anyone had this experience?

also, what if you have a game and add a gift of the goty edition to your library?

10 years ago*

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I had someone who owned Borderlands 2 win my BL2 GOTY. It wouldn't let me gift it, so I had to re-roll.

10 years ago

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That's weird, I had a similar situation with Fallout 3 GOTY last week, I traded someone for the GOTY while having just the base game activated on my account already and I didn't have any problems adding the GOTY version to my account.

Granted I have to download the entire GOTY edition now, while still having the base game downloaded on my PC too... >_<

It's a pain in the ass with my HORRIBLE internet speeds.

It's only 4GB into the 7.2GB download after almost a solid week of downloading... -_-

10 years ago

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he's talking about his giveaway here, not his library

10 years ago

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Yes, I know exactly what he's talking about.

Read the other posts were Psyycko and I talked about this problem/issue, then you'll see that the conflict between what happened to Psyycko and the person that won his giveaway for BL2 GOTY (while owning BL2 base game) and me owning FO3 and trading for and then activating FO3 GOTY.

The only thing that he and I did differently was he was sending the game as a "gift" through Steam, while I traded for mine through Steam trading.

It was a simple "mistake" on my part that we resolved in a post above (or below if you don't use a script to change SG forum like Steamgifts Plus Alt, like I use)

Thanks for the help though. (-■_■)

10 years ago

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May I ask why? The DLC in the GOTY edition comes out to more then the GOTY itself...even on sale.

I mean its up to you, I just don't get it.

10 years ago

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Person already owned base game. If I wanted to give out just the DLC I'd do DLC giveaways :P

10 years ago

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If the gifter doesn't have text saying if you can enter or not, ask in comments first. They have the right to request a reroll if you own the base game.

10 years ago

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1)They're seperate games, so you can win the game (unless gifter says otherwise),2) also, that would count as owning the game. You must actitavte the game you won, thenyou may get a gift of the game(s)

10 years ago

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You shouldnt enter these giveaways. Enter DLC giveaways instead, and let someone else without the game win that giveaway.

10 years ago

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That's what I do personally.

10 years ago

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i know about the moral part. i'm asking about the technical part of this :p

10 years ago

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FAQ -- Do not enter for games you already own

Technically if it's a key, it'll add the DLC to your existing game. If it's a gift via Steam it won't let you accept the game.

But, rules state you shouldn't (unless the gifter explicity states that it's fine).

10 years ago

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You can add a GOTY Steam gift to your account if you own the base game already, I did it last week with Fallout 3 GOTY.

10 years ago

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Maybe it was just specific to my Borderlands 2 GOTY. (although I was gifting, not adding to my own account).
It kept on giving me the message that the person already owned the game :P

10 years ago

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That is weird though, I didn't buy the GOTY from the Steam store, I traded someone from Steamtrades for it and we didn't have any issues.

It was probably because it was a trade though now that I think about it. lol

Don't mind me, I haven't been able to sleep in a few days now... o_O Seems my brain might be a little fried. :p

10 years ago

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Sening over inventory to a friend, correct? Steam won't let you. You can use email or trade window, and they can receive and activate.

10 years ago

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I had actually tried all three venues and none of them worked. Oh well! SG got a nice GA out of it :P
It was right around the winter sale, maybe Steam was still trying to recover.

10 years ago

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Then there was something wrong with trading. Trading NEVER prevents a trade based on someone owning a game.

10 years ago

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Does the same apply to gifting?

10 years ago

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Only from inventory to a friend. Sending to email works all the time (even to your own email), and trading has no restrictions. If all three didn't work for you, it was something other than them owning the game.

10 years ago

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It's an enigmaaaa~~

10 years ago

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Given how Steam acts, I assume it was just having a hissy fit that day.

10 years ago

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Eh, honestly look at some DLC prices, sometimes its cheaper to buy a GOTY then all the DLC, if someone has the base game and has hours and hours in it I rather him/her win it. Borderlands 2 and Skyrim are good examples of this...

10 years ago

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ok - just to be clear, if I own Bioshock 1 then I am unable to enter giveaways for Bioshock Triple Pack?

10 years ago

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Ask in the giveaway comments.

10 years ago

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You can enter any public giveaways you want. If the creator wants special rule, they need to make a private GA and lay out the rules in the description.

10 years ago

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Personally I read if the giveaway's creator mentions his will, like "do not enter if you own 3/7 or more games from this pack". I usually prefer spending my points elsewhere but don't see much of a problem if the missing content is worth the entry.

In your case I would enter I guess, because 2/3 games from BS Triple Pack are not present in your library. Also, BS1 is now a bundle game so I don't think it should count that much.

10 years ago

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maybe because the borderlands 2 GOTY is just a pack of the game and the DLCs, the winner can't receive/activate a pack/bundle that contains the game that he already owns

however the Fallout 3 GOTY( batman: AC GOTY) are another game, not just a pack with the original game and the DLCs

sorry for bad english, any questions just reply

10 years ago

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Yeah I was thinking it might be game specific. Thanks for the reply.

10 years ago

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I'm pretty sure I figured out the issue in our previous convo, didn't I? o_O

When you were trying to give the winner of your giveaway the game you were sending it as a gift right?

While when I got FO3 GOTY while already owning FO3, I traded for it through Steam trade and then activated it.

When someone you're attempting to "gift" a game already owns the base game of a pack/GOTY, you can't "gift" them the same thing/the full pack/GOTY because of the way Steam registers it on someone's account, but with trading it doesn't matter if they own the base game or the entire pack/GOTY. (But when activating it on an account you'll only get the stuff that you're missing, unless you own the entire pack, then I believe it won't let you activate it. I've never tested that though, I don't want to risk wasting the money lol)

10 years ago

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But I had tried email/trade/etc. Still didn't work.

10 years ago

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I bought Borderlands 2 GOTY in Steam store and added to my library when I had base game installed.

10 years ago

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Not really the same as trying to gift it.

10 years ago

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I thought it was against site rules to eneter if you already owned, but if gifter says it's okay don't think the site comes down hard at this

10 years ago

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I would gift the person it, seems it up to the giver....adding it should upgrade you to GOTY.

10 years ago

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It would be better to ask the creator of the Giveaway. Technically, you CAN enter the Giveaway, as it will be adding the unowned games/DLC to your Steam account, (sometimes you get the previously owned items as a gift, sometimes might be worth looking into it). If you do get the already owned items as gifts, then just create Giveaways for those to keep that Karma down to an acceptable level.

Believe me, Karma can be a REAL bitch!!

On the other hand, if you, like most of us, second-guess entering these Giveaways, then trust your instincts...or see the above quote

10 years ago

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