles to those that tell me when i make a mistake, to those who help me with hints for bundles, to those who have offered help and support and information about the bundles/charts, it's all a culmination of things that motivates me to put a lot of time and effort into threads and helping all of you out.
You are awesome as well!
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I guess then we will call it a community effort and that we are an awesome community, eh? XD
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They're all already on sale for like 75% or so individually, so is this really just a way to save a tiny bit more by buying a bunch?
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Nope, it's a lot more
Example: Borderlands the Pre Sequal- from 13,60 Euro to 5,40 Euro
Same with Beyond Earth
You save a little on the games that are 75% off but nobody would put only 75% off games in their cart
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if you get alrady 75 % and you increases it to 80%, its like you got an extra 20% discount (after you got your first one).. if you buy more, it even increases to a maximum of 40%
so its still not bad^^
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ok, add the third 4.99 title and it'll be cheaper.
ed: i'm stupid. nah, it increases the price a buck or two. i erroneously assumed that the pre-sequel would be one of the games you'd want. but, if it's just two 4.99 games, the bundle is worthless, yeah.
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its tempting since i wanna get my gf the borderlands 2 goty, plus i want to own mafia 2. bioshock infinte and spec ops the line hmmm.... dammit humble bundle make a 2k bundle already id buy the 15$ tier
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2 months ago i didnt know about humble bundle.unless your talking about the civ bundle which my buddy bought and gave me a game out of it
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That's pretty much what I'm considering, except Borderlands 2 GOTY instead of Brave New World. I like buy popular unbundled games at a high-but-not-too-high discount for giveaways.
Maybe I should be ashamed of myself?
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Ah, you take it a step farther than I do. But I know that's a popular approach and is generally accepted. :)
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We could make a purchase together, because there's only 2 games I want as well (which are different from yours so it'd work). Mafia II & Stronghold Collection.
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will these games get the bundled status now that they are here, i wanna buy some for give aways but not if they will only count for $0.99 each XP
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No ... things only get bundled if they are 95% off or more. Or, in the case with Steam store regional pricing, games that are in the steam store being sold at 85%-90% or more may be considered "bundled" because it's cheaper in other countries.
Some games are already bundled, however, because they have been in previous bundles. Check out what games are considered "bundled" on SG using this link:
There's plenty of discussions explaining the whole bundled theory and %s. For example: and
But you can also just Google "steamgifts bundled rule" or something
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if there was a civ beyond earth complete i'd throw it in with duke nukem forever, xcom enemy within and xcom declassified, but i don't really want beyond earth without rising tide...
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IMO, if you'd want to buy 5 games from that list, you're not likely to get a better deal than 85% off during the summer sale.
That said, it depends on the games you want-- if they're old/bundled, you can probably trade for them more cheaply.
But if you want some of the newer, non-bundled games, I think this is the way to go.
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It's not like this sale is bad, but we are near summer sale on steam and i am pretty sure all these tittles will have the same discount and even better.
Beyond earth will get a good cut since it has a dlc that cost almost like the game itself, and Civ 6 is coming.
Borderlands had a sale on steam not much time ago, and for those that have the almost all the collection the bundle on steam has a nice discount if you only need the pre-sequel it will cost something like $14.
From this bundle i only needed the pre-sequel, beyong earth, duke nuken and strong hold.
And even with the discount of 83% and 10% from humble montly it's still bad for me waithing for steam sale will be better.
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Not until you buy the base game... THEN they're going to release a Complete Pack.
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Yay! I'm not missing any one of them... wallet safe.
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This is very tempting to me, having played 92 hours of CIV V since I decided to give it a shot quite recently @ 83%+10% off
BioShock 2
Sid Meier's Civilization®: Beyond Earth™
Mafia II
The fact it seems rising tide is such an addition though puts me off, I feel like I should wait until the complete comes out, as I would not pay anything like the asking price right now. Hmmm, decisions.
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You get 39.99 CV (contributor value). We do not go by "XP" (experience points) here, although they work the same. On steam gifts, CV helps you gain levels
Anyways, the game is considered an unbundled game, so you get full CV. It hasn't been bundled before for more than 95% off, nor has it been on sale for 95% or more off
Please look at my very detailed explanation about CV and bundled games here:
Check out what games are considered "bundled" on SG using this link:
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Sorry for replay again, but I would like to check for sure.
I searched Sid Meier's Civilization V on this link >>
I found only Sid Meier's Civilization V - Gods and Kings
that mean I will get full CV for Sid Meier's Civilization V, is not it?
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I want to buy Sid Meier's Civilization V. But all others are FPS :(
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promotion runs until June 7th
Also, HB Monthly Subscribers get an additional 10% off (multiplicative) --> around 86.5% off instead of 85%.
View the 1st Build Your Own 2K Bundle here
DONT KNOW WHAT GAMES FROM THIS SELECTION ARE CONSIDERED "BUNDLED?" Check out what games are considered "bundled" on SG using this link:
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P.S. - Want to know what other bundles are going on? Check out the MASTER LIST of ONGOING BUNDLES - w/ RaCharts™ (updated daily!) ❤ ❤
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Fact: New bacteria grows on a kitchen sponge every 20 minutes.
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