It was my cakeday, I made some gibs, posted a picture of myself and asked other people to follow my example. Much to my surprise they did!!

[Because I'm a lazy bum and didn't update the OP for cough cough let's say .. a long time cough cough our dear Fnord started a list, sorted alphabetically. Please go here, pro stalkers!]

A mosaic of all people Per3zat made for us:
Now with everybody ;):

By popular demand now: The brave SG users who participated (in order of appearance)
I linked the usernames with their first posted comments and added all pictures they spread across this thread.

Larren101: looking like a space cadet. hurr durr
PrinceOfJerusalem: picture - on a boat - less like a villain
Yazael: picture
SexyBudgie: the left one
AuthenticZac: JUST DO IT
Kathleen: dreamy - TerrorMieze - horrornurse - fuull body horror nurse
zelghadis: before he became fat and (more) ugly - nowadays fatass ugly zelg1: nowadays fatass ugly zelg2 - nowadays fatass ugly zelg3 - unhealthy skinny - 1st from left
Yzil: picture with husky
hustlayo: guy in the black jacket - Aye 2
Ruaben: Ruaben's haircut
ZemunBRE: picture
Fnord - getting ready - hiking - with collection
MuahahahaMeow - picture - after going outside - Because why not
olfox1 - :3
vinirockman - HOG - recent
Idiosyncratic - brave selfie
heavenhairsixes - very serious - the young hhs
Bombaklats - on the beach
Sundance85 - smiling
Quisty - brave
Sugicloud - picture
deguzmanricardo - in the dark
DownwardConcept - click the link
CoralineCastell - happy smile
leonidas56 - with dog - @ hackaton - in da club - zombifiey
YunieRozier's dog - Bohème
AboveAverageJoe - with friend
MysticAarrgg - unshaved
coezo - with hat - with longer hair - - lion's mane - captions - spooky coezo - killing with forks
keohookalani - it's keo!
missmewx - okay
Aseed - he's the guy
DracoGriffin - trapped
MuIIins - click the link - Christmas!
xarabas - seducing selfie - not actually drunk for once - 30+ hours of no sleep - Some camping trip - Ruining perfectly good picture with crappy camera filters - hiking trip - quite dissapointed for some reason
MagnificentOne - the day gravity decided to give my hair a miss - with headphones
IgotElbows - Elbows!
MrWubbleStein - work photo
SpankyPie - Aaa
kraken9 - Hello SG - fancy photo edit
Dustmop - picture
cmiddlebrook - profile picture
Nightshifty - Top Gun costume
Pesmerga - at a wedding
Eduelmago - garden - cupboard - bed - kissing teddy
JustDucky - eating crab claws
Tort1 - picture
Ikkebott - with graffiti - right now! - without beard
xScreaMx - headphones
Luxy - peer pressure succeeded \o/
murk3 - cosplaying Yeliena - just being cute - beauty in the corner - with hat - in the "snow"
kukeemon - in better times
XyazanX - bert
BrekkeKktus - profile picture
cifudux - while competing
tristetea - few years back
RaPtUrA - picture - with his 5 year older sister - ready for Oktoberfest
Wallister - boy, not a grill
FameTaker - him - his dog - together
zibo86 - picture
drewmb10 - with his wife
Paxnit - in his younger years - now
Elunes - black & white beauty - part 2
bludshade - male equivalent of resting bitch face
lforlazy - cat! - purple
andreadandrea - on vacation
Misskpavd - classy - opening door - with parrots - video with parrots
Mattereye - one year ago - in space
SilentGuy - not a totally new picture
DominusFerrus - yum
JustinSane059 - third from right
Kaesestange - a silhouette - a hat - finally
Nemurenai - out of bed - very happy
LevTaylor - recent - older pic 1 - older pic 2
Extinox - needs love - slim and happy
NaztyFox - bold soldier - smiles
Fyantastic - grrr - parrot - dat hairdo - I'm so beautiful - true love - real true love - air guitar - is that a sombrero? - Fyan's love - ready to die
Winthorp - with his love - with is wife
KonOkami - Too smexy fo his shirt
Argyle31 - Crown Prince of Darkness
PHAZE7 - on stairs
Milliare - playing - working
cloudfan - pretty face
borsdy - holding a holographic wolf picture in the rain
LordVampyr - cute smile
VyleKillius - damn hot
Wissaul - okay, he's in
mushclone298 - forgot to shave
Abaction - not his real ribs
Undac - yum - on an airport - in the army now - something stinks - or does it? - with long hair
jbondguy007 - still not posting a picture
JoaoWho - groans - still cute
PsychoClown - so cute horrible - on Halloween - part 2
GhostZ - thinking
Angel9RakouCobra - smiling - flirting - happy - a true lady
m139 - the man
IronMaiden666 - blurry
tankerbell - the "i" was taken
AJIam - y so grumpy?
FoxCunning - tiptop
TheZooZ - 2 years old
aurorable - natural beauty
AnnieBolton - a fairy
CarlEric - bank robbery gang
s1N - BoringDay - pouting
HiroHiro - wild party
atb85 - butterbeer
Kabdzsi - with his cousin
Tyler889 - omg, he's hot
Venhiem - find him! - true selfie - with manly beard
kataztrophik - with his twin
Monukai - a nice guy
anktejp - you're not Bob Ross!!!
Khazadson - the baron's beard
jbondguy007 - handdrawn selfie
Oppenh4imer - the left one
Futome - smile!
CrystalSoulSpear - at work
Khalaq - young him - old him
ShinNoChikara - Que?
Shenfara - sandwich
Teliko - blonde facial hair wasn't mean to be
Yupy - picture
nellyneko - in a hut - where's my food?
malabagaa - 2014 - it's in my nose! - 2013edition - 2012 - 2008/2009
Rauchen - cute with cat
zombiehug - he's shy - summer
OsakaMilkBar - Maverick - PewPew
gweedo007 - badass mofo - with his wife
tso184 - best friends in Berlin - those eyes - zombietso - In Oslo
jbmccune - as a kikd - today
Jonex - working - needs a haircut
taytothief - very British
Zomby2D - fresh for us
Spectre359 - topless & bold
Yirg - in Vilnius (Lithuania)
Foxpile - needs a mirror - eompile
TheChack - TheChack!!
ulvercarvalho - lightning tricks
BluewolfCA - in the car - on the deck
LinustheBold - playing Poins
rachellove - recent - freshman year in Chinatown - cold sophomore year - forgot - with biscuit (and father) - getting festive - Prom Queen 2013 - Prom Queen2013 - 2 - in the gym
fateshaper - big smile
HBNayr - picture
MBcoder - VR
MrWoodenSheep - Longer hair with beard - Shorter hair - Shorter hair while playing drums
Quaestio - when browsing SG - standard selfie - pikachu!!
SquireZed - prepared for an interview
Bonsai393 - skeptical bunny - fucking loser
Eisenzange - omg, a naked man! - now with shirt
Sighery - cute and happy
xMisiu - picture
JonathanKalo - Pre-larp photo - Post-larp photo - Philosopher edition - Did-you-finish edition - I'm-gonna-do-something-stupid edition - Cute pic with his pet
ndx8 - an industrial - metalhead ~20 years ago - part 2
EsE - wearing a DIY "princess crown"
VovanVV1982 - loves Pandas
reasaurus - profile picture - cute with puppy
darveshpreet - profile picture - with his better half
deadxobbit - person on the left
Shaide - him - on Halloween
Shannara55 - Is she a fairy?
srcross - two years ago
silencium9 - pretty girl - more prettyness
SSJBardock - wearing his majestic hat
mariganza - (not) too much light?
Ville - sleepy
NotableSilva aka TheSnake - on a bench - in a lab
SweetDalilah - lady's got style - sparkly - sassy - more sassyness
littlekuillyboo - taken two weeks ago
Tzaar - couple years ago sexy mofo - clean cut tamed Tzaar
missmewx - ain't she sweet?
paVVin - From Russia with love
MrBron99 - innocent - handsome
robocub - with his boy
unfuurl - beauty in the snow
Mehamatica - shy girl
Fleder - profile picture
Dnomyar96 - devoted musician
HA66 - my persian prince
Triisken - true beauty
Lemistio - a gamer and believer
InquisitorAles - on a trip
lxlt - dollface - is she real?
HardeKak - friendly smile, warm eyes
ndx8 - "too many sales this winter" edition
KatAwhYeah - weeeee, redhead curlz :D
Dianatrix - Le Halloween daaaamn, you're hot - Le Christmas
SadisticChicken - Christmas 2015 - Before going out for a meal - Going to see Bruno Mars live - Easter 2015 - I like bunnies heads - natural hair on an alright day - maybe 2013? - Prom Day in 6th year - late 2012
Draconis79 - April 2009 - driving - March 2010 - December 2015
Silent62 - a real gentleman... - ...without a beard
elmerenges - before long hair and beard - after long hair and beard
Olarte - smiling - bald - with cat - with flowers - Halloween - without PC - with stickers - tuxedo
hyperxduell - amazing blue eyes
bonesof87 - all dramaatic and shit
Mullins drunk
TinyPurple - tongue out - drunk again
Fnord - cool in the park - partylion
fateshaper - on the hill
leonidas56 - 2016 - 6k celebratory pic
tso184 - in the desert - posing - portrait
Voidy - serious
numeron - all dressed up
eldeezo - pokerface - junkfood overload - DJing - mighty beard - mightier beard
ozo2003 - rare selfie
keksinator - no smile - smile
Cerint - yo, sup?
kOROMOShYdOpOlOuS - he's fly
Tewam - GoT
Jonex - hair?
MBcoder - big scarf
Tzaar - in the bathroom - still not smilin - half smilin :)
gothrana - smirkin - with beard
SillyScream - bumpin
Dianatrix - introducing her avatar - singing with kitty - on a trip - several pics
JoaoWho - beary
Lemistio - thinking - [teatime]()
CrazyGuacamole - huh?
ProgDroid - intense
noonemakesnoise - does that count?
Soulflyr - smokin - with random chick we all know who that is :P
geogllitch - @ Gamescom - in Iceland - foxcuddlin
Asperyules - with Luna - with headphones
anthracis1 - first and last selfie
Fistrake - so cool fail
MarineSloth - young sloth

tso discovered a thread of similar nature from a few years ago! Pro stalkers go here:

8 years ago*

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I generally hate getting my picture taken, but I'll play along because I like it here. Happy belated cake day and thanks for all the gibs! I'm on the left with my wife.

View attached image.
8 years ago*

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 facebook | Error
8 years ago

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Facebook don't like sharing pics from its url ;)

8 years ago

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Fixed. Thanks for the notice.

8 years ago

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You're a cute couple :)

8 years ago

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Classy. Like a couple straight out of L.A. Noire.

8 years ago

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You look nice together.

8 years ago

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You handsome motherfucker.

8 years ago

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but... no orange hammer?

8 years ago

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There goes my fantasy you could really be the guy from your profile picture sigh

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I will have to now live with the fact that you aren't a lumberjack.


Great pic!

8 years ago

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Goddammit Eve, I swear I fixed the hole in my pocket. But then last night a thing (I guess a kind of meteor) impacted the roof of my apartment and an outer space transmission moderated me to do a GA.
A lil to late "happy cakeday" Eve.

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8 years ago

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thanks to the aliens for the GA!

8 years ago

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Andi! I wanted to message you the last days. Haven't talked for ages. You looked a lot like Dave Grohl, guess it helped with the chicks! :P
Have a good one, hope to talk to you soon!

8 years ago*

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Beatles! Awesome (:

And great hair, man!

8 years ago

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Thank you for your giveaway! Happy cake day! Sorry for not posting a pic but I am not really feeling like it atm. :/

8 years ago

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Happy cake day :)

8 years ago

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I love this thread. So many beautiful people.
Thank you for this thread and the giveaways!

Here are two pictures of me, I guess. Literally the only two that I actually kinda like.

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8 years ago

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Hi, dont be emo, use colours :(

8 years ago

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I don't like colours though. I mean, I do but not in photos. I never use them in any kind of picture. Everything looks better in black and white in my opinion :)

8 years ago

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Michael Jackson got it right, amirite?

8 years ago

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you rite my brother

8 years ago

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well, for me: #nofilter #rawswag :o

8 years ago

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no wonder you like the darkness ii. btw i still couldn't watch the last season of the mentalist. please don't give spoilers. ;_;

8 years ago

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Wow. I'm impressed you remembered that! :o
Don't worry, it's not my intention to spoil stuff. That puzzle back then was just a little.. let's say 'unfortunate'.

8 years ago

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Awww thanks :3

8 years ago

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But what if... you took a picture of you and SWISS F#$C&%G CHEESE??? HUH?
Would you put it black and white too, GODDAMNIT?

Seriously though, with a photo like that you get to pick the color palette all you like... :P

8 years ago

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Oh come on :D That's... mean :D
Seriously though, I have no clue why but I just don't like coloured pictures.

8 years ago

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Whaaa... How is it mean? Which part? :P
If you're talking about the last bit, it was meant as a compliment you know... as in, looking like that, colour is overrated and unnecessary. ;)

8 years ago

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I don't know really, if I'm honest. I'm impressed you remembered that, though :D

8 years ago

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I have a somewhat good memory, it's a bit choosy though... or random... dunno. :P

8 years ago

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Alright then ^^

8 years ago

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Elune be praised!! ... Oops, wrong person?

8 years ago

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So that's the other half of your face, hu? Nice to meet you, top-half. Lookin' good today.
And here's a cheesy quote because black is the best color. "But dude, black is not a color!" Shut up.

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8 years ago

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Yup, that's the other half. Black is the best colour and that quote is great, thanks for sharing it :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

8 years ago

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Hehe! I've actually seen them live recently and, oh boy, I love this band!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

8 years ago

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Ah, sorry :D
But I bet you will get your chance to see them live (again?) some day as well :)

8 years ago

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Edit: i find disturbing that the chorus wear the Scream mask xD

8 years ago*

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That was beautiful ;-; my feels.

8 years ago

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I think its the best version that i heard, the overture its fantastic! Also this one is so good

8 years ago

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It is indeed! Acoustic versions are always amazing in my opinion! (Also, I knew this one already, actually ^^)

8 years ago

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I lovee acoustic/live because there you can hear if an artist have real talent or if its just "post production" product :p

8 years ago

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Exactly! :) I have so many CDs from them and there are quite a lot of live versions of songs on them as well and sometimes I'm just listening to music and I don't even realise that it was a live version and only go "oh wow, that was live?!" when people start applauding at the end, haha. :')

8 years ago

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You rocks :p now put color in pics xDDD

8 years ago

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No! Ò_Ó


8 years ago

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8 years ago

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What if Mother Earth was playing when you took the pic and you were in a green zone?
Wouldn't Mother Earth feel bad? :(

8 years ago

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wo, wenn ich fragen darf? und keines der 2015 noch anstehenden konzerte ist in meiner nähe. :-(

8 years ago

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Am 1.8. in Chemnitz. Sind aber auch erst bisschen mehr als zwei Stunden dahin gefahren. Bis jetzt war ich nur auf Konzerten von ihnen, die mindestens 2 - 3 Stunden von mir entfernt waren weil sie nie hier her kommen, gnarf

8 years ago

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ich lebe in nrw, da ist es meist leicht ein konzert in der nähe zu erreichen... auch wenn ich kein auto habe.
als nächstes werde ich erneut das Feuertal-Festival besuchen... da kann ich praktisch zu fuss hingehen.

8 years ago

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Oh, das ist praktisch! Ich wohn ungefähr 2 Stunden von München weg und wenn sie bei mir in der "Gegend" sind, dann doch immer nur in München. Bin jetzt erst jedes Mal immer in ein anderes Bundesland gefahren, um sie zu sehen.
Und ansonsten bin ich auch von den Festivals, die hier so sind, nicht sonderlich begeistert.

8 years ago

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die stadt mit der schwebebahn selber bietet zwar auch nur bedingt gute konzerte, aber mit der bahn sind es etwa nach köln nur 34 minuten. düsseldorf ist nah und auch dortmund oder gelsenkirchen sind gut mit dem öpnv zu erreichen.
und über eine zu geringe anzahl an festivals kann man hier auch nicht klagen freu

sind die zwei stunden wenigstens in die richtige richtung gewesen für den trip nach chemnitz?
musst nicht antworten, falls dir das zu viel auskunft über dich im RL ist.

8 years ago

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Das klingt dann echt praktisch!

Ja, waren sie. Sonst wär das glaub ich doch etwas zu lang gewesen. Sagen wir einfach, ich wohn ungefähr bei Nürnberg, das macht das ganze vielleicht etwas klarer ^^

8 years ago

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also in franken und nicht in bayern ;-)
danke für die antwort.

was anderes, hast du einen blick auf mein erstes puzzle geworfen? es könnte ein bump vertragen.

8 years ago

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Ganz ehrlich? Das ist mir scheißegal :D Ich bin hier nicht geboren, also fühl ich mich hier auch nicht richtig zuhause ^^ Nenns, wie du willst :D

Ja, hatte ich, aber irgendwie bin ich dieses Mal selbst dran gescheitert, aus dem Post auch nur irgendwo hin zu kommen o_o muss ich mir vielleicht noch mal anschauen bei Gelegenheit.

8 years ago

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Ich habe versucht den OP etwas deutlicher zu machen, vielleicht hilft es ja.

8 years ago

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Ich werd später noch mal vorbei schauen. Hab ja noch paar Stündchen Zeit.

8 years ago

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danke, und ja es sind noch ein paaaar stündchen ;-)

8 years ago

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so ist das leben ohne z-bau :D aber im oktober macht der KV wieder auf, dann kommen bestimmt auch wieder die ein oder anderen bands hier her...

8 years ago

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Pff :P Na mal sehen.

8 years ago

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both are great pictures!! but i somehow prefer the contrast and shadow effect on the face in the 1st one

8 years ago

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You look awesome! And the black and white was a really good idea. By the way you talk about photos, I bet you like the hobby of taking shots too? (:

And you remind me of someone I can't place. Darn.

8 years ago

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Aw thanks :') Yeah, I like taking photos - though I usually have really high expectations and I am kind of a perfectionist when it comes to photos :D I love taking pictures during concerts (I know that that kidna ruins the fun but I just can't contain myself) and one of my favourite picture I've ever taken is from a concert last year.
This picture right here is also one of my favourites - and guess what, it's in black & white :P

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8 years ago

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I really like black and white photography. Though I don't have any talent in that area, I've some bought pictures in my apartment.
And most of the other art there is black/white too.

8 years ago

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Did a ball bounce? :D

8 years ago

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Have you ever heard of Sebastião Salgado? He's a master of B&W photography, and he documents all sorts of tragic and beautiful things trough his moving photography. I bet you'll like his work if you care to check him out! He's one of the world's finest for sure (:

Man I like taking pictures during concerts too! You're not alone, dear haha
And I must say I loved that pic you attached, you certainly have your own (marvelous) style.

Btw: have you played Life is Strange yet? The game flows around photography, and I think you'd like it if you gave it a shot (pun intended)

8 years ago

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Wow, now this seems incredibly strange. I typed a reply to this but apparently I never send it?

His photos are pretty cool, thanks for showing me!

Also, talking about "strange" things, I haven't yet played that game, no. I'm planning to do so, though, because it seems like such an interesting game! I will play it as soon as it's on sale some day.

8 years ago

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Don't worry about the reply (:

He's truly great.

It's really good! I bet it will be in sale soon (or at least I hope so, for your sake) (:

8 years ago

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Well, at least you like two of your pictures! I'm not sure I've seen a picture of myself that I actually liked.

And you're adorable

8 years ago

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I know right, it's something at least! I know it can be pretty hard to like pictures of yourself but I bet there's at least one picture somewhere that you might actually like :)
aw thank you!

8 years ago

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There's one from when I was a really little kid and I'm hugging my childhood doggie, but that's only because of the doggie.

As a adult, I rarely even let anyone take a picture of me. Maybe 1 a year. Growing up, my mom always wanted a picture of my brother and I on Santa's lap, so that was usually the 1 picture for the year. And even as adults, my brother and I continued doing it for a number of years. I never liked the pictures, but my mom always cherished them.

8 years ago

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I don't like pictures either and I rarely let others take my picture. Usually the picture will end up as something like this.
In the rare occasion that I do feel kinda pretty, I might take a selfie but apart from that, I don't know that anyone has taken a decent picture of me in the past couple of years.

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8 years ago

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I think its funny that you even have a picture like that saved. :)

8 years ago

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Eh, yeah, well, it is a pretty recent one and I just kept it in case I would "need" it for anything :D

8 years ago

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Well, I'm glad I could justify having it around! :)

8 years ago

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Haha yeah! :D

8 years ago

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That's how pictures taken of me look too.... if I can't avoid the situation at all. The last time I had a picture of me taken was the day my sister married... close to 10 years ago.

8 years ago

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For the longest time, I assumed your picture wasn't you, I don't know why. lol

Well myth busted I guess. xD

8 years ago

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Well, it could still be some random pictures from the internet ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nah, seriously though, it's understandable :D

8 years ago

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I think it's because I thought I saw someone with the same/similar picture. So you might have an impostor. lol
But now I know, and knowing is half the battle!

8 years ago

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Oh cool. Or let's just hope it was only a similar picture. After all mine doesn't have that much to it, so it isn't really special or unique.

8 years ago

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Aren't we all unique and special though? :3

8 years ago

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We are! :)

8 years ago

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On the first one picture you look like a woman and on the second one you look like a girl.
I'm finding life's transformations very thrilling.

8 years ago

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Interesting aspect, I didn't even think of that. Also, fun fact: the first picture actually is more recent.

8 years ago

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Time Lord: Confirmed!

8 years ago

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So you only have 1 T-Shirt? :P:P:P

Sorry, just had to... haha. ;)

8 years ago

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I don't, but it's my favourite band, so I wear that shirt as often as I can ^_^

8 years ago

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It's ok, Sharon has a great voice, i understand. ;)
My personal favourite from them is... i guess Blue Eyes... how about yours, out of curiosity? :)

8 years ago

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Blue Eyes is great!
It's not that easy for me.
My favourite line of lyrics is from Deceiver of Fools, and I'd always name Somewhere as the answer to that question but I'm not so sure anymore. They just have so so many great songs, I can't decide which is my favourite.

8 years ago

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Fair enough, it's ok, i get it. :)
I feel the same regarding most bands i enjoy a lot, so. :)

8 years ago

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Classic beauty! =)

8 years ago

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aw thanks :')

8 years ago

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Very nice photos! Too shy to say anything else :) I knew that it's you on the avatar :)

8 years ago

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Oh, you. Thanks :')

8 years ago

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Great pics, Elunes! You remind me a college friend I used to play pen and paper RPGs with. :)

8 years ago

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Congrats on your SG anniversary!

8 years ago

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Happy Cake Day!

8 years ago

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Apparently I forgot to thank you for a giveaway I won last month (I assume that is why I am on your blacklist).
So I would like to say "thank you" now, and I apologize for my tardiness.

Also, thanks for all the opportunities you give to all of us to get some nice games, you generosity is very much appreciated.

Oh, and Happy Cake Day! :-)

8 years ago*

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Apology accepted (yes, that was the reason). Everybody deserves a second chance. I unblacklisted you.

Thanks for the good wishes :)

8 years ago

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Thank you. :-)

8 years ago

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Happy cake day ^^

I guess I should join in on the selfie thing, so here it goes.

Yes, I have the male equivalent of resting bitch face.

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8 years ago

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You remind me of Alex Hirsh.

If you dunno who he is, look him up, he's awesome! :D

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8 years ago

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Well, I suppose I can sort of see the resemblence :P

And no, I had no idea who he was until I googled him ._.

8 years ago

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Yup :3

He makes this amazing tv show called Gravity Falls! It's insane good.

8 years ago

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Ah, that one. I recall seeing a few scenes here and there, but as you can probably tell I'm more into watching anime than cartoons :p

8 years ago

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I really like Hellsing. starts singing opening

Down down, won't ya hear the vibration?
Take me home, and I'll look to return
(Shooby dooby doo, Shooby dooby doo, Doo-doo)

I like both cartoons and anime. I'm insane about them :D

8 years ago

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That's my ringtone :3

8 years ago

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Best ringtone evah. :D

Gravity Falls' opening is mine haha

8 years ago

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Not catchy enough for me :<

I should probably change mine soon though, I've had that for ages now.

8 years ago

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If you can still hear your phone ringing, go ahead haha

Whenever I change mine I forget to pick it up

8 years ago

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To be fair, mine barely rings at all :p Not exactly the most social person you know.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Wth is a resting bitch face?

You look pretty much like I imagined you :)

8 years ago

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a person, usually a girl, who naturally looks mean when her face is expressionless, without meaning to.


A bitchy alternative to the usual blank look most people have. This is a condition affecting the facial muscles, suffered by millions of women worldwide. People suffering from bitchy resting face (BRF) have the tendency look hostile and/or judgemental at rest.

You get the idea :p Also, it's more of a meme/urbandictionary thing but yeah..

8 years ago

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I do. One can't impossibly be up to date with all memes out there, so thanks for explaining.

Also I disagree. You look all soft, cudly and friendly to me :)

8 years ago

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Heh, thanks for the kind words :3

8 years ago

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OMG you look like trouble. ;-)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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As everyone is writing this, you remind me one of my groupmates :) Also I imagined you somehow closer to your avatar :D

8 years ago

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I may have looked a bit closer to that in the past, but I decided to get rid of my long hair a while ago :p Also, I mostly went with this one based on his insanity, not necessarily for the looks although I will probably change it in the nearby future

8 years ago

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happy cake day :)

8 years ago

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Happy cakeday :-) And thanks for all the great giveaways
I'm not brave enough to post a picture of myself in this place :-( someday I maybe change my mind..

8 years ago

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I remember your puzzles!!

8 years ago

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Wooh, someone remembers me ^^

8 years ago

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I'll be eagerly awaiting this day then :)

8 years ago

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Happy Cake Day! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

I may or may not be a cat.
I may or may not have lavender hair now.

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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go bisex!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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if you want to go total lesbi, i can post my pic (so you will run away from guys) lol

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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it was a bluff :o i posted my tattoo

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8 years ago

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This. Literally. Killed. Me.

8 years ago

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You know, Peter Jackson before making The Lord of the rings movie , saw this pic of my childhood and went inspired for the hobbits:

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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im not that symmetric (this word is used by men that want to say handsome about other man, but with the #nohomo implicit)

I dont like the pics, and i hate when the're more than 1 cameras ... so i posed for both... And the second one doing the martini shit xD

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8 years ago*

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I bet you are HANDSOME!

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8 years ago

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just editted, 2 krakens!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Just great how you talked him into posting pictures :)
Well done, girl :D

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Just do like I normally do and assume all hot girls are just figments of your imagination.

8 years ago

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We're bringing sexy back!

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8 years ago

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Aw c'mon now, the cat helped. That's unfair. :'(

Seriously, though, jk. ;)

8 years ago

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Love that eyeliner style you have going on! And that purple hair really suits you! (:

8 years ago

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You look like personified Tumblr, but in a good way.
Trying to hide compliments behind jokes 'cause I'm


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8 years ago*

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Haha, your self irony is adorable :)

8 years ago

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I don't have a Tumblr but since you said "in a good way" I'm gonna say Thanks/Merci/Grazie/Danke/Gracias.
And don't forget

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8 years ago

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Is that Hushpuppy?

8 years ago

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Nie wiem :O

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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And here we have another beauty on SG. It's astonishing how many people here that I considered to be male are actually female (you being one of them).
Great style, babe!

8 years ago

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Haha, me too. I always confuse sexes on SG :D

8 years ago

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Well, I'm kinda tomboy when it comes to my behavior. You know we're considered mythical creatures. I mean there are no girls on the Internet, right?

I'll drink a beer in your honor! ◕‿↼

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8 years ago

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Cheers, lazy

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8 years ago

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You look good girl. The second photo is stunning :)

8 years ago

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Stop inflating my ego!

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8 years ago

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It's just my opinion, don't let it get to you ;)

8 years ago

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Am I the only one who sees similarities?

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8 years ago

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If you want to ask why. Because you're stupid.

8 years ago

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I don't like you anymore.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Happy cakeday!

8 years ago

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i've been liking a lot all the pics you people posted!! i don't like to mix my private stuff here on sg, it ain't no fb, but then why not? i don't take selfies so i looked for a pic in my most recent album, a nice trip of 3 months ago, here it is :)

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8 years ago

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I love how you always give constructive feedback on MasterChef Australia :)

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8 years ago

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my kids would love that. unfortunately i suck hard in the kitchen:)

8 years ago

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Oh kukee. :P
At least you keep trying. :D

8 years ago

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Where was that photo taken? Pretty cool (:

8 years ago

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first of all, congrats on your looks and above all on your contagious smile :)

it's a volcanic island called Lanzarote in the atlantic ocean. the pic was actually taken in the parking of the site; you know, i'm the one in the family who takes pics and i always save the best spots for the others:)
this is what you could see on the other side

i also uploaded some other shots from the island for the curious:

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8 years ago

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first of all, thank you so much :D
(although all the praise should go to my parents haha)

By the shots you added, it became clear to me it is a volcanic island! So beautiful indeed. I had never heard of it before. I'm glad someone was there to take the photos!

I especially like that third photo you attached (the one with the plants sprouting everywhere) and that beach on the last photo seems so utterly peaceful and beautiful... I bet your trips was one to remember!

8 years ago

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Forgive my ignorance, is that anywhere near Las Palmas? Or not even close?

8 years ago

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Las Palmas is the capital of Gran Canaria, whose province Lanzarote belongs to

8 years ago

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At least i wasn't totally off the mark, i guess.

I thought i had some notion it was something like that. :)
Thanks for clarifying that (although i guess i could've been less lazy and googled it).

8 years ago

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You're a condifent, attractive man, no need to be shy. Thanks for posting, andrea!

8 years ago

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thanks for the nice words. now i feel even more condifent ;)

8 years ago

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happy cake day and thanks for all ga-s eeev ^^

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8 years ago

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Happy Cakeday!

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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Sweet :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This are crazy birds. been there during September 2009.
The pic i posted is from a place that has tons of parrots. near Melbourne if i remember correctly.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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from now, we shall call you the lady of the Cockatoos !

8 years ago

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This video as well as your picture are so cute!! Thanks so much for postng these.
You look totally afraid like they'll soon start picking on you instead of their food pate, haha.

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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Your accent is amazing D:

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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third photo: please don't eat me please please please sweet mother of pterosaur please don't let these beasts eat me i'm too young for this terrible fate

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Nice :) The third photo is funny lol.

8 years ago

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/>watches the photos
/> goes full "(rur)"

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Its an emoji :p rur i dont know how to describe it... just rur.. like rur... damn this is hard xD
... this picture should explain it.. but less scary and more real xD

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I absolutely love your expression and the cockatoos and the video and everything! This is golden, dear :D

8 years ago

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You really have such a smooth way of expressing yourself. I admire that.

8 years ago

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Thank you, eeev. I feel kind of overly talkative communicating with nearly everyone in here, though! Happy to know OP herself appreciates it (:

I admire you for making this amazing thread, so I guess we're even!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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No way they would! Your pink hair is easily spotted, dear (:

8 years ago

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Dem boots are hawt

8 years ago

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Heh, the 3rd one made me chuckle. You look like you're gonna have a fit. :)
No offence, i hope, just found it amusing. :)

8 years ago

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Have a bump, not a selfie though.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Bookmarked the thread. I'm having way too much fun. This should go on when the giveaways end so people can always post pictures if they feel like it.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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i miss llama, he should come and post a pic T.T

8 years ago

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The odd one? Never really talked much with him, but I do wonder what he looks like!

8 years ago

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yeah, that drunken llama xD

8 years ago

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Agreed. This thread is a lot of fun ^^

8 years ago

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And it has over 900 comments already, what the heck!

8 years ago

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Ach du Scheisse (Holy Shit).

8 years ago

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Warum? :D

8 years ago

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Ziemlich überwältigend (That's an overwhelming response), deshalb O_O
Bist du etwa ein Landsmann? Ach je, deinem Namen nach zu urteilen hätte ich dich Richtung Polynesien verfrachtet ;)

8 years ago

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Deine "Nachrichten" für diesen Thread müssen doch explodieren, oder? ^^

8 years ago

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Ich tu mir in der Tat ein wenig schwer mit dem hinterherkommen ;)
Und dabei wollte ich jedem tapferen Bildposter ein persönliche Danke zukommen lassen....

Zu deinen tollen Bildern hab ich glaub ich auch noch nix geschrieben, wenn mich nicht alles täuscht. Ich fand beim Betrachten, dass schwarzweiss wirklich gut zu dir passt. Und ne Hübsche biste :)
Vielen Dank!

8 years ago

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Glaub ich sofort! Aber ich glaub auch, dass man von Vornherein gar nicht mit so einem großen Andrang rechnet.

Oh dankeschön :') wie lieb!

8 years ago

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Nein, aber ich habe in Berlin gewohnt. Auch mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut. I don't get to use it often enough.

8 years ago

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I forgot to answer the other part... hahaha.

I'm part Hawaiian. My dad grew up there, hence the username :D

8 years ago

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Aah, so I was pretty close with the Polynesian resemblance :)

What did you do in Berlin?

8 years ago

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Studied Linguistics... ... wait... umm...


But thinking more on that, really I need out and to get back to Germany... I really LOVED Germany... Only problem is... My skill isn't as marketable there... Dratted UK

I do want to go back and get a Masters there though, probably at Freie or Humboldt or... anywhere for that matter, doesn't have to be in Berlin... would probably be better if it wasn't, I'd be forced to learn more German

Because if I did, I could stay indefinitely, having a Degree from a EU University.
Skips whole Due Diligence when hiring process

8 years ago

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You know I agree with you (;

8 years ago

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happy cake day ¦D

I think I'll join this, too... because why not.

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8 years ago*

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Cary Elwes, is that you?

8 years ago

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haha :P no

8 years ago

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Exactly was I was thinking!

8 years ago

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You seem like you were on a cool trip! Where to? (:

8 years ago

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Looks Japanese to me.

8 years ago

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Oh, this photo is from Asia garden with some asia animals in Zlín ZOO. It's pretty nice and quite big zoo I must say.

I visited the zoo during my vacation in Olomouc region :)

8 years ago

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Thanks for sharing! It looks so cool there. I must visit one day too :D

I hope you had a great trip, sir (:

8 years ago

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Sure I had a great trip, thanks. Not only on that day, but for all other days of my vacation. :)
I wish it was longer and wednesday of that week would happen more than once.

8 years ago

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Too bad us gamers don't have a real life replay button, huh? (:

8 years ago

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Sometimes maybe, but for that wednesday I wouldn't hit the button. Simply because it hopefully started something... special :P Time will show.

8 years ago

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Nice! Good luck :D

8 years ago

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Thank you ;)

8 years ago

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Awwww, deleted :°(

8 years ago

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Yeah, I probably deleted this Imgur image when I was deleting multiple photos. Should I reupload it? :p

8 years ago

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Do as you wish. I just went through all (well 7 pages out of 18, but I'll do them all) posted photos again and summarized them in the main post. So if you want to have your special place on the SG wall of fame you will have to consider uploading it again ;)

8 years ago

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Thanks for spending so much time on this, but may I suggest one tiny improvement? I think that instead of linking to the user's profile, it would be nicer to link to the post in this discussion where they (we) posted the pictures, This way, the user profile is just another click away, but at least the context of the picture is also easy to find. It's also much easier to leave a comment in the right place, ensuring the user who posted the picture (one comments on) actually gets notified about it.

I know it's a lot of work, but if you wish I can help you with some of the pages you've already done.

8 years ago*

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Actually I thought about doing this too. Unfortunately one of the scripts I am using to enhance this site messes up the permalink function for me and I can't use it. Clicking on it directs me to the desired post but the corresponding code gets deleted. And it's clearly asked too much for me to write them all down by hand (I can see them when hovering my mouse over the link) to add them manually to the links.
Un- and reinstalling all of them would also be a pain in the arse, I'm using quite many. From SG++ to white-/blacklist indicator to SGtools to SG darkstyle and whatnot.
If you have an idea how to solve this please let me know.

8 years ago

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Maybe temporarily use a different browser (IE, Firefox etc) only for this "project"? Or perhaps an Incognito tab?

8 years ago

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That's actually I good idea. Will hop over to Chrome then.
And would very much appreciate your help with the first seven pages. It would be very tiresome to go through them again.

8 years ago

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Sure. I'll send you the links later tonight.

8 years ago

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Thanks so much, YIrg!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Easy, my friend, I just crawled out of bed ;)

Thanks so much for making my life easier!!

8 years ago

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Fixed. ;)

8 years ago

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Ok im gonna definelty regret this shit even taking this selfie hurts my ginger brain
Please dont kill me for being ugly AND EATING YOUR SOULS

Shit i forgot happy cake day :)

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8 years ago*

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You remind me one weirdo I know irl, he likes fishing, do you?

8 years ago

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nah men i only like to kill fish ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)

8 years ago

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He likes too, always when he catches one he just kicks it off the hook (ʖ ͜° ͜ʖ)

8 years ago

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in reality i never been fishing sorry m8 but im not that weird ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ -

8 years ago

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k den ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

8 years ago

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Yiss! I wanna see more people from chat! You are not ugly, you fool! But I do believe that you eat souls, but I'm cool with that!

8 years ago

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Thanks downward ^^

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Yeah i know my sense o humor is at level of 14 year old so im not suprised

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Im taking your soul for this !

8 years ago

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Sure, go head. I'm empty inside anyway.


8 years ago

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omgy - you're a ginger! I will certainly use it against you in the future :D:

8 years ago

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Joke's on you then, gingers have no future.

I'm kidding, I like gingers! Some of my best friends are gingers! Don't kill me, pl0x.

8 years ago

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naah - you messed it up - gingers have no soul, not no future ;p

8 years ago

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Aren't you technically close to ginger? Like... a ginger panda?
Yeah, i'm trying too hard. :3

8 years ago

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redheads unite

8 years ago

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Congrats on anniversary ev ^_^

Ok, so it's me irl, LITERALLY, picture was taken in IRL one year ago ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
PS. Am I the hella youngest here? :(
plz dunt heit

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8 years ago*

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You literally use "literally" a lot, eh? :P

While we're at it, here's a tip about the word meaning in a silly comic version. And here is another text so you can use it more figuratively, but consciously with its meaning, if you so wish! :)

8 years ago*

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Gotta agree I like this word, but it's just a coincidence :P

8 years ago

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Weird, I thought I hadn't posted anything until now, but it seems I did, and I don't know what I had posted before, so... Take a look again, please. Hope it helps. ;)

8 years ago

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Jeez, love those theoatmeal, gonna read it :)

8 years ago

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so, you LITERALLY does not exist or are no longer available, thats kinda sad :(

8 years ago

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I'm just a ghost know, on the next pic I was jumping off the cliff.

8 years ago

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Depends how old you are?

8 years ago

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Last year of XX century.

8 years ago

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then yes i guess becouse im 2 years older :)

8 years ago

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That's what I was expecting :P

8 years ago

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Pic is down <(3

8 years ago

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;_; darn you, imgur :( too tired to fix that tho

8 years ago

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You took it down, you filthy liaarr!

8 years ago

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I-i... I did? :D Seriously you just reminded me of it, will try to fix that ;)

8 years ago

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My detective skills pierce right through your lies!
8th August 2015. Mattereye asks Brekkemekkeflekketus about images deleting themselves. Shows genuine interest and intends to use this himself.
9th August 2015. Mattereye's picture disappears.

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8 years ago

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Lol, you've got me, I checked if what I wrote was true, and happily it wasn't :O

8 years ago

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Wha-? Don't make me look for the comment. D:
Nevermind, this sounds way too serious now tho :D

8 years ago

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But you got one fact wrong, picture disappeared on 8th August ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

8 years ago

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And shhh, don't let anybody else see it, here a stupid gif of my more recent look D:

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8 years ago*

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Please contact cg, this should me our new SpaceCat.gif!

8 years ago

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I'd freak out if such a thing exploded on my screen ;p

8 years ago

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That's hilarious!

8 years ago

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Thank you :)

8 years ago

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This is great! :D

8 years ago

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Thank you :D First time I made something on a fly and didn't put much effort in it but everyone seem to like it :)

8 years ago

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Your expression screams out: "Oooh yeah, I'm badass and I know it!" :P

8 years ago

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I didn't choose thug life, it chose me :P

8 years ago

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I'm wondering how to cut that cake. (◕╭╮◕)

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Happy cakeday!
Not a totally new picture cause I hate pictures of myself, but I was told that I age rather well so it's still pretty accurate :-P

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8 years ago

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Oddly enough, precisely what I imagined.

8 years ago

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At work I often mention that I work hard to fulfill a few stereotypes about nerdy computer scientists ;-)

8 years ago

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Knuffig :D

8 years ago

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I see some hobbit resemblance here.

8 years ago

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But I didn't even show off my hairy feet... :-D

8 years ago

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It's a good pic! And eeev is right. Definitely have hobbit ancestry! :)

8 years ago

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Hm, I was recently told that I look pretty much the same in pictures from 16 years ago, except for the goatee. I think hobbits also age more slowly, right? :)

8 years ago

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They do! Most people who saw the movies don't realize Frodo was 50 years old in the books when he had to flee the Shire. Which is roughly equivalent to mid-30s for a human.

8 years ago

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