I hope I'm not out of bounds but I was thinking since it's still the 27th in most of the world why not try to keep things rolling for a few more hours? Does that seem cool? Don't have to include this in the stats or even contribute if you don't want. Just trying to keep the juices flowing for a few more hours if possible. I'll close it down at 10PM CST if anyone wants to participate till then. If not then well here's a few giveaways to celebrate the train! Cheers.
Oh same settings as the actual train like invite only, global keys only and all that good stuff!
35 carts not bad for a last little push. :)

12 hours ago*

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Can i add a cart?

12 hours ago

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Anyone can, even if they have me blacklisted. It's cool, this is for the community.

12 hours ago

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ok will add one in a minute

Add Cart 11

12 hours ago*

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I thought I still had time for the community train. Let's see if I can make at least a few giveaways here

12 hours ago

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Everyone's welcome!

11 hours ago

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Have a bump and good luck!

11 hours ago

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I'm rather poor so I can't really give away anything worthwhile, sorry in advance. But seeing such a generous outpouring in the final hours of the train made me want to give more so here we are. :)

11 hours ago

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It is a nice community train to share good times.
Happy times await both sender and receiver.

11 hours ago

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Looks like this might end up being a short train but there are 19 carts so far ^^

11 hours ago

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Why not wait a few days or do these giveaways with a deadline a few days out? It's already really tiresome and overwhelming that something like 500 carts were added to the community train in the last day. You simply can't keep up with it unless you start removing your earlier entries. Which is not a fun process.

I myself feel a bit guilty for adding many carts only 3 days before the end date. I should have done it sooner.

10 hours ago

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I personally kinda see that kind of 'stress' as part of what makes community train unique.... a bit like christmas wrapped gifts, the idea (or the consequence at least) is NOT entering all GAs you could/wouldve but needing to CHOOSE. Likely no one would have points for everything.

Im figuring out wich ones i entered i will likely leave for some of the open tabs and links ive saved. That takes some time, 'that sucks'... but those GAs have 100s or heck 2 digit entries unlike common GAs, and some popular ones less then 1k entries.

The community train is the only event i know of where you can enter so many GAs with better odds without involving individual trains under sgtools that frequently restrict people, puzzles wich some people fail or dont have time to solve or the amount limits of something like christmas (instead its just the points and if you travel the whole ride)

I find it nice. Heck considering im here for like 10 years and most GAs i won were from groups i imagine lower level REAL users(not bots) have their best shots in something like this... and groups... i mean, i like groups, some, i get it and i do use then but more as an way to reward users (not bots)... but lets be frank groups get very near to trading amongst few. I bet many feel that way reason why we have jigiddis, puzzles and even an entire/site tool like sgtools

Community train is one more option, one more way. And a fun unique one at that.

10 hours ago

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I really like the community train, too. I just find the very last minute rush a bit too over the top. I would have preferred if the original train closed 24 hours before the earlliest cart end dates to give everyone a bit of time to check all carts and decide how to distribute their entries. This chaotic ending gives better chances to the most active users though, I agree on that.

10 hours ago

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It did. This is something not really part of the train other than in spirit. Train closed something like 8 hours ago and I think most of the carts end pretty much 24 hours later, maybe not all of them.

5 hours ago

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To push it to the limit. I had to manage a bit but it makes me be a bit pickier so I am more likely to enjoy anything I would win. I still managed to enter over 500 carts though. So as I said this is just to see how much more can be done in a few more hours and not meant to detract anything but add a few more chances for any late comers, maybe they don't want to dig through 4000+ carts.

10 hours ago

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Bump - went again for cart 20

10 hours ago

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10 hours ago

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Still the 27th in North America :-)

Cart 21 and on...

10 hours ago

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10 hours ago

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Ping me when you plan on getting the Christmas train going and i'll be sure to get on it ahead of time... :-)

10 hours ago

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sure :)

10 hours ago

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Thanks for the additions, this was already a great success in my book

9 hours ago

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Train still going for about 5 more hours if anyone wants to add anything :)

7 hours ago

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choochoos never die!!!

7 hours ago

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Another small community train appeared :O

View attached image.
6 hours ago

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Last chance to add a few carts! Thanks to everyone participating :D

3 hours ago

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