How do you feel about unjustful suspension?
Wait. Can you accept two copies of the same game? I don't get it. o͡͡͡╮༼ • ʖ̯ • ༽╭o͡͡͡
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If the person who is involved for not giving the copy he should have contact support about the problem so there is no problem there. But at least he give you a free copy for apology even if you checked "not received"
You can have images e-mail evidence with the registered user e-mail included in it about it.
And if this happened to me as a person who started the giveaway I will still give the second person a game. and tell him it was a mistake and just marked it as not received.
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I do know what you meant by accepting the other two games. SteamGifts works by the books, tho. So that means you should not have accepted the two games he gave you for the accidental giveaway he made and instead mark the gift as not received. The creator could have sent in a support ticket for retroactively deleting the giveaway that he accidentaly created.
So, yes, your intentions were all good, but nevertheless this is not how the site works. Sorry that I can not tell you better things :-/
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This is actually a reason i can clearly didnt activated a game, you marked received..but yes sometimes the support is not great...i was once suspended, because i used the phrase "no offense"..the support guy told, by using that phrase my post was an offense, because i apologized myself with this phrase. So basically saying "no offense, but i think youre dumb" an offense...
and the support crew has no supervisor, so basically if one member suspends will only deal with that member in your tickets..and good luck with that... so from now on...i keep the most of my thoughts secret..better than being suspended ^^
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It's bad enough that you're moaning about being caught breaking the rules, but the oh-so-edgy "comic" racism in your poll choices? That's why I'm adding you to my blacklist. Enjoy your stay!
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Said the person who doesn't freak out about cultural stereotypes jokes that aren't even aiming to humiliate anyone, especially when the poll is only there because of potatos (please don't rage about potatos as well).
And yes, I do thank the creators of the giveaways. You probably find it "racist" or "oh-so-edgy" or something as shameful but I guess I can live with that and I will continue to write comments of appreciation under giveaways. Thank you for being able to point out the number of such occasions even though it's hardly relevant to you, your intelligence, your sense of humour or your rage. :)
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That was a low blow of me. To gigapudding, I have one last thing to say: I hope you grow up to be a more enlightened person.
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And I wholeheartedly hope you actually grow up and maybe even grow up to have at least slight sense of humor. You might even gain some knowledge, maybe even education during that process of growing up.
But until then, feel free to call out people like me for being "racist". Lol me of all people. :D
Dude do you even have any idea of what racism is? Or what cultural stereotypes are?
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mmm, classic WW2 Japanese Occupation cultural stereotypes.
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mmm, classic nonWW2 accent jokes and a reference to cultural stereotype of certain values which aren't even a stereotype but an actual tradition.
Noone in the world freaks out about accents since even people from one town joke about the accent of guys from another town and vice versa because noone means any harm by it and it's been a harmless joke since when people actually developed speech.
And the values of honor? Well, is "Son, I'm disappoint" racist towards, i dunno, americans or someone? Or does it have a universal meaning of joking about disappointment? That is the question for raging hipsters.
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But.. that's.. where that particular stereotype gained popularity and stemmed directly from.. They mockingly referred to it as 'Wapanese'
Dude, making fun of other people's accent isn't exactly the epitome of high-brow humor. I can understand it as a crass joke, but your condescension and willfully ignorant responses are annoying af.
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It wasn't even supposed to be a "high-brow" humor. And as was said before, the only reason the poll is even in this thread is potatos. Yes potatos are not "high-brow" humor as well and they also aren't even supposed to be, don't freak out about it. And also potatos aren't racist towards the native americans, just to be clear.
But as we all know, they became popular over the world after the colonization of the american continent and the natives were opressed and eventually ended up in reservations and the colonists made fun of them because of alcohol, casinos and whatnot, therefore potatos = racism, right? .
Seriously, I'd never expect some raging hipster constructing intricate overinterpretations of the simplest of shit that isn't even relevant to anything so that said hipster could have something to rage about. I can't even imagine the drama caused by someone mentioning the canadian "eh?" or the anti-racism rage about vegemite sandwich mentioned in the Men at work's song or some shit like that.
"but ... but ... WW2 you racist!" Yeah well the code of honor is kinda present in all of Asia in some way or another so am I entitled now to call you racist or some kind of discriminator as you kinda didn't include my personal real life friends in China and refered specifically only to the people of Japan and no other asian country? Or would it be retarded nitpicking and overinterpretation of shit just to cause drama?
This was also mentioned before but I guess it wasn't clear enough for some. This thread is here for the giveaways and giveaways only. It wasn't supposed to be here for the raging kids to have some excuse to rage about "racism" of which they don't know shit about, yet they tend to wave it around all the time to feel "intelligent" or "erudite" in some way I guess.
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It's like you've taken every possible worst assumption I could have possibly made, covered it in toxic bullshit, and projected it back at me.
I never called you: entitled, racist, dramatic (although you are),
Also I am not: Vegan, hipster
The difference is the connotations behind culturally relevant words and how they were/are used. "I didn't mean it to be offensive, therefore it is not offensive." Well so fucking what? The world doesn't revolve around you. Jesus.
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The thing is, the words aren't really relevant to bullshit overinterpretations. That might be because the world doesn't revolve around you and your need to rage.
here's a little "racist" song for you to cheer you up
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If you said, " My bad, I didn't mean offence, I just thought it was funny." That'd be fine by me. Ofc, you probably don't care what I think and just want to be as salty as possible.
Ironically, I find you to be the overly sensitive one.
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Well I was accused of racism in a very theatrical way so I replied with how the raging hipster is probably the life of the party with that sense of humor only to get more shit of that kind hurled at me. So yeah, I see nothing wrong with not being overly polite to people waving the word "racism" like that only to stir shit. Only retarded hipsters that lack the intelligence and education to even know what they're talking about do that so they'd feel like they're "fighting the good fight" against "racists" or some shit like that. There's no other explanation.
So basically "My bad, I didn't mean offence, I just thought it was funny" was included in that first reply. Just don't go about how it's not literally word by word the same sentence and don't come up with some bullshit construct of what my post was about because again, the world doesn't revolve around you or some purpose-built shit.
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So, I was suspended for no reason! :D
Let me tell you what happened. Last week I came home from the cinema, Age of Ultron was on and it was fun, and I was about to check steamgifs when I found out I was suspended :(.
The official reason was that I didn't activate a game I won in a giveaway, The Whispered world. I was kinda confused as I always activate my games and thanks to that and the fact it was quite late I misread and concluded it was about The Book of Unwritten Tales: Critter Chronicles Digital Extras. I won a copy of that and I also have another copy of that in my inventory, so I thought that the whoever punk suspended me thought that it was this thing. So I sent my support ticket about how it's another copy of that thing. A couple of minutes later I checked back and realized it was about another game, about The Whispered world, so I commented on the ticket explaining what was that about.
And what was it about? Here's the thing, the creator of the giveaway doubleclicked and accidentally make two giveaways for The Whispered world. He didn't check it and found out only after the giveaways ended, so he decided to give the game to the first person and then he contacted me by email apologizing for the mistake and he offered me two other games instead. I didn't deem it necessary to make a fuss about an honest mistake of his, so I accepted his offer, thanked him and went on with my stuff. That was quite a long time ago.
As you may know, The whispered world is on the bundled list, so he couldn't have gained contributor's value from the dud giveaway, if you worry about that.
Anyway, that's what I explained in the ticket, that it was not my mistake and it was a minor thing so there wasn't any reason to make a big deal out of it even back then, yet nothing happened. No response, nothing, the dude who suspended me completely ignored the ticket. So I "enjoyed" a full week of suspension because some "proactive" retard went on full rampage of "usefulness".
I wasn't very happy about it, but some of you might be happy about joining the fight!
You can sign up here or here.
If you've already joined the fight, you can gear up here
If you don't want to sign up, here's where you sign up for not signing up!
You need to know however, that for signing up and not signing up you need to have some previous experience either in fighting or not fighting.
However, if I get suspended again for calling that incident shameful and the person who suspended me a retard, as he has proved his exceptional skills in that particular field of expertise, then I feel very sorry that I won't be here to present you with your fighting gear on monday. :D
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