Sorry for 2 and half months without puzzles. But today is the day! Welcome to my 10th puzzle!!

Let's see if I remember how this work....
There are 2 giveaways. The first one (bundle game) is before the puzzle. The second one (no-bundle game) is after the puzzle. Both are level1+

The link to the ITH (It's Too Hard) puzzle is in the description of the first giveaway
Please don't share answers nor links, FAIR PLAY! (^_^)/

Deadline: 4 days (time left here).
Good luck. I hope you enjoy^^

Fri, 31 Jul 2015 01:13:00 GMT: First solver! Congratulations theBlindOne!

Some stats:
   19 players found the puzzle
   24 votes in the poll
   22 entries first giveaway
   0 entries second giveaway

As always, first hint (if necessary) will be given after 24h (EDIT: Sorry, it was after more time than expected)
You decided!: Hint for solving the puzzle. You can find it in the ITH (It's Too Hard) page.

Puzzle ended.

Final stats:
   95 players found the puzzle
   7 players solved the puzzle (7.4%)
   108 votes in the poll
   113 entries first giveaway
   1 entries second giveaway

Go to the solution

9 years ago*

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Do you like puzzles?

View Results
This is the magic option of the poll! If this option reaches 100 votes you will have 100 days of good luck!!
I just like the giveaways after them

Reserved for perro!

9 years ago

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Different tools gave different results :\ I changed the hosting of the image and it seems it works now on some commons tools. I'm still testing with different tools. Sorry, I would have swear I tested it after uploading the picture :/

9 years ago

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Thanks for making a puzzle on my first day off in a week. There goes being productive today :P

9 years ago

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Different tools gave different results :\ I changed the hosting of the image and it seems it works now on some commons tools. I'm still testing with different tools. Sorry, I would have swear I tested it after uploading the picture :/

9 years ago

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I think I did everything I could in GIMP except for check the colors for hex value.

9 years ago

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You could work with decimal values too.. substracting 128 to each value.
You could also create another layer, filling it with a #808080 colour, and substract it to the original picture. That way you get the original values

9 years ago

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Well I'm glad my method was correct, it seems the online colour checker I was using gave me the wrong hex values.

9 years ago

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Found that colorful thing, but I'm too tired to even go on... will continue tomorrow.

9 years ago

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Different tools gave different results :\ I changed the hosting of the image and it seems it works now on some commons tools. I'm still testing with different tools. Sorry, I would have swear I tested it after uploading the picture :/

9 years ago

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Been away from a computer for several days and didn't even get to see the hints...
Looks like I missed a good puzzle :(

9 years ago

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Time for me to fail again!

9 years ago

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Different tools gave different results :\ I changed the hosting of the image and it seems it works now on some commons tools. I'm still testing with different tools. Sorry, I would have swear I tested it after uploading the picture :/

9 years ago

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Well, after seeing some of the comments I think I took a completely wrong path, so that were not the tools fault.
Yet, I'll try a few other things, thanks.

9 years ago

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It's too hard :(

9 years ago

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Different tools gave different results :\ I changed the hosting of the image and it seems it works now on some commons tools. I'm still testing with different tools. Sorry, I would have swear I tested it after uploading the picture :/

9 years ago

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Bump for solved!

9 years ago

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All hail b&w secret society! :D

Description updated

9 years ago

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I'm lost...Dorothy only had to deal with a yellow road, too many colors and I'm colorblind, argh!
I think right now I'm trying to solve the wrong thing...will probably wait for a hint.

9 years ago

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There are different types of colorblind, but I have been researching and you should have zero problems to solve the puzzle ^^
Don't forget to vote!

9 years ago

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6 tabs open for this puzzle...
I'm starting to hate you, guess that's a good thing in this case ;)

9 years ago

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Ummm yes... I need hints.

9 years ago

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Different tools gave different results :\ I changed the hosting of the image and it seems it works now on some commons tools. I'm still testing with different tools. Sorry, I would have swear I tested it after uploading the picture :/

9 years ago

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I'm still stuck.

9 years ago

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Bump for going to try to solve it after I get back home on Saturday/Sunday.

9 years ago

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Hm... Stuck on trying to find what the hint refers to. I think I know, but none of what the hint refers to really fits any logical answer that I can find. Or perhaps it's a weird formatted answer, but I expected to find some clear text.

9 years ago

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Bump for still stuck on that one.

9 years ago

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Different tools gave different results :\ I changed the hosting of the image and it seems it works now on some commons tools. I'm still testing with different tools. Sorry, I would have swear I tested it after uploading the picture :/

9 years ago

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When the contest is over I'm going to post a screenshot of what I can see in that file and perhaps you can guide me to the end. There's only 2 offsets that have a size big enough to hide a message of 138 characters, and one can be ruled out because there'd be no room for the info that actually needs to go there. Either I'm missing a last step, or the tools are not suited for the task (even after the fix), or I'm going at it the wrong way.

9 years ago

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I think the word 'offset' is confusing some people... I should have used other more normal word :/

9 years ago

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So... what would be a more normal word? Because I'm trying to find info inside an actual offset at the moment. :P

9 years ago

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I edited the puzzle hint half an hour ago

9 years ago

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Bumpity for the ride

9 years ago

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Different tools gave different results :\ I changed the hosting of the image and it seems it works now on some commons tools. I'm still testing with different tools. Sorry, I would have swear I tested it after uploading the picture :/

9 years ago

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Bump for solved

9 years ago

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I found it, but damn...

9 years ago

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Different tools gave different results :\ I changed the hosting of the image and it seems it works now on some commons tools. I'm still testing with different tools. Sorry, I would have swear I tested it after uploading the picture :/

9 years ago

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Gahhh.. taking a break.. I now got the perfect idea for a puzzle of my own though :-P Unfortunately it's not the solution to yours ;-)

9 years ago

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Different tools gave different results :\ I changed the hosting of the image and it seems it works now on some commons tools. I'm still testing with different tools. Sorry, I would have swear I tested it after uploading the picture :/

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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Different tools gave different results :\ I changed the hosting of the image and it seems it works now on some commons tools. I'm still testing with different tools. Sorry, I would have swear I tested it after uploading the picture :/

9 years ago

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As always, first hint (if necessary) will be given after 24h

I'm ready for my hint now. :)

9 years ago

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Different tools gave different results :\ I changed the hosting of the image and it seems it works now on some commons tools. I'm still testing with different tools. Sorry, I would have swear I tested it after uploading the picture :/

9 years ago

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Sorry, I was away from the PC. Hint added (if you can't see hints in the ITH puzzle, enter a wrong answer and then refresh the page).

Some stats:
        275 guesses (stop trying to bruteforce it)
        46 players
        2 solvers
        0 entries (both of them already had the game :/)

9 years ago

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Seems the good guys (bad players) dont always win the poll. :P
Wrong hint won.

9 years ago

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There is plenty of time yet, don't surrender. And when you find the puzzle you will be happy about the hint

9 years ago

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Not expecting to get there...but won't surrender, I'll go crazy before I can :P

9 years ago

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I have checked it and you haven't got the game. I think you will like it.

9 years ago

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Ggggrrrr....found it, lol, so simple, so hard, next step! :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Different tools gave different results :\ I changed the hosting of the image and it seems it works now on some commons tools. I'm still testing with different tools. Sorry, I would have swear I tested it after uploading the picture :/

9 years ago

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i give up. also bump.

9 years ago

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Different tools gave different results :\ I changed the hosting of the image and it seems it works now on some commons tools. I'm still testing with different tools. Sorry, I would have swear I tested it after uploading the picture :/

9 years ago

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Hmm, bump for favorite puzzle solver, which now makes me struggle because hint is even more confusing for me now... Hmm.

9 years ago

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Different tools gave different results :\ I changed the hosting of the image and it seems it works now on some commons tools. I'm still testing with different tools. Sorry, I would have swear I tested it after uploading the picture :/

9 years ago

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Bee Yew Em Pea for solved! Thanks for the fun and giveaway!

9 years ago

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Grats, I can't make heads or tails...

9 years ago

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Another 24 hours passed, but now there is one entry, so I don't want to give more hints today.

If you are not enjoying and you are still trying just to see for what game the giveaway is, I will help you. It is not difficult to guess the game I am giving away, but I will write it below, in spoiler text, so if you want you can see it and stop trying to solve the puzzle. Or you can ignore it and keep trying, it is up to you. I know a lot of you have it already and I don't want people to be mad at me.
The game is: The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut (please don't disclose it even if I have written it here)

9 years ago

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Oh noes, I do have that. :/
Doesn't matter if I give up or not, I'm clueless anyway, :P
I'll just have to win the 1st GA :)

9 years ago

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Do you have it? :O I thought you don't because it doesn't appear in your Steam library :/

9 years ago

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It's in my inventory at the moment. Don't want to steal someone elses chance.
Still hoping to "solve" the ITH...if I ever understand it :P

9 years ago

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Sergg (3 hours ago)
Que quiere decir lo de offset? no puedo traducirlo D:
(What does offset mean? I can't translate it D:) Offset (computer science), the distance to (displacement of) an element within a data object.
(Offset (informática), la distancia o desplazamiento de un elemento dentro de un conjunto de datos)

18 hours left, only 3 solvers :/ What is the problem?

9 years ago

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My problem is I have no idea what I'm looking for :P
I had an idea, it got me to...uhm...46 somethingorothers...wait...wait a second...
Hmm, that makes sense...hmm, I might be smarter than I think...back to the puzzle! (deleted my idea, though i was grasping for straws...)

9 years ago

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Don't know where/what the question is. Tried doing a bunch of stuff with the pictures but can't seem to find anything helpful with them. Don't understand the hints. Checked source code for hidden links or text but couldn't find any. Checked your SteamGifts and Steam profiles, didn't find anything relevant. Just can't seem to find a spot from which to proceed to the next step.

Dunno why I'm bothering anywho, since I already have both of the games on offer. I guess at this point I'm sticking with it just to finally see what the solution is when the timer runs out so I can hopefully understand why I just can't figure out what I'm missing.

9 years ago

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Imagine you are in a video game, one of those video games that have puzzles on it. You enter a big room and a npc told you to find the key for the treasure room. You look around and you see a table, 3 chairs, a statue, some pictures on the walls, a pair of plants, and a pink elephant in the middle of the room.

Well, another hint added, I didn't think it was necessary, but it seems it is.

9 years ago

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I'm stuck on getting from my 46 to your 138...xlate aint finding it, unless my 46 are wrong, ugh.

9 years ago

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Different tools gave different results :\ I changed the hosting of the image and it seems it works now on some commons tools. I'm still testing with different tools. Sorry, I would have swear I tested it after uploading the picture :/

9 years ago

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Since the hint refers to doing something I was already doing, I'm afraid it doesn't help me too much. Tried a couple more things and still didn't get anywhere.

Ah well, I give. I'll just sit back and wait for the counter to run out. Hopefully I'm not too dumb to understand the answer when it finally comes out.

9 years ago

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Different tools gave different results :\ I changed the hosting of the image and it seems it works now on some commons tools. I'm still testing with different tools. Sorry, I would have swear I tested it after uploading the picture :/

9 years ago

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I have uploaded the picture to another hosting due to accuracy problems. This means that surely you had the right idea for the puzzle but it didn't work before. If that is the case, try again. I am still checking if the new hosting is 100% accurate. SpaceClick commented something about that before but I just played it down (I think that is the phrase in English). And now MBcoder asked me to upload the picture to another hosting because his company blocks imgur, I checked it before and the results were different and I was like O.o
Sorry... You still have 10 hours. Cheer up!

EDIT: For now, tested with 3 offline tools and 2 online tools. Beware of online tools that apply compression to the images
EDIT: It seems imgur worked nice, and color selector from developer tools is what failed. So it was a false alarm... xd

9 years ago*

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Ok, seems like I took the wrong path.

9 years ago

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It's still hosted on imgur, isn't it?

9 years ago

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No, refresh the page (ctrl+f5)

9 years ago

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Bump for solved! I enjoyed the chalenge, very intuitive but a teensy bit tedious havng to rely only on the default application...
Already got the game, though the callenge was nice (again). Took me at least half an hour :)

9 years ago*

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I have just changed it to work with more tools :/ Still testing, sorry for the inconveniences :S

9 years ago

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naaaah, by application I mean I had nothing installed to use :) 'cept for what Windows provides.

9 years ago*

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I forgot to congratulate you... Congrats for solving!! :D

9 years ago

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Thanks! I' think I'll be looking for more puzzles from you, this one was great =) Thanks for creating it in the first place.
PS. Would've been impossible without the first two hints.

9 years ago*

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