I mean ok, it's very kind and all but they are not really "comments". Do they think writing "thx" or "ty" will raise their chance to win the giveaway? Is it encouraged by mods? To be honest I find it really annoying. But well, I am just an asshole.

editing because of amount of rage i got from comments: I am simply pointing out that thanks and comments should be seperated, so there will be space to discuss the game and giveaway.

Editing last time for people who misses the point. I am sorry if I was not clear enough:

I have been a member of the site for less than a month, I didnt see a thread on this topic before. I am just telling what I think. And yes, i think it is spam and is no way to show your gratitude for the person who makes the giveaway. You want to show your gratitude? Write something better than a short ty. AT LEAST check who makes the giveaway. Do you think %90 people know, even look who made the giveaway. They simply write "ty" because other did the same. They just follow the crowd, and they possibly think saying "thanks" is increasing chance of winning the giveaway. (i actually discussed this with some people and got this answer as i thought.) So go on and blame for not spamming with the crowd. It doesnt show that i am less grateful for the people who makes giveaways than you are.
And please, again dont miss the point i am trying to make here. I am not saying do not say "thank you". But all of those soulless quick "ty" spam kills the comment feature. I, for one want to discuss the giveaway and the game. And get info such as if its legit or not. I want to ask things to the person who makes to giveaway, i want to discuss it with him. And say thanks in my way instead of your meaningless TY spam.


13 years ago*

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no it doesn't raise their chance of winning, and yes it is encouraged by mods

13 years ago

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Honestly it is kind of sad to see some giveaways with 400+ entries and only 20 or so people that have thanked the giver.

13 years ago

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Maybe add a "Thanks!" -button and have a little text saying "9001 users say THANKS!" and leave the comments for discussion about the game, the giveaway itself or just any discussion in general?

I mean, I am grateful for all the giveaways and every giveaway deserve "thank yous" but I feel the comment feature is rather wasted by a wall of ty's.

13 years ago

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Show me one giveaway with 9001 thanks on it.

13 years ago

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it's perfectly valid question and concern
thanks button would solve the 'thanks to the maker rule' and people would post more meaningful content
like 'what an awesome giveaway from You today' or 'the sky is blue and stars position ensures my win' :)

13 years ago

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At least people have the decency to write the whole word out. Not that it changes much.

13 years ago

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If you want to discuss anything about any game you can do it on the forums. I really don't see what discussion value is lost by showing a generous person that you are grateful.

13 years ago

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More sad to me is that only 1 or 2 of those will thank the giver by name, or have any real comment about their interest in the game etc.

Some groups require comment/entry rates etc. At the end of the day, I feel like I'd rather not comment than just say 'thanks!' So most of the time I'll express interest in the game, thank the gifter (by name, extra half a second of work making it far more meaningful feeling) and then enter.

13 years ago

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srsly when you make giveaway have you even readed all coments? all of them says thnaks and its pointles to read cuz you know you will see only thanks nothing more

13 years ago

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It's bloody difficult to raise any conversation about the game if there all the comments are just thanks and there's 3-4 pages of it. Do I have to reply to the first "Thanks" just to get my opinion to be noted?

If there would be a thanks-button it could add a "Thanks"-point to the persons account just to boost his reputation - not in any other means than as a number. Same could be with entries - if someone's giveaways get a lot of entries his giveaways are usually more liked.

This sort of method could boost the morale of giveaway-makers(?)

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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+6 :( Combo breaker

13 years ago

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I like the thanks button. but i dont understand why ppl are annoyed by others saying thanks... were showing appreciation. I think its something called manners? not sure though :/

13 years ago

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I'd prefer "spam" over nothing. Although in Group and Private giveaways, the conversation is usually quite different.

13 years ago

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well why the hell would it be a problem that people are being polite.

13 years ago

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It's not a problem that people are being polite. It's a problem that there are 3-4 pages of posts that say nothing but "Thanks!", and people who want to have a legitimate conversation can't.

13 years ago

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There are forums for that.


13 years ago

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better than entering a giveaway without even saying anything, even a small thank you.

13 years ago

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BTW often there are people saying thanks to sometimes obvious, sometimes not so obvious fake giveaways

13 years ago

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I say thanks because I'm thankful when people give away games for free without expecting some sort of compensation in return.

13 years ago

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Good manners not something you like?

13 years ago

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I think its a nice gesture, good to see that some people can take a second to put a comment thanking the giveaway person for their offering.
It's annoying however when the giveaway is a fake, and the first comment CLEARLY says its a fake, yet there are always dozens of goobers who enter and say thanks anyway...seriously people just READ alittle.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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The point is people can not see "actual" comments because of "thanks bro" spam. Yeah, its great to be thankful and have manners. But comment section is not what it is made for and it completely destroys the point of the comment tool.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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for skyrim

13 years ago

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thanks bro

13 years ago

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Cool story, thanks

13 years ago

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Thanks again dude

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Ehhhh It's a "nice gesture" when people actually mean it lol, it seems as common as people saying "good morning" I don't think those people really care how my morning is =P I don't mind it though. I'll thank someone if I WIN otherwise I don't bother, although I am still thankful for everyone donating games =)

13 years ago

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Simply. Short. True.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Indeed you are

13 years ago

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It is respectful to say it because the creators of the giveaways spent their own money on it to give away.

13 years ago

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Not always...

13 years ago

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People say thank you because they are grateful that someone would spend their own money to give a gift to the community. If you aren't grateful for gifts then you don't have to enter any giveaways, it's really not that big of a deal.

13 years ago

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Because there is no button to say "thanks".

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Oh hey, it's this thread again.

13 years ago

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i find people who complain about such minor stuff annoying especially when u havent given something yourself

13 years ago

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+1 I couldn't agree more

13 years ago

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You people who always open topics like "why do people post thanks/why is it necessary" don't actualy realise that the lack of thanks in public giveaways are the same reason why are there so many private groups.
It's because it's normal thing to and that's how i was taught and raised to always say thanks for gifts, especially when people have bought them with their hard earned money. I will always assume that most of these don't post thanks are nothing more than ungrateful bastards

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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I highly doubt the lack of thx is the reason for making group giveaways. I'd say it's because they have a larger chance of winning when the odds are 1/10 than 1/>9000.

13 years ago

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I've made 3 group giveaways for a group that will kick people that do no comment if you enter, you are wrong.

13 years ago

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Uh, pardon me for cutting in, but doesn't that just devalue the thanks even more?

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Nah, 90% of them don't care at all, it's just their inner conscience telling 'em not to be quiet. Like "I must say tytyty or else I'll be a bad person in the eyes of others". I mean they said and then cannot remember anything about it, while not even 10 seconds is past.

I just ignore all those soul-less and automated "ty" and "thx" (not everyone is so grateful even just to type the full "thank you" or "thanks"). Wanna say something good about giveaway for real? Make it a lot more original and warm-hearted. And hey, don't use some sort of copypast thing-shming in every giveaway you enter or not, or else there's not much difference.

13 years ago

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You know, some people do mean it and not everyone has something better to say than thanks or thank you.

13 years ago

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Big ole +1

13 years ago

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I don't mind them keep quiet, if nothing comes in head. Better than empty automated words.

13 years ago

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Is the fact that you view the words of complete strangers to be empty a problem with how you perceive the world around you? Or with the people you don't even know anything about?

Just saying...

13 years ago

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It's not ppl are bad, it's just what they are under the most circumstances. I am angry not about such. Just all those tytytytnxdude are worthless and needless. Say nothing if you got nothing to say.

13 years ago

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So you're saying you personally know most of the commenters who just say thanks on giveaways, and most of them are bad?

Sorry, I didn't mean to doubt you. I guess I should know better than to make assumptions about people I don't even know.

13 years ago

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Where did I say that? Neither I know most of commenters personally nor any of them is bad in my opinion. Maybe my english sucks or maybe you just understood me wrong.

13 years ago

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Probably both.

Communication breakdown... its always the same

13 years ago

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You may not mind but a lot of other people mind, there are plenty of people who appreciate the thanks.

13 years ago

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Yeah i hate how people assume that.

13 years ago

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Then they just cannot see the difference between "ty" and the real appreciation.

The whole absence of thank words won't stop me from making another giveaway if I'm up to it, while even million of thanks won't encourage me to create even Fortix giveaway, if I cannot afford it or cannot create right now for any other reason.

13 years ago

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His point is that not everyone is like you. We don't have a single clue if they think the same way you do or not.

So the safest thing to do is thank the gifter

13 years ago

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Even if that might mean nothing for real?

13 years ago

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Honestly, WHY take the chance? What if the person does appreciate the thanks? I don't see how you can possibly think not thanking in case the gifter doesn't want thanks is more cautious than thanking in case they do want thanks.........MIND BLOWN

e: it may mean nothing, BUT OUR POINT IS THAT IT MIGHT MEAN SOMETHING rips out hair

13 years ago

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It's ok Monukai, some of us get it. Please relax before your heart explodes.

13 years ago

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Whoo, good save.

13 years ago

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The world is overloaded with the meaningless words already, why to add another piece of nothingness into the pile of hollow jabber? If the person who created giveaway is full of healthy concience, that person would undestand. If such person is the same as all those "ty" writers, then... it's her/him problem.

Save you hairs, they might become usefull for you one day.

13 years ago

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The way you see the world sounds so depressing. I don't think I could ever decide to just see people thanking each other as meaningless and hollow, that sounds pretty bitter and terrible :(

13 years ago

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And again you see it slightly wrong. Not the whole idea of thanking someone is bad. The real problem are the words of anything without the real feeling that's been put in them.

13 years ago

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I really wish I did understand you. It seems like you're saying that some people don't have the real feelings of appreciation when they say thank you. But what I'm confused about is how you can claim to know the real feeling that goes into a post made by someone that you do not even know.

13 years ago

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You will never agree with me, but I'll try to explain. Like I already said more then once, above and below. If you are so much happy with someone's giveaway creation, with the chance to win something you really want (with no efforts or money spend), if you're really thankful about it - you just won't say "ty", never. You may think - I repeat think - that you are overwhelmed with the joy of entering someones giveaway, but it doesn't mean you feel the same. Thinking and feeling are two things with the world of difference.

13 years ago

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So what you're saying is that it doesn't matter if in that person's mind they think they are grateful, because Hichigo knows deep down that they don't really feel it.

I think this is a lot clearer now, thanks.

13 years ago

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I knew it will end up with you closing the subject with the wrong understanding. Oh well, if it's predictable, then it's not harmful.

13 years ago

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If it makes you feel any better, I've had my share of being misunderstood on the forums too.

I'm sorry I couldn't grasp exactly what you meant.

13 years ago

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No need to sorry, really. I get the idea of your point of view, yet I got my own ones to have and share, not to teach someone forcefully.

13 years ago

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[Quoting limit reached]

13 years ago

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^ what chris said. @Hichigo. Then lets just break this down to the basics so there is no confusion. What are emotions? What are feelings? Depending on what theories you look at generally emotions are either hand in hand with thinking or they are a result of thinking (or alternatively effect thinking), for this matter I don't think there can be a lot of contradiction between feelings and thoughts, so you lost me there.

13 years ago

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I don't want to start the whole philosophy about it. Phylosophy is a good game, but absolutely useless to find even single real answer, the only answer it gives is the bunch of another questions. And it's endless.

... Yet It was a phylosophy. Okay, more constructive. If you're trying to think out the difference between thinking and feeling, you are doing it the wrong way. Because you'll be using your head to understand your heart. They will never understand each other opinions. Wanna see what the feel truly is? Just feel, nothing more you need.

13 years ago

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Sorry, my heart only pumps blood, everything happens in the brain. If you want to make this about philosophy then everything is a lie. We don't have free will, we don't think or feel in the way we perceive we do, it's just determined chemical reactions happening in our head. So thanking is pointless, we're just animated matter and nothing else. ._. (the thanking is pointless remark was sarcasm)

13 years ago

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Maybe that's true for you. People like Torian, xarabas, and TheGreatGooglyMoogly (and there are many others) have really moved me. I find their generosity touching. For that matter the whole idea of Steamgifts moved me, that such a site could exist where people give things away for NO gain. So as a collective whole I both feel and think that I am thankful for the giveaways.

13 years ago

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I'm not saying people make giveaways just for thank yous, but what I am saying is it that might AND has brightened up the day of people who have given away gifts. I know it makes me smile when I see I have as many thanks (also...YES I GET IT, IT DOESN'T AFFECT YOU.)

This is a bit of an aside but there are people with hundreds of entries and multiple wins that have 0 comment, that stalk forums, lurk in chats, and never say thank you. It's just nice to know that I make giveaways for people who aren't like that (like xarabas mentioned that is why I like group giveaways), I can't stand when slimey greedy bastards win games. They do whatever they can to win free games but they never do anything to show gratitude to those who enable them to win--can't stand. /rage That's why I have respect for the few good groups that only invite people that are active in the community, because they have a decent set of morals and are generally grateful people. /endrant

13 years ago

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I can pretty much say the same to you. I mean what makes you so sure that all thanks are "soul-less"? Cause I hate to break it to you mine are quite the opposite of "soul-less", I truly mean it when I say thanks. I appreciate that people put these giveaways up for us to have a chance to win and I like to show my appreciation by saying thanks. I'm sorry I don't have anything better to say but to me a thanks is better than leaving nothing.

13 years ago

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I appreciate that people put these giveaways up for us to have a chance to win and I like to show my appreciation by saying thanks.

" so that's why all I have to say is "ty" ".

If you're that much grateful and all, the words will pour down from you by their own, there's no need to make it happen by force or to press on ownself. And by words I don't mean tens of complicated paragraphs with medieval english. It maybe just a few words, but you will know for sure it's the real appreciation.

13 years ago

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Sorry but not everyone can think of words to say. I personally have a hard time coming up with things to say and/or wording things and that's for anything in general. To think that everyone can come up with something perfect to say like you is ignorant. It's not that easy for everyone.

13 years ago

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Once again, the words will come from you by their own, no need to push yourself at all. Another "again" is if you got nothing to say, then just say nothing. Like we use to say in my country - words are silver, quiet is gold.

13 years ago

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Again, they don't come easily for everyone.

13 years ago

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I won't repeat it another time, just read it all above, if you need some sort of clarification, understanding, hating or just food for arguements. Of course, it's your right to be disagree, it's naturally and not evil.

13 years ago

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I understand what you're saying, but that is simply not the case for everyone is what I'm saying.

13 years ago

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They just fool themselves. They are neither evil nor trying to make someone angry with said tytytydudemaaan (with an exceptions of pure trolling of course, but that is easy distinguishable).

13 years ago

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Press 1 to talk to a representative

13 years ago

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I see what you did there. Also I smiled :)

13 years ago

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Amazed you could follow the reply lines up to the post I replied too :P

13 years ago

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Good one.

13 years ago

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There are only so many creative/funny/random ways of saying "thanks". Especially with how fast points accumulate on this site (especially during popular steam sales) you're bound to just plain run out of ways to say thanks. It's not "spamming".

13 years ago

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Good sir, how much do I appreciate thy generosity, truly ye are a man of noble stature! A thousand weddings upon thy family, sir!

13 years ago

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Hey, stop spamming!

13 years ago

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+1 to both

13 years ago

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I'm so lonely and tired, I need all the thank yous I can get

13 years ago

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Thanks for nothing!

13 years ago

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ah now that's what I'm talking about,
I love it!

13 years ago

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How much is a thank you worth to you? We could work out some kind of deal. I charge $15 per thanks, and $20 for a proper "Thank you!". Any additional comments run at $10 to start plus $0.50 per character.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Thank you! :)

13 years ago

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Thanks, friend!

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Every time I see one of these threads it kills a little part of me. : /

Also, I don't see how "thanks spam" hides real comments. Scrolling down a page it's easy to distinguish what isn't just "thanks" unless you are legally blind. The only concern is when you have like 20 pages of thanks, but even then if the gifter wants to sift through comments it won't take much time.

13 years ago

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Exactly. It's not at all hard to differentiate thanks from comments.

13 years ago

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I say thanks if i dont have anything better to say, i guess a thanks its the least they deserve.

13 years ago

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I'm a relative cynic when it comes to how human nature is, and how people act. But I still don't see why someone would be upset by a thank you, no matter how small. I know when I say thank you, I mean it. Does that mean everyone does? Of course not. But it does show, that for whatever reason, that they cared enough to show some form of gratitude, no matter how small. It's better then just clicking the "enter contest" button and saying nothing. It requires a small amount of effort. I'm cynical and all, but it's nice to think that other people are grateful in some small way, enough to show it even in a token regard.

13 years ago

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Anyone spotted the puzzle yet?

Thanks for Skyrim!

13 years ago

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Whatever I said the last couple of times this subject came up still holds.

13 years ago

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I actually think that most people say thanks not because they're thankful, but because they are fools. Seeing as there are quite a few fake giveaways, people making giveaways for their wanted games, I think saying thx (in their minds) increases their chance of winning, seeing as everyone else does it.

13 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by excessium.