Will you be cancelling your sub this month?
Nice info, though, if it's anything like other businesses which make these kind of retention offers, it may not be the same for everyone. Some people might get a different kind of offer or no offer at all.
Just something people might want to be aware of before they start playing cancellation chicken.
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I didn't cancel it, I just agreed to stay subscribed when they offered it
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I once tried it when I first heard about it (pausing/cancelling) and I didn't get any coupon. Think they know which customer will return anyway and which customers are short on money, based on their former purchases.
I resubscribted anyway btw.
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I think that annual plan do not have this discount. I paused a month days ago.
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yep, just tried it and i didnt get no popup for $3
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Of course not. They already played for 12 months, how can you give someone a discount you already took the money?
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I still have 10 months paid and they gave me 3bucks off just now. I can only use it after this annual plan ends though.
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thanks for confirming. did you pause or cancel the plan?
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Go to manage my subscription, cancel my plan, cancel subscription. I just got it this way.
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ok but you are officially not a subscriber anymore, no perks, no 10% discount and no lootboxes for Overwatch I suppose. What happens if you try to subscribe again?
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I didn't cancel anything. Click cancel subscription and they offer 3 bucks off to stay with your subscription and I accepted. I am still a subscriber.
Status Joined Aug 3rd, 2017
Subscriber Perks Active
Current Plan Annual Plan
Next Billing Date Jul 26th, 2019
Monthly Credits Your 10 months have already been paid!
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ok, this doesnt happen to me, when I click cancel subscription. I don't get the coupon.
I just realized that I spent ~$650 on monthlies since May 2016, obviously enough for them to know that I will come back anyways. guess they know their customers very well.
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Also didn't work for me. I clicked cancel often enough, so that my sub is actually canceled now. xD Will go for another year next month then.
Bought every monthly only one time, so I didn't spend quite as much as you. But maybe that's already enough, buying all the bundles with no pause. ^^
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I guess they also look at how much you spent on their other bundles and store. if they now you have credit and you're a regular customer, they assume you can afford paying the full price as soon as you decide to jump back on the monthly boat.
and that's why i didn't want to cancel my subscription to check it out. thanks for your sacrifice KillingArts, now i know how bad HB treats us :)
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Yeah, that's the assumption. Or it completely random, who knows. xD I will just wait and see if they offer me something once my annual plan runs out. They might still try to get me back then.
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Well, I still have an active subscription until end of next month. So it's not a big deal. Have all the goodies until then. I'll just re-sub next month.
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if it's not a problem for you, thats fine... I didnt want to try because as said I still have 10 incoming monthlies, and wouldnt want to pay another 132 bucks or even 12 for the monthlies after, just to resubscribe.
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Right, with so many months to go I probably wouldn't have done it either.
Btw, it's actually funny how often they ask you if you are really, really sure. I must have clicked Yes like 4 times. ^^
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they just want to make sure, that you are sure about how sure you are, on being sure to surely cancel your subscription for sure guess...
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That's weird, probably it's valid when you buy the May 19 bundle...
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how is this even supposed to work? do they send him back $3? because if you have an anual plan, you already paid $132 in advance. the only way I can think of this to work like is, that the coupon can be applied for the 1st monthly bundle after your anual plan has finished, but i don't know, since I not sure what actually happens after the annual plan is over.
edit: I just tried to cancel my plan though I still have 10 monthlies to receive. if I cancel it, i will lose all the perks, like access to the Trove, and -10% store discount and the lootboxes for Overwatch etc.. it basically makes no sense for me, losing all this for the next 10 months. I could imagine that if I resubscribe I would have to pay in advance for a monthly, which i'm not willing to since I still have 10 to come, so I will not cancel anything at this point, maybe before the annual plan is about to end I'll try again.
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well I cannot pause my plan atm because I already revealed this months bundle, when i pause nothing happens. and as said, i will not cancel my plan, because re-subscribing would most likely end in paying again for a monthly, and I don't want to try that.
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you cannot buy a monthly twice, but I'm afraid that if I cancel the subscription, I'll lose all the perks and when i resubscribe I have to pay for the next bundle after my 10 bundles if you know what I mean. cancelling is not the same as pausing
I'm not really interested in the coupon, I just wonder why annual subcribers would get one if they pause, that makes no sense and rather looks like a bug.
edit: I just learned that don't get that coupon, but it is as I said, it can only be applied for a bundle that you buy after the annual subscription ends - https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/L7fTXjB
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yeah see my edit. in the former post. I dont get that coupon.
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how to get it? i paused subscription about 2 weeks ago.
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i try to pause..
Then "you will lost $100 bla bla ... you have 1 day to change your mind bla bla"
then click pause..
Nothing happen.
Then i unpause -> Cancel.
It works, got $3 coupon, thanks
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Those who want to play Overwatch already bought it (or played 150 hours just with free weekends like me), the game is not sellable on 3rd party websites because it automatically activates on Blizzard account on log-in so there isn't much reason to buy this monthly.
Also, ever since IGN got the HB their strategy became "reveal 1 core game then fill it with trash". And by trash I mean games MOST players wouldn't touch with a six foot chisel. So their price drops to like 50 cent on G2A.
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Those certainly weren't. But you know which ones I mean.
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Also, ever since IGN got the HB their strategy became "reveal 1 core game then fill it with trash". And by trash I mean games MOST players wouldn't touch with a six foot chisel.
So their price drops to like 50 cent on G2A.
I don't think these are related at all. I assume more and more resellers buy the bundles and then undercut each other brutally for the games that aren't top billing.
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Those who want to play Overwatch already bought it (or played 150 hours just with free weekends like me), the game is not sellable on 3rd party websites because it automatically activates on Blizzard account on log-in so there isn't much reason to buy this monthly.
You can still gift it to friends though :)
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Didn't get the offer the previous months people reported this, but did see it for this month. Have paused for several months lately, and the last one I actually got was March. ETA: since then have only bought 1 tier1 bundle and spent a few bucks in the store (wallet credit only).
Will try getting the coupon and then pausing, thanks to heilurmes for the tip!
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I got this last month. Didn't get the offer this time around.
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If I pause my subs. (I already have 3 months subs starting from this month) can I unpause and get this month's games if I changed my mind?
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Don't do that, you probably won't get the coupon as you already paid and even if you get it you won't be able to use it because it expires in a couple of months. Remember to try after the 3months subs ends
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I got the same. I was on the fence about trying the next monthly bundle and tried to cancel but that was enough to change my mind :)
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Of course, they've now changed the product page for "Hollow Knight & Soundtracks" to clearly state that the soundtracks are provided as separate downloads and avoid future identical issues (sarcasm).
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Go to manage my subscription, cancel my plan, Cancel subscription. I just got it this way.
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Discount popped up the first time I tried, dunno more than that, sorry mate.
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Dunno if it's targeted really. I paid for 12 months only 2 months ago. ¯\(ツ)/¯
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yes that's right. https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/L7fTXjB
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On this screen I clicked "Cancel subscription" and got the pop-up with the coupon.
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you don't get it for pausing but for trying to cancel the subscription. i was paused as well so i tried to cancel and they gave me the coupon and it didn't even unpause
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I unsubscribed last month after being subscribed for over a year and they didn't offer me a single discount to stay. Rude. ( ゚,_ゝ゚)
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i unsubscribed right after downloading the september games and they made me the same offer. i was coming off two annual subscriptions and maybe 4 months before that. also suggested i wait almost a month before actually unsubscribing because i could keep my humble store discount and humble trove access without paying extra up until that time. while i have used the store discount in the past i have never used humble trove (they haven't put anything in there i don't already own) and i didn’t expect to buy anything in september. it did make me wonder how many times one could threaten to unsubscribe and then get the next month for $9...
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I tried to cancel my Humble Bundle monthly, as pause now warns it will give you an extra day to change mind before payment is taken automatically!
I then got this message...
How about $3 off next month?
Before you go, we'd like to offer you a special discount. If you stick around, we'll automatically drop the price of your next month.
You'll receive your next month for just $9 (normally $12).
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