Pay what you want for:

Eve Online: Starter Pack

Beat the average for:

Eve Online: Vanity Pack

Pay 20 bucks or more for:

Eve Online: Plex

Get it over at

10 years ago*

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10 years ago

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Yup, me neither. No time for massive multiplayer games.

10 years ago

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fyi: there are no working steam gifts/keys for eve. it can only be purchased buy you and can not be gifted in any way.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I've never really felt like biting the bullet on EVE since I doubt I'll want to pay the sub fee and not sure I'll like it at all....but for pay what you want for a starter pack and a free month I guess maybe I could give it a go...since you basically just get a skin for BTA I don't see the need to get that...Any input?

10 years ago

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It's not horrible offer. Eve just isn't for everyone however.

10 years ago

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Well there is still a long trial i believe you could always try that but either way it is the cheapest way to get the initial month and Prototype Cerebral Accelerator

10 years ago

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What's that Prototype Cerebral Accelerator? Any good? Do you know the content of the BTA, is that worth getting or is it actually just a skin?

10 years ago

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Accelerated skill improvement.

Worthwhile if you really want to start playing.

Otherwise, spend the buck and see if it's for you first.

Mostly keep in mind it's a monthly-charge MMO game (which is why I don't play it anymore.)

10 years ago

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Not worth the bta in my opinion just meh skins, the cerebral accelerator boosts the speed of which you gain skills which really helps you "level" up faster initally.

All of the skill gaining is done over time you set the skill and over the course of mins hours days or weeks and such gets another level and the item cuts down on that alot or if i remember you can sell it for in game cash.

10 years ago

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Thanks guys - I'll probably pick it up and leave it until I have time to play it so it makes better sense to activate the code. MMO charge is not a complete turn off as I've played quite a few of them over the years, but the game has to be quite worthwhile and with a free month to check it out, why the hell not.

10 years ago

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This has to be the worst bundle Humble has ever put out. Humble "Trying to make people pay monthly subscriptions" Bundle.

10 years ago

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Yea, it's not a bundle at all. What the heck are they thinking?

10 years ago

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That's pretty much been the story for their Daily Bundles. Like the HammerWatch bundle, which was just a HammerWatch sale. (It was truly just a HammerWatch sale. Top tier was priced at 75% off for a four pack, which was the same price the Humble store was selling it both before and after the daily bundle.)

What Humble is thinking is likely "People like bundles more than sales, so we can claim higher sales numbers if we just put a game or two together and sell them at regular sale prices."

Either that, or someone had the bright idea of doing two weeks of daily bundles without anyone bothering to find out if they could actually put together 14 decent different one day bundles.

10 years ago

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question: can you play EVE Online with the Starter Pack? do you get trial or 1 month 'subscription'? if trial, how long does it last?

10 years ago

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It's a 1 month subscription but only works on new accounts.

10 years ago

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The starter pack gives you 30 days of game time. The plex you see for $20 gives you another 30 days, or can be sold in-game for around 750 million (a lot.)

10 years ago

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You get the first month subscription as part of it but you it can only be used to make a new account

10 years ago

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lol i actually wanted to buy something and then humble bundle came up with this so i had nothing to buy :(


10 years ago

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20$ lol

10 years ago

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Does anybody know if i buy humble bundle and if i activate eve in like a month, do i still have a month of game or is it after buying that it begins to tick down? I have exams whole june and part of july so i shouldn't start playing now

Also if i activate trial before this will i still be able to activate it?

10 years ago

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Not till you make the account and put the key in during creation and it cannot be used with a trial only a new account

10 years ago

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Excellent, i will get it then, thanks for the info

10 years ago

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I don't like that system of bundle. Is good idea, they try it, but pay for a game and then pay more for play is really abusive.

Also... 15 minutes and they cant sold bundles...

10 years ago

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I wondered if i could get it for a penny, so i tried it. It worked. Wonder why they did not force you to pay $1.

10 years ago

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Probably because of this:
After your trial, your EVE Online account will revert to a paid monthly subscription. You can opt out or cancel this subscription at any time.

10 years ago

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They are trying to get people to play and pay monthly. They are in it for long run. It's free marketing.

10 years ago

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Honestly I'm surprised the upper-tear is so expensive on this one. EVE Online is an OK MMO, but... it's an MMO. ;)

10 years ago

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Its because that's how much current subscribers have to pay to get a plex.

10 years ago

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i am sure it's just to rope people in and get them addicted and subbing, it really is a pretty awesome and visually nice game but the pvp and toxic player base can really make you not want to play it

10 years ago

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It costs them basically nothing to let you play for 30 days and if even a tiny fraction of a percent of people end up buying a subscription afterwards then it's a huge profit.

10 years ago

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I love the model, they're essentially making people pay for a trial really lol.

10 years ago

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Especially considering they give people who don't get the starter pack a free 14 day trial anyway

10 years ago

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Making you pay a cent for the game and 30 days of gametime...can you really complain?

10 years ago

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Lol its the internet, I can complain about anything :p. To be fair though I didn't actually complain, I actually do love the model, it feels similar to models such as "pay full price for an alpha" or "buy all these extra DLC for the real play through of the game" or "someone else makes an app and we'll get money by placing it in our store". Its sort of like marketing genius in a way, many games give out free demos and people don't even see it worth the download of the client, and then Eve essentially sells people a trial and people purchase it (even for 1c).

10 years ago

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To be fair EVE is such a long time player on the MMO market, they have sort of earned their for the discussion of marketing strategies and success of different companies that could take all night ;)

10 years ago

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You don't need to buy it. i like it

10 years ago

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At first glance, I thought this was good, but then I realized this game actually requires a monthly subscription. No thanks.

10 years ago

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Oh, well. Even if I can't pawn if off on someone else it was only three bucks.

10 years ago

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twitch Withdrawal. Give me an actual bundle I can buy, rawr.

10 years ago

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cool, well ill try to get it for 10c , if it works great if not oh well. lol

10 years ago

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Fail bundle!

10 years ago

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cool, it worked. lol

Your order summary
Item price: $0.11Quantity: 1Item total $0.11
Total $0.11 USD

10 years ago

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I've been playing EVE off and on since 2006. Reply to me here if you have any questions.

10 years ago

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Is it at all possible/enjoyable to play solo?
Are there different playstyles? Like, can you mine or whatever to make money or how does that work?

10 years ago

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It can be enjoyable to play solo. Both pvp and pve, tough pvp can be tricky and would prolly need cloaking ships to prey on lone sheep :>

You can mine to make money, you can shoot npcs that are availible for everyone to make money, you can make game spawn npc only for you (almost). You can produce stuff and sell it for money, You can explore wormholes and make money

Since i played i hear you can earn money on planets cooperating with dust 514 players as well

10 years ago

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While I'd recommend finding a corp of like-minded players for support and the social aspect, %40 of players who subscribe after a trial go into missioning or an otherwise solo playstyle (mining, exploration, ect.)

Yes, there are many different playstyles. I was a miner/manufacturer for over a year living in the orange area in the middle-bottom area. CVA After mining ore you can sell it, refine it into minerals and sell it, or refine it into minerals and manufacture something for sale (ships, ammo, ect)

You can also solo exploration sites. Use scan probes to locate randomly generated sites (like a derelict ship for instance) after doing the hacking minigame, you will collect what's inside for sale or for your own use.

Another profession you can start from day 1 is called Faction Warfare, where you sign up to fight for one of the four empires against players who are aligned with another empire. It's an environment where its easy for 'small gang' warfare to take place and where new players can contribute meaningfully. Here's an example from last year. Leave annotations on for explanations. Battle for OICX Have some mood music since there's no sound

Other ways to make money which may not be immediately accessible are scamming (allowed in game,) suicide ganking (scan the cargo hold of a ship and if its valuable enough, kill him before the police kill you, your corpmates will scoop the loot,) some players who control popular chat channels charge money for advertising space in the MOTD. There is a mining corp that will write school papers for you in exchange for in-game money. There is a corp that will buy scrapmetal and other loot for a profit from people who run missions because they have good reprocessing skills. There is another corp that will put bounties on people's heads for you so that you will not risk receiving a retaliatory bounty from them (for a fee of course.) There are a ton of players who actually just sit inside a trade hub and will buy and sell things for a profit and never undock.


10 years ago

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Very helpful post - thank you so much. I think mining and manufacturing stuff to sell sounds like fun and something I might you generally get a problem as a new player of continually getting killed/losing all your money/your ship?

10 years ago

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If you're going for industry, you're in luck. The next big update is happening in a week and is focused mostly on making industry UI more accessible and buffing mining barges.

As for dying, it will happen. If you stay in high security space you can't be killed without the attacker losing his ship so you will be relatively safe. If you keep to hisec space, set your autopilot to stay in 1.0-0.5, and keep your safety set to green (so that you won't accidentally do something that will get the space police to shoot you,) you won't die often. Still, learn from your deaths. Convo or mail your killers and ask what you should have done to avoid that death. In keeping with the more risk=more reward theme of Eve, the lower the security status of a system, the better ores you will find. So consider living in low or nullsec, but keep in mind that you cannot afk mine there as you can be shot without consequence.

When living in nullsec you'll have to dock up whenever you see someone new enter the system who you don't know. Sometimes players will sit in a system belonging to a mining corp and cloak afk there for over a day. If you are a dedicated miner, the only pvp you will encounter will be non-consensual and it is easy to burn out if you don't diversify at least some. When you are mining in hisec, there are popular chat channels called 'Spectre Fleet' and 'RvB Ganked' where anyone who wants to can fleet up and go on roams through low and nullsec looking for fights. Fun shit.

Edit: I didn't answer that last bit. If you are smart, you won't have that problem even with the worst luck. For instance, if I had 50 million ISK and bought a battlecruiser worth 50 million I'd be at considerable risk even if I stayed true to safe best-practices. That's because if I lost it for whatever reason, I'd be back at frigate level. Your first mining vessel will be a Venture. If you have to sell that venture to buy your first mining barge, it's not time yet. Or in other words, don't undock what you can't afford to lose because there are people who will suicide gank you only for your reaction example

10 years ago

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Fair advice, thank you :) As for that link...the words cult/lunatic comes to mind. That guy needs to go out and get some air (James 315 or whatever pompeous title he's invented for himself)

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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dam this really should work well... for eve, mostly :P if anything it shows how confident they are in their game, so kudos to eve devs :)

btw its a steam key right? i already own eve, for like... ever, but never really played it, but its a steam key... i hope?

10 years ago

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there are no working steam gifts/keys for eve. it can only be purchased buy you and can not be gifted in any way.

10 years ago

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ty blink, i killed my giveaway now :P so i guess the only way to get eve on steam is to purchase it directly from steam, right? :o

10 years ago

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I lower my expectations every day. But they're always a step ahead of me

10 years ago

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I honestly can't wait to see if they can top this. I mean, it's a tall order, but a man can dream.

10 years ago

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bought it for 1 cent :)

10 years ago

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Good deal :D

10 years ago

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haha screw them for this shit. I m buying it for 1 cent just because I can. I bet it's gonna cost them the paypal fees involved.

10 years ago

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how big is the EVE online client?

I'm thinking about buying the non-bta just for trying it out for 30 days but I don't find any information on how big the client is and where to download.
And I don't want to create the eve online account yet and wasting the first few days just downloading because my dl-speed isn't that good.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by NippleThief.