Xbox-720 has been the unofficial name ever since people started talking about the next console generation.
Trust Microsoft to decide that it didn't sound stupid enough.
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I'd have to agree, if it requires an always online connection, I wouldn't be able to stand that as once in awhile I'll have a internet outage in the house and I'll need to troubleshoot it to fix it, which can take 3 to 10 minutes at a time.
Definitely a deal breaker for myself.
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True... i do this, i move around from living room to my room, then to the saloon, then back to my room, sometimes i even go to a friends house with it to play some games. This constant online feature is damn stupid, what are these morons thinking?
Plus i can't connect to xbox live with my new provider, i get issues that i can't seem to fix. My old provider worked nicely for that, but that was 3 years ago. 3 years since i last went on xbox live...
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I find this unlikely. But I bet it brings plenty of page views for Kotaku. It would be extremely foolish of Microsoft to require always on since it would limit their customer base drastically. So many people have weak Internet connections or no connection at all due to various reasons. I just can't see them doing it, bad for business. Especially when the competition doesn't require it.
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Ditto. I'm connected to the internet 99% of the time but when the power goes out or I go on vacation I would really regret buying it.
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You know what I think? This might just be a marketing tactic, so people talk about their console...
It's either that or they're just stupid.
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Unfortunately bad press isn't good press. If this is a marketing tactic then they are actually making people make their purchase decision now which is not to get it rather then give it good press which would make you go pre order it right now.
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Then say goodbye to my money Microsoft >:D was pretty ethusiastic about this one tho.
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Well... when switched to another provider, I had one whole week without any internet connection.
Because I play most of my PC-games online, I couldn't play them. So I got my old N64 and played a week straight, it was awesome!
That's why there shouldn't be any always-on-online-connection to consoles.
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In general, it's probably a good policy to not panic over any rumors.
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PC > PS4 > Xbox because it is always online, always draws electricity, packaged with Kinect for casual gamers, and fails after 3 years
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And I take it playstation move cough rip off of wiimote cough is for pro's-only,the console is powered by sun light and YLOD is an urban legend?
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Do you know playstation move was planned way b4 wii?
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The groundwork at least was already there, as the EyeToy was a PS2 peripheral. The Move is pretty much a colored mocap ball attached to a controller and read by an EyeToy, hardly rocket science and a simple approach to lightgun game issues as well. I could see someone coming up with the concept of the Move before Nintendo announced the Wii's motion control and IR pointer.
The EyeToy already handled gesture controls long before Microsoft copied/enhanced it with Kinect and long before Nintendo released the Wii.
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Dude, quit it.
If a gaming device is even popular enough to be mentioned in fanboy's comparison, it already serves an important market need.
For example, you don't have to spent days reminding everyone that your favorite gaming device is better than the OnLive streaming box. That's because it's obvious that it is a niche device. It doesn't "threaten" your device.
You feel threatened by the new consoles, so you have to announce to everyone that the PC is, in fact, better than the consoles. The fact that you even have to mention such a comparison makes it plainly obvious that it's too close to call. Unlike the OnLive situation, the consoles do fit a significant portion of the market. It doesn't matter which is better. They are all successful and good at what they do.
Gain some confidence, both in yourself and in your hobbies. Don't try to make others feel bad about their gaming devices so you can feel better about yours.
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Cool stuff I read today. Good job, faith in humanity restored bit by bit.
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I want to make it clear that I am not trying to humiliate service4nopurpose. I'm sure many of us have made similar comments, and I know (no really, I actually know) I've made comments almost identical to his.
We need to collectively be aware of why we have this tendency to degrade each other's gaming devices so that we can actively control this behavior.
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If only people would have the ability or at the least, intention, to behave like that, then internet will be a peaceful place.
... But then there won't be trolls, no fanboys war, etc etc, feels nice to have them once in a while :D
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It's not about being "a peaceful place", it's about wanting to be "a peaceful place" and noticing when you aren't.
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You can interchange 'Device' with alot of things to hold true to haters ... Car, TV show, Penis, Pencil, Sport Team etc..
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This is true.
No one is bragging that their Ferrari or Armani is better than a Honda or Stafford. However, they made fervently argue that their car or suit is better than a product made by Lamborghini or Gucci.
So we can conclude that there probably isn't a tremendous difference between a Ferrari or Lamborghini and an Armani or Gucci suit because people argue about their differences. It's a fascinating result.
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Congratulations, you just found the secret formula for "Peaceful Mind".
Now if only people would actually do the same ...
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PC > PS4 > Xbox
My ranking is a based on the best bang for your buck from a hardcore gamer perspective. If yhou buy a 400 USD PC every 7 years and a console for 430 USD it is better to build your own PC. For 700 USD you get the equivalent performance of the next-gen consoles, see below for parts list. For 820 USD you can buy a prebuilt PC equivalent to the performance of the next-gen consoles.
PS4 has 8 GB GDDR5 which is twice the memory bandwith of 8 GB DDR3 which Xbox has
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well since we dont really know what the new Xbox is going to have .. for sure .. your arguement of PC > PS4 > Xbox "360" could be valid ...
I dont own a PS3, I do own a 360. But I am intrigued by the PS4 ..
For me its gonna come down to .. Xbox Backword Compatible? Exclusives and Price of Console 6 mos after launch
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I think you may be overlooking the reason for an essay and its accompanying argument.
When you want to persuade an audience towards a certain stance in the essay format, you present your stance and evidence supporting it. However, you have to have a reason for your audience to even care about your stance.
For example, one could explain the best way to decorate a birthday cake to a group of children at a birthday party. The presented decoration method could be the best, but the audience does not care. It is simply not relevant to the interests that brought them together at that event, even if it may be correct.
This thread is about concerns over the connectivity of the future Xbox console. We are not here to weigh the pros and cons of future gaming devices.
And even if we were here to do that, I'm not sure if we should attempt to arrange future products in some one dimensional lineup. If each device is popular enough to merit such an ordering, then the question is not, "which is best?" but, "When is each best?" Consumers have different needs that can be best met by different products.
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Ive always been a buy all consoles kinda guy (but more of a sony fanboy than anything), until the 360... I got it, red ringed right after the warranty and just before they offered the fixes beyond time based warranties... after me and my friend attempted to fix it (friend had fixed his and several others in the past) to no avail.. I gave up on microsoft after that day. If this is true I see that hope further extinguished, because I do love the xbox controllers! (moreso the first one ><)
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Both the original Xbox and Xbox 360 were faulty consoles. Which a big issue since all of my previous consoles work fine; Sega Genesis, Nintendo 64, GameBoy, GameBoy Color, Gameboy Advance, DS Lite, and Sony Playstation 2. Only my Sega GameGear has problems with the battery life but it was before they invented lithum ion rechargable batteries
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Aside from the "DRM rabble rabble" aspect... I don't really care. My internet connection IS always on. My Steam is always on. My XBOX360 always automatically signs me in when I turn it on. It doesn't affect me negatively in the slightest.
If my internet goes out for half a day (which it has never done in the 3 years I've had this provider), it would probably do me some good to get outside anyway.
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Agreed. Tried most of them, and Shaw is the best. Telus was a joke. Don't ever get Telus TV either, It's internet TV (which sucks), and will drain your bandwidth, even if your not actively using it.
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Thanks for the tip, I download all my shows that I watch, each season for a show I download my group includes a trailer made by them of 5+ tv shows so I get more to watch while waiting for a new season :).
It ends up being a time saver and since episodes end up being close to 100mb per epiusode for hd quality it's pretty awesome. Way better then streaming alternatives.
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On the upside, when it cuts out, it is usually for maintenance. For the last thee cut outs (bi-monthly, roughly), my speeds have increased after, not a whole lot, but getting closer to the advertised speed makes me happy. Protip: If you experience an outage you didnt expect, call immediately, complain, receive bill credits.
They have to tell you about scheduled maintenance, if they dont, you do not pay for service in that time frame. Simple as that. Again, the credit isnt massive, but considering the net usually goes around 8pm and is gone until the morning next day, that is internet I can live without.
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Well, my connection is not always on, but when I play games on my PC, yeah, my connection would always be on. So it doesn't matter to me, but I'm not a fan of Xbox anyway :D
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my connection is either out or extremely slow once every 2 weeks, so I do use offline mode even though I don't like using it because I get paranoid that it doesn't track my stats properly.
Comment has been collapsed. and then theirs this T_T
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By that time, you'll be able to stream games. It won't matter.
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It's honestly not going to affect me much. My internet connection is always online, my consoles are always connected to the internet, and I probably won't be picking up the next gen consoles for quite some time anyways. My PS3's, 360, and Wii sit around collecting dust. I'm tempted to just get rid of them but part of me doesn't want to just in case there's an exclusive title that I'd like to try out.
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Ditto. There are sources, and then there are those who grasp at straws.
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While it is unlikely that I would buy this anyway (I'd rather just plug controllers into my PC or wait for Steambox) that would absolutely deter me from buying it. Doesn't matter that I'm pretty much always online anyway - when my connection stops for a while for whatever reason I would want to be able to play my games still
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I've heard of this, and to be honest I think it's just not going to happen. Just like how Sony were supposedly going to start a system requiring you enter a code for each game you buy, physical or not, to "tie" it to your playstation console, rendering preowned games and "hey dude, come over and bring COD" gatherings useless. It's just a silly idea, why make always online a requirement when there is so much to lose and so little to gain?
It might seem more feasible in a country like the US, but I'm from Australia and our Internet is shite, supposedly we have 3rd world internet here, and having an xbox always connected to the internet would just be a drain on that. I also don't play online much because I don't have one of the shiny slim xboxes and running an ethernet cable through my house just to connect the xbox (wireless adapters are so expensive!) is just a mega pain. So if this were to become a reality, it would probably put me off the new xbox completely. Which is a shame, coz I really think (and hope) it's gonna be better than the PS4.
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Idiots, idiots everywhere.
If they want to earn money, they should think of something good, not bad. There are alot of people i know who own a 360 and would likely get the next xbox, though thing here is, we play solo (offline) most of the time and we sometimes meet up with each others to make co-op matches and the likes. If Microsoft is really pulling this one out, it's just going to ruin their sales big time, as i was planning on buying the thing later on, but now i'm inclined to buy ps4 instead.
Anyways, first thing to do is get a new rig for gaming, then i'll think about consoles, steambox is suspected to be overpriced, so that's a no-go for me.
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The Xbox is the reason that I switched back to PC gaming. I'm really not at a point in my life that will warrant the price tag.
Plus not being able to buy used games is kind of a deal breaker. Way to kill budget gaming.
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Meh. There weren't any exclusives that interested me on the original Xbox, nor the Xbox 360. Why should I care now. In terms of exclusives your doing nothing wrong with a PlayStation. Or a Nintendo console.
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Just another reason not to buy an Xbox. I own neither a PS3 or Xbox 360, but if I had a choice I'd go with PS3 anytime.
Except now the new PS4 looks absolutely horrible. So I guess I'll be sticking to the superior PC gaming.
And the fact that you won't be able to play used games, that pretty much kills the secondhand gaming industry like Gamestop.
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I do have to admit that Microsoft has some Cloud-experience already and might not shine with the service being offlien the first days. Then again, I never had a XBox, don't see a reason for one now.
Sony's PS3-emulator thing on the PS4 is also said to be streamed over the internet, huh, but at least pure PS4 games will be fine. Had another two playstations being fine, I wouldn't mind getting one again.
Maybe I'll stick with my laptop.
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Console gaming is no more, PC is the best by afar. Valve's "console" which will have steam on it will of course work because it's just like a PC I guess, but that's just a waste of money if one doesn't want a extra PC by the TV cheap/cheaper (I have no clue of the cost, it might be more expensive, but it shouldn't be). Xbox/Playstation is far too costly to keep up, the console costs alot, and then you have to buy the games from store like Gamestop and such, for alot of money. It's far cheaper to build your own computer - install pirated version of windows - download steam - buy games on sales and such.
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The steam console will be worth it for people who want to play high end games but can't afford the PC hardware, otherwise!
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I agree with the toki tori figure above. Putting together a PC of your own is really cheap. The computer I'm using right now can handle about every game on the market pretty fine (the newest will probably need to go down to low setting for me to enjoy it, but that's fine for me, because I paid about nothing. I did this so I can upgrade myself without any cost problems in a few years. I'd rather build 2 cheap computers then 1 very expensive one, because it's 1: very rewarding to start up the newly built computer 2: you can upgrade without money problems) I guess i just went off topic like hell, but that's alright. We'll see how they set the price for the valve console, we'll see...
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I know the feeling, for $500 (plus taxes and shipping) I can build a PC that can handle 99% of the games on Ultra with a constant 25-30fps. With the option to upgrade for the next 2 to 5 years and keep the same sort of playability.
Learning about computers really does pay off.
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500 dollar build that runs 99% of games on Ultra? I kinda doubt that, also 30fps should be the absolute minimum, people should be shooting for higher...
I think 700-1000 is more in the realm of 99% of games on Ultra.
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I have business arrangements with multiple company's so I get rebates and discounts on any purchase I make. Contrary to populate belief 25fps is almost identical to 30fps.
Say a 1000 dollar computer from a parts store would cost me roughly 700 to 900 depending on the manufacturers and products.
EDIT I can't go into further detail as I'm restricted in talking about the discounts I get at the business I get it at and with what manufacturers.
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Sorry but factoring in your special circumstances with rebates/discounts doesn't really help everyone else, you made it sound like PC's were way cheaper in general then how it really is for most. Disagree, anything under 30fps is headache inducing for me at least.
But yeah upgrading is cheaper for sure then buying a new console.
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With exceptions for interruptions (3 minutes) the newest Xbox might require a an always on, online connection according to Kotaku.
EDIT: Adam Orth, the creative director of Microsoft Studios, doesn't understand the drama behind the whole always online scene, he also wants all devices to be "always online". Source
EDIT2: More information! PR Recovery (see bottom of article) Developer providing incite on the matter. Much More Info
What are your thoughts on this?
We all (or at least the majority of people) hate the always online DRM of the newest Sim City, what do you think of every game on the Xbox being like that?
Is this a decision breaker for getting Microsoft's next generation of console?
Looking for opinions on the subject, well aware that some people if not a large amount are PC only users but I'm sure there are some console users in here somewhere, besides that even PC users can have an opinion.
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