A few updates have been made today:
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Wiki-page now features object catalogs: set of default object images which you can choose for your dungeons. Catalogs will be updated from time to time.
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All interactive walls now have animations!
You can see them in action in Boo's Dungeon.
If animations don't work, press Ctrl+F5 once in game to reload old cached files.
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Updates for today!
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New update today!
Added "Extra Triggers" option for Doors, Gates, Interactive Walls and Hiders. If an object has extra triggers set, it needs to be triggered certain extra amount of times in order to get activated/deactivated, e.g. if a closed door has 1 extra trigger, it needs to be triggered 2 times in order to open.
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New update brings Event Messages into Dungeon Sandbox and adds a new creator's tool - Message Tool!
Creators can now add event messages and attach them to different objects in a dungeon, making such events appear upon different interactions, e.g. stepping on a button, pulling a switch, knocking on a door, etc.
A good way to guide a player through the dungeon or tell a story :)
Wiki-page has been updated with the new info.
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Event Messages have been updated, adding extra flexibility to their use with remote event messages, e.g. now a message can be shown once a certain remote object is activated or deactivated. Remote messages of other objects have a priority over the messages of the object a player interacts with - except for the Question Panel which shows its main message when the question is solved instead of any remote messages of other objects.
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New update makes it possible for Portals to have active and inactive states as well as adds extra options for its editing!
Other updates of today:
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New update brings a new creator tool - Texture Tool - which allows to set custom textures at certain areas. It makes customizing larger dungeons easier without a need to manually update a texture on each wall.
Creator tools are now divided into 2 categories - Primary and Secondary.
Tutorial has also been updated due to this change. Wiki-page got a new section with information on Texture Tool.
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Finally finished a new large update of Dungeon Sandbox which opens even more possibilities of creating amazing dungeons - it allows to add background music and customize sound effects upon almost any interaction in a dungeon!
New Audio Tool allows to add any audio file which can then be set as looping background music or sound effect that would be played instead of a default one upon interaction with some event object.
Default sound effects can now be muted if neccessary to make silent events. Background music can also be changed throughout the dungeon to fit the mood of a certain area or event, so it is basically possible to not just add a background music, but make a whole soundtrack for your dungeon that would be changing dynamically.
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Editing options and fields now show tooltip messages with explanatory info to make dungeon creation easier, especially for beginners - there is no need to check a wiki-page anymore to learn about each option.
Many sections of the wiki-page got updated as well to make information be perceived easier.
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Creators can now set amount of items a player would get in an item chest or question panel - this allows, for example, to put some amount of coins in a chest which could be used somewhere in a dungeon.
Duplicate items are now marked with an amount number in the inventory.
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New big update brings Transfer Tool into Dungeon Sandbox which allows to create transfer events to make event objects change their position and/or direction upon triggering some other event, e.g. stepping on a floor button or pulling a lever.
This makes it possible, for example, to make NPCs move around on certain "triggers" or just add an extra layer of trickery to dungeon puzzles. 😎
Wiki got a new page with information on Transfer Tool.
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New updates!
An item will now move right into inventory if the transfer event teleports it at the player's location. This makes it possible for any object in the dungeon (which can have a Transfer ID set) to give a player an item after interaction (e.g. by "teleporting" an item from some unreachable location right into player's inventory).
Gates can now open either upward or outward, which is much more suitable for many gate types.
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Dungeon Sandbox Wiki got 2 new useful pages:
A tutorial page covering many dungeon creating aspects and providing some examples:
FAQ page that has some unobvious, but useful info:
In-game tutorial was removed due to constant bugs and insufficient information.
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If only it had a free camera, instead of the limited vision you get wherever you're standing. This may be the experience intended, but it's tilting for me.
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That's pretty neat ! stuck at a numbered door though :P
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I noticed it on my second playthrough. I know that it's not easy to spot for most people, but I'm pretty sure it's more common to make such mistakes for dyslexics ;)
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Are there really 3 treasures? I could only find 2 treasures and two hidden Easter Eggs (thinking)
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FYI, the profile picture syncing at shadowdungeons.com isn't working, despite all my profile settings being on public.
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Haven't looked at it for a while, but will definitely find it. :P
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Sorry about that, I have fixed that problem now. Ctrl+F5 (in the game) might be required once to reload cached files.
Texts in Firefox can be scrolled with a mouse wheel or by clicking "empty" spot on the scrollbar - dragging the thumb indeed doesn't work in FIrefox at the moment, I will try to fix it.
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It can be anything that you think would make the project better: new features, objects or events, design or gameplay improvements and even bug reports.
Other people can vote for/against your suggestions - this way I can see how many people want suggested feature to be introduced in the game.
DS users get Supporter points for suggesting ideas and voting for/against them - so this is also a chance to stand out among other users :)
I'm looking forward to the involvement of the community and hope for your active support!
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I wonder, were you thinking about adding some sounds to the dungeon? O.o I miss sounds of door opening or when stepping on the trap, or collecting items it can do 'ding' or something like that. ;) Not sure about the possibilities of course. :P
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Bug report: Currently working on a maze with interactive walls and buttons which make them appear and disappear. Works great except for one case: Wall shall appear directly in front of the player: Wall appears but then moves downward in the ground. To replicate: one interactive wall in front and one to the right or left ( both opened at start), button on ground before them (triggers both). It works if you move backwards on it, but not frontwards. (Tried in Firefox and Chrome)
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Bump for an awesome concept! Love it so far! Will keep an eye out for the development in the future!
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Bump and meow. Only found one treasure the first time, so back to try again.
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Hey guys! I'd like to present a special project which I created for this wonderful community of Steamgifts - Steam Dungeons 3D.
Steam Dungeons 3D is a successor of my previous project - Puzzle Dungeons - which brings dungeon creation to a new level.
It is a project which I created specifically for Steamgifts community which allows anyone to create dungeons in a 3D environment, fully customize them, fill them with different events and objects, hide SteamGifts giveaways and share such creations with SG community by simply providing a link to the dungeon. All in a simple, intuitive way without a need to download any applications.
It is a creative alternative to current unusual ways of giveaway sharing like itstoohard or jigidi.
Check out the tutorial video to see how a dungeon is created (new version)
Check out the introduction video (first version)
Creating your own dungeon is simple and is done through the game itself - the project has its own Wiki page with useful information.
A little history
Steam Dungeons 3D (ex Dungeon Sandbox) is a part of my Steam Dungeons series. Many of you might already be familiar Steam Dungeons: it was first created in October of 2015 under Game of sWords name (and later Shadow Dungeons) and there have been multiple quest events where people could enter a dungeon and search for steamgifts giveaways while playing a role-playing game. People could share and find giveaways in such quests, but couldn't create create their own dungeons.
Here are some of the topics of previous quest events: Quest for Dungeon Heart #2 | Quest for Dungeon Heart #1 | Game of sWords 3.0
Dungeon creation feature was first introduced in Puzzle Dungeons which allowed to create own dungeons and fill them with giveaways. However, dungeon customization was very limited compared to the current Steam Dungeons 3D project and it wasn't too easy to create dungeons there as one needed to download a special Editor application and study a guide which explained how to create a dungeon with it which prevented it from being widely used among the community.
With introduction of Dungeon Sandbox (now Steam Dungeons 3D), which can be fairly called a successor of Puzzle Dungeons, Steam Dungeons became a series of projects consisting of Dungeon Sandbox (now Steam Dungeons 3D) ("casual" part where everyone can create and share a dungeon with a simple-to-study tools) and Shadow Dungeons (now Steam Dungeons RPG) ("hardcore" part, an RPG game where people can't create their own dungeons, but can share and find giveaways and complete exciting quests).
Steam Dungeons RPG currently has a big update in development, so Steam Dungeons 3D is the main active part of Steam Dungeons at the moment.
This is a Steam Dungeons website where you can read about both projects of the series
Browser compatibility
Feel free to use Steam Dungeons 3D to create unusual and exciting events here on SG :)
>>> Enter Dungeon Sandbox
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