So funny jingoistic patriotism.
Why didn't you read the post?
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So, if you read the post, than why did you say, that he goes to USA for adventures, if he goes there for business?
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So make business in different country is "искать приключения на свою задницу"? That's stupid, in my opinion.
And what is usual in life? Go to the plant in 8 am, work until 6 pm and go home? That's all?
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if you live a normal life and do a normal set of activities (even if interesting), then this is not a search for adventure. if, for example, you decide to go for a walk in a deserted and dangerous area late at night, then you start seeking adventures and sooner or later you will find them (like guy in JFK)
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Black people are being systematically oppressed. Russian people aren't (except in Russia perhaps, but that's because Putin is a dictator).
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So, you want to say, that only black people has privileges?
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That's what you understand from his comment? omg...
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Yes, I have no complex about oppressed black people. Maybe that's why I understand this different than you.
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No, I'm saying Russian people are privileged. Black people as a race are being oppressed, Russian people are not, although something as unfortunate as this might happen.
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"Russian people are not" Well, you need to read some history books about Russia in 17-19 centuries. And you wiil know a lot about buying/using/etc. of white people as slaves. It named serfdom, if I'm not mistaken.
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you started well, but ended up retarded on so many levels :\
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I genuinely got 15 blacklists today for saying black people are systematically oppressed LOL
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I'll explain... Black Americans as a minority had been oppressed on many levels for quite a while, so signs of it remain in different aspects of the culture. I would argue that lots of those already lost their meaning, but some nasty patterns still exist. The bottom line Russians weren't slaves in the USA... and that's about it
BUT... you can argue that this is proof that the USA needs police reform. In that way situations are similar....nothing to do with BLM though
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But Chinese was slaves and minority in USA too. They was oppressed as blacks. Why there are no such patterns about them? And one more about oppressing - there was black landlords in Confederation. Is it oppressing?
Frankly speaking I think the nowadays oppression of black people persists only in their own heads
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Chinese were cheap labor, not slaves. Technically they are oppressed, but hm less.
Black landlords are rare exceptions, you cannot build your argument on that.
Some oppression in the heads maybe, but some real, it's not a black and white issue, no pun intended, it's a grey area.
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You are wrong. For example, even relations with chinese man or woman was forbidden for white people, as realtions with blacks wasn't. On the South man with "black" blood had a chance to become a respectful citizen, but not man with "yellow" blood. As for me it's a bigger oppression.
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Maybe because that cold war thing, you russians aren't getting fairly updated on (US) news or get educated about America.
Seriously you need to read a history book or google, if you don't got censoring, or go to a getto for example in Philedelphia.
And yes there is a major opression in your country too, try coming out as being gay, not to mention someone sticking to being your president for another 30 years altogether or so?
Next time it's a Dutchman, French, Italian we don't go yelling DLM either, it's an incident, and what others said the only comparison is the way the police reacted and how they should.
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So, if it's a Dutchman, French, Italian or Russian, it's an "accident". If it's black, it's "oppression"? How do you even determine what is "oppression", and what is an "accident"? Police brutality isn't exclusive to one race, as far as I know. Or if a victim is of a certain race you automatically assume it's a racially motivated action? Many mainstream media tend to go hysteric without investigation in these cases, often later proven wrong (and then conveniently forget about the story and move to the next one). Or even use it as a pretext for similar actions (blm). So yes, I'm very skeptical now when I heard about these kinds of stories. Too many people try to use it for political capital. Sometimes it's even hard to determine what exactly happened because 2 sources tell you almost 2 different stories. I guess when things become political, you won't find truth anymore. sigh
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Firstly because you got second-hand knowledge about American culture in general. It's oppression because it has systematic characteristics... this is the one pillar of the problem, the other - police brutality, and bad training, as you mentioned. TBH it's hard to determine which one played a major role in each particular case. And everything is political...everything.
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it's just got less media attention, because it won't score as much political points
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nowadays oppression of black people persists only in their own heads
I hope you're not that dense... Clearly you don't know what's going on in America...
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east asians ARE being oppressed in the USA as well. Have you not heard of AAPI hate crimes rising? It has been a huge news story in the USA. Dumb racists blame the way people's eyes look for Coronavirus. The same people refuse to wear masks or get vaccines because, as I said, they are dumb.
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The man alleges that he wound up dead? Did he come back to life just to tell that to his attorney?
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That wouldn’t be him alleging that though, it would have to be another party that saw what happened or a party that is accusing the other party without seeing the accident happen themselves.
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No, it’s not a story i have any interest in. Especially since the SG post essentially summarizes the whole article.
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It's not about interest, it's about using correct information.
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Re-read my original comment, and your final reply to it.
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Your original comment shows, that you don't read that post, but I didn't understand that and decided, that you just joking.
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That just shows that you don’t even know what you typed in your original post.
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my opinion is we are all Humans born in the same planet,so we must live all in respect each other and in armony,since humans appear on earth (Australopithecus etc.) they go everywhere in our planet,and we reach (thanks to all countries) until space too.
For my opinion there is no need to use any hashtag,because it's implied tacit that humans born for love and live in good, and not for hate or do bad,when a mom and a dad make a children born,is because they believe\hope him will live by enjoy love and be happy,not by hate and be sad.
Also our time here is very short,waste our time of life in hate is mean lose time of our life,then when we die no one give our life back we have only 1.
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This sounds more like an isolated incident than anything for it to justify turning into Rus Lives Matter. I mean, Rus Life Matter just doesn't have the same ring to it, I think. It's saddening that he died, true, and I apologize in advance if this seems a bit crass but... this implies the guy somehow had multiple lives.
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I admit that if I were Russian, I would feel bad. They are the "standard" evil guy in all the videogames in a modern setting, since they are not in any "offended" group. For example, modern Warfare 2019, where they appear absolutely bloodthirsty, even being responsible for a massacre than IRL the American forces were responsible
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The WW2 ended 76 years ago, but Russians still dislike Germans. Stereotypes lives a looooong time.
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No need to generalize. How do you know how things are in Russia, and their attitudes toward others, when you yourself are clearly not from there. If there's anyone who might have a bad attitude toward the Germans, it's the old generation, who were caught up in those events in the past. Or the patriots, for whom everyone is an enemy.
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You say like the Russians are now nowhere to conduct a military campaign? Oh yeahs, white and puff. Get out from Syria, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldavia, Venezuela, Afghanistan, Ichkeria, Armenia. After that, you can say how unhappy you are and the world is unfair to you.
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I'm not Russian. You actually have a point, though
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On the other hand, the guy wasn't targeted because he is Russian. And the pseudo article from the NY Post only details, reports and quotes the lawsuit, explaining nothing of the actual incident and doesn't provide any comment from witness or police so there is no way of knowing if this is a money grab from the family or an actual homicide in which nationality or language was an issue.
This being said, I have noticed as you have that the number of villains who speak with a thick Russian accent on tv has increased in the past 5 years. Granted, most of the time they're mobsters but the number Russian characters who are neither mobsters nor prostitutes nor spies is relatively low.
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Wel, it is harder to identify a Russian person in the crowd than a black person, that's why Russians rarely suffer from national prejudice IRL.
Situation is quite the opposite in modern American media, where Russians are depicted as acceptable targets for violence, similar to robots or zombies. Russians are de-humanized, depicted as inherently evil in the worst manner of fascist propaganda. And I'm afraid most people don't even notice how ridiculous it is, because the media have convinced them that Russians truly are evil, and a good person won't think twice about killing them.
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I think russians have thicker skin than that, I doubt the "burn down the neighbourhood" mentality will spread because of this incident. And even if the situation would go out of control, they can alway choose not to visit america, unlike those who stuck there already and have to endure the situation there.
On the other hand, I would really like to see the shit it would stir if someone with an agenda would go out with "rus lives matter" as fiercly as the blm does.
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An argument that is started in bad faith will forever remain in bad faith.
This thread is a trolling y'all.
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I don't see Soros funding that one. Would be counter to his and Biden's whole Ukraine ploy.
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blm is an american movement because america has a deep history of black oppression that is still very strong to this day. a russian dude being killed by undertrained cops is no less than tragic, but is isn't grounds to start a movement. white americans are also killed by cops. if you don't understand why black americans are pissed off and scared of their government and police force, i suggest you read up on us history. lots of deep-seeded bigotry. it's basically part of our culture.
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I can't even tell you the number of times I had to explain to "well meaning" colleagues, friends etc that "black lives matter" doesn't mean "only black lives matter". It seems a waste of time to argue about it with trolls like the OP though.
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Glad there's a lot of people making genuinely good points in this thread
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Something new for a change, was getting bored of the other one, just like new games people sometimes prefer new unique news as well.
More Proof is this topic on a 'gaming gift' group.. where the topic has nada to do with gaming, yet gets enough interest for folks to comment instead of say, playing a game that is supposedly more fun to do.
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It's very grotesque to read about how representatives of one nation hate representatives of another, since governments and their subordinate media instill this information in naive minds, thereby catalyzing and rooting these thoughts. The politics and interests of the "shadow" minority are always at the head...
Goodness and peace to all!
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Russian man who suffered a seizure on a plane arriving into JFK alleges he wound up dead after cops at the airport responded to the “disoriented” traveler by punching, pepper-spraying and then sitting on him, according to a new lawsuit.
Whole story is in New York Post
So after "Black Lives Matter" wiil it be "Rus Lives Matter"? What do you think?
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