Stop looking like a hardcore death metal fan and it won't be embarassing I guess?
Jokes aside, I don't really have guilty pleasures since I don't feel guilt or embarassment in whatever I do.
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Like TheNooblyOne said, I don't feel guilt about about what I do, so I don't have anything to list.
There ARE a few things I do which I'd rather not speak about or mention especially on the internet since you can receive a lot of hate for it.
For example, I watch and enjoy anime, but I usually won't mention it anywhere since it's usually something people will judge you for. Here on Steamgifts, it's an exception and I am way more open. I feel more comfortable on this forum than elsewhere, so I don't worry about saying what I like/dislike without fear of being judged. :P
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Mmmm i though the same for anime a couple of years ago... i found out that more people than you think enjoy it, though if someone judge me for liking anime well fuck them is not a big deal... now things that can be a guilty pleasure are eating shit or pedophilia, that are thing that you should feel ashame of... music taste, games, tv series, if someone really judge by that things welll fuck them
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+1 Also love Anime but most people would make fun of it where I live and that usually ends with a beating if they don't like your life style. I live in Texas btw.
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Wow, that sucks... I live in Georgia so you'd think with the number of redneck jokes coming from here that anime would be taboo but almost everyone I've met here loves anime!! Which works for me because I'm an otaku.
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Boku no pico is an excellent anime choice, good taste.
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How is liking Taylor Swift a guilty pleasure? She's actually a good singer. And yeah, I'm a guy, so what? Music isn't mono-gender. It's true, she does have some pretty pathetic and embarrassing songs, like the ones that refer to her ex-boyfriends, but I just try to avoid those. Also..she's hell a hot. That being said, if you liked someone like Justin Bieber...THAT would be a guilty pleasure...a really, really, REALLY guilty pleasure!!!!
Most of my guilty pleasures are horribly bad movies such as Batman and Robin, The Twilight Saga (especially the fifth one) as well as BAD action movies that have Milla Jovovich in them, like Ultraviolet, The Three Musketeers (the one from 2011), Resident Evil franchise.
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I...just...don't know how to respond to that. I'm in awe such a thing exists. Thanks for the info.
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Wait... go back! You like the Twilight Saga? I've never met a guy who actually liked those movies before. Most guys moan and groan at the mere mention of those movies nevermind actually watching them. I'm impressed that you would admit to liking them. As to the Milla Jovovich action movies I'm partial to The Fifth Element myself.
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Ok, make no mistake, the Twilight movies are BAD...horrendously BAD, they are absolutely abhorring pieces of cinema. They are perfect examples of what NOT to do, thought in directing classes at universities' theater schools. BUT, that does not mean they are lacking in amusement value. They are...I think Doug Walker put it best, "beautifully bad" movies. Not joyless, empty spectacles of really bad intentional humor, devoid of all meaning or emotions, which are so boring they actually become sad (such as Michael bay's Transformers movies or most comedies starring Adam Sandler), but rather a long parade or crazy UNINTENTIONAL humor, spanning from almost amateurish level writing, acting and directing.
I mean..the dialogue in all of its glorious cheese and downright pitiful lines, the expressions, the awkward pauses, the mouth breathing, wooden acting, bad editing, horrible CGI, weird camera angles, ridiculous plot points (and subsequent plot-holes, of which there are too many to count), the awful scenes of Jakob losing his shirt, the extremely homo-erotic undertones. Everything in this movie is hilarious, just so bad it's the way that it's laughable. And laughter is NEVER a bad thing. These are movies that don't make you laugh with them, but AT them. And one must give them credit for that. Especially seeing as there are shitty tween movies which are horrible without even managing to achieve the abomination that is Fifty Shades of Grey (yes, I saw that one too, don't ask)
I place The Twilight Saga at the same level with movies such as Birdemic and Sharknado. In fact, I find them even more hilarious, since unlike those two, the Twilight movies actually had quite considerable budgets. Money down the drain... Well, not completely, since they gave us something really "good" to make fun of. So I indeed like them, but certainly not in the way you thought I do :-p
Also, as for the Milla Jovocich movies, I only mentioned th bad ones. The Fifth Element does not enter in this category, as for all its cheesiness and camp, it is A GOOD MOVIE. It's funny sure, but that doesn't stop it for having a but-load of great ideas, nice visuals, awesome acting and serving as inspiration for many sci-fi movies after it. A product of the 90s, no doubt, but a good one... It was a time when most action oriented flick, especially sci-fi ones, were mostly awful, but this is one of the exceptions.
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Fair enough! I'm still impressed perhaps more so now that you have so articulately defended your stance towards said movies. Although my question was rhetorical since you'd already answered it. I was just using the question as a device to empasize how impressed I was at your owning up to it. And you are most correct The Fifth Element is an awesome movie. I salute you Sir!
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Hm, nothing really. One thing I guess a lot of people in my age group would try to hide is a love for older Disney movies (or more recent Pixar movies), but I'm quite open about that.
I also love baking and making cookies in particular, but that is again something that I don't hide.
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I quite enjoy The Endless Forest by indie dev Tale of Tales.
[runs away]
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if i honestly replied, i would get banned from here so... use your imagination :D
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Alcohol is not a guilty pleasure. it's a pleasure ;)
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i'm more worried about the liver, but you can't see that.
and red wine is good for you :)
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I'm going to be the weirdo and go on a so-called 'rant' about a specific subject that I enjoy more than the average loud minority would say that I should/shouldn't.
It's very out of character for me and I can't explain it but I have recently figured out that I fucking love Visual Novels even though a few years ago I would have laughed at becoming a hypocrite because I would/ still do make fun of them. I haven't played a lot of them and I'd say I haven't played any of the 'popular' or 'good' ones but whatever. They're pretty fun to read and assuming I use one of those ecchi VN as an example, I'd probably give a 'I dun givvuh fuck' answer. No need to be a prude, etc. etc. etc. That usual crap.
Other than that, I kind of like romantic dramas and comedies which is pretty odd for a guy, I suppose. Then again, I'd say I'm an unusually open-minded person. I also like liquor more than beer which is apparently pretty messed up although if I drank regularly I'd probably drink alone so I don't see what the big fuss is.
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gummy bears. i know that i shouldn't but the kids love them, so i have some at home. and i steal some once in a while...
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I'm with jbondguy007 and TheNooblyOne in that I feel absolutely zero guilt about anything I Taylor Swift - I may not be a fan of her actual music, as in what she sings about, but I LOVE her voice...the same goes for Bieber and Miley. Yes, I said it.
I think Bieber has enormous talent and a fantastic singing voice, I just think he sung about the subject matter that he sung about way too young, he got shoehorned into a mold that Usher's people created for him, rather than letting him just naturally be himself...and don't' get me started on the whole Baby Baby Baby shit where there was something like 6 lyrics to the whole song. Miley, too, has an amazing voice when she uses it "right". Take this rendition of Dolly Parton's for Miley's image choices, I just look at it like I look at Michael Jackson's personal life...I don't like what I see of Miley as I didn't like what I heard of Jacko, but there is NOBODY who could entertain the way Jacko could, and there are few who can match Miley's vocal talent. Now ask me if I care what you think of my opinion.
There is a LOT more I could add, but won't because I'm lazy, but I also love Nickelback, Michael Buble, Michael Crawford, Bryan Adams, Theory Of A Deadman, Michael Bay movies, Days Of Our Lives...BAD RATS...
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Hearing made me realize that no matter what Miley does or how she acts, her voice is undeniably beautiful.
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I've still never actually heard Taylor Swift or Smiley Virus or Katy Perry or any of the other young artists on the radio. I haven't listened to the radio in years, so I'm completely lost whenever the news are talking about this Summer's hot song or some trendy new artist. But its unlikely that I'm really missing out on much.
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My guilty pleasures are watching Animes and listening in Techno music.
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My guilty pleasure is drinking water. Since real men drink beer. Don't tell anyone
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I write Evangelion fanfics. No, you cant read them :3
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No! They arent erofanfics. facedesk Why do people like Evangelion pr0n so much?
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My guilty pleasure is refunding bad rats. Shhh.. keep it a secret ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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The question is in the title: What are your guilty pleasures? What activities do you secretly indulge in that you would think twice about before mentioning in public?
Here's one from me:
I fucking love listening to Taylor Swift. I know that there millions of people out there who love her and all, but I am not someone you would picture EVER listening to her, and I find my absolute adoration of everything she does as VERY embarrassing.
(I will also be VERY embarrassed if the GIF doesn't work right)
Guilty Pleasure #2: Watching stupid-bad rom-coms. I don't care how cheesy or over-dramatic, or even how UNLIKELY any of it is; as long as it is romantic and cheesy, I'll watch it and most probably enjoy it. This pretty much means that Hallmark channel is a staple for my household.
So how about you guys?
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