Lo bueno es que no se contagia por via aerea, asi que en cierto modo se puede respirar tranquilo. Pero aun asi es preocupante.
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si pues la enfermera ya me diras como se contagio y eso que iba con proteccion, le hizo una mamada al cura y luego se tiro al perro o como entonces, luego cuando muera el 50% de la poblacion en españa saldra rajoy diciendo que el paro se ha reducido un 98%.
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Protección... aquí los protocolos de seguridad son un poco de chiste y encima con más agujeros que un colador (sólo hay que ver por ejemplo las declaraciones de los médicos de los hospitales y de la enferma cuando esta dijo que tenía fiebre). En fin, han conseguido que por quedar bien con unos pocos han sacado una enfermedad que estaba encerrada en Africa y traerla a Europa.
Tres hurras por nuestros políticos, por sus brillantes ideas y por lo poco que le importan el resto de españoles.
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Se contagia por fluidos, asi que si la mujer es enfermera habra estado en contacto, lo cual es normal que se contagie.
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well, and this german news article claims she went on vacation between her infection and the detection of the illness.
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Guess this means there will be an EXTERMINATUS? :D
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I remember the promise of one last time with Swine Flu but that just seemed to be overblown in severity. Damned proper treatment and medicine.
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She arrived at hospital saying doctors she got fever (38.3ºC). She insisted on being hospitalized because of that, but doctors told her that not, because she doesnt have 38.5 or so. So she went on vacation and turned worse and finally got hospitalized some days later.
Its like a joke honestly. I live also in this shitty country sadly.
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Well she went on holiday and then got fever. Then no one cared because when she told that the people listening didn't know she was attending the ebola patient, and she didn't said it. So lack of info.
And well,...how is possible she could get holidays after that instead of quarantine???? Why the protection wear was level 2 instead of 4?
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Learn to read and search for info:
"Antonio Alemany explicó que la auxiliar enferma había estado en contacto con los dos misioneros repatriados de África con ébola, Miguel Pajares y Manuel García viejo. Tras el fallecimiento del segundo de ellos, la paciente se marchó "de vacaciones y siguió haciendo su vida normal", dijo Alemany. Cinco días más tarde, la auxiliar advirtió a los servicios de salud laboral de Alcorcón de que tenía fiebre y de que había atendido hacía unas semanas a un enfermo de ébola. Fuentes oficiales del Ministerio de Sanidad señalaron que, aunque su temperatura corporal no superaba los niveles de alerta, fue ella la que insistió varias veces en que le hicieran las pruebas analíticas para saber si se había contagiado o no. Finalmente, tras pasar seis días con fiebre, los profesionales atendieron ayer su petición."
So yes, she insisted on his state and advertized doctors that they better do the ebole tests to her, but doctors denied. She told them she can be infected with the priest. Doctors decided let her go.
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You have deleted the part where you said she went on holiday after she noticed fever and because that¬¬
Also it seems she asked by telephone and the persons she asked to wasn't aware of her patients so they didn't understand why she was so concerned. That's what I heard during this morning TV interviews.
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Al perro no lo tocan. Montamos la de dios es cristo aqui.
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Indeed people deserve to die because not helping Africa guys during many years.
No everyone is crazy because there are one infected in Europe and fear the disease.
So... it looks like thousands of africans people doesnt matter.
I hope People learn from this.
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No estaba hablando de la gente, ni a los posteadores. Estaba hablando de los politicos de todos los países "civilizados", de EE. UU, y en la unión europea. Ahora se rasgan las vestiduras cuando no han hecho nada en décadas porque "no les tocaba". Ellos son los que deben aprender, no los ciudadanos, que no tenemos culpa de la panda de incopetentes que dirigen los países dl mundo, o así lo veo yo. A lo que me refiero es que si se mueren negritos en áfrica se la suda, pero que no pase nada en un país "civilizado" que entonces es cdo les entra el miedo y las tonterías. Por no haber puesto remedio antes ni haber enviado ayudas, dinero, etc.
Este mismo fin de semana por allá han muertos más de 150 personas y a la gente se la sopla...
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well...time to lock down Spain and bury everyone, just to be sure.
ok, jokes aside, is anyone wondering, where did this nurse went while on her 6 day vacation.
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Government + media = Terrorism for civilians (fear for them). Interesting that elections are near...
One of them brings us the Ebola for free. The another one makes it worse with news everyday. Awww, i love news everyday. :)
Kill your TV and stay at home playing videogames.
And yes, our country is a fucking joke.
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+1. Hope our country changes after elections.
Es, cuanto menos, indignante la alarma social que se está creando por culpa de la falta de transparencia del gobierno y el sensacionalismo de algunos medios de comunicación. Y de la ministra y su consejero ya ni hablamos.
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I hope the same. :)
I will vote 'Podemos'.
Pablo Iglesias is very direct, clear and honest. You can perceive watching a few of videos from him. Not like the actual politicians, all corrupted, liars...
Sometimes i'm worried about him, because he is very direct and i think he could be killed... :S
This man is that kind of man that actual government doesn't want as enemy.
I have that feeling, that our country will change to good soon if we can make Podemos bigger. Only we have to be a bit patient.
Que pases un buen día, Iree. :)
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I laughed way too hard at that headline. I'm sure the dog left loved ones behind....
On a more serious note, the U.S. government also has their finger in their ear.
"There is zero chance of Ebola coming to the United States."
(two weeks later...)
"We have the situation under control, and there is no danger of the disease spreading."
(one week later...)
"There is no need to panic. We are monitoring the situation carefully and taking all necessary steps."
They lie unashamedly and then wonder why we don't trust them. I wonder what it would be like to live in a country where the government actually knows how to govern effectively?
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I laughed at that harder than I probably should have. I still remember Watergate and the Vietnam War....
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Yeah.....no kidding. And let's not forget the IRS being put in charge of enforcement to make sure everyone is signed up for one of the "new and improved" policies whether they like it or not, or pays the tax. I mean fine. I mean tax. I mean, penalty.
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At least in US they have experts as head of the control commission.
In Spain it was the most stupid person as Health Minister, she has only worked on her father company and not clear what she did there. Also she's only known because her husband is a corrupt who got millions and she said she didn't know how a jaguar and a 100.000€ 4x4 appeared on their garage. And well, she had a Queen life and never understood nor ask where the money came. And the Region Health "Minister" has proven he should not have tongue to talk nor hands to write, cause he only accused and blamed others, omitting any responsability
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News abot Ebola in my country: Some guy may have it - meanwhile: bunch of people ranting about how it would be way better if we were still communistic country with armed guys on borders shooting at whoever wants to get in/out of the country without permission.
Glory to Arstotzka!
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Black Plague 2.0: Electric boogaloo!
(But seriously, shit is scary as fuck, hope everyone makes it through this crap...)
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A mí es que me parece de chiste el protocolo que se había establecido. Si una enfermera alerta de que tiene fiebre justo después de tratar a un enfermo de ébola, lo más lógico hubiese sido aislarla inmediatamente y hacerle pruebas. Pero claro, lo más fácil es culpar a la enfermera y matar a su perro. En fin, mucho tiene que cambiar la situación para que tengamos un poco de transparencia en este asunto.
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In heard that the dog of the nurse from spain was put down because he suspected to carry it - but the must jaw dropping thing is that thousands of protesters for animals right were against putting the dog and tried to stop it by force - pinnacle of stupidity
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No test were done to the dog, it could have been put in quarantine, there's no evidence that the virus can be tramsmitted from humans to dogs. They were advising to study it to investigate that, but they thought "nah, it's just a dog, it's easier to just kill it".
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Ebola symptoms are not shown in dogs, dog can carry it but they wont show the symptoms - would you take the responsibility if the dog would infect others while waiting for the test results?
If we had the Black plague today would you protest against the killing of all rats even though some of them are healthy?
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No, I would isolate the dog while I waited for the results, that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. But honestly, seeing how incompetent they're here, perhaps killing the dog was the best thing.
Btw, that's the procedure when you're bitten by a dog and they're unaware if it has the rabies, they isolate it to see if it starts to show symptoms, and then they kill it.
Also, seeing as you compare the dog to a rat, I suppose you never had a dog or are unable to understand that that dog was a member of that family.
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Replace dog with human and animal rights with racism. Now there is bitching about the Liberian corpse being given sub-par care because he was black. How is this possible under Obama Care? Why is racism the new "dog ate my homework" excuse? - stupid stupid stupid
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It's just a matter of time until this spreads to other european countries. Their isolation zones are a bloody joke, the personnel isn't properly trained and the politician across europe are literally overflowing with incompetence. Everything those folks can do is tell you lies and lull you into a false sense of security while they're busy with taking shelter themselves.
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My country its a fucking joke.
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